#ifndef MGFADCDISP_H #define MGFADCDISP_H #ifndef MAGIC_H #include "MAGIC.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGFrame #include #endif class MParList ; class MRawRunHeader ; class MRawEvtHeader ; class MTime ; class MRawEvtData ; class MRawCrateArray ; class MReadTree ; class TGHorizontal3DLine; class TGLabel ; class TGTextButton ; class TGTab ; class TGListBox ; class TGVSlider; class TRootEmbeddedCanvas ; class TCanvas ; class TGTextEntry ; class TGTextBuffer ; enum MGFadcDispCommand { M_PIXELLIST = 4201 , M_PREVEVT, M_NEXTEVT, M_EVTNUMBER, M_PREVPIXEL, M_NEXTPIXEL, M_PRINT, M_CLOSE }; // // class MGFadcDisp : public TGTransientFrame { private: // // members to read in the file // MParList *pList ; MRawRunHeader *fRunHeader ; MRawEvtHeader *fEvtHeader ; MTime *fEvtTime ; MRawEvtData *fEvtData ; MRawCrateArray *fEvtCrate ; MReadTree *fReadTree ; // // members for the gui // // divide the whole frame in three subframes TGVerticalFrame *fFrameTop ; TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameMid, *fFrameLow ; TGHorizontal3DLine *fLineSep1, *fLineSep2 ; // members in the top frame TGHorizontalFrame *fTop1, *fTop2 ; TGLabel *fLabelFile, *fNameFile, *fLabelTree, *fNameTree ; TGTextButton *fButtonPrevEvt, *fButtonNextEvt ; TGLabel *fLabelEvtNr, *fLabelTotNr ; TGTextEntry *fTxtEvtNr ; TGTextBuffer *fTxtBufEvtNr ; //! no output for this member // neccessary to compile H.K. // members in the mid frame TGTab *fTabControl ; TGListBox *fPixelList ; TGVerticalFrame *fMid1 ; TGTextButton *fButtonPrevPix, *fButtonNextPix ; TGVSlider *fPixSlider ; TGTab *fTabDisplay ; TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fECanDigScope ; TCanvas *fCan ; // members in the low frame TGTextButton *fButtonPrint, *fButtonClose ; public: MGFadcDisp(char *filename, char *treename, const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h ) ; ~MGFadcDisp() ; void CloseWindow() ; void CreatePixelList() ; void UpdateEventCounter() ; void ReadinEvent(Int_t iEvt) ; virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); ClassDef(MGFadcDisp, 1) }; #endif