#ifndef MGDISPLAYADC_H #define MGDISPLAYADC_H #ifndef ROOT_TFrame #include // TGTransientFrame #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGListBox #include // TGListBox #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGSlider #include // TGVSlider #endif #ifndef MHFADCCAM_H #include "MHFadcCam.h" #endif class TGTextButton; class TRootEmbeddedCanvas; class TCanvas; class TGRadioButton; class MGDisplayAdc : public TGTransientFrame { private: MHFadcCam *fHists; // Pointer to Container with the histograms // Create a main frame with a number of different buttons. // TGCompositeFrame *fFrameTop ; // top part of the main window TGCompositeFrame *fFrameLow ; // low part of the main window TGVerticalFrame *fFT1, *fFT2, *fFT3 ; TGListBox *fHistoList ; TGTextButton *fButtonPrev, *fButtonNext , *fButtonReset ; TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fECanv , *fECanvLow; TGTextButton *fButtonSave, *fButtonPrint, *fButtonPrintAll, *fButtonClose ; TCanvas *fCanv ; //for sliders TGVSlider *fVslider1; void DrawHi(Int_t i) { fHists->DrawHi(i); } void DrawLo(Int_t i) { fHists->DrawLo(i); } void DrawSelectedHi() { DrawHi( GetSelected()-1) ; } void DrawSelectedLo() { DrawLo( GetSelected()-1) ; } Int_t GetSelected() { return fHistoList->GetSelected(); } void SelectSelected() { fHistoList->Select(GetSelected()-1, kTRUE); } void SetSelectedTopEntry() { fHistoList->SetTopEntry(GetSelected()); } void SetSelectedPos() { fVslider1->SetPosition( GetSelected()-1); } public: //for radio buttons TGRadioButton *fRadio[3]; Int_t fHistoType; Bool_t fHistoLock; // TGPicture *fPicture; TCanvas *fCanvas; MGDisplayAdc(MHFadcCam *fHists , const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options = kMainFrame | kVerticalFrame ) ; ~MGDisplayAdc(); void CloseWindow() ; Bool_t BuildHistoList(Int_t type=1) ; Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); } ; #endif