#ifndef MARS_MTime #define MARS_MTime ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // MTime // // // // A generalized MARS time stamp // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #ifndef _CPP_IOSFWD #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TTime #include #endif struct timeval; class MTime : public MParContainer { public: static const UInt_t kHour; // [ms] one hour static const UInt_t kDay; // [ms] one day private: UInt_t fMjd; // [d] Day in the century (Day of sun rise) TTime fTime; // [ms] Time of Day (-11h<=x<13h) UInt_t fNanoSec; // [ns] NanoSec part of TimeOfDay (<1000000) ULong_t GetTime24() const { return (Long_t)fTime<0 ? (Long_t)fTime+kDay : (ULong_t)fTime; } void Init(const char *name, const char *title) { fName = name ? name : "MTime"; fTitle = title ? title : "Generalized time stamp"; } public: MTime(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL) { Init(name, title); Clear(); } MTime(const struct timeval &tm) { Init(NULL, NULL); Set(tm); } MTime(Double_t mjd); MTime(const MTime& t) : fMjd(t.fMjd), fTime(t.fTime), fNanoSec(t.fNanoSec) { Init(NULL, NULL); } void operator=(const MTime &t) { fMjd = t.fMjd; fTime = t.fTime; fNanoSec = t.fNanoSec; } void Clear(const Option_t *o="") { fMjd=0; fTime=0; fNanoSec=0; } void Print(Option_t *t=NULL) const; void Now(); Bool_t Set(UShort_t y, Byte_t m, Byte_t d, Byte_t h=13, Byte_t min=0, Byte_t s=0, UShort_t ms=0, UInt_t ns=0); void Set(const struct timeval &tv); Bool_t SetString(const char *str); Bool_t SetSqlDateTime(const char *str); Bool_t SetSqlTimeStamp(const char *str); void SetCT1Time(UInt_t mjd, UInt_t t1, UInt_t t0); Bool_t UpdMagicTime(Byte_t h, Byte_t m, Byte_t s, UInt_t ns); Bool_t SetMjd(UInt_t mjd, ULong_t ms, UInt_t ns=0); void SetMjd(Double_t m); Double_t GetMjd() const; Double_t GetGmst() const; TString GetString() const; TString GetStringFmt(const char *fmt=0) const; TString GetSqlDateTime() const; TString GetSqlTimeStamp() const; TString GetFileName() const; void GetDate(UShort_t &y, Byte_t &m, Byte_t &d) const; TTime GetRootTime() const; Double_t GetAxisTime() const; Long_t GetTime() const { return (Long_t)fTime; } // [ms] Time of Day returned in the range [-11h, 13h) void GetTime(Byte_t &h, Byte_t &m, Byte_t &s, UShort_t &ms) const; void GetTime(Byte_t &h, Byte_t &m, Byte_t &s) const { UShort_t ms; GetTime(h, m, s, ms); } UInt_t Year() const { UShort_t y; Byte_t m, d; GetDate(y,m,d); return y; } UInt_t Month() const { UShort_t y; Byte_t m, d; GetDate(y,m,d); return m; } UInt_t Day() const { UShort_t y; Byte_t m, d; GetDate(y,m,d); return d; } UInt_t Hour() const { Byte_t h, m, s; GetTime(h,m,s); return h; } UInt_t Min() const { Byte_t h, m, s; GetTime(h,m,s); return m; } UInt_t Sec() const { Byte_t h, m, s; GetTime(h,m,s); return s; } istream &ReadBinary(istream &fin); operator double() const //[s] { return ((Double_t)fMjd*kDay+(Long_t)fTime+fNanoSec/1e6)/1000; } double operator()() const //[s] { return operator double(); } bool operator<(const MTime &t) const { if (fMjd(const MTime &t) const { if (fMjd>t.fMjd) return true; if (fMjd==t.fMjd && fTime>t.fTime) return true; if (fMjd==t.fMjd && fTime==t.fTime && fNanoSec>t.fNanoSec) return true; return false; } bool operator<=(const MTime &t) const { return !operator>(t); } bool operator>=(const MTime &t) const { return !operator<(t); } bool operator==(const MTime &t) const { return fNanoSec==t.fNanoSec && fTime==t.fTime && fMjd==t.fMjd; } bool operator!=(const MTime &t) const { return fNanoSec!=t.fNanoSec || fTime!=t.fTime || fMjd!=t.fMjd; } bool operator!() const { return fNanoSec==0 && (ULong_t)fTime==0 && fMjd==0; } ClassDef(MTime, 3) //A generalized MARS time stamp }; inline ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const MTime &t) { out << t.GetString(); return out; } inline istream &operator>>(istream &in, MTime &t) { TString date, time; date.ReadToDelim(in, ' '); time.ReadToDelim(in, ' '); t.SetString(Form("%s %s", date.Data(), time.Data())); return in; } #endif