1 | #ifndef MARS_MCalibrationRelTimeCalc
2 | #define MARS_MCalibrationRelTimeCalc
3 |
4 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5 | //
6 | // MCalibrationRelTimeCalc
7 | //
8 | // Integrates the time slices of the all pixels of a calibration event
9 | // and substract the pedestal value
10 | //
11 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 |
13 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
14 | #include "MTask.h"
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #ifndef MARS_MBadPixelsPix
18 | #include "MBadPixelsPix.h"
19 | #endif
20 |
21 | class MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam;
22 | class MCalibrationRelTimeCam;
23 | class MGeomCam;
24 | class MBadPixelsIntensityCam;
25 | class MBadPixelsCam;
26 |
27 | class MCalibrationRelTimeCalc : public MTask
28 | {
29 | private:
30 |
31 | static const Float_t fgRelTimeResolutionLimit; //! Default for fRelTimeResolutionLimit (now set to: 0.75)
32 |
33 | // Variables
34 | Float_t fRelTimeResolutionLimit; // Limit acceptance rel. time resolution (in FADC slices)
35 | TString fOutputPath; // Path to the output file
36 | TString fOutputFile; // Name of the output file
37 |
38 | // Pointers
39 | MBadPixelsIntensityCam *fIntensBad; // Bad Pixels Intensity Cam
40 | MBadPixelsCam *fBadPixels; // Bad Pixels
41 | MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam *fIntensCam; // Calibrated RelTimes for different intensities
42 | MCalibrationRelTimeCam *fCam; // Calibrated RelTimes of all pixels
43 | MGeomCam *fGeom; //! Camera geometry
44 |
45 | // enums
46 | enum Check_t
47 | {
48 | kCheckHistOverflow,
49 | kCheckDeviatingBehavior,
50 | kCheckOscillations,
51 | kCheckFitResults
52 | }; // Possible Checks
53 |
54 | Byte_t fCheckFlags; // Bit-field to hold the possible check flags
55 |
56 | enum { kDebug }; // Possible flags
57 |
58 | Byte_t fFlags; // Bit-field for the general flags
59 |
60 | // functions
61 | const char* GetOutputFile ();
62 | void FinalizeAverageResolution();
63 | void FinalizeRelTimes ();
64 | void FinalizeBadPixels ();
65 | void FinalizeUnsuitablePixels ();
66 |
67 | void PrintUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t typ, const char *text) const;
68 |
69 | // Query checks
70 | Bool_t IsCheckDeviatingBehavior() const { return TESTBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckDeviatingBehavior); }
71 | Bool_t IsCheckHistOverflow () const { return TESTBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckHistOverflow); }
72 | Bool_t IsCheckOscillations () const { return TESTBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckOscillations); }
73 | Bool_t IsCheckFitResults () const { return TESTBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckFitResults); }
74 |
75 | // MTask
76 | Bool_t ReInit (MParList *pList);
77 | Int_t Process () { return kTRUE; }
78 | Int_t PostProcess();
79 |
80 | // MParContainer
81 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
82 |
83 | public:
84 | MCalibrationRelTimeCalc(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
85 |
86 | // TObject
87 | void Clear(const Option_t *o="");
88 |
89 | // MCalibrationRelTimeCalc
90 | Int_t Finalize();
91 |
92 | // Getter
93 | Bool_t IsDebug() const { return TESTBIT(fFlags,kDebug); }
94 |
95 | // Setter
96 | void SetOutputPath ( TString path="." );
97 | void SetOutputFile ( TString file="TimeCalibStat.txt" ) { fOutputFile = file; }
98 | void SetRelTimeResolutionLimit( const Float_t f=fgRelTimeResolutionLimit ) { fRelTimeResolutionLimit = f; }
99 |
100 | // Checks
101 | void SetCheckFitResults(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { b ? SETBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckFitResults) : CLRBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckFitResults); }
102 | void SetCheckDeviatingBehavior(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { b ? SETBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckDeviatingBehavior) : CLRBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckDeviatingBehavior); }
103 | void SetCheckHistOverflow(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { b ? SETBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckHistOverflow) : CLRBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckHistOverflow); }
104 | void SetCheckOscillations(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { b ? SETBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckOscillations) : CLRBIT(fCheckFlags,kCheckOscillations); }
105 | void SetDebug(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kDebug) : CLRBIT(fFlags, kDebug); }
106 |
107 | ClassDef(MCalibrationRelTimeCalc, 2) // Task finalizing the relative time Calibration
108 | };
109 |
110 | #endif