/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 12/2000 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MTaskList // // Collection of tasks. // // A tasklist is necessary to run the eventloop. It contains the scheduled // tasks, which should be executed in your program. // // To add a task use AddToList. // // The tasklist itself is a task, too. You can add a tasklist to another // tasklist. This makes sense, if you want to filter the execution of // more than one task of your tasklist using the same filter. // // The tasks in the list are idetified by their names. If more than one // task has the same name, the tasklist will still work correctly, but // you might run into trouble trying to get a pointer to a task by name // from the list. // // Remark: The Process function is only executed if the class of your task // overloads Process() or if the task itself is a MTask. This // means if you have a task without Process() (only PreProcess // and PostProcess no time is lost during execution) // // Warning: // Be carefull if you are writing your tasklist // (eg. MWriteRootFile("file.root", "MTaskList")) to a file. You may // not be able to initialize a new working tasklist from a file if // a) Two Paramerer containers with the same names are existing in the // MParList. // b) You used a container somewhere which is not part of MParList. // (eg. You specified a pointer to a MH container in MFillH which is // not added to the parameter list. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MTaskList.h" #include // ofstream, SavePrimitive #include // gSystem #include // TOrdCollection #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MIter.h" #include "MFilter.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MInputStreamID.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" ClassImp(MTaskList); using namespace std; const TString MTaskList::gsDefName = "MTaskList"; const TString MTaskList::gsDefTitle = "A list for tasks to be executed"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // the name for the task list must be the same for all task lists // because the task list (at the moment) is identified by exactly // this name in the parameter list (by MEvtLoop::SetParList) // MTaskList::MTaskList(const char *name, const char *title) { fName = name ? name : gsDefName.Data(); fTitle = title ? title : gsDefTitle.Data(); fTasks = new TList; gROOT->GetListOfCleanups()->Add(fTasks); gROOT->GetListOfCleanups()->Add(&fTasksProcess); fTasks->SetBit(kMustCleanup); fTasksProcess.SetBit(kMustCleanup); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CopyConstructor // creates a new TaskList and put the contents of an existing // TaskList in the new TaskList. // MTaskList::MTaskList(MTaskList &ts) { fTasks->AddAll(ts.fTasks); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If the 'IsOwner' bit is set (via SetOwner()) all tasks are deleted // by the destructor // MTaskList::~MTaskList() { if (TestBit(kIsOwner)) fTasks->SetOwner(); delete fTasks; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If the 'IsOwner' bit is set (via SetOwner()) all containers are deleted // by the destructor // void MTaskList::SetOwner(Bool_t enable) { enable ? SetBit(kIsOwner) : ResetBit(kIsOwner); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the logging stream for the all tasks in the list and the tasklist // itself. // void MTaskList::SetLogStream(MLog *log) { fTasks->ForEach(MTask, SetLogStream)(log); MTask::SetLogStream(log); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the display for the all tasks in the list and the tasklist itself. // void MTaskList::SetDisplay(MStatusDisplay *d) { fTasks->ForEach(MTask, SetDisplay)(d); MTask::SetDisplay(d); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the serial number for the all tasks in the list and the tasklist // itself. // void MTaskList::SetSerialNumber(Byte_t num) { fTasks->ForEach(MTask, SetSerialNumber)(num); MTask::SetSerialNumber(num); } Bool_t MTaskList::CheckAddToList(MTask *task, const char *type, const MTask *where) const { // // Sanity check // if (!task) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - task argument=NULL." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // Get Name of new task // const char *name = task->GetName(); // // Check if the new task is already existing in the list // const TObject *objn = fTasks->FindObject(name); const TObject *objt = fTasks->FindObject(task); if (objn || objt) { // // If the task is already in the list ignore it. // if (objt || objn==task) { *fLog << warn << dbginf << "Warning: Task '" << task->GetName() << ", 0x" << (void*)task; *fLog << "' already existing in '" << GetName() << "'... ignoring." << endl; return kTRUE; } // // Otherwise add it to the list, but print a warning message // *fLog << warn << dbginf << "Warning: Task '" << task->GetName(); *fLog << "' already existing in '" << GetName() << "'." << endl; *fLog << "You may not be able to get a pointer to this task by name." << endl; } if (!where) return kTRUE; if (fTasks->FindObject(where)) return kTRUE; *fLog << err << dbginf << "Error: Cannot find task after which the new task should be scheduled!" << endl; return kFALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // schedule task for execution, before 'where'. // 'type' is the event type which should be processed // Bool_t MTaskList::AddToListBefore(MTask *task, const MTask *where, const char *type) { if (task==this) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - You cannot add a tasklist to itself. This" << endl; *fLog << " would create infinite recursions...ignored." << endl; return kFALSE; } // FIXME: We agreed to put the task into list in an ordered way. if (!CheckAddToList(task, type, where)) return kFALSE; *fLog << inf << "Adding " << task->GetName() << " to " << GetName() << " for " << type << "... " << flush; task->SetStreamId(type); task->SetBit(kMustCleanup); fTasks->AddBefore((TObject*)where, task); *fLog << "Done." << endl; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // schedule task for execution, after 'where'. // 'type' is the event type which should be processed // Bool_t MTaskList::AddToListAfter(MTask *task, const MTask *where, const char *type) { if (task==this) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - You cannot add a tasklist to itself. This" << endl; *fLog << " would create infinite recursions...ignored." << endl; return kFALSE; } // FIXME: We agreed to put the task into list in an ordered way. if (!CheckAddToList(task, type, where)) return kFALSE; *fLog << inf << "Adding " << task->GetName() << " to " << GetName() << " for " << type << "... " << flush; task->SetStreamId(type); task->SetBit(kMustCleanup); fTasks->AddAfter((TObject*)where, task); *fLog << "Done." << endl; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // schedule task for execution, 'type' is the event type which should // be processed // Bool_t MTaskList::AddToList(MTask *task, const char *type) { if (task==this) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - You cannot add a tasklist to itself. This" << endl; *fLog << " would create infinite recursions...ignored." << endl; return kFALSE; } // FIXME: We agreed to put the task into list in an ordered way. if (!CheckAddToList(task, type)) return kFALSE; *fLog << inf << "Adding " << task->GetName() << " to " << GetName() << " for " << type << "... " << flush; task->SetStreamId(type); task->SetBit(kMustCleanup); fTasks->Add(task); *fLog << "Done." << endl; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Find an object in the list. // 'name' is the name of the object you are searching for. // TObject *MTaskList::FindObject(const char *name) const { return fTasks->FindObject(name); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // check if the object is in the list or not // TObject *MTaskList::FindObject(const TObject *obj) const { return fTasks->FindObject(obj); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // find recursively a tasklist which contains a task with name task // MTaskList *MTaskList::FindTaskList(const char *task) { if (FindObject(task)) return this; TIter Next(fTasks); TObject *o = 0; while ((o=Next())) { MTaskList *l = dynamic_cast(o); if (!l) continue; if (l->FindObject(task)) return l; } return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // find recursively a tasklist which contains a task task // MTaskList *MTaskList::FindTaskList(const MTask *task) { if (FindObject(task)) return this; TIter Next(fTasks); TObject *o = 0; while ((o=Next())) { MTaskList *l = dynamic_cast(o); if (!l) continue; if (l->FindObject(task)) return l; } return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // removes a task from the list (used in PreProcess). // if kIsOwner is set the task is deleted. (see SetOwner()) // void MTaskList::Remove(MTask *task) { TObject *obj = fTasks->Remove(task); if (TestBit(kIsOwner)) delete obj; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // do pre processing (before eventloop) of all tasks in the task-list // Only if a task overwrites the Process function the task is // added to the fTaskProcess-List. This makes the execution of the // tasklist a little bit (only a little bit) faster, bacause tasks // doing no Processing are not Processed. // Int_t MTaskList::PreProcess(MParList *pList) { *fLog << all << "Preprocessing... " << flush; if (fDisplay) { // Set status lines fDisplay->SetStatusLine1("PreProcessing..."); fDisplay->SetStatusLine2(""); } fParList = pList; // // Make sure, that the ReadyToSave flag is not reset from a tasklist // running as a task in another tasklist. // const Bool_t noreset = fParList->TestBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); if (!noreset) fParList->SetBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); // // create the Iterator over the tasklist // TIter Next(fTasks); MTask *task=NULL; // // loop over all tasks for preproccesing // while ((task=(MTask*)Next())) { // // PreProcess the task and check for it's return value. // switch (task->CallPreProcess(fParList)) { case kFALSE: return kFALSE; case kTRUE: // Handle GUI events (display changes, mouse clicks) if (fDisplay) gSystem->ProcessEvents(); continue; case kSKIP: Remove(task); continue; } *fLog << err << dbginf << "PreProcess of " << task->GetDescriptor(); *fLog << " returned an unknown value... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } *fLog << all << endl; // // Reset the ReadyToSave flag. // if (!noreset) { fParList->SetReadyToSave(kFALSE); fParList->ResetBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); } // // loop over all tasks to fill fTasksProcess // Next.Reset(); fTasksProcess.Clear(); while ((task=(MTask*)Next())) if (task->IsA()==MTask::Class() || task->OverwritesProcess()) fTasksProcess.Add(task); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // do reinit of all tasks in the task-list // Bool_t MTaskList::ReInit(MParList *pList) { *fLog << all << "Reinit... " << flush; if (!pList) pList = fParList; // // Make sure, that the ReadyToSave flag is not reset from a tasklist // running as a task in another tasklist. // const Bool_t noreset = pList->TestBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); if (!noreset) pList->SetBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); // // create the Iterator over the tasklist // TIter Next(fTasks); MTask *task=NULL; // // loop over all tasks for reinitialization // while ((task=(MTask*)Next())) { *fLog << all << task->GetName() << "... " << flush; if (!task->ReInit(pList/*?pList:fParList*/)) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - ReInit of Task '" << task->GetDescriptor() << "' failed." << endl; return kFALSE; } } *fLog << all << endl; // // Reset the ReadyToSave flag. // if (!noreset) { pList->SetReadyToSave(kFALSE); pList->ResetBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // do the event execution of all tasks in the task-list // Int_t MTaskList::Process() { // // Check whether there is something which can be processed, otherwise // stop the eventloop. // if (fTasksProcess.GetSize()==0) { *fLog << warn << "Warning: No entries in " << GetDescriptor() << " for Processing." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // Reset the ReadyToSave flag. // Reset all containers. // // Make sure, that the parameter list is not reset from a tasklist // running as a task in another tasklist. // const Bool_t noreset = fParList->TestBit(MParList::kIsProcessing); if (!noreset) { fParList->SetBit(MParList::kIsProcessing); fParList->Reset(); } // // create the Iterator for the TaskList // TIter Next(&fTasksProcess); MTask *task=NULL; // // loop over all tasks for processing // Int_t rc = kTRUE; while ( (task=(MTask*)Next()) ) { // // if the task has the wrong stream id skip it. // if (GetStreamId() != task->GetStreamId() && task->GetStreamId() != "All") continue; // // if it has the right stream id execute the CallProcess() function // and check what the result of it is. // The CallProcess() function increases the execution counter and // calls the Process() function dependent on the existance and // return value of a filter. // switch (task->CallProcess()) { case kTRUE: // // everything was OK: go on with the next task // continue; case kFALSE: // // an error occured: stop eventloop // rc = kFALSE; *fLog << inf << task->GetDescriptor() << " has stopped execution of " << GetDescriptor() << "." << endl; break; case kERROR: // // an error occured: stop eventloop and return: failed // *fLog << err << dbginf << "Fatal error occured... stopped." << endl; rc = kERROR; break; case kCONTINUE: // // something occured: skip the rest of the tasks for this event // rc = kCONTINUE; break; default: *fLog << warn << dbginf << "Unknown return value from MTask::Process()... ignored." << endl; continue; } break; } if (!noreset) { fParList->SetReadyToSave(kFALSE); fParList->ResetBit(MParList::kIsProcessing); } return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // do post processing (before eventloop) of all tasks in the task-list // only tasks which have successfully been preprocessed are postprocessed. // Int_t MTaskList::PostProcess() { *fLog << all << "Postprocessing... " << flush; if (fDisplay) { // Set status lines fDisplay->SetStatusLine1("PostProcessing..."); fDisplay->SetStatusLine2(""); } // // Make sure, that the ReadyToSave flag is not reset from a tasklist // running as a task in another tasklist. // const Bool_t noreset = fParList->TestBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); if (!noreset) { fParList->SetBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); fParList->Reset(); } // // create the Iterator for the TaskList // TIter Next(fTasks); MTask *task=NULL; // // loop over all tasks for postprocessing // only tasks which have successfully been preprocessed are postprocessed. // while ( (task=(MTask*)Next()) ) { if (!task->CallPostProcess()) return kFALSE; // Handle GUI events (display changes, mouse clicks) if (fDisplay) gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } *fLog << all << endl; // // Reset the ReadyToSave flag. // if (!noreset) { fParList->SetReadyToSave(kFALSE); fParList->ResetBit(MParList::kDoNotReset); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Prints the number of times all the tasks in the list has been. // For convinience the lvl argument results in a number of spaces at the // beginning of the line. So that the structur of a tasklist can be // identified. If a Tasklist or task has filter applied the name of the // filter is printer in <>-brackets behind the number of executions. // Use MTaskList::PrintStatistics without an argument. // void MTaskList::PrintStatistics(const Int_t lvl, Bool_t title, Double_t time) const { if (lvl==0) { *fLog << all << underline << "Process execution Statistics:" << endl; *fLog << GetDescriptor(); if (GetFilter()) *fLog << " <" << GetFilter()->GetName() << ">"; if (title) *fLog << "\t" << fTitle; if (time>=0) *fLog << Form(" %5.1f", GetCpuTime()/time*100) << "%"; else *fLog << " 100.0%"; *fLog << endl; } else MTask::PrintStatistics(lvl, title, time); // // create the Iterator for the TaskList // fTasks->ForEach(MTask, PrintStatistics)(lvl+1, title, GetCpuTime()); if (lvl==0) *fLog << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Call 'Print()' of all tasks // void MTaskList::Print(Option_t *t) const { *fLog << all << underline << GetDescriptor() << ":" << endl; fTasks->Print(); *fLog << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implementation of SavePrimitive. Used to write the call to a constructor // to a macro. In the original root implementation it is used to write // gui elements to a macro-file. // void MTaskList::StreamPrimitive(ofstream &out) const { out << " MTaskList " << GetUniqueName(); if (fName!=gsDefName || fTitle!=gsDefTitle) { out << "(\"" << fName << "\""; if (fTitle!=gsDefTitle) out << ", \"" << fTitle << "\""; out <<")"; } out << ";" << endl << endl; MIter Next(fTasks); MParContainer *cont = NULL; while ((cont=Next())) { cont->SavePrimitive(out, ""); out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".AddToList(&"; out << cont->GetUniqueName() << ");" << endl << endl; } } void MTaskList::GetNames(TObjArray &arr) const { MParContainer::GetNames(arr); fTasks->ForEach(MParContainer, GetNames)(arr); } void MTaskList::SetNames(TObjArray &arr) { MParContainer::SetNames(arr); fTasks->ForEach(MParContainer, SetNames)(arr); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Read the contents/setup of a parameter container/task from a TEnv // instance (steering card/setup file). // The key to search for in the file should be of the syntax: // prefix.vname // While vname is a name which is specific for a single setup date // (variable) of this container and prefix is something like: // evtloopname.name // While name is the name of the containers/tasks in the parlist/tasklist // // eg. Job4.MImgCleanStd.CleaningLevel1: 3.0 // Job4.MImgCleanStd.CleaningLevel2: 2.5 // // If this cannot be found the next step is to search for // MImgCleanStd.CleaningLevel1: 3.0 // And if this doesn't exist, too, we should search for: // CleaningLevel1: 3.0 // // Warning: The programmer is responsible for the names to be unique in // all Mars classes. // Int_t MTaskList::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) { if (print) *fLog << all << "MTaskList::ReadEnv: " << prefix << " (" << (int)print << ")" << endl; MParContainer *cont = NULL; MIter Next(fTasks); while ((cont=Next())) { if (cont->InheritsFrom("MTaskList")) { if (cont->ReadEnv(env, prefix, print)==kERROR) return kERROR; continue; } if (cont->TestEnv(env, prefix, print)==kERROR) return kERROR; } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Write the contents/setup of a parameter container/task to a TEnv // instance (steering card/setup file). // The key to search for in the file should be of the syntax: // prefix.vname // While vname is a name which is specific for a single setup date // (variable) of this container and prefix is something like: // evtloopname.name // While name is the name of the containers/tasks in the parlist/tasklist // // eg. Job4.MImgCleanStd.CleaningLevel1: 3.0 // Job4.MImgCleanStd.CleaningLevel2: 2.5 // // If this cannot be found the next step is to search for // MImgCleanStd.CleaningLevel1: 3.0 // And if this doesn't exist, too, we should search for: // CleaningLevel1: 3.0 // // Warning: The programmer is responsible for the names to be unique in // all Mars classes. // Bool_t MTaskList::WriteEnv(TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) const { MParContainer *cont = NULL; MIter Next(fTasks); while ((cont=Next())) if (!cont->WriteEnv(env, prefix, print)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Removes a task from the tasklist. Returns kFALSE if the object was not // found in the list. // Bool_t MTaskList::RemoveFromList(MTask *task) { TObject *obj = fTasks->Remove(task); // // If the task was found in the list try to remove it from the second // list, too. // if (obj) fTasksProcess.Remove(task); return obj ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }