#ifndef MARS_MCalibrationChargeCam #define MARS_MCalibrationChargeCam #ifndef MARS_MCalibrationCam #include "MCalibrationCam.h" #endif class MCalibrationQECam; class MCalibrationChargeCam : public MCalibrationCam { private: Byte_t fFlags; // Bit-field to hold the flags Float_t fNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethod; // Average nr. photons from Blind Pixel Method (Inner Pixel) Float_t fNumPhotonsFFactorMethod; // Average nr. photons from F-Factor Method (Inner Pixel) Float_t fNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethod; // Average nr. photons from PIN Diode Method (Inner Pixel) Float_t fNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethodErr; // Error av. nr. photons from Blind Pixel Method Float_t fNumPhotonsFFactorMethodErr; // Error av. nr. photons from F-Factor Method Float_t fNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethodErr; // Error av. nr. photons from PIN Diode Method enum { kFFactorMethodValid }; void Add(const UInt_t a, const UInt_t b); void AddArea(const UInt_t a, const UInt_t b); void AddSector(const UInt_t a, const UInt_t b); public: MCalibrationChargeCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); void Clear ( Option_t *o="" ); // Getters Bool_t GetConversionFactorFFactor( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &ffactor ); Bool_t GetPixelContent ( Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const; Float_t GetNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethod () const { return fNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethod; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsFFactorMethod () const { return fNumPhotonsFFactorMethod; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethod () const { return fNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethod; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethodErr() const { return fNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethodErr; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsFFactorMethodErr () const { return fNumPhotonsFFactorMethodErr; } Float_t GetNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethodErr () const { return fNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethodErr; } Bool_t IsFFactorMethodValid () const; TArrayF GetAveragedConvFADC2PhotPerArea (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCalibrationQECam &qecam, const UInt_t ai=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); TArrayF GetAveragedConvFADC2PhePerArea (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCalibrationQECam &qecam, const UInt_t ai=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); TArrayF GetAveragedConvFADC2PhotPerSector (const MGeomCam &geom, const MCalibrationQECam &qecam, const UInt_t sec=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); TArrayF GetAveragedArrivalTimeMeanPerArea (const MGeomCam &geom, const UInt_t ai=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); TArrayF GetAveragedArrivalTimeMeanPerSector(const MGeomCam &geom, const UInt_t sec=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); TArrayF GetAveragedArrivalTimeRmsPerArea (const MGeomCam &geom, const UInt_t ai=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); TArrayF GetAveragedArrivalTimeRmsPerSector (const MGeomCam &geom, const UInt_t sec=0, MBadPixelsCam *bad=NULL); // Prints void Print(Option_t *o="") const; // Setters void SetFFactorMethodValid ( const Bool_t b=kTRUE ); void SetNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethod ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethod = f; } void SetNumPhotonsFFactorMethod ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsFFactorMethod = f; } void SetNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethod ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethod = f; } void SetNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethodErr( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsBlindPixelMethodErr = f; } void SetNumPhotonsFFactorMethodErr ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsFFactorMethodErr = f; } void SetNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethodErr ( const Float_t f ) { fNumPhotonsPINDiodeMethodErr = f; } ClassDef(MCalibrationChargeCam, 5) // Container Charge Calibration Results Camera }; #endif