/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 04/2004 ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MCalibrationRelTimeCalc // // Task to finalize the relative time calibration obtained // from the fit results to the summed FADC slice distributions delivered by // MCalibrationRelTimeCam, calculated and filled by MHCalibrationRelTimeCam, // // PreProcess(): Initialize pointers to MCalibrationRelTimeCam, // // ReInit(): Initializes pointer to MBadPixelsCam // // Process(): Nothing to be done, histograms getting filled by MHCalibrationChargeCam // // PostProcess(): - FinalizeRelTimes() // - FinalizeBadPixels() // // Class Version 2: // + Byte_t fCheckFlags; // Bit-field to hold the possible check flags // // ClassVersionb 3: // - TString fOutputPath; // Path to the output file // - TString fOutputFile; // Name of the output file // // // Input Containers: // MCalibrationRelTimeCam // MBadPixelsCam // MGeomCam // // Output Containers: // MCalibrationRelTimeCam // MBadPixelsCam // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MMath.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MGeomCam.h" #include "MGeomPix.h" #include "MCalibrationRelTimeCam.h" #include "MCalibrationRelTimePix.h" #include "MBadPixelsCam.h" #include "MBadPixelsPix.h" ClassImp(MCalibrationRelTimeCalc); using namespace std; const Float_t MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::fgRelTimeResolutionLimit = 5.0; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. // // Sets all pointers to NULL // // Initializes: // - fRelTimeResolutionLimit to fgRelTimeResolutionimit // // Calls: // - Clear() // MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::MCalibrationRelTimeCalc(const char *name, const char *title) : fGeom(NULL), fFlags(0) { fName = name ? name : "MCalibrationRelTimeCalc"; fTitle = title ? title : "Task to finalize the relative time calibration"; SetCheckFitResults ( kFALSE ); SetCheckDeviatingBehavior( kTRUE ); SetCheckHistOverflow ( kFALSE ); SetCheckOscillations ( kFALSE ); SetRelTimeResolutionLimit(); Clear(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sets: // - all flags to kFALSE // - all pointers to NULL // void MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::Clear(const Option_t *o) { fBadPixels = NULL; fCam = NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Search for the following input containers and abort if not existing: // - MGeomCam // - MCalibrationRelTimeCam // - MBadPixelsCam // // It defines the PixId of every pixel in: // // - MCalibrationRelTimeCam // // It sets all pixels in excluded which have the flag fBadBixelsPix::IsBad() set in: // // - MCalibrationRelTimePix // Bool_t MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::ReInit(MParList *pList ) { fGeom = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam"); if (!fGeom) { *fLog << err << "No MGeomCam found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } fBadPixels = (MBadPixelsCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MBadPixelsCam")); if (!fBadPixels) { *fLog << err << "Cannot find MBadPixelsCam ... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } fCam = (MCalibrationRelTimeCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MCalibrationRelTimeCam")); if (!fCam) { *fLog << err << "Cannot find MCalibrationRelTimeCam ... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (IsDebug()) { const UInt_t npixels = fGeom->GetNumPixels(); for (UInt_t i=0; iSetReadyToSave(); fBadPixels->SetReadyToSave(); *fLog << inf << endl; *fLog << GetDescriptor() << ": Errors statistics:" << endl; PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kDeviatingTimeResolution, Form("%s%2.1f%s","Rel.time rms more than ", fRelTimeResolutionLimit, " dev from median:")); PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeOscillating, "Pixels with changing Rel. Times over time:"); PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeNotFitted, "Pixels with unsuccesful Gauss fit to the times:"); return kTRUE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check for outliers. They are marked with // MBadPixelsPix::kDeviatingTimeResolution // // see also MCalibrationChargeCalc::FinalizeAbsTimes // void MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::FinalizeRelTimes() { const Int_t npixels = fGeom->GetNumPixels(); const Int_t nareas = fGeom->GetNumAreas(); // Create an array capable of holding all pixels TArrayF arr(npixels); for (Int_t aidx=0; aidx0) arr[n++] = pix.GetTimePrecision(); } // Check the ratio of valid entries to the ratio of pixels const Float_t ratio = 100*n/fGeom->GetNumPixWithAidx(aidx); if (3*ratio<2) *fLog << warn << "Area " << setw(4) << aidx << ": Only " << ratio << "% pixels with valid time resolution found." << endl; // Calculate median and median deviation Double_t med; const Double_t dev = MMath::MedianDev(n, arr.GetArray(), med); // Calculate upper and lower limit const Float_t lolim = TMath::Max(med-fRelTimeResolutionLimit*dev, 0.); const Float_t hilim = TMath::Max(med+fRelTimeResolutionLimit*dev, 0.); // Now find the outliers for (Int_t i=0; i=hilim) { *fLog << warn << "Pixel " << setw(4) << i << ": Deviation from rel-time rms: " << Form("%5.2f", res) << " out of range " << Form("[%4.2f,%4.2f]", lolim, hilim) << endl; (*fBadPixels)[i].SetUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kDeviatingTimeResolution); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sets pixel to MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun, if one of the following flags is set: // - MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeIsPedestal // - MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeErrNotValid // - MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeRelErrNotValid // void MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::FinalizeBadPixels() { for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { MBadPixelsPix &bad = (*fBadPixels)[i]; if (IsCheckDeviatingBehavior()) if (bad.IsUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kDeviatingTimeResolution)) bad.SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun); if (IsCheckFitResults()) if (bad.IsUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeNotFitted)) bad.SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun); if (IsCheckOscillations()) if (bad.IsUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::kRelTimeOscillating)) bad.SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // - Print out statistics about BadPixels of type UnsuitableType_t // - store numbers of bad pixels of each type in fIntensCam or fCam // void MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::FinalizeUnsuitablePixels() { *fLog << inf << endl; *fLog << GetDescriptor() << ": Rel. Times Calibration status:" << endl; *fLog << dec; const Int_t nareas = fGeom->GetNumAreas(); TArrayI unsuit(nareas); TArrayI unrel(nareas); for (int aidx=0; aidxGetNumUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun, fGeom, aidx); unrel[aidx] += fBadPixels->GetNumUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun, fGeom, aidx); fCam->SetNumUnsuitable(unsuit[aidx], aidx); fCam->SetNumUnreliable(unrel[aidx], aidx); } if (fGeom->InheritsFrom("MGeomCamMagic")) { PrintUncalibrated("Uncalibrated Pixels:", unsuit[0], unsuit[1]); PrintUncalibrated("Unreliable Pixels:", unrel[0], unrel[1]); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Print out statistics about BadPixels of type UncalibratedType_t // void MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::PrintUncalibrated(MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t typ, const char *text) const { UInt_t countinner = 0; UInt_t countouter = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { if ((*fBadPixels)[i].IsUncalibrated(typ)) { if (fGeom->GetPixRatio(i) == 1.) countinner++; else countouter++; } } PrintUncalibrated(text, countinner, countouter); } void MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::PrintUncalibrated(const char *text, Int_t in, Int_t out) const { *fLog << " " << setfill(' ') << setw(48) << setiosflags(ios::left) << text; *fLog << " Inner: " << Form("%3i", in); *fLog << " Outer: " << Form("%3i", out); *fLog << resetiosflags(ios::left) << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckFitResults: Yes // MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckDeviatingBehavior: Yes // MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckHistOverflow: Yes // MCalibrationRelTimeCam.CheckOscillations: Yes // Int_t MCalibrationRelTimeCalc::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) { Bool_t rc = kFALSE; if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "CheckFitResults", print)) { SetCheckFitResults(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "CheckFitResults", IsCheckFitResults())); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "CheckDeviatingBehavior", print)) { SetCheckDeviatingBehavior(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "CheckDeviatingBehavior", IsCheckDeviatingBehavior())); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "CheckHistOverflow", print)) { SetCheckHistOverflow(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "CheckHistOverflow", IsCheckHistOverflow())); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "CheckOscillations", print)) { SetCheckOscillations(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "CheckOscillations", IsCheckOscillations())); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "RelTimeResolutionLimit", print)) { SetRelTimeResolutionLimit(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "RelTimeResolutionLimit", fRelTimeResolutionLimit)); rc = kTRUE; } return rc; }