/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 02/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MHCalibrationCam // // Base class for camera calibration classes. Incorporates the TObjArray's: // - fHiGainArray (for calibrated High Gains per pixel) // - fLoGainArray (for calibrated Low Gains per pixel) // - fAverageHiGainAreas (for averaged High Gains events per camera area index) // - fAverageLoGainAreas (for averaged High Gains events per camera area index) // - fAverageHiGainSectors (for averaged High Gains events per camera sector ) // - fAverageLoGainSectors (for averaged High Gains events per camera sector ) // These TObjArray's are called by their default constructors, thus no objects // are created, until the derived class does so. // // The corresponding operators: [],() and the operators GetAverageHiGainArea(), // GetAverageLoGainArea(), GetAverageHiGainSector() and GetAverageLoGainSector() // have to be cast to the corresponding class. It is assumed that all classes // dealing with calibration pixels derive from MHGausEvents. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MHCalibrationCam.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MCalibrationPix.h" #include "MCalibrationCam.h" #include "MHGausEvents.h" #include "MBadPixelsPix.h" #include "MBadPixelsCam.h" #include "MGeomCam.h" #include "MGeomPix.h" #include "MParList.h" ClassImp(MHCalibrationCam); using namespace std; const Int_t MHCalibrationCam::fgAverageNbins = 2000; const Int_t MHCalibrationCam::fgPulserFrequency = 500; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Constructor. // // Sets: // - all pointers to NULL // // Initializes and sets owner of: // - fHiGainArray, fLoGainArray // - fAverageHiGainAreas, fAverageLoGainAreas // - fAverageHiGainSectors, fAverageLoGainSectors // // Initializes: // - fPulserFrequency to fgPulserFrequency // MHCalibrationCam::MHCalibrationCam(const char *name, const char *title) : fGeom(NULL), fBadPixels(NULL), fCam(NULL) { fName = name ? name : "MHCalibrationCam"; fTitle = title ? title : "Class to fill the calibration histograms "; fHiGainArray = new TObjArray; fHiGainArray->SetOwner(); fLoGainArray = new TObjArray; fLoGainArray->SetOwner(); fAverageHiGainAreas = new TObjArray; fAverageHiGainAreas->SetOwner(); fAverageLoGainAreas = new TObjArray; fAverageLoGainAreas->SetOwner(); fAverageHiGainSectors = new TObjArray; fAverageHiGainSectors->SetOwner(); fAverageLoGainSectors = new TObjArray; fAverageLoGainSectors->SetOwner(); SetAverageNbins(); SetPulserFrequency(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Deletes the TClonesArray of: // - fHiGainArray, fLoGainArray // - fAverageHiGainAreas, fAverageLoGainAreas // - fAverageHiGainSectors, fAverageLoGainSectors // MHCalibrationCam::~MHCalibrationCam() { delete fHiGainArray; delete fLoGainArray; delete fAverageHiGainAreas; delete fAverageLoGainAreas; delete fAverageHiGainSectors; delete fAverageLoGainSectors; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th High Gain pixel (pixel number) // MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::operator[](UInt_t i) { return *static_cast(fHiGainArray->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th High Gain pixel (pixel number) // const MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::operator[](UInt_t i) const { return *static_cast(fHiGainArray->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th Low Gain pixel (pixel number) // MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::operator()(UInt_t i) { return *static_cast(fLoGainArray->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th Low Gain pixel (pixel number) // const MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::operator()(UInt_t i) const { return *static_cast(fLoGainArray->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th High Gain pixel Area (area number) // MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageHiGainArea(UInt_t i) { return *static_cast(fAverageHiGainAreas->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th High Gain pixel Area (area number) // const MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageHiGainArea(UInt_t i) const { return *static_cast(fAverageHiGainAreas->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th Low Gain pixel Area (area number) // MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageLoGainArea(UInt_t i) { return *static_cast(fAverageLoGainAreas->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th Low Gain pixel Area (area number) // const MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageLoGainArea(UInt_t i) const { return *static_cast(fAverageLoGainAreas->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th High Gain Sector (sector number) // MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageHiGainSector(UInt_t i) { return *static_cast(fAverageHiGainSectors->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th High Gain Sector (sector number) // const MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageHiGainSector(UInt_t i) const { return *static_cast(fAverageHiGainSectors->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th Low Gain Sector (sector number) // MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageLoGainSector(UInt_t i) { return *static_cast(fAverageLoGainSectors->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get i-th Low Gain Sector (sector number) // const MHGausEvents &MHCalibrationCam::GetAverageLoGainSector(UInt_t i) const { return *static_cast(fAverageLoGainSectors->UncheckedAt(i)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Our own clone function is necessary since root 3.01/06 or Mars 0.4 // I don't know the reason. // // Creates new MHCalibrationCam // Deletes the TObjArray's and Clones them individually // Copies the TArray's // Copies the fPulserFrequency // TObject *MHCalibrationCam::Clone(const char *) const { const Int_t nhi = fHiGainArray->GetEntries(); const Int_t nlo = fLoGainArray->GetEntries(); const Int_t navhi = fAverageHiGainAreas->GetEntries(); const Int_t navlo = fAverageLoGainAreas->GetEntries(); const Int_t nsehi = fAverageHiGainSectors->GetEntries(); const Int_t nselo = fAverageLoGainSectors->GetEntries(); // // FIXME, this might be done faster and more elegant, by direct copy. // MHCalibrationCam *cam = new MHCalibrationCam(); cam->fHiGainArray->Expand(nhi); cam->fLoGainArray->Expand(nlo); cam->fAverageHiGainAreas->Expand(navhi); cam->fAverageLoGainAreas->Expand(navlo); cam->fAverageHiGainSectors->Expand(nsehi); cam->fAverageLoGainSectors->Expand(nselo); for (int i=0; ifHiGainArray)[i]; (*cam->fHiGainArray)[i] = (*fHiGainArray)[i]->Clone(); } for (int i=0; ifLoGainArray)[i]; (*cam->fLoGainArray)[i] = (*fLoGainArray)[i]->Clone(); } for (int i=0; ifAverageHiGainAreas)[i]; (*cam->fAverageHiGainAreas)[i] = (*fAverageHiGainAreas)[i]->Clone(); } for (int i=0; ifAverageLoGainAreas)[i]; (*cam->fAverageLoGainAreas)[i] = (*fAverageLoGainAreas)[i]->Clone(); } for (int i=0; ifAverageHiGainSectors)[i]; (*cam->fAverageHiGainSectors)[i] = (*fAverageHiGainSectors)[i]->Clone(); } for (int i=0; ifAverageLoGainSectors)[i]; (*cam->fAverageLoGainSectors)[i] = (*fAverageLoGainSectors)[i]->Clone(); } cam->fAverageAreaNum = fAverageAreaNum; cam->fAverageAreaSat = fAverageAreaSat; cam->fAverageAreaSigma = fAverageAreaSigma; cam->fAverageAreaSigmaErr = fAverageAreaSigmaErr; cam->fAverageAreaRelSigma = fAverageAreaRelSigma; cam->fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr = fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr; cam->fAverageSectorNum = fAverageSectorNum; cam->fPulserFrequency = fPulserFrequency; return cam; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Gets the pointers to: // - MGeomCam // // Calls SetupHists(const MParList *pList) // // Calls Delete-Function of: // - MHCalibrationCam::fHiGainArray, MHCalibrationCam::fLoGainArray // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainAreas // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainSectors // Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::SetupFill(const MParList *pList) { fGeom = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject("MGeomCam"); if (!fGeom) { *fLog << err << "MGeomCam not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } fHiGainArray->Delete(); fLoGainArray->Delete(); fAverageHiGainAreas->Delete(); fAverageLoGainAreas->Delete(); fAverageHiGainSectors->Delete(); fAverageLoGainSectors->Delete(); return SetupHists(pList); } Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::SetupHists(const MParList *pList) { return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Gets or creates the pointers to: // - MBadPixelsCam // // Searches pointer to: // - MArrivalTimeCam // // Initializes, if empty to MArrivalTimeCam::GetSize() for: // - MHCalibrationCam::fHiGainArray, MHCalibrationCam::fLoGainArray // // Initializes, if empty to MGeomCam::GetNumAreas() for: // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainAreas // // Initializes, if empty to MGeomCam::GetNumSectors() for: // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors, MHCalibrationCam::fAverageLoGainSectors // // Initializes TArray's to MGeomCam::GetNumAreas and MGeomCam::GetNumSectors, respectively // Fills with number of valid pixels (if !MBadPixelsPix::IsBad()): // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageAreaNum[area index] // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageSectorNum[area index] // // Calls InitializeHists() for every entry in: // - MHCalibrationCam::fHiGainArray // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors // // Sets Titles and Names for the Histograms // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainAreas // - MHCalibrationCam::fAverageHiGainSectors // Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::ReInit(MParList *pList) { fBadPixels = (MBadPixelsCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MBadPixelsCam"); if (!fBadPixels) return kFALSE; const Int_t npixels = fGeom->GetNumPixels(); const Int_t nsectors = fGeom->GetNumSectors(); const Int_t nareas = fGeom->GetNumAreas(); // // The function TArrayF::Set() already sets all entries to 0. // fAverageAreaNum. Set(nareas); fAverageAreaSat. Set(nareas); fAverageAreaSigma. Set(nareas); fAverageAreaSigmaErr. Set(nareas); fAverageAreaRelSigma. Set(nareas); fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr.Set(nareas); fAverageSectorNum. Set(nsectors); for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumPixels(); const Int_t nareas = fGeom->GetNumAreas(); const Int_t nsectors = fGeom->GetNumSectors(); if (fHiGainArray->GetEntries() != npixels) { gLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fLoGainArray->GetEntries() != npixels) { gLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fAverageHiGainAreas->GetEntries() != nareas) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of areas ... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fAverageLoGainAreas->GetEntries() != nareas) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of areas ... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fAverageHiGainSectors->GetEntries() != nsectors) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of sectors ... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fAverageLoGainSectors->GetEntries() != nsectors) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Size mismatch in number of sectors ... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } return FillHists(par, w); } Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::FillHists(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w) { return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // 1) FinalizeHists() // 2) FinalizeBadPixels() // 3) CalcAverageSigma() // Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::Finalize() { if (!FinalizeHists()) return kFALSE; FinalizeBadPixels(); CalcAverageSigma(); return kTRUE; } Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::FinalizeHists() { return kTRUE; } void MHCalibrationCam::FinalizeBadPixels() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // If MBadPixelsPix::IsBad(): // - calls MHGausEvents::SetExcluded() // // Calls: // - MHGausEvents::InitBins() // - MHGausEvents::ChangeHistId(i) // - MHGausEvents::SetEventFrequency(fPulserFrequency) // void MHCalibrationCam::InitHists(MHGausEvents &hist, MBadPixelsPix &bad, const Int_t i) { if (bad.IsBad()) hist.SetExcluded(); hist.InitBins(); hist.ChangeHistId(i); hist.SetEventFrequency(fPulserFrequency); } void MHCalibrationCam::FitHiGainArrays(MCalibrationCam &calcam, MBadPixelsCam &badcam, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp) { for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { MHGausEvents &hist = (*this)[i]; if (hist.IsExcluded()) continue; MCalibrationPix &pix = calcam[i]; MBadPixelsPix &bad = badcam[i]; FitHiGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp); } for (Int_t j=0; jGetSize(); j++) { MHGausEvents &hist = GetAverageHiGainArea(j); MCalibrationPix &pix = calcam.GetAverageArea(j); MBadPixelsPix &bad = calcam.GetAverageBadArea(j); FitHiGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp); } for (Int_t j=0; jGetSize(); j++) { MHGausEvents &hist = GetAverageHiGainSector(j); MCalibrationPix &pix = calcam.GetAverageSector(j); MBadPixelsPix &bad = calcam.GetAverageBadSector(j); FitHiGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp); } } void MHCalibrationCam::FitLoGainArrays(MCalibrationCam &calcam, MBadPixelsCam &badcam, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp) { for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { MHGausEvents &hist = (*this)(i); if (hist.IsExcluded()) continue; MCalibrationPix &pix = calcam[i]; MBadPixelsPix &bad = badcam[i]; FitLoGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp); } for (Int_t j=0; jGetSize(); j++) { MHGausEvents &hist = GetAverageLoGainArea(j); MCalibrationPix &pix = calcam.GetAverageArea(j); MBadPixelsPix &bad = calcam.GetAverageBadArea(j); FitLoGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp); } for (Int_t j=0; jGetSize(); j++) { MHGausEvents &hist = GetAverageLoGainSector(j); MCalibrationPix &pix = calcam.GetAverageSector(j); MBadPixelsPix &bad = calcam.GetAverageBadSector(j); FitLoGainHists(hist,pix,bad,fittyp,osctyp); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // // For all averaged areas, the fitted sigma is multiplied with the square root of // the number involved pixels // void MHCalibrationCam::CalcAverageSigma() { for (Int_t j=0; jGetNumAreas(); j++) { MCalibrationPix &pix = (*fCam).GetAverageArea(j); fAverageAreaSigma[j] = pix.GetSigma () * TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fAverageAreaNum[j]); fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j] = pix.GetSigmaErr () * TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)fAverageAreaNum[j]); pix.SetSigma (fAverageAreaSigma[j]); pix.SetSigmaErr(fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j]); fAverageAreaRelSigma[j] = fAverageAreaSigma[j] / pix.GetMean(); Float_t relsigmaerr = fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j]*fAverageAreaSigmaErr[j] / (fAverageAreaSigma[j] *fAverageAreaSigma[j] ); relsigmaerr += pix.GetMeanErr()*pix.GetMeanErr() / (pix.GetMean() *pix.GetMean() ); relsigmaerr *= fAverageAreaRelSigma[j]; fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr[j] = TMath::Sqrt(relsigmaerr); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns if the histogram is empty and sets the following flag: // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun) // // Fits the histograms with a Gaussian, in case of failure // calls MHGausEvents::RepeatFit(), in case of repeated failure // calls MHGausEvents::BypassFit() and sets the following flags: // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp ) // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable( MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun ) // // Creates the fourier spectrum and tests MHGausEvents::IsFourierSpectrumOK(). // In case no, sets the following flags: // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp ) // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable( MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun ) // // Retrieves the results and store them in MCalibrationPix // void MHCalibrationCam::FitHiGainHists(MHGausEvents &hist, MCalibrationPix &pix, MBadPixelsPix &bad, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp) { if (hist.IsEmpty()) return; // // 2) Fit the Hi Gain histograms with a Gaussian // if (!hist.FitGaus()) // // 3) In case of failure set the bit Fitted to false and take histogram means and RMS // if (!hist.RepeatFit()) { hist.BypassFit(); bad.SetUncalibrated( fittyp ); } // // 4) Check for oscillations // hist.CreateFourierSpectrum(); if (!hist.IsFourierSpectrumOK()) bad.SetUncalibrated( osctyp ); // // 5) Retrieve the results and store them in this class // pix.SetHiGainMean ( hist.GetMean() ); pix.SetHiGainMeanErr ( hist.GetMeanErr() ); pix.SetHiGainSigma ( hist.GetSigma() ); pix.SetHiGainSigmaErr ( hist.GetSigmaErr() ); pix.SetHiGainProb ( hist.GetProb() ); pix.SetHiGainNumPickup ( hist.GetPickup() ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns if the histogram is empty and sets the following flag: // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitableRun) // // Fits the histograms with a Gaussian, in case of failure // calls MHGausEvents::RepeatFit(), in case of repeated failure // calls MHGausEvents::BypassFit() and sets the following flags: // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp ) // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable( MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun ) // // Creates the fourier spectrum and tests MHGausEvents::IsFourierSpectrumOK(). // In case no, sets the following flags: // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUncalibrated( MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp ) // - MBadPixelsPix::SetUnsuitable( MBadPixelsPix::kUnreliableRun ) // // Retrieves the results and store them in MCalibrationPix // void MHCalibrationCam::FitLoGainHists(MHGausEvents &hist, MCalibrationPix &pix, MBadPixelsPix &bad, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t fittyp, MBadPixelsPix::UncalibratedType_t osctyp) { if (hist.IsEmpty()) return; // // 2) Fit the Hi Gain histograms with a Gaussian // if (!hist.FitGaus()) // // 3) In case of failure set the bit Fitted to false and take histogram means and RMS // if (!hist.RepeatFit()) { hist.BypassFit(); bad.SetUncalibrated( fittyp ); } // // 4) Check for oscillations // hist.CreateFourierSpectrum(); if (!hist.IsFourierSpectrumOK()) bad.SetUncalibrated( osctyp ); // // 5) Retrieve the results and store them in this class // pix.SetLoGainMean ( hist.GetMean() ); pix.SetLoGainMeanErr ( hist.GetMeanErr() ); pix.SetLoGainSigma ( hist.GetSigma() ); pix.SetLoGainSigmaErr ( hist.GetSigmaErr() ); pix.SetLoGainProb ( hist.GetProb() ); pix.SetLoGainNumPickup ( hist.GetPickup() ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dummy, needed by MCamEvent // Bool_t MHCalibrationCam::GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type) const { return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // What MHCamera needs in order to draw an individual pixel in the camera // void MHCalibrationCam::DrawPixelContent(Int_t idx) const { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default draw: // // Displays the averaged areas, both High Gain and Low Gain // // Calls the Draw of the fAverageHiGainAreas and fAverageLoGainAreas objects with options // void MHCalibrationCam::Draw(const Option_t *opt) { const Int_t nareas = fAverageHiGainAreas->GetEntries(); if (nareas == 0) return; TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MH::MakeDefCanvas(this); pad->SetBorderMode(0); pad->Divide(2,nareas); for (Int_t i=0; icd(2*(i+1)-1); GetAverageHiGainArea(i).Draw(opt); if (!fAverageAreaSat[i]) DrawAverageSigma(fAverageAreaSat[i], i, fAverageAreaSigma[i], fAverageAreaSigmaErr[i], fAverageAreaRelSigma[i], fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr[i]); pad->cd(2*(i+1)); GetAverageLoGainArea(i).Draw(opt); if (fAverageAreaSat[i]) DrawAverageSigma(fAverageAreaSat[i], i, fAverageAreaSigma[i], fAverageAreaSigmaErr[i], fAverageAreaRelSigma[i], fAverageAreaRelSigmaErr[i]); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default draw: // // Displays a TPaveText with the re-normalized sigmas of the average area // void MHCalibrationCam::DrawAverageSigma(Bool_t sat, Bool_t inner, Float_t sigma, Float_t sigmaerr, Float_t relsigma, Float_t relsigmaerr) const { if (sigma != 0) { TPad *newpad = new TPad("newpad","transparent",0,0,1,1); newpad->SetFillStyle(4000); newpad->Draw(); newpad->cd(); TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(sat? 0.1 : 0.35,0.7,sat ? 0.4 : 0.7,1.0); text->SetTextSize(0.07); const TString line1 = Form("%s%s%s",inner ? "Outer" : "Inner", " Pixels ", sat ? "Low Gain" : "High Gain"); TText *txt1 = text->AddText(line1.Data()); const TString line2 = Form("#sigma per pix: %2.2f #pm %2.2f",sigma,sigmaerr); TText *txt2 = text->AddText(line2.Data()); const TString line3 = Form("Rel. #sigma per pix: %2.2f #pm %2.2f",relsigma,relsigmaerr); TText *txt3 = text->AddText(line3.Data()); text->Draw(""); text->SetBit(kCanDelete); txt1->SetBit(kCanDelete); txt2->SetBit(kCanDelete); txt3->SetBit(kCanDelete); newpad->SetBit(kCanDelete); } }