1 | #ifndef MARS_MStatusDisplay
2 | #define MARS_MStatusDisplay
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MAGIC
5 | #include "MAGIC.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
9 | #include <TGFrame.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #ifndef ROOT_TTimer
13 | #include <TTimer.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #ifndef ROOT_TImage
17 | #include <TImage.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | class MLog;
21 | class MGList;
22 | class MStatusArray;
23 | class MParContainer;
24 |
25 | class TPad;
26 | class TTimer;
27 | class TMutex;
28 | class TCanvas;
29 | class TVirtualPS;
30 |
31 | class TGTab;
32 | class TGTextView;
33 | class TGStatusBar;
34 | class TGTabElement;
35 | class TGProgressBar;
36 | class TGHProgressBar;
37 | class TGCompositeFrame;
38 | class TRootEmbeddedCanvas;
39 |
40 | class MStatusDisplay : public TGMainFrame
41 | {
42 | friend class MStatusArray;
43 | public:
44 | typedef enum {
45 | // kFile
46 | kFileBrowser, kFileCanvas, kFileTab, kFileOpen, kFileSave, kFileSaveAs,
47 | kFileSaveAsPS, kFileSaveAsPDF, kFileSaveAsSVG, kFileSaveAsRoot,
48 | kFileSaveAsPNG, kFileSaveAsGIF, kFileSaveAsJPG, kFileSaveAsXPM,
49 | kFileSaveAsBMP, kFileSaveAsCSV, kFileSaveAsTIFF,
50 | kFileSaveAsXML, kFileSaveAsC, kFilePrint, kFilePrinterName,
51 | kFileClose, kFileExit, kFileReset,
52 | // kLoop
53 | kLoopNone, kLoopStop,
54 | // kTab
55 | kTabSave, kTabSaveAs, kTabSaveAsPS, kTabSaveAsPDF, kTabSaveAsSVG,
56 | kTabSaveAsRoot, kTabSaveAsPNG, kTabSaveAsGIF, kTabSaveAsJPG,
57 | kTabSaveAsXPM, kTabSaveAsBMP, kTabSaveAsCSV, kTabSaveAsTIFF,
58 | kTabSaveAsXML, kTabSaveAsC,
59 | kTabPrint, kTabNext, kTabPrevious, kTabRemove,
60 | // kSize
61 | kSize640, kSize768, kSize800, kSize960, kSize1024, kSize1152,
62 | kSize1280, kSize1400, kSize1600, kSizeOptimum,
63 | // kLog
64 | kLogCopy, kLogClear, kLogSelect, kLogFind, kLogSave, kLogAppend,
65 | kLogPrint,
66 | // kPic
67 | kPicMagic, kPicMars,
68 | // kGui
69 | kSearch, kTabs,
70 | // kLastElement
71 | kLastElement
72 | } Status_t;
73 |
74 | enum
75 | {
76 | // TGMainFrame::kDontCallClose = BIT(14)
77 | kExitLoopOnExit = BIT(15),
78 | kExitLoopOnClose = BIT(16)
79 | };
80 |
81 | protected:
82 | TString fName; // status display identifier (name) (gROOT->FindObject())
83 | TString fTitle; // status display title
84 |
85 | MLog *fLog;
86 | MGList *fList;
87 | TGCompositeFrame *fUserFrame;
88 |
89 | Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t mp1, Long_t mp2);
90 |
91 | private:
92 | TGHProgressBar *fBar;
93 | TGTab *fTab;
94 | TGLayoutHints *fLayCanvas;
95 |
96 | TTimer fTimer;
97 | TMutex *fMutex;
98 |
99 | TGStatusBar *fStatusBar;
100 |
101 | Status_t fStatus;
102 |
103 | Int_t fLogIdx;
104 | TTimer fLogTimer;
105 | TGTextView *fLogBox;
106 |
107 | FontStruct_t fFont;
108 |
109 | UInt_t fIsLocked;
110 |
111 | TList *fBatch; //!
112 |
113 | // GUI setup
114 | void AddMenuBar();
115 | void AddUserFrame();
116 | void AddTabs();
117 | void AddProgressBar();
118 | void AddStatusBar();
119 | void AddMarsTab();
120 | void AddLogTab();
121 |
122 | // GUI event handling
123 | Bool_t ProcessMessageCommandMenu(Long_t mp1);
124 | Bool_t ProcessMessageCommand(Long_t submsg, Long_t mp1, Long_t mp2);
125 | Bool_t ProcessMessageTextview(Long_t submsg, Long_t mp1, Long_t mp2);
126 | Bool_t ProcessMessageUser(Long_t submsg, Long_t mp1, Long_t mp2);
127 | Bool_t Close();
128 | void CloseWindow();
129 | Bool_t HandleConfigureNotify(Event_t *);
130 |
131 | // Access to the tabs
132 | TGCompositeFrame *GetTabContainer(const char *name) const;
133 | TGTabElement *GetTabTab(const char *name) const;
134 |
135 | // Display update
136 | Bool_t HandleTimer(TTimer *timer=NULL);
137 | void UpdateTab(TGCompositeFrame *f);
138 | void UpdateMemory() const;
139 |
140 | // Display helper functions
141 | void RemoveTab(int i);
142 | void SetStatusLine(const char *txt, Int_t idx);
143 |
144 | // Drawing helper
145 | void DrawClonePad(TCanvas &newc, TCanvas &oldc) const;
146 | void GetCanvasRange(Int_t &from, Int_t &to, Int_t num=-1) const;
147 |
148 | // MStatusArray interface
149 | Bool_t Display(const TObjArray &list, const char *tab=0);
150 | void FillArray(MStatusArray &list, Int_t num=-1) const;
151 |
152 | // I/O helper function
153 | const TString &AddExtension(TString &name, const TString &ext, Int_t num=-1) const;
154 |
155 | TCanvas *InitWriteTab(Int_t num, TString &name);
156 | TCanvas *InitWriteTab(Int_t num) { TString s; return InitWriteTab(num, s); }
157 | Int_t InitWriteDisplay(Int_t num, TString &name, const TString &ext);
158 |
159 | void UpdatePSHeader(const TString &name) const;
160 |
161 | Bool_t SaveAsImage(Int_t num, TString name, TImage::EImageFileTypes type);
162 | Int_t SaveAsVGF(Int_t num, TString name, const TString addon, const TString ext);
163 |
164 | void PSToolsRange(TVirtualPS &vps, Float_t w, Float_t h) const;
165 | void PSToolsTextNDC(TVirtualPS &vps, Double_t u, Double_t v, const char *string) const;
166 | TString PrintDialog(TString &p, TString &c, TString &t, const char *ext=0);
167 |
168 | public:
169 | MStatusDisplay(Int_t w=-1, Int_t h=-1, Long_t t=1000);
170 | virtual ~MStatusDisplay();
171 |
172 | // Name and title handling
173 | virtual void SetName(const char *name) { fName = name; }
174 | virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="") { SetTitle(title, kTRUE); }
175 | virtual const char *GetName() const { return fName.Data(); }
176 | virtual const char *GetTitle() const { return fTitle.Data(); }
177 |
178 | virtual void SetTitle(const char *title, Bool_t replace)
179 | {
180 | if (fTitle.IsNull() || replace) fTitle = title;
181 | }
182 |
183 | // Getter / display access
184 | Bool_t HasCanvas(const TCanvas *c) const;
185 | TCanvas *GetCanvas(int i) const;
186 | TCanvas *GetCanvas(const TString &name) const;
187 | TVirtualPad *GetFullPad(const Int_t canvas, const Int_t pad);
188 |
189 | Bool_t CdCanvas(const TString &name);
190 | Bool_t CheckTabForCanvas(int num) const;
191 |
192 | TObject *FindObjectInCanvas(const char *obj, const char *base, const char *canv) const;
193 | TObject *FindObjectInCanvas(const char *obj, const char *canv) const { return FindObjectInCanvas(obj, obj, canv); }
194 | TObject *FindObject(const char *obj, const char *base) const { return FindObjectInCanvas(obj, base, 0); }
195 | TObject *FindObject(const char *obj) const { return FindObjectInCanvas(obj, obj, 0); }
196 | TObject *FindObject(const TObject *) const { return 0; }
197 |
198 | Int_t GetNumTabs() const;
199 |
200 | void PrintContent(Option_t *o="") const;
201 |
202 | // Display Manipulation
203 | TCanvas &AddTab(const char *name, const char *title=0);
204 | TGCompositeFrame *AddRawTab(const char *name);
205 |
206 | void SetProgressBarPosition(Float_t p, Bool_t upd=kFALSE);
207 | TGProgressBar *GetBar() const { return (TGProgressBar*)fBar; }
208 |
209 | void SetStatusLine1(const char *txt) { SetStatusLine(txt, 0); }
210 | void SetStatusLine2(const char *txt) { SetStatusLine(txt, 1); }
211 | void SetStatusLine2(const MParContainer &cont);
212 |
213 | void Reset();
214 | void SetNoContextMenu(Bool_t flag=kTRUE);
215 |
216 | // Update handling
217 | void StartUpdate(Int_t millisec=-1);
218 | void StopUpdate();
219 | void SetUpdateTime(Long_t t);
220 |
221 | void Update() { HandleTimer(&fTimer); HandleTimer(&fLogTimer); }
222 |
223 | // Log stream interface
224 | void SetLogStream(MLog *log, Bool_t enable=kFALSE);
225 |
226 | // Size options
227 | void SetCanvasWidth(UInt_t w);
228 | void SetCanvasHeight(UInt_t h);
229 |
230 | void SetDisplayWidth(UInt_t w);
231 | void SetDisplayHeight(UInt_t h);
232 |
233 | void SetOptimumSize();
234 | void SetDisplaySize(UInt_t w, UInt_t h);
235 |
236 | // Graphics output
237 | Int_t SaveAsPS(TString name="", const TString addon="") { return SaveAsVGF(-1, name, addon, "ps"); }
238 | Int_t SaveAsPDF(TString name="", const TString addon="") { return SaveAsVGF(-1, name, addon, "pdf"); }
239 | Int_t SaveAsSVG(TString name="", const TString addon="") { return SaveAsVGF(-1, name, addon, "svg"); }
240 | Bool_t SaveAsPNG(TString name="") { return SaveAsPNG(-1, name); }
241 | Bool_t SaveAsGIF(TString name="") { return SaveAsGIF(-1, name); }
242 | Bool_t SaveAsXPM(TString name="") { return SaveAsXPM(-1, name); }
243 | Bool_t SaveAsJPG(TString name="") { return SaveAsJPG(-1, name); }
244 | Bool_t SaveAsTIFF(TString name="") { return SaveAsTIFF(-1, name); }
245 | Bool_t SaveAsBMP(TString name="") { return SaveAsBMP(-1, name); }
246 | Bool_t SaveAsXML(TString name="") { return SaveAsXML(-1, name); }
247 | Bool_t SaveAsC(TString name="") { return SaveAsC(-1, name); }
248 | Int_t SaveAsRoot(TString name="") { return SaveAsRoot(-1, name); }
249 | Int_t SaveAs(TString name) { return SaveAs(-1, name); }
250 |
251 | Bool_t SaveAsCSV(TString name="", Char_t delim='\t') { return SaveAsCSV(-1, name, delim); }
252 | Int_t PrintPS() { return PrintPS(-1); }
253 |
254 | void SaveAs(const char *c, const Option_t *o) const;
255 |
256 | Int_t SaveAsPS(Int_t num, TString name="", const TString addon="") { return SaveAsVGF(num, name, addon, "ps"); }
257 | Int_t SaveAsPDF(Int_t num, TString name="", const TString addon="") { return SaveAsVGF(num, name, addon, "pdf"); }
258 | Int_t SaveAsSVG(Int_t num, TString name="", const TString addon="") { return SaveAsVGF(num, name, addon, "svg"); }
259 | Bool_t SaveAsPNG(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kPng); }
260 | Bool_t SaveAsGIF(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kGif); }
261 | Bool_t SaveAsXPM(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kXpm); }
262 | Bool_t SaveAsJPG(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kJpeg); }
263 | Bool_t SaveAsTIFF(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kTiff); }
264 | Bool_t SaveAsBMP(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kBmp); }
265 | Bool_t SaveAsXML(Int_t num, TString name="") { return SaveAsImage(num, name, TImage::kXml); }
266 | Bool_t SaveAsC(Int_t num, TString name="");
267 | Int_t SaveAsRoot(Int_t num, TString name="");
268 | Int_t SaveAs(Int_t num, TString name);
269 |
270 | Bool_t SaveAsCSV(Int_t num, TString name="", Char_t delim='\t');
271 | //Bool_t SaveAsXML(Int_t num, TString name="",);
272 | Int_t PrintPS(Int_t num, const char *p=0, const char *cmd=0, const char *tmp=0);
273 | Bool_t PrintLog(const char *p=0, const char *c=0);
274 |
275 | Bool_t SaveLogAsPS(const char *name) const;
276 |
277 | // I/O
278 | Int_t SaveAs(Int_t num=-1);
279 | Int_t Open(TString fname, const char *name="MStatusDisplay");
280 | Int_t Open();
281 |
282 | // Root I/O
283 | Int_t Write(Int_t num, const char *name="MStatusDisplay", Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const;
284 |
285 | Int_t Read(const char *name, const char *tab);
286 | Int_t Read(const char *name="MStatusDisplay") { return Read(name, 0); }
287 | Int_t Write(const char *name="MStatusDisplay", Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) { return Write(-1, name, option, bufsize); }
288 | Int_t Write(const char *name="MStatusDisplay", Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const { return Write(-1, name, option, bufsize); }
289 |
290 | // Eventloop interface
291 | Status_t CheckStatus() const { return fStatus; }
292 | void ClearStatus() { fStatus = kLoopNone; }
293 |
294 | void Lock() { fIsLocked++; }
295 | void UnLock() { if (fIsLocked>0) fIsLocked--; }
296 |
297 | // GUI event handling
298 | void EventInfo(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py, TObject *selected);
299 | Bool_t HandleEvent(Event_t *event);
300 |
301 | // Public helper functions
302 | static TRootEmbeddedCanvas *GetEmbeddedCanvas(TGCompositeFrame &cf);
303 | static TCanvas *GetCanvas(TGCompositeFrame &f);
304 |
305 | ClassDef(MStatusDisplay, 0) // Window for a status display
306 | };
307 |
308 | #endif