1 | ##################################################################
2 | #
3 | # makefile
4 | #
5 | # for the MARS software
6 | #
7 | ##################################################################
8 | include ../Makefile.conf.$(OSTYPE)
9 | include ../Makefile.conf.general
10 |
11 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 |
13 | #
14 | # Handling name of the Root Dictionary Files
15 | #
16 | CINT = Calib
17 |
18 | #
19 | # connect the include files defined in the config.mk file
20 | #
21 | INCLUDES = -I. -I../mbase -I../mgui -I../mgeom -I../mhcalib -I../mhbase \
22 | -I../manalysis -I../mraw -I../mtools -I../mmc -I../mhist \
23 | -I../mimage -I../msignal -I../mbadpixels -I../mpedestal
24 | # mhbase: MBinning MH
25 | # mgui: MCamEvent (McalibrationCam)
26 | # mgeom: MGeomCam (McalibrationCam - necessary?)
27 | # manalysis: MExtractedSignal, MCerPhotEvt (move to mcalib?)
28 | # mraw: MRawRunHeader, MRawEvtHeader, MRawEvtPixelIter (3xMCalibrationCalc)
29 | # mmc: MMcFadcHeader, MMcEvt
30 | # mimage MHillas
31 |
32 | SRCFILES = MCalibrate.cc \
33 | MCalibColorSet.cc \
34 | MCalibColorSteer.cc \
35 | MCalibCalcFromPast.cc \
36 | MCalibrateData.cc \
37 | MCalibConstCam.cc \
38 | MCalibrationPattern.cc \
39 | MCalibrationPatternDecode.cc \
40 | MCalibrateRelTimes.cc \
41 | MCalibrationIntensityCam.cc \
42 | MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam.cc \
43 | MCalibrationIntensityBlindCam.cc \
44 | MCalibrationIntensityQECam.cc \
45 | MCalibrationIntensityRelTimeCam.cc \
46 | MCalibrationIntensityTestCam.cc \
47 | MCalibrationCam.cc \
48 | MCalibrationPix.cc \
49 | MCalibrationRelTimeCam.cc \
50 | MCalibrationRelTimePix.cc \
51 | MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.cc \
52 | MCalibrationQECamMagic.cc \
53 | MCalibrationQECam.cc \
54 | MCalibrationQEPix.cc \
55 | MCalibrationPedCam.cc \
56 | MCalibrationTestCalc.cc \
57 | MCalibrationTestCam.cc \
58 | MCalibrationTestPix.cc \
59 | MCalibrationHiLoCam.cc \
60 | MCalibrationHiLoPix.cc \
61 | MCalibrationChargeCalc.cc \
62 | MCalibrationChargeCam.cc \
63 | MCalibrationChargePix.cc \
64 | MCalibrationBlindCam.cc \
65 | MCalibrationBlindPix.cc \
66 | MCalibrationBlindCamOneOldStyle.cc \
67 | MCalibrationBlindCamTwoNewStyle.cc \
68 | MCalibrationBlindCamThreeNewStyle.cc \
69 | MCalibrationChargePINDiode.cc \
70 | MMcCalibrationCalc.cc
71 |
72 | ############################################################
73 |
74 | all: $(OBJS)
75 |
76 | include ../Makefile.rules
77 |
78 | mrproper: clean rmbak