1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of CheObs, the Modular Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 1/2009 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: CheObs Software Development, 2000-2009
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MAnalogSignal
28 | //
29 | // This is the equivalent to an analog signal. The signal is stored by
30 | // a sampling in equidistant bins.
31 | //
32 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 | #include "MAnalogSignal.h"
34 |
35 | #include <TRandom.h>
36 |
37 | #include "MLog.h"
38 | #include "MLogManip.h"
39 |
40 | #include "MSpline3.h"
41 | #include "MDigitalSignal.h"
42 |
43 | #include "MExtralgoSpline.h"
44 |
45 | ClassImp(MAnalogSignal);
46 |
47 | using namespace std;
48 |
49 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 | //
51 | // Set the array length and the length of the buffers.
52 | //
53 | void MAnalogSignal::Set(UInt_t n)
54 | {
55 | // FIXME: Maybe we move this before initializing the spline
56 | // with a check?
57 | fDer1.Set(n);
58 | fDer2.Set(n);
59 |
60 | MArrayF::Set(n);
61 | }
62 |
63 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 | //
65 | // Evaluate the spline an add the result between t+xmin and t+xmax
66 | // (xmin and xmax are the limits of the spline) to the signal.
67 | // The spline is evaluated at the bin-center of the analog signal
68 | // and multiplied by f.
69 | //
70 | void MAnalogSignal::AddPulse(const MSpline3 &spline, Float_t t, Float_t f)
71 | {
72 | // FIXME: This could be improved using a MExtralgoSpline with
73 | // the identical stepping as the signal and we could use
74 | // the integral instead of the pure y-value if we want.
75 |
76 | // Both in units of the sampling frequency
77 | const Float_t start = t+spline.GetXmin();
78 | const Float_t end = t+spline.GetXmax();
79 |
80 | /*const*/ Int_t first = TMath::CeilNint(start);
81 | /*const*/ UInt_t last = TMath::CeilNint(end); // Ceil:< Floor:<=
82 |
83 | if (first<0 || last>GetSize())
84 | {
85 | gLog << err << "ERROR - AddPulse: Out of bounds, ";
86 | gLog << "Win=[" << first << "," << last << "] N=" << GetSize() << " t=" << t;
87 | gLog << " Spline=[" << spline.GetXmin() << "," << spline.GetXmax() << "]" << endl;
88 |
89 | if (first<0)
90 | first=0;
91 | if (last>GetSize())
92 | last=GetSize();
93 | }
94 |
95 | Float_t *arr = GetArray();
96 | for (UInt_t i=first; i<last; i++)
97 | arr[i] += spline.Eval(i-t)*f;
98 | }
99 |
100 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 | //
102 | // Add a second analog signal. Just by addining it bin by bin.
103 | //
104 | void MAnalogSignal::AddSignal(const MAnalogSignal &s)
105 | {
106 | Add(s.GetArray(), s.fN);
107 | }
108 |
109 | // Deprecated. Use MSimRandomPhotons instead
110 | void MAnalogSignal::AddRandomPulses(const MSpline3 &spline, Float_t num)
111 | {
112 | // Average number (1./freq) of pulses per slice
113 |
114 | const Float_t start = 0 -spline.GetXmin();
115 | const Float_t end = (fN-1)-spline.GetXmax();
116 |
117 | const UInt_t first = TMath::CeilNint(start);
118 | const UInt_t last = TMath::CeilNint(end); // Ceil:< Floor:<=
119 |
120 | Double_t d = first;
121 |
122 | while (d<last)
123 | {
124 | d += gRandom->Exp(num);
125 | AddPulse(spline, d);
126 | }
127 | }
128 |
129 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 | //
131 | // Add a random gaussian with amplitude and offset to every bin
132 | // of the analog signal. The default offset is 0. The default amplitude 1.
133 | //
134 | void MAnalogSignal::AddGaussianNoise(Float_t amplitude, Float_t offset)
135 | {
136 | for (Float_t *ptr = GetArray(); ptr<GetArray()+fN; ptr++)
137 | *ptr += gRandom->Gaus(offset, amplitude);
138 | }
139 |
140 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 | //
142 | // The signal is evaluated using the spline MExtralgoSpline.
143 | // Searching upwards from the beginning all points are calculated at
144 | // which the spline is equal to threshold. After a rising edge
145 | // a leading edge is searched. From this an MDigitalSignal is
146 | // created and added to an newly created TObjArray. If len<0 then
147 | // the signal length is equal to the time above threshold, otherwise
148 | // the length is fixed to len. The start of the digital signal is the
149 | // rising edge. If due to fixed length two digital signal overlap the
150 | // digital signals are combined into one signal.
151 | //
152 | // For numerical reasons we have to avoid to find the same x-value twice.
153 | // Therefor a "dead-time" of 1e-4 is implemented after each edge.
154 | //
155 | // The user is responsible of deleting the TObjArray.
156 | //
157 | TObjArray *MAnalogSignal::Discriminate(Float_t threshold, Float_t len) const
158 | {
159 | TObjArray *ttl = new TObjArray;
160 | ttl->SetOwner();
161 |
162 | // The time after which we start searching for a falling or leading
163 | // edge at threshold after a leading or falling edge respectively.
164 | // This value has mainly numerical reasons. If starting the search
165 | // too early we might end up in an endless loop finding the same
166 | // value again and again. This just means that a glitch above or
167 | // below the threshold which is shorter than this value can
168 | // stay unnoticed. This shouldn't hurt.
169 | const Double_t deadtime = 1e-4;
170 |
171 | // FIXME: Are local maximum/minima handled correctly?
172 |
173 | const MExtralgoSpline sp(GetArray(), fN, fDer1.GetArray(), fDer2.GetArray());
174 |
175 | Double_t x1 = 0;
176 | Double_t x2 = 0;
177 |
178 | while (1)
179 | {
180 | x1 = sp.SearchYup(x2+deadtime, threshold);
181 | if (x1<0)
182 | break;
183 |
184 | const Bool_t rising = sp.Deriv1(x1)>0;
185 | if (!rising)
186 | {
187 | // The last value might just have been a local max/min
188 | // or its period was short than 1e-4
189 | x2 = x1;
190 | //gLog << warn << "Rising edge expected at " << x1 << " (after " << x2 << ", N=" << fN << ")" << endl;
191 | continue;
192 | }
193 |
194 | x2 = sp.SearchYup(x1+deadtime, threshold);
195 | if (x2<0)
196 | break;
197 |
198 | const Bool_t falling = sp.Deriv1(x2)<=0;
199 | if (!falling)
200 | {
201 | // The last value might just have been a local max/min
202 | // or its period was short than 1e-4
203 | x1 = x2;
204 | //gLog << warn << "Falling edge expected at " << x2 << " (after " << x1 << " N=" << fN << ")" << endl;
205 | continue;
206 | }
207 |
208 | MDigitalSignal *sig = new MDigitalSignal(x1, len>0?len:x2-x1);
209 |
210 | // In case of a fixed length we have to check for possible overlapping
211 | if (len>0 && ttl->GetEntriesFast()>0)
212 | {
213 | // FIXME: What if in such a case the electronics is just dead?
214 | MDigitalSignal *last = static_cast<MDigitalSignal*>(ttl->Last());
215 | // Combine both signals to one if they overlap
216 | if (last->Combine(*sig))
217 | {
218 | // Both signals overlap and have been combined into the existing one
219 | delete sig;
220 | continue;
221 | }
222 | // The signals don't overlap we add the new signal as usual
223 | }
224 |
225 | // Add the new signal to the list of signals
226 | ttl->Add(sig);
227 | }
228 |
229 | if (x1>=0)
230 | gLog << warn << "Falling edge expected before end at N=" << fN << "!" << endl;
231 |
232 | return ttl;
233 | }