#ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationPINDiode #define MARS_MHCalibrationPINDiode #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationPixel #include "MHCalibrationPixel.h" #endif class TH1I; class TH1F; class TF1; class MHCalibrationPINDiode : public MHCalibrationPixel { private: TH1I* fHPCharge; //-> Histogram containing the summed 32 PINDiode slices TH1F* fHErrCharge; //-> Variance of summed FADC slices TH1I* fHPTime; //-> Histogram with time evolution of summed charges TF1 *fVarGausFit; Float_t fErrChargeFirst; Float_t fErrChargeLast; UShort_t fErrChargeNbins; public: MHCalibrationPINDiode(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MHCalibrationPINDiode(); const Double_t GetTime() const; const Double_t GetErrTime() const; ClassDef(MHCalibrationPINDiode, 0) // Histograms from the Calibration PIN Diode }; #endif