1 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationPixel
2 | #define MARS_MHCalibrationPixel
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MH
5 | #include "MH.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class TArrayF;
9 | class TH1F;
10 | class TH1I;
11 | class TF1;
12 | class TProfile;
13 | class TPaveText;
14 |
15 | class MHCalibrationPixel : public MH
16 | {
17 |
18 | private:
19 |
20 | Int_t fPixId; // Pixel Nr
21 |
22 | TArrayF *fHiGains; //->
23 | TArrayF *fLoGains; //->
24 |
25 | const Int_t fChargeNbinsHiGain;
26 | const Int_t fChargeNbinsLoGain;
27 | const Int_t fTimeNbins;
28 | const Int_t fChargevsNbins;
29 |
30 | const Axis_t fTimeFirst;
31 | const Axis_t fTimeLast;
32 |
33 | TProfile* fHivsLoGain;
34 |
35 | Double_t fOffset;
36 | Double_t fSlope;
37 |
38 | protected:
39 |
40 | TH1F* fHChargeHiGain; //-> Summed FADC slices High Gain
41 | TH1F* fHTimeHiGain; //-> Mean arrival time in number of FADC sice
42 | TH1I* fHChargevsNHiGain; //-> Summed Charge vs. Event Nr.
43 |
44 | TH1F* fHChargeLoGain; //-> Summed FADC slices Low Gain
45 | TH1F* fHTimeLoGain; //-> Mean arrival time in number of FADC sice
46 | TH1I* fHChargevsNLoGain; //-> Summed Charge vs. Event Nr.
47 |
48 | TH1F* fHPSD; // Power spectrum density of fHBlindPixelChargevsN
49 |
50 | TF1* fChargeGausFit;
51 | TF1* fTimeGausFit;
52 |
53 | TPaveText *fFitLegend;
54 |
55 | Int_t fTotalEntries; // Number of entries
56 |
57 | Axis_t fChargeFirstHiGain;
58 | Axis_t fChargeLastHiGain;
59 | Axis_t fChargeFirstLoGain;
60 | Axis_t fChargeLastLoGain;
61 |
62 | Double_t fChargeChisquare;
63 | Double_t fChargeProb;
64 | Int_t fChargeNdf;
65 |
66 | Double_t fChargeMean;
67 | Double_t fChargeMeanErr;
68 | Double_t fChargeSigma;
69 | Double_t fChargeSigmaErr;
70 |
71 | Double_t fTimeChisquare;
72 | Double_t fTimeProb;
73 | Int_t fTimeNdf;
74 |
75 | Double_t fTimeMean;
76 | Double_t fTimeSigma;
77 |
78 | Byte_t fTimeLowerFitRangeHiGain;
79 | Byte_t fTimeUpperFitRangeHiGain;
80 | Byte_t fTimeLowerFitRangeLoGain;
81 | Byte_t fTimeUpperFitRangeLoGain;
82 |
83 | Byte_t fFlags;
84 |
85 | enum { kUseLoGain, kFitOK };
86 |
87 | virtual void DrawLegend();
88 |
89 | public:
90 |
91 | MHCalibrationPixel(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
92 | ~MHCalibrationPixel();
93 |
94 | void Clear(Option_t *o="");
95 | void Reset();
96 |
97 | void ChangeHistId(Int_t i);
98 |
99 | // Setters
100 | void SetUseLoGain(Bool_t b = kTRUE)
101 | { b ? SETBIT(fFlags, kUseLoGain) : SETBIT(fFlags, kUseLoGain); }
102 |
103 | void SetTimeFitRangesHiGain(Byte_t low, Byte_t up) { fTimeLowerFitRangeHiGain = low,
104 | fTimeUpperFitRangeHiGain = up ; }
105 | void SetTimeFitRangesLoGain(Byte_t low, Byte_t up) { fTimeLowerFitRangeLoGain = low,
106 | fTimeUpperFitRangeLoGain = up ; }
107 |
108 | // Getters
109 | const Double_t GetChargeMean() const { return fChargeMean; }
110 | const Double_t GetChargeMeanErr() const { return fChargeMeanErr; }
111 | const Double_t GetChargeSigma() const { return fChargeSigma; }
112 | const Double_t GetChargeSigmaErr() const { return fChargeSigmaErr; }
113 | const Double_t GetChargeChiSquare() const { return fChargeChisquare; }
114 | const Double_t GetChargeProb() const { return fChargeProb; }
115 | const Int_t GetChargeNdf() const { return fChargeNdf; }
116 |
117 | const Double_t GetTimeMean() const { return fTimeMean; }
118 | const Double_t GetTimeSigma() const { return fTimeSigma; }
119 |
120 | const Byte_t GetTimeLowerFitRangeHiGain() const { return fTimeLowerFitRangeHiGain; }
121 | const Byte_t GetTimeUpperFitRangeHiGain() const { return fTimeUpperFitRangeHiGain; }
122 | const Byte_t GetTimeLowerFitRangeLoGain() const { return fTimeLowerFitRangeLoGain; }
123 | const Byte_t GetTimeUpperFitRangeLoGain() const { return fTimeUpperFitRangeLoGain; }
124 |
125 | const Double_t GetTimeChiSquare() const { return fTimeChisquare; }
126 | const Double_t GetTimeProb() const { return fTimeProb; }
127 | const Int_t GetTimeNdf() const { return fTimeNdf; }
128 |
129 | const TH1F *GetHCharge() { return fHChargeHiGain; }
130 | const TH1F *GetHCharge() const { return fHChargeHiGain; }
131 |
132 | const TH1F *GetHTime() { return fHTimeHiGain; }
133 | const TH1F *GetHTime() const { return fHTimeHiGain; }
134 |
135 | const TH1I *GetHChargevsN() { return fHChargevsNHiGain; }
136 | const TH1I *GetHChargevsN() const { return fHChargevsNHiGain; }
137 |
138 | Double_t GetOffset() { return fOffset; }
139 | Double_t GetSlope() { return fSlope; }
140 |
141 | Bool_t UseLoGain();
142 |
143 | Bool_t IsFitOK() const;
144 | Bool_t IsUseLoGain() const;
145 | Bool_t IsEmpty() const;
146 |
147 | // Fill histos
148 | Bool_t FillChargeLoGain(Float_t q);
149 | Bool_t FillTimeLoGain(Float_t t);
150 | Bool_t FillChargevsNLoGain(Float_t q, Int_t n);
151 |
152 | Bool_t FillChargeHiGain(Float_t q);
153 | Bool_t FillTimeHiGain(Float_t t);
154 | Bool_t FillChargevsNHiGain(Float_t q, Int_t n);
155 |
156 | Bool_t FillPointInGraph(Float_t qhi, Float_t qlo);
157 |
158 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList);
159 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *, const Stat_t w=1) { return kTRUE; }
160 |
161 | // Fits
162 | Bool_t FitCharge(Option_t *option="RQ0");
163 |
164 | Bool_t FitTimeHiGain(Axis_t rmin=0, Axis_t rmax=0, Option_t *option="RQ0");
165 | Bool_t FitTimeLoGain(Axis_t rmin=0, Axis_t rmax=0, Option_t *option="RQ0");
166 |
167 | void FitHiGainvsLoGain();
168 |
169 | // Draws
170 | virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="");
171 | TObject *DrawClone(Option_t *option="") const;
172 |
173 | // Prints
174 | void PrintChargeFitResult();
175 | void PrintTimeFitResult();
176 |
177 | // Others
178 | virtual void CutAllEdges();
179 |
180 | ClassDef(MHCalibrationPixel, 1) // Histograms for each calibrated pixel
181 | };
182 |
183 | #endif