#ifndef MWRITEROOTFILE_H #define MWRITEROOTFILE_H #ifndef MWriteFile_H #include "MWriteFile.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TObjArray #include #endif class TFile; class TTree; class TBranch; class MRootFileTree : public TObject { private: TTree *fTree; Bool_t fWriteFlag; ULong_t fNumEntries; public: MRootFileTree(TTree *tree) : fTree(tree), fWriteFlag(kFALSE), fNumEntries(0) {} TTree *GetTree() const { return fTree; } Bool_t HasWriteFlag() const { return fWriteFlag; } ULong_t GetNumEntries() const { return fNumEntries; } void operator++(int) { fNumEntries++; } void SetWriteFlag() { fWriteFlag = kTRUE; } void DelWriteFlag() { fWriteFlag = kFALSE; } ClassDef(MRootFileTree, 0) // Storage container for MWriteRootFile to store Tree informations }; class MRootFileBranch : public TObject { private: MRootFileTree *fTree; TBranch *fBranch; MParContainer *fContainer; TString *fContName; TString *fTreeName; TString *fTreeTitle; public: MRootFileBranch(const char *cname, const char *tname=NULL, const char *ttitle=NULL) : fTree(NULL), fBranch(NULL), fContainer(NULL) { fContName = new TString(cname); fTreeName = tname ? new TString(tname) : NULL; fTreeTitle = ttitle ? new TString(ttitle) : NULL; } MRootFileBranch(MParContainer *cont, const char *tname=NULL, const char *ttitle=NULL) : fTree(NULL), fBranch(NULL), fContName(NULL) { fContainer = cont; fTreeName = tname ? new TString(tname) : NULL; fTreeTitle = ttitle ? new TString(ttitle) : NULL; } MRootFileTree *GetTree() const { return fTree; } MParContainer *GetContainer() const { return fContainer; } void *GetAddress() { return &fContainer; } TBranch *GetBranch() const { return fBranch; } const char *GetContName() const { return fContName ? (const char*)(*fContName) : NULL; } const char *GetTreeName() const { return fTreeName ? (const char*)(*fTreeName) : NULL; } const char *GetTreeTitle() const { return fTreeTitle ? (const char*)(*fTreeTitle) : NULL; } void SetContainer(MParContainer *cont) { fContainer = cont; } void SetTree(MRootFileTree *tree) { fTree = tree; } ClassDef(MRootFileBranch, 0) // Storage container for MWriteRootFile to store TBranch informations }; class MWriteRootFile : public MWriteFile { private: TFile *fOut; TObjArray fBranches; TObjArray fTrees; void CheckAndWrite() const; Bool_t IsFileOpen() const; Bool_t GetContainer(MParList *pList); const char *GetFileName() const; public: MWriteRootFile(const char *fname, const Option_t *opt="RECREATE", const char *ftitle="Unnamed", const Int_t comp=9, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MWriteRootFile(); void Print(Option_t *t=NULL); void AddContainer(const char *cname, const char *tname=NULL, const char *ttitle=NULL); void AddContainer(MParContainer *cont, const char *tname=NULL, const char *ttitle=NULL); ClassDef(MWriteRootFile, 0) // Class to write one container to a root file }; #endif