#include #include "MParList.h" #include "MTaskList.h" #include "MEvtLoop.h" #include "MRawFileRead.h" #include "MRawFileWrite.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MTime.h" #include "MRawEvtData.h" #include "MRawRunHeader.h" #include "MRawEvtHeader.h" #include "MRawCrateArray.h" #include "MInputStreamID.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This is an easy implementation of the Merging process // // (as compilable prog) // // // // at the moment it reads a binary file ("rawtest.bin") which was written // // in the DAQ raw format. // // // // The data are stored in root container objects (classes derived from // // TObject like MRawRunHeader) // // // // This containers are written to a root file ("rawtest.root") // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(const int argc, const char **argv) { gLog << "==================================================" << endl ; gLog << " MERPP v0.1" << endl; gLog << " MARS Merging and Preprocessing Program" << endl ; gLog << " Compiled on <" << __DATE__ << ">" << endl ; gLog << " Using ROOT v" << ROOTVER << endl ; gLog << "==================================================" << endl ; gLog << endl; // // check for the right usage of the program // if (argc<3 || argc>4) { gLog << "Sorry the usage is:" << endl; gLog << " merpp inputfile outputfile [compression level]" << endl << endl; gLog << " input file: Magic DAQ binary file." << endl; gLog << " ouput file: Merpped root file." << endl; gLog << " compr. level: 1..9 [9]" << endl << endl; return -1; } // // This is to make argv[i] more readable insidethe code // const char *kNamein = argv[1]; const char *kNameout = argv[2]; const int kComprlvl = argc==4 ? atoi(argv[3]) : 9; // // initialize ROOT (this is obligatory here) // TROOT simple("merpp", "Mars - Merging and Preprocessing Program"); // // check whether the given files are OK. // if (gSystem->AccessPathName(kNamein, kFileExists)) { gLog << "Sorry, the input file '" << kNamein << "' doesn't exist." << endl; return -1; } if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(kNameout, kFileExists)) gLog << "Warning: A file '" << kNameout << "' exists." << endl; else if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(kNameout, kWritePermission)) { gLog << "Sorry, you don't have write permission for '" << kNameout << "'." << endl; return -1; } // // create a (empty) list of parameters which can be used by the tasks // and an (empty) list of tasks which should be executed // MParList plist; MTaskList tasks; plist.AddToList(&tasks); // // ---- Tho following is only necessary to supress some output ---- // MRawRunHeader runheader; plist.AddToList(&runheader); MRawEvtHeader evtheader; plist.AddToList(&evtheader); MRawEvtData evtdata; plist.AddToList(&evtdata); MRawCrateArray cratearray; plist.AddToList(&cratearray); MTime evttime("MRawEvtTime"); plist.AddToList(&evttime); // // create the tasks which should be executed and add them to the list // in the case you don't need parameter containers, all of them can // be created by MRawFileRead::PreProcess // MRawFileRead reader(kNamein); MRawFileWrite writer(kNameout, "RECREATE", "Magic root-file", kComprlvl); tasks.AddToList(&reader); tasks.AddToList(&writer); // // create the looping object and thell it about the parameters to use // and the tasks to execute // MEvtLoop magic; magic.SetParList(&plist); // // Start the eventloop which reads the raw file (MRawFileRead) and // write all the information into a root file (MRawFileWrite) // // between reading and writing we can do, transformations, checks, etc. // (I'm think of a task like MRawDataCheck) // if (!magic.Eventloop()) { gLog << "ERROR: Merging and preprocessing failed!" << endl; return -1; } gLog << "Merpp finished successfull!" << endl; return 0; }