1 | #ifndef MARS_MCalibrationChargeCam
2 | #define MARS_MCalibrationChargeCam
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent
8 | #include "MCamEvent.h"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | class TH1D;
12 | class TH2D;
13 | class TClonesArray;
14 |
15 | class MCalibrationChargeBlindPix;
16 | class MCalibrationChargePINDiode;
17 | class MCalibrationChargePix;
18 | class MBadPixelsPix;
19 | class MBadPixelsCam;
20 | class MCalibrationChargeCam : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent
21 | {
22 | private:
23 |
24 | static const Float_t gkAverageQE; // The average quantum efficieny agreed on for the first analysis
25 | static const Float_t gkAverageQEErr; // The error of average quantum efficieny
26 |
27 | static const Float_t fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit; // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
28 | static const Float_t fgPheFFactorRelErrLimit; // The rel. limit for acceptance of a calculated number of phe's w.r.t the mean number (in sigma of the error)
29 |
30 | Float_t fAverageQE; // The average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
31 | Float_t fAverageQEVar; // The error of the average quantum efficieny (see Class description)
32 |
33 | Float_t fConvFFactorRelVarLimit; // The limit for acceptance of the rel. error of the conversion factor with the FFactor method
34 | Float_t fPheFFactorRelVarLimit; // The rel. limit for acceptance of a calculated number of phe's w.r.t the mean number (in variances of the error).
35 |
36 | Int_t fNumPixels;
37 | TClonesArray *fPixels; //-> Array of MCalibrationPix with fit results
38 |
39 | MCalibrationChargePix *fAverageInnerPix; //-> Average Pixel of all events
40 | MCalibrationChargePix *fAverageOuterPix; //-> Average Pixel of all events
41 |
42 | MBadPixelsPix *fAverageInnerBadPix; //-> Average Pixel of all events
43 | MBadPixelsPix *fAverageOuterBadPix; //-> Average Pixel of all events
44 |
45 | TH1D* fOffsets; //!
46 | TH1D* fSlopes; //!
47 |
48 | TH2D* fOffvsSlope; //!
49 |
50 | UInt_t fNumExcludedPixels;
51 |
52 | Byte_t fFlags;
53 |
54 | enum { kFFactorMethodValid, kBlindPixelMethodValid, kPINDiodeMethodValid, kCombinedMethodValid };
55 |
56 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel; // The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
57 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelVar; // The variance of the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL
58 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel; // The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
59 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelVar; // The variance of the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL
60 |
61 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel; // The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
62 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelVar; // The variance of the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL
63 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel; // The mean number of photo-electrons in an INNER PIXEL
64 | Float_t fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixelVar; // The variance of the number of photo-electrons INNER PIXEL
65 |
66 | public:
67 |
68 | MCalibrationChargeCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
69 | ~MCalibrationChargeCam();
70 |
71 | void Clear( Option_t *o="" );
72 | void InitSize( const UInt_t i );
73 |
74 | // Setters
75 | void SetAverageQE( const Float_t qe= gkAverageQE,
76 | const Float_t err=gkAverageQEErr) { fAverageQE = qe;
77 | fAverageQEVar = err*err; }
78 | void SetNumPixelsExcluded( const UInt_t n ) { fNumExcludedPixels = n; }
79 | void SetConvFFactorRelErrLimit( const Float_t f=fgConvFFactorRelErrLimit ) { fConvFFactorRelVarLimit = f*f; }
80 | void SetPheFFactorRelErrLimit ( const Float_t f=fgPheFFactorRelErrLimit ) { fPheFFactorRelVarLimit = f*f; }
81 |
82 | void SetFFactorMethodValid( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
83 | void SetBlindPixelMethodValid( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
84 | void SetPINDiodeMethodValid( const Bool_t b = kTRUE );
85 |
86 | // Getters
87 | Int_t GetSize() const;
88 | UInt_t GetNumPixels() const { return fNumPixels; }
89 |
90 | Bool_t GetConversionFactorFFactor( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
91 | Bool_t GetConversionFactorBlindPixel( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
92 | Bool_t GetConversionFactorPINDiode( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
93 | Bool_t GetConversionFactorCombined( Int_t ipx, Float_t &mean, Float_t &err, Float_t &sigma );
94 |
95 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel() const { return fMeanFluxPhesInnerPixel; }
96 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesInnerPixelErr() const;
97 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel() const { return fMeanFluxPhesOuterPixel; }
98 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhesOuterPixelErr() const;
99 |
100 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel() const { return fMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixel; }
101 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsInnerPixelErr() const;
102 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel() const { return fMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixel; }
103 | Float_t GetMeanFluxPhotonsOuterPixelErr() const;
104 |
105 | Bool_t IsBlindPixelMethodValid() const;
106 | Bool_t IsPINDiodeMethodValid() const;
107 |
108 | // Others
109 | MCalibrationChargePix &operator[](UInt_t i);
110 | const MCalibrationChargePix &operator[](UInt_t i) const;
111 |
112 | MCalibrationChargePix *GetAverageInnerPix() { return fAverageInnerPix; }
113 | const MCalibrationChargePix *GetAverageInnerPix() const { return fAverageInnerPix; }
114 |
115 | MCalibrationChargePix *GetAverageOuterPix() { return fAverageOuterPix; }
116 | const MCalibrationChargePix *GetAverageOuterPix() const { return fAverageOuterPix; }
117 |
118 | MBadPixelsPix *GetAverageInnerBadPix() { return fAverageInnerBadPix; }
119 | const MBadPixelsPix *GetAverageInnerBadPix() const { return fAverageInnerBadPix; }
120 |
121 | MBadPixelsPix *GetAverageOuterBadPix() { return fAverageOuterBadPix; }
122 | const MBadPixelsPix *GetAverageOuterBadPix() const { return fAverageOuterBadPix; }
123 |
124 | // Prints
125 | void Print(Option_t *o="") const;
126 |
127 | // Draws
128 | void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const;
129 | // void DrawHiLoFits();
130 |
131 | // Others
132 | Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const;
133 |
134 | Bool_t CalcMeanFluxPhotonsFFactorMethod(const MGeomCam &geom, MBadPixelsCam &bad);
135 |
136 | void ApplyPINDiodeCalibration(const MGeomCam &geom,
137 | const MBadPixelsCam &bad,
138 | const MCalibrationChargePINDiode &pindiode);
139 | void ApplyBlindPixelCalibration(const MGeomCam &geom,
140 | const MBadPixelsCam &bad,
141 | const MCalibrationChargeBlindPix &blindpix);
142 | void ApplyFFactorCalibration(const MGeomCam &geom, const MBadPixelsCam &bad);
143 |
144 | ClassDef(MCalibrationChargeCam, 1) // Container for calibration information of the camera
145 | };
146 |
147 | #endif