1 | #include "MViewAdcSpectra.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream.h>
4 |
5 | #include "MParList.h"
6 | #include "MTaskList.h"
7 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
8 |
9 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
10 | #include "MRawEvtHeader.h"
11 | #include "MRawEvtData.h"
12 | #include "MRawCrateArray.h"
13 | #include "MTime.h"
14 |
15 | #include "MReadTree.h"
16 | #include "MDumpEvtHeader.h"
17 | #include "MFillAdcSpect.h"
18 | #include "MShowSpect.h"
19 | #include "MHistosAdc.h"
20 |
21 | MViewAdcSpectra::MViewAdcSpectra()
22 | {
23 | // default constructor
24 | }
25 |
26 | MViewAdcSpectra::~MViewAdcSpectra()
27 | {
28 | // default destructor
29 | }
30 |
31 |
32 | // ================================================================================
33 | Bool_t MViewAdcSpectra::AdcSpectra ( Char_t *inputfile, Char_t *treeName )
34 | {
35 | // This job reads in the FADC data from all events and fills
36 | // the spectrum for each pmt pixel.
37 | //
38 |
39 | cout << "PedAdcSpectra:: Analyse the tree " << treeName
40 | << "in the file " << inputfile << endl ;
41 |
42 | // create a (empty) list of parameters which can be used by the tasks
43 | // and an (empty) list of tasks which should be executed
44 | // connect them in the required way.
45 |
46 | MParList *plist = new MParList;
47 | MTaskList *tasks = new MTaskList;
48 | plist->AddToList(tasks);
49 |
50 | // create the data containers for the raw data
51 |
52 | MRawRunHeader *runheader = new MRawRunHeader;
53 | plist->AddToList(runheader);
54 |
55 | MRawEvtHeader *evtheader = new MRawEvtHeader;
56 | plist->AddToList(evtheader);
57 |
58 | MRawEvtData *evtdata = new MRawEvtData;
59 | plist->AddToList(evtdata);
60 |
61 | MRawCrateArray *cratearray = new MRawCrateArray;
62 | plist->AddToList(cratearray);
63 |
64 | MTime *evttime = new MTime("MTime");
65 | plist->AddToList(evttime);
66 |
67 | MHistosAdc *histosAdc = new MHistosAdc() ;
68 | plist->AddToList( histosAdc ) ;
69 |
70 | // set up the tasks for this job
71 |
72 | MReadTree *readin = new MReadTree ( inputfile, treeName ) ;
73 | tasks->AddToList( readin ) ;
74 |
75 | // MDumpEvtHeader *dumpheader = new MDumpEvtHeader() ;
76 | // tasks->AddToList( dumpheader ) ;
77 |
78 | MFillAdcSpect *fillspect = new MFillAdcSpect() ;
79 | tasks->AddToList( fillspect ) ;
80 |
81 | MShowSpect *showspect = new MShowSpect( "MHistosAdc" ) ;
82 | tasks->AddToList( showspect ) ;
83 |
84 | // set up the loop for the processing
85 |
86 | MEvtLoop magic;
87 | magic.SetParList(plist);
88 |
89 | // start the loop running
90 |
91 | magic.Eventloop() ;
92 |
93 |
94 | cout << " End of this job " << endl ;
95 |
96 | return kTRUE ;
97 |
98 | }