#ifndef MHFADCCAM_H #define MHFADCCAM_H #ifndef MAGIC_H #include "MAGIC.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TObjArray #include #endif #ifndef MPARCONTAINER_H #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #ifndef MHFADCPIX_H #include "MHFadcPix.h" #endif class TH1F; class MHFadcCam : public MParContainer { private: TObjArray *fArray; // List of Lo/Hi gain Histograms public: MHFadcCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MHFadcCam(); void FillHi(UInt_t ipix, Byte_t data) { (*this)[ipix]->FillHi(data); } void FillLo(UInt_t ipix, Byte_t data) { (*this)[ipix]->FillLo(data); } // void SaveHist(char *name); MHFadcPix *operator[](UInt_t i) { return (MHFadcPix*)(fArray->At(i)); } TH1F *GetHistHi(UInt_t i) { return (*this)[i]->GetHistHi(); } TH1F *GetHistLo(UInt_t i) { return (*this)[i]->GetHistLo(); } void DrawHi(UInt_t i) { GetHistHi(i)->Draw(); } void DrawLo(UInt_t i) { GetHistLo(i)->Draw(); } void Draw(UInt_t i) { (*this)[i]->Draw(); } Int_t GetEntries() { return fArray->GetEntries() ; } ClassDef(MHFadcCam, 1) // list of Histograms with ADC spectra }; #endif