/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 02/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004 ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MCalibrationPix // // Base Storage container for a calibration pixel. Holds mean and sigmas, // their errors, the fit probability and the number of pickup events for // the high-gain and the low-gain derived values. // // Errors are stored internally as variances, but are returned and filled // as square root of the variances. // // Calls to GetMean(), GetMeanErr(), GetSigma(), GetSigmaErr(), GetProb() or // GetNumPickup() and GetNumBlackout() test first the bit kHiGainSaturation // before returning the high-gain or low-gain value, analogue for the // corr. Setters. // // The three flags: kValid, kExcluded and kHiGainSaturation may be set. // The colors: kGREEN, kBLUE, kUV and kCT1 may be set. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MCalibrationPix.h" ClassImp(MCalibrationPix); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Constructor: // // Sets: // - fPixId to -1 // - fFlags to 0 // // Calls: // - Clear() // MCalibrationPix::MCalibrationPix(const char *name, const char *title) : fPixId(-1), fFlags(0) { fName = name ? name : "MCalibrationPix"; fTitle = title ? title : "Container of the fit results of MHCalibrationPixs "; Clear(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Sets: // - all variables to -1 // - all flags to kFALSE // void MCalibrationPix::Clear(Option_t *o) { fHiGainNumBlackout = -1 ; fHiGainNumPickup = -1 ; fHiGainMean = -1.; fHiGainMeanVar = -1.; fHiGainProb = -1.; fHiGainSigma = -1.; fHiGainSigmaVar = -1.; fLoGainNumBlackout = -1 ; fLoGainNumPickup = -1 ; fLoGainMean = -1.; fLoGainMeanVar = -1.; fLoGainProb = -1.; fLoGainSigma = -1.; fLoGainSigmaVar = -1.; SetHiGainSaturation ( kFALSE ); SetExcluded ( kFALSE ); SetValid ( kFALSE ); SetDebug ( kFALSE ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the Hi Gain Saturation Bit from outside // void MCalibrationPix::SetHiGainSaturation(Bool_t b) { b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kHiGainSaturation) : CLRBIT(fFlags, kHiGainSaturation); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the Valid Bit from outside // void MCalibrationPix::SetDebug(Bool_t b ) { b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kDebug) : CLRBIT(fFlags, kDebug); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the Excluded Bit from outside // void MCalibrationPix::SetExcluded(Bool_t b ) { b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kExcluded) : CLRBIT(fFlags, kExcluded); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the Valid Bit from outside // void MCalibrationPix::SetValid(Bool_t b ) { b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kValid) : CLRBIT(fFlags, kValid); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return -1, if IsHiGainSaturation() // Return -1, if the LoGain Mean is smaller than 0.5 // Return -1, if the HiGain Mean is -1. (has not yet been set) // Return fHiGainMean / fLoGainMean // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetHiLoMeansDivided() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) return -1.; if (fLoGainMean <= 0.5) return -1.; if (fHiGainMean == -1.) return -1.; return fHiGainMean / fLoGainMean; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return -1, if IsHiGainSaturation() // Return -1, if the LoGain Mean or its variance is smaller than 0.5 (has not yet been set) // Return -1, if the HiGain Mean or its variance is -1. (has not yet been set) // Return propagated error of GetHiLoMeansDivided() // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetHiLoMeansDividedErr() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) return -1.; if (fLoGainMean <= 0.5) return -1.; if (fHiGainMean == -1.) return -1.; if (fLoGainMeanVar <= 0.) return -1.; if (fHiGainMeanVar <= 0.) return -1.; const Float_t lomeansquare = fLoGainMean * fLoGainMean; const Float_t deltaHi = fHiGainMeanVar / lomeansquare; const Float_t deltaLo = fLoGainMeanVar / (lomeansquare * lomeansquare) * fHiGainMean * fHiGainMean; return TMath::Sqrt(deltaHi + deltaLo); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return -1, if IsHiGainSaturation() // Return -1, if the LoGain Sigma is smaller than 0.01 // Return -1, if the HiGain Sigma is -1. (has not yet been set) // Return fHiGainSigma / fLoGainSigma // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetHiLoSigmasDivided() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) return -1.; if (fLoGainSigma <= 0.01) return -1.; if (fHiGainSigma == -1.) return -1.; return fHiGainSigma / fLoGainSigma; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return -1, if IsHiGainSaturation() // Return -1, if the LoGain Sigma variance is smaller than 0. // Return -1, if the LoGain Sigma is smaller than 0.01 // Return -1, if the HiGain Sigma or its variance is -1. (has not yet been set) // Return propagated error of GetHiLoSigmasDivided() // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetHiLoSigmasDividedErr() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) return -1.; if (fLoGainSigma <= 0.01) return -1.; if (fHiGainSigma == -1.) return -1.; if (fLoGainSigmaVar <= 0.) return -1.; if (fHiGainSigmaVar <= 0.) return -1.; const Float_t losigmasquare = fLoGainSigma * fLoGainSigma; const Float_t deltaHi = fHiGainSigmaVar / losigmasquare; const Float_t deltaLo = fLoGainSigmaVar / (losigmasquare * losigmasquare) * fHiGainSigma * fHiGainSigma; return TMath::Sqrt(deltaHi + deltaLo); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Relative Variance of either High Gain or Low Gain Mean // depending on IsHighGainSaturation() // // If variance is smaller than 0. return -1. // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetMeanRelVar() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) if (fLoGainMeanVar < 0. || fLoGainMean < 0.) return -1.; else return fLoGainMeanVar / (fLoGainMean * fLoGainMean); else if (fHiGainMeanVar < 0. || fHiGainMean < 0.) return -1.; else return fHiGainMeanVar / (fHiGainMean * fHiGainMean); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Square of either High Gain or Low Gain Mean // depending on IsHighGainSaturation() // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetMeanSquare() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) return fLoGainMean == -1. ? -1. : fLoGainMean * fLoGainMean; else return fHiGainMean == -1. ? -1. : fHiGainMean * fHiGainMean; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Relative Variance of either High Gain or Low Gain Sigma // depending on IsHighGainSaturation() // // If variance is smaller than 0. return -1. // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetSigmaRelVar() const { if (IsHiGainSaturation()) if (fLoGainSigmaVar < 0.) return -1.; else return fLoGainSigmaVar / (fLoGainSigma * fLoGainSigma); else if (fHiGainSigmaVar < 0.) return -1.; else return fHiGainSigmaVar / (fHiGainSigma * fHiGainSigma); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the High Gain Mean Error: Takes square root of fHiGainMeanVar // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetHiGainMeanErr() const { if (fLoGainMeanVar < 0.) return -1.; return TMath::Sqrt(fLoGainMeanVar); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the High Gain Sigma Error: Takes square root of fHiGainSigmaVar // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetHiGainSigmaErr() const { if (fHiGainSigmaVar < 0.) return -1.; return TMath::Sqrt(fHiGainSigmaVar); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Low Gain Mean Error: Takes square root of fLoGainMeanVar // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetLoGainMeanErr() const { if (fLoGainMeanVar < 0.) return -1.; return TMath::Sqrt(fLoGainMeanVar); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Low Gain Mean Rel Variance // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetLoGainMeanRelVar() const { if (fLoGainMeanVar < 0.) return -1.; if (fLoGainMean == 0.) return -1.; return fLoGainMeanVar / ( fLoGainMean * fLoGainMean); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Low Gain Sigma Error: Takes square root of fHiGainSigmaVar // Float_t MCalibrationPix::GetLoGainSigmaErr() const { if (fLoGainSigmaVar < 0.) return -1.; return TMath::Sqrt(fLoGainSigmaVar); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test bit kHiGainSaturation // Bool_t MCalibrationPix::IsHiGainSaturation() const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kHiGainSaturation); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test bit kDebug // Bool_t MCalibrationPix::IsDebug() const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kDebug); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test bit kExcluded // Bool_t MCalibrationPix::IsExcluded() const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kExcluded); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test bit kValid // Bool_t MCalibrationPix::IsValid() const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kValid); }