1 | #ifndef MGFADCDISP_H
2 | #define MGFADCDISP_H
3 |
4 | #ifndef MAGIC_H
5 | #include "MAGIC.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
9 | #include <TGFrame.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class MParList ;
13 | class MRawRunHeader ;
14 | class MRawEvtHeader ;
15 | class MTime ;
16 | class MRawEvtData ;
17 | class MRawCrateArray ;
18 |
19 | class MReadTree ;
20 |
21 | class TGHorizontal3DLine;
22 | class TGLabel ;
23 | class TGTextButton ;
24 | class TGTab ;
25 | class TGListBox ;
26 | class TGVSlider;
27 | class TRootEmbeddedCanvas ;
28 | class TCanvas ;
29 | class TGTextEntry ;
30 | class TGTextBuffer ;
31 |
32 | enum MGFadcDispCommand {
33 |
34 | M_PIXELLIST = 4201 ,
38 |
41 |
42 | M_PRINT,
43 | M_CLOSE
44 |
45 |
46 | };
47 |
48 | //
49 | //
50 |
51 | class MGFadcDisp : public TGTransientFrame {
52 |
53 | private:
54 |
55 | //
56 | // members to read in the file
57 | //
58 |
59 | MParList *plist ;
60 | MRawRunHeader *runheader ;
61 | MRawEvtHeader *evtheader ;
62 | MTime *evttime ;
63 | MRawEvtData *evtdata ;
64 | MRawCrateArray *evtcrate ;
65 |
66 | MReadTree *readin ;
67 |
68 | //
69 | // members for the gui
70 | //
71 |
72 | // divide the whole frame in three subframes
73 |
74 | TGVerticalFrame *fFrameTop ;
75 | TGHorizontalFrame *fFrameMid, *fFrameLow ;
76 | TGHorizontal3DLine *fLineSep1, *fLineSep2 ;
77 |
78 | // members in the top frame
79 |
80 | TGHorizontalFrame *fTop1, *fTop2 ;
81 | TGLabel *fLabelFile, *fNameFile, *fLabelTree, *fNameTree ;
82 | TGTextButton *fButtonPrevEvt, *fButtonNextEvt ;
83 | TGLabel *fLabelEvtNr, *fLabelTotNr ;
84 | TGTextEntry *fTxtEvtNr ;
85 | TGTextBuffer *fTxtBufEvtNr ; //! no output for this member
86 | // neccessary to compile H.K.
87 |
88 | // members in the mid frame
89 |
90 | TGTab *fTabControl ;
91 | TGListBox *fPixelList ;
92 | Int_t fPixelsinList ;
93 | TGVerticalFrame *fMid1 ;
94 | TGTextButton *fButtonPrevPix, *fButtonNextPix ;
95 | TGVSlider *fPixSlider ;
96 |
97 | TGTab *fTabDisplay ;
98 | TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fECanDigScope ;
99 |
100 | TCanvas *fCan ;
101 |
102 | // members in the low frame
103 |
104 | TGTextButton *fButtonPrint, *fButtonClose ;
105 |
106 | public:
107 |
108 | MGFadcDisp(char *filename, char *treename,
109 | const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h ) ;
110 |
111 | ~MGFadcDisp() ;
112 |
113 | void CloseWindow() ;
114 |
115 | void CreatePixelList() ;
116 | void UpdateEventCounter() ;
117 | void ReadinEvent(Int_t iEvt) ;
118 |
119 | virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2);
120 |
121 | ClassDef(MGFadcDisp, 1)
122 | };
123 |
124 | #endif
125 |
126 |