#ifndef MARS_MMcCalibrationCalc #define MARS_MMcCalibrationCalc #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif class MCalibrationChargeCam; class MCalibrationQECam; class MGeomCam; class MHillas; class MNewImagePar; class MMcEvt; class MMcFadcHeader; class TH1F; class MMcCalibrationCalc : public MTask { private: MCalibrationChargeCam *fCalCam; MCalibrationQECam *fQECam; MGeomCam *fGeom; MHillas *fHillas; MNewImagePar *fNew; MMcEvt *fMcEvt; MMcFadcHeader *fHeaderFadc; Float_t fADC2PhotEl; // Conversion factor (photel / ADC count). FOR INER PIXELS Float_t fPhot2PhotEl; // Conversion factor (photons / photoelectron) = average QE. FOR INER PIXELS Long_t fEvents; Float_t fOuterPixelsLightCollection; // Light collection efficiency (plexiglas, light guide) of // outer pixels w.r.t inner ones TH1F* fHistADC2PhotEl; TH1F* fHistPhot2PhotEl; // Histograms for monitoring the calibration. Bool_t CheckRunType(MParList *pList) const; Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList); Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList); Int_t Process(); Int_t PostProcess(); public: MMcCalibrationCalc(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); TH1F* GetHistADC2PhotEl() { return fHistADC2PhotEl; } TH1F* GetHistPhot2PhotEl() { return fHistPhot2PhotEl; } ClassDef(MMcCalibrationCalc, 0) // Task which obtains, for MC files, the calibration factor from ADC counts to photons. }; #endif