1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 11/2002 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MCT1ReadPreProc
28 | //
29 | // Reads a output file of the CT1 preproc.
30 | //
31 | // Implements usage of a selector (see MRead) Use such a filter to skip
32 | // events before reading! But never use a filter which needs read data
33 | // as input...
34 | //
35 | // Input Containers:
36 | // -/-
37 | //
38 | // Output Containers:
39 | // MCerPhotEvt the data container for all data.
40 | // MPedestalCam ct1 pedestals
41 | // MMcEvt monte carlo data container for MC files
42 | // MMcTrig mc data container for trigger information
43 | // MSrcPosCam source position in the camera
44 | // MBlindPixels Array holding blind pixels
45 | //
46 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 | #include "MCT1ReadPreProc.h"
48 |
49 | #include <fstream>
50 |
51 | #include <TList.h>
52 | #include <TSystem.h>
53 |
54 | #define LINUX
55 | #define HISTO void
56 | #define HBOOK_FILE int
57 | #include "defines.h"
58 | #include "structures.h"
59 |
60 | #include "MLog.h"
61 | #include "MLogManip.h"
62 |
63 | #include "MTime.h"
64 | #include "MFilter.h"
65 |
66 | #include "MParList.h"
67 | #include "MCerPhotEvt.h"
68 |
69 | #include "MPedestalPix.h"
70 | #include "MPedestalCam.h"
71 |
72 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
73 | #include "MSrcPosCam.h"
74 | #include "MBlindPixels.h"
75 |
76 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
77 | #include "MTaskList.h"
78 |
79 | #include "MMcEvt.hxx"
80 | #include "MMcTrig.hxx"
81 | #include "MBinning.h"
82 |
83 | #include "TRandom3.h"
84 | #include "MParameters.h"
85 |
86 | ClassImp(MCT1ReadPreProc);
87 |
88 | using namespace std;
89 |
90 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 | //
92 | // Default constructor. Creates an array which stores the file names of
93 | // the files which should be read. If a filename is given it is added
94 | // to the list.
95 | //
96 | MCT1ReadPreProc::MCT1ReadPreProc(const char *fname, const char *name,
97 | const char *title) : fIn(NULL), fEntries(0)
98 | {
99 | fName = name ? name : "MRead";
100 | fTitle = title ? title : "Reads a CT1 preproc data file";
101 |
102 | //
103 | // remember file name for opening the file in the preprocessor
104 | //
105 | fFileNames = new TList;
106 | fFileNames->SetOwner();
107 |
108 | if (fname)
109 | AddFile(fname);
110 | }
111 |
112 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 | //
114 | // Delete the filename list and the input stream if one exists.
115 | //
116 | MCT1ReadPreProc::~MCT1ReadPreProc()
117 | {
118 | delete fFileNames;
119 | if (fIn)
120 | delete fIn;
121 | }
122 |
123 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 | //
125 | // Add this file as the last entry in the chain
126 | //
127 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::AddFile(const char *txt, int)
128 | {
129 | const char *name = gSystem->ExpandPathName(txt);
130 |
131 | TString fname(name);
132 | delete [] name;
133 |
134 | if (!CheckHeader(fname))
135 | {
136 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Problem reading header... ignored." << endl;
137 | return 0;
138 | }
139 |
140 | const Int_t n = GetNumEvents(fname);
141 | if (n==0)
142 | {
143 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING - File contains no data... ignored." << endl;
144 | return 0;
145 | }
146 |
147 | fEntries += n;
148 |
149 | *fLog << inf << "File " << txt << " contains " << n << " events (Total=" << fEntries << ")" << endl;
150 |
151 | fFileNames->AddLast(new TNamed(txt, ""));
152 | return 1;
153 | }
154 |
155 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 | //
157 | // Print data from the header to the screen and analyse the header data,
158 | // means store and copy the needed data into Mars structures and
159 | // data members
160 | //
161 | void MCT1ReadPreProc::ProcessRunHeader(const struct outputpars &outpars)
162 | {
163 | if (outpars.inumpixels != iMAXNUMPIX)
164 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING! File doesn't contain " << iMAXNUMPIX << " Pixels... maybe corrupt." << endl;
165 |
166 | fNumEventsInRun = 0;
167 |
168 | //
169 | // ------------------- Output some stuff -----------------------
170 | //
171 |
172 | // int itelescope; // number of the CT which took the data
173 | *fLog << inf << "Telescope: CT" << outpars.itelescope;
174 |
175 | // float flongitude_deg; // longitude (counted positive towards West) of CT position */
176 | // float flatitude_deg; // latitude (counted positive towards North) of CT position */
177 | *fLog << " located @ Longitude=" << outpars.flongitude_deg;
178 | *fLog << "deg Latitude=" << outpars.flatitude_deg << "deg" << endl;
179 |
180 | // int irunnum; // run number (from parameters file)
181 | fRawRunHeader->SetRunNumber(outpars.irunnum);
182 | fRawRunHeader->SetReadyToSave();
183 |
184 | // enum onoroff {NEITHER_ON_NOR_OFF, OFF_SOURCE, ON_SOURCE} eruntype; // runtype
185 | *fLog << "Run: #" << outpars.irunnum << " (";
186 | switch (outpars.eruntype)
187 | {
188 | case NEITHER_ON_NOR_OFF: *fLog << "unknown"; break;
189 | case OFF_SOURCE: *fLog << "off-source"; break;
190 | case ON_SOURCE: *fLog << "on-source"; break;
191 | default: *fLog << (int)outpars.eruntype; break;
192 | }
193 | *fLog << ", ";
194 | switch (outpars.etrackmode)
195 | {
196 | case NORMAL: *fLog << "normal tracking"; break;
197 | case REVERSE: *fLog << "reverse tracking"; break;
198 | case DUNNO: *fLog << "unknown tracking"; break;
199 | default: *fLog << (int)outpars.etrackmode; break;
200 | }
201 | *fLog << ")" << endl;
202 |
203 | //double dsourcera_hours; // right ascension of observed source in hours
204 | //double dsourcedec_deg; // declination of observed source in degrees
205 | *fLog << "Source: RA=" << outpars.dsourcera_hours << "h DEC=";
206 | *fLog << outpars.dsourcedec_deg << "deg" << endl;
207 |
208 | //int inummuonpixels; // number of pixels in the muon shield
209 | //int inumcointdcs; // number of coincidence tdcs recorded in the runfile
210 | //float fpixdiameter_deg; // smallest pixel diameter (degrees) (from parameters file) */
211 |
212 | // enum axes {RA, DEC, ALT, AZ} ese1_is; // name of the axis to which shaft encoder 1 is attached (implies the type of mount)
213 | *fLog << "Shaftencoder 1 @ ";
214 | switch (outpars.ese1_is)
215 | {
216 | case RA: *fLog << "RA"; break;
217 | case DEC: *fLog << "DEC"; break;
218 | case ALT: *fLog << "ALT"; break;
219 | case AZ: *fLog << "AZ"; break;
220 | default: *fLog << (int)outpars.ese1_is; break;
221 | }
222 | *fLog << endl;
223 |
224 | // int isezeropos[2]; // zero position of shaftencoders 1 and 2 (from parameters file)
225 | *fLog << "SE Zero: SE(1)=" << outpars.isezeropos[0] << " ";
226 | *fLog << "SE(2)=" << outpars.isezeropos[1] << endl;
227 |
228 | // int iaz_rev_track_corr; // correction for the azimuth shaft encoder (ALT/AZ mount only) in reverse tracking mode
229 | // int ialt_rev_track_corr; // correction for the altitude shaft encoder (ALT/AZ mount only) in reverse tracking mode
230 | *fLog << "Reverse tracking corrections: SE(az)=" << outpars.iaz_rev_track_corr;
231 | *fLog << " SE(alt)=" << outpars.ialt_rev_track_corr << endl;
232 |
233 | // float fbendingcorr; // bending correction factor (ALT/AZ mount only)
234 | // float fextinction; // atmospheric extinction (typically taken from the Carlsberg Meridian Circle data)
235 | *fLog << "Bending: Correction factor=" << outpars.fbendingcorr << " ";
236 | *fLog << "Extinction=" << outpars.fextinction << endl;
237 |
238 | // Boolean bdontusepix[iMAXNUMPIX]; // bdontusepix is set true if the pixel should not be used in image analysis, otherwise it is true;
239 |
240 | fBlinds->Clear();
241 | *fLog << "Don't use pixels: ";
242 | for (int i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
243 | if (outpars.bdontusepix[i])
244 | {
245 | *fLog << i << " ";
246 | fBlinds->SetPixelBlind(i);
247 | }
248 | *fLog << endl;
249 |
250 | *fLog << "Exclude pixels: ";
251 | // Boolean bexcludepix[iMAXNUMPIX];
252 | for (int i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
253 | if (outpars.bexcludepix[i])
254 | {
255 | *fLog << i << " ";
256 | fBlinds->SetPixelBlind(i);
257 | }
258 | *fLog << endl;
259 |
260 | // save blind pixels for all events of this run
261 | fBlnd.Set(iMAXNUMPIX);
262 | for (int i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
263 | fBlnd[i] = fBlinds->IsBlind(i) ? 1 : 0;
264 |
265 | fBlinds->SetReadyToSave();
266 |
267 | /* bexcludepix[] is set TRUE (== exclude from pedestal, Laser
268 | * calibration and the further analysis) when the Mean value
269 | * of a pixel inside a pedestal Run is larger than 50 or ( || )
270 | * if the pedestal RMS value of this pixel is larger than 5.0
271 | * This is reflected in the (new for versions >= 0.4)
272 | * variable "pixonoff" in the ntuple written by preproc:
273 | * preproc.nt.hbook
274 | *
275 | * When the pixel is excluded by the user it will get a -2 otherwise
276 | * pixonoff = 0.
277 | * Additive to this a -1 is added when preproc excludes the pixel
278 | * for a given Run. So the actual value tells you whether you caught
279 | * it already by hand or not.
280 | *
281 | * A plot of pixonoff may also be handy to tell you the status of your
282 | * ADC equipment. */
283 |
284 | // float fphotoel_per_adccnt[iMAXNUMPIX]; // conversion factors for the pixel signals */
285 | /*
286 | float padc = outpars.fphotoel_per_adccnt[0];
287 | *fLog << "Phe/ADC (pixel 0): " << padc << endl;
288 | for (int i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
289 | *fLog << outpars.fphotoel_per_adccnt[i] << " ";
290 | *fLog << endl;
291 | */
292 | /*
293 | --- USEFULL? NEEDED? ---
294 | int irubminusutc_usecs; // difference between rubidium clock and UTC in microseconds
295 | int isum_thresh_phot; // threshold for the total sum of photoelectrons filter
296 | int i2out_thresh_phot; // threshold for the two-pixels-out-of-all software
297 | int imuoncut_thresh_adccnt[iMAXNUMMUONPIX]; // thresholds for the muon cut
298 | Boolean bmuon_suppression; // "Dolby" noise reduction flag
299 | float ftolerated_pointerror_deg; // maximum tolerated pointing error in the position
300 | */
301 |
302 | // float fxpointcorr_deg; // pointing correction (to be added along the camera x axis) e.g. from point run */
303 | // float fypointcorr_deg; // pointing correction (to be added along the camera y axis) e.g. from point run */
304 | *fLog << "Pointing correction: dx=" << outpars.fxpointcorr_deg << "deg ";
305 | *fLog << "dy=" << outpars.fypointcorr_deg << "deg" << endl;
306 |
307 | // FIXME? Is x-y echanged between Mars CT1 geometry and CT1 definition?
308 | fSrcPos->SetXY(-outpars.fypointcorr_deg/fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg(),
309 | -outpars.fxpointcorr_deg/fGeom->GetConvMm2Deg());
310 | fSrcPos->SetReadyToSave();
311 |
312 | /*
313 | --- USEFULL? NEEDED? ---
314 | float fcamera_align_angle_deg; // the angle between the camera y-axis and the meridian when a culminating object is observed (defined counter-clockwise looking at the sky)
315 | int iratecalc_numevents_odd; // number of events used in the rate calculation (must be odd)
316 | int inumpedfile; // number of the pedestal file used
317 | int inumpedrun; // number of the pedestal run used in the file (starting at 0)
318 | int inumcalfile; // number of the calibration file used
319 | int inumlaserrun; // number of the laserrun used in the file (starting at 0)
320 | int inumtellogfile; // number of the TelLog file to be used
321 | int inumtellogrun; // number of the tellog entry (Runnumber) used from the log file
322 | int imcparticle; // CORSIKA-coded Monte Carlo particle type.
323 | */
324 |
325 | // ----- preprocessing results -----
326 |
327 | // int istart_mjdate_day; // MJD of run start (first event) */
328 | // int iend_mjdate_day; // MJD of run end (last event) */
329 | // int irunduration_secs; // difference between start and end time (secs) */
330 | *fLog << "Run Time: From " << outpars.istart_mjdate_day << " to ";
331 | *fLog << outpars.iend_mjdate_day << " (MJD), Duration=";
332 | *fLog << outpars.irunduration_secs/3600 << "h";
333 | *fLog << (outpars.irunduration_secs/60)%60 << "m";
334 | *fLog << outpars.irunduration_secs%60 << "s" << endl;
335 | fRawRunHeader->SetMJD(outpars.istart_mjdate_day);
336 | fRawRunHeader->SetReadyToSave();
337 |
338 | /*
339 | --- USEFULL? NEEDED? ---
340 | int iproc_mjdate; // MJD of data processing (i.e. creation of this file)
341 | */
342 |
343 | // int iproc_evts; // number of events processed */
344 | *fLog << "Number of processed events: " << outpars.iproc_evts << endl;
345 |
346 | // --- USEFULL? NEEDED? ---
347 | // double dactual_sourcera_hours; // for off runs: the false source (that should have been) observed */
348 |
349 | // float frms_pedsig_phot[iMAXNUMPIX]; // standard deviation of the calibrated signals from the pedestal run */
350 | fPedest->InitSize(iMAXNUMPIX);
351 |
352 | fPedRMS.Set(iMAXNUMPIX);
353 |
354 | *fLog << "PedestalRMS : ";
355 | for (Int_t i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
356 | {
357 | (*fPedest)[i].SetPedestalRms(outpars.frms_pedsig_phot[i]);
358 | *fLog << outpars.frms_pedsig_phot[i] << " ";
359 | fPedRMS[i] = outpars.frms_pedsig_phot[i];
360 | }
361 | *fLog << endl;
362 |
363 | fPedest->SetReadyToSave();
364 |
365 | // Used to communicate the mean over all pixels
366 | // pedestal RMS into the Runs NTuple, as it might
367 | // be used for e.g. quality cuts.
368 | // float fpedrms_mean;
369 | *fLog << "Pedestal RMS: " << outpars.fpedrms_mean << endl;
370 |
371 | // The average current over the active pixels
372 | // for this run. This is done separately for
373 | // ON and OF runs.
374 | //float fcurrent_mean;
375 |
376 | // enum eERRORTOLERANCE {CAUTIOUS=0, GOODPHYSICS, TANK} eerrortolerance;
377 | /* 0 == "cautious", exits on any reason (but tells in
378 | * the .err file,
379 | * 1 == "goodphysics", exits when physics could be affected
380 | * by the error,
381 | * 2 == "tank", never exits except on coredumps and when
382 | * all files have been processed. Do not use such files for
383 | * physics analysis!
384 | *
385 | * NOTE: the capital letter words are the enums, the small letter
386 | * words must be used inside the parameter file. */
387 |
388 | // enum eMCTRIGGERFLAG {ALL=0, FLAG, NOFLAG} emctriggerflag;
389 | /* all: all events which survive the filter are written to the
390 | * events NTuple.
391 | * flag: When Dorota's triggerflag is set to 1 for a particular
392 | * event, it shall be written to the output. All others shall
393 | * just be disregarded. (Default)
394 | * noflag: Opposite of 'flag': only events with triggerflag = 0 shall
395 | * be treated further. */
396 |
397 | *fLog << "Particle Id #" << outpars.imcparticle << endl;
398 | *fLog << "Right Ascension: " << outpars.dsourcera_hours << "h" << endl;
399 | *fLog << "Declination: " << outpars.dsourcedec_deg << "deg" << endl;
400 |
401 | // Next statement commented out because bmontecarlo was set wrongly
402 | //fIsMcFile = outpars.bmontecarlo==TRUE;
403 | fIsMcFile = (outpars.dsourcera_hours==0 && outpars.dsourcedec_deg==0 &&
404 | outpars.imcparticle != 0);
405 |
406 | if (fIsMcFile != (outpars.bmontecarlo==TRUE))
407 | {
408 | *fLog << "File tells you that it is a ";
409 | *fLog << (outpars.bmontecarlo ? "Monte Carlo" : "Real Data");
410 | *fLog << " file." << endl;
411 | }
412 |
413 | *fLog << "File detected as a ";
414 | *fLog << (fIsMcFile ? "Monte Carlo" : "Real Data");
415 | *fLog << " file." << endl;
416 | *fLog << " " << endl;
417 | }
418 |
419 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
420 | //
421 | // Read CT1 PreProc File Header:
422 | //
423 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::ReadRunHeader()
424 | {
425 | char cheadertitle[iHEADERTITLELENGTH];
426 | fIn->read(cheadertitle, iHEADERTITLELENGTH);
427 |
428 | TString s = cheadertitle;
429 | TString m = cTITLE_TEMPLATE;
430 |
431 | if (!s.BeginsWith(m(0, m.First('%'))))
432 | return kFALSE;
433 |
434 | *fLog << cheadertitle << flush;
435 |
436 | // cTITLE_TEMPLATE "PREPROC V%f/S%f CT %d RUN %d %d PROCMJD %d\n"
437 | struct outputpars outpars;
438 |
439 | int dummy;
440 |
441 | Float_t fpreprocversion, structversion;
442 | sscanf(cheadertitle, cTITLE_TEMPLATE,
443 | &fpreprocversion, &structversion,
444 | &outpars.itelescope, &outpars.irunnum,
445 | &dummy/*&outpars.eruntype*/, &outpars.iproc_mjdate);
446 |
447 | if (fpreprocversion<0.6)
448 | {
449 | *fLog << err << "Sorry, only files from PreProc V0.6 and newer are supported." << endl;
450 | return kFALSE;
451 | }
452 |
453 | //
454 | // This is a stupid way of getting rid of numerical uncertanties when
455 | // comparing floating point numbers (Argh...)
456 | //
457 | TString s1 = Form("%.2f", structversion);
458 | TString s2 = Form("%.2f", STRUCT_VERSION);
459 |
460 | if (s1 != s2)
461 | {
462 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Version of C-structures of file (V";
463 | *fLog << s1 << ") not identical with current structures (V";
464 | *fLog << s2 << ")" << endl;
465 | }
466 |
467 | fIn->read((char*)&outpars, sizeof(struct outputpars));
468 |
469 | ProcessRunHeader(outpars);
470 |
471 | //rwagner: ReInit whenever new run commences
472 | // rc==-1 means: ReInit didn't work out
473 |
474 | MTaskList *tlist = (MTaskList*)fParList->FindCreateObj("MTaskList");
475 | if (!tlist)
476 | return -1;
477 |
478 | if (!tlist->ReInit(fParList))
479 | return -1;
480 |
481 | return kTRUE;
482 | }
483 |
484 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::ReadRunFooter()
485 | {
486 | char cheadertitle[iHEADERTITLELENGTH];
487 | fIn->read(cheadertitle, iHEADERTITLELENGTH);
488 | /*
489 | sscanf(cheadertitle, cEND_EVENTS_TEMPLATE,
490 | &filterres.ifilter_passed_evts);
491 | */
492 |
493 | TString s = cheadertitle;
494 | TString m = cEND_EVENTS_TEMPLATE;
495 | Int_t p = m.First('%');
496 |
497 |
498 | if (!s.BeginsWith(m(0,p)))
499 | {
500 | fIn->seekg(-iHEADERTITLELENGTH, ios::cur);
501 | return 0;
502 | }
503 |
504 | *fLog << inf << cheadertitle << flush;
505 |
506 | struct filterresults filterres;
507 | fIn->read((char*)&filterres, sizeof(struct filterresults));
508 | /*
509 | int imax_alt_arcs; // maximum altitude reached during the run
510 | int iaz_at_max_alt_arcs; // azimuth at the time the max. alt. was reached
511 | int itimeaverage_alt_arcs; // altitude averaged over the runtime
512 | int icoord_inconsist_evts; // number of events with time-coordinate inconsistency in this run
513 | int ifilter_passed_evts; // number of events which passed the filter
514 | int imuon_fail_evts; // number of events rejected as muons (other filters passed)
515 | int i2out_fail_evts; // number of events which failed in the two out of all pixels software trigger
516 | int imuon_and_2out_fail_evts; // number of events failing in both muon and 2out filter
517 | int isum_fail_evts; // number of events which failed the sum-of-all-calibrated ADC counts filter
518 | int isum_and_muon_fail_evts; // number of events which failed in both the sum and the muon filter
519 | int isum_and_2out_fail_evts; // number of events which failed in both the sum and the 2out filter
520 | int iall_filters_fail_evts; // number of events which failed in all filters
521 | float favg_event_rate_hz; // average rate before filtering
522 | float fstddev_event_rate_hz; // standard deviation of the rate before filtering
523 | */
524 |
525 | if (fNumEventsInRun!=(UInt_t)filterres.ifilter_passed_evts)
526 | {
527 | *fLog << err << "ERROR! Number of events in run (" << (UInt_t)filterres.ifilter_passed_evts;
528 | *fLog << ") doesn't match number of read events (";
529 | *fLog << fNumEventsInRun << ")" << endl;
530 | *fLog << " File corrupted." << endl;
531 | return -1;
532 | }
533 |
534 | fNumFilterEvts += fNumEventsInRun;
535 | fNumRuns++;
536 |
537 | *fLog << inf << "Read " << fNumEventsInRun << " events from run (Total=";
538 | *fLog << fNumFilterEvts << "/" << fEntries << " [";
539 | *fLog << 100*fNumFilterEvts/fEntries << "%], Runs=" << fNumRuns << ")";
540 | *fLog << endl;
541 |
542 | return 1;
543 | }
544 |
545 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
546 | //
547 | // This opens the next file in the list and deletes its name from the list.
548 | //
549 | Bool_t MCT1ReadPreProc::OpenNextFile()
550 | {
551 | //
552 | // open the input stream and check if it is really open (file exists?)
553 | //
554 | if (fIn)
555 | delete fIn;
556 | fIn = NULL;
557 |
558 | //
559 | // Check for the existence of a next file to read
560 | //
561 | if (fNumFile >= (UInt_t)fFileNames->GetSize())
562 | return kFALSE;
563 |
564 | TNamed *file = (TNamed*)fFileNames->At(fNumFile);
565 |
566 | //TNamed *file = (TNamed*)fFileNames->GetFirst();
567 | //if (!file)
568 | // return kFALSE;
569 |
570 | //
571 | // open the file which is the first one in the chain
572 | //
573 | const TString name = file->GetName();
574 |
575 | const char *expname = gSystem->ExpandPathName(name);
576 | const TString fname(expname);
577 | delete [] expname;
578 |
579 | //
580 | // Remove this file from the list of pending files
581 | //
582 | //fFileNames->Remove(file);
583 |
584 | *fLog << inf << "Open file: '" << name << "'" << endl;
585 |
586 | if (!CheckHeader(fname))
587 | return kFALSE;
588 |
589 | fNumFile++;
590 |
591 | fIn = new ifstream(fname);
592 |
593 | *fLog << inf << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
594 |
595 | switch (ReadRunHeader())
596 | {
597 | case kFALSE:
598 | *fLog << warn << "Unable to read first run header... skipping file." << endl;
599 | return kFALSE;
600 | case -1:
601 | *fLog << warn << "ReInit of Tasklist didn't succeed." << endl;
602 | return kFALSE;
603 | default:
604 | *fLog << "After opening next file: Number of Events #" << fNumEventsInRun << endl;
605 | return kTRUE;
606 | }
607 | }
608 |
609 | Bool_t MCT1ReadPreProc::CheckHeader(const TString fname) const
610 | {
611 | ifstream fin(fname);
612 | if (!fin)
613 | {
614 | *fLog << dbginf << err << "ERROR - Cannot open file '" << fname << "'" << endl;
615 | return kFALSE;
616 | }
617 |
618 | char cheadertitle[iHEADERTITLELENGTH];
619 | fin.read(cheadertitle, iHEADERTITLELENGTH);
620 |
621 | Float_t fpreprocversion, structversion;
622 | Int_t dummyi;
623 |
624 | sscanf(cheadertitle, cTITLE_TEMPLATE,
625 | &fpreprocversion, &structversion,
626 | &dummyi, &dummyi, &dummyi, &dummyi);
627 |
628 | if (fpreprocversion < 0.6)
629 | {
630 | *fLog << dbginf << err << "ERROR - You must use PreProc V0.6 or higher." << endl;
631 | return kFALSE;
632 | }
633 |
634 | if (STRUCT_VERSION > structversion)
635 | {
636 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING: Version of C-structures of file (V";
637 | *fLog << structversion << ") newer than current structures (V";
638 | *fLog << STRUCT_VERSION << ")" << endl;
639 | }
640 |
641 | *fLog << "Current structures: " << STRUCT_VERSION << " ";
642 | *fLog << "Structures in file: " << structversion << " ";
643 | *fLog << "Used preproc version: " << fpreprocversion << endl;
644 |
645 | return kTRUE;
646 | }
647 |
648 |
649 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::GetNumEvents(const TString fname) const
650 | {
651 | *fLog << inf << "Scanning file " << fname << " for size" << flush;
652 |
653 | ifstream fin(fname);
654 | if (!fin)
655 | {
656 | *fLog << dbginf << err << "ERROR - Opening file." << endl;
657 | return 0;
658 | }
659 |
660 | const TString m(cEND_EVENTS_TEMPLATE);
661 | const Int_t p = m.First('%');
662 | const TString test = m(0, p);
663 |
664 | Int_t nevts = 0;
665 | Int_t nruns = 0;
666 |
667 | while (!fin.eof() && fin.peek()!=EOF)
668 | {
669 | fin.seekg(iHEADERTITLELENGTH, ios::cur);
670 | fin.seekg(sizeof(struct outputpars), ios::cur);
671 |
672 | while (1)
673 | {
674 | if (fin.peek()==cEND_EVENTS_TEMPLATE[0])
675 | {
676 | char cheadertitle[iHEADERTITLELENGTH];
677 | fin.read(cheadertitle, iHEADERTITLELENGTH);
678 |
679 | const TString s = cheadertitle;
680 | if (s.BeginsWith(test))
681 | {
682 | fin.seekg(sizeof(struct filterresults), ios::cur);
683 | nruns++;
684 | break;
685 | }
686 |
687 | fin.seekg(-iHEADERTITLELENGTH, ios::cur);
688 | }
689 |
690 | fin.seekg(sizeof(struct eventrecord), ios::cur);
691 | if (fin.eof())
692 | break;
693 |
694 | nevts++;
695 | }
696 | *fLog << "." << flush;
697 | }
698 |
699 | *fLog << "done." << endl;
700 | *fLog << "Found " << nevts << " events in " << nruns << " runs." << endl;
701 |
702 | return nevts;
703 | }
704 |
705 | Bool_t MCT1ReadPreProc::Rewind()
706 | {
707 | fNumFilterEvts = 0;
708 | fNumEvents = 0;
709 | fNumRuns = 0;
710 | fNumFile = 0;
711 | if (fIn)
712 | delete fIn;
713 |
714 | fIn=NULL;
715 |
716 | return kTRUE;
717 | }
718 |
719 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
720 | //
721 | // Open the first file in the list. Check for the output containers or create
722 | // them if they don't exist.
723 | //
724 | // Initialize the size of the MPedestalCam container to 127 pixels (CT1 camera)
725 | //
726 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::PreProcess(MParList *pList)
727 | {
728 | fParList = pList;
729 |
730 | //
731 | // look for the HourAngle container in the plist
732 | //
733 | fHourAngle = (MParameterD*)pList->FindCreateObj("MParameterD", "HourAngle");
734 | if (!fHourAngle)
735 | return kFALSE;
736 | fHourAngle->SetTitle("Store the CT1 hour angle [deg]");
737 |
738 | //
739 | // look for the ThetaOrig container in the plist
740 | //
741 | fThetaOrig = (MParameterD*)pList->FindCreateObj("MParameterD", "ThetaOrig");
742 | if (!fThetaOrig)
743 | return kFALSE;
744 | fThetaOrig->SetTitle("Store the original CT1 zenith angle [rad]");
745 |
746 | //
747 | // look for the MCerPhotEvt class in the plist
748 | //
749 | fNphot = (MCerPhotEvt*)pList->FindCreateObj("MCerPhotEvt");
750 | if (!fNphot)
751 | return kFALSE;
752 |
753 | //
754 | // look for the pedestal class in the plist
755 | //
756 | fPedest = (MPedestalCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MPedestalCam");
757 | if (!fPedest)
758 | return kFALSE;
759 |
760 | //
761 | // look for the time class in the plist
762 | //
763 | fTime = (MTime*)pList->FindCreateObj("MTime");
764 | if (!fTime)
765 | return kFALSE;
766 |
767 | //
768 | // look for the pedestal class in the plist
769 | //
770 | fBlinds = (MBlindPixels*)pList->FindCreateObj("MBlindPixels");
771 | if (!fBlinds)
772 | return kFALSE;
773 |
774 | //
775 | // look for the source position in the camera
776 | //
777 | fSrcPos = (MSrcPosCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MSrcPosCam");
778 | if (!fSrcPos)
779 | return kFALSE;
780 |
781 | //
782 | // look for the camera geometry
783 | //
784 | fGeom = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MGeomCamCT1", "MGeomCam");
785 | if (!fGeom)
786 | return kFALSE;
787 |
788 | //
789 | // look for the mc event class
790 | //
791 | fMcEvt = (MMcEvt*)pList->FindCreateObj("MMcEvt");
792 | if (!fMcEvt)
793 | return kFALSE;
794 |
795 | //
796 | // look for the mc trigger class
797 | //
798 | fMcTrig = (MMcTrig*)pList->FindCreateObj("MMcTrig");
799 | if (!fMcTrig)
800 | return kFALSE;
801 |
802 | //
803 | // look for the raw run header class
804 | //
805 | fRawRunHeader = (MRawRunHeader*)pList->FindCreateObj("MRawRunHeader");
806 | if (!fRawRunHeader)
807 | return kFALSE;
808 |
809 | fBinningT = (MBinning*)pList->FindObject("BinningTheta");
810 |
811 | Rewind();
812 |
813 | fPedest->InitSize(iMAXNUMPIX);
814 |
815 | return GetSelector() ? GetSelector()->CallPreProcess(pList) : kTRUE;
816 | }
817 |
818 |
819 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
820 | //
821 | // Smear Theta uniformly in a bin of Theta
822 | // theta [rad]
823 | // SmearTheta [rad]
824 | //
825 | Double_t MCT1ReadPreProc::SmearTheta(Double_t theta)
826 | {
827 | if (!fBinningT)
828 | return theta;
829 |
830 | const Int_t bin = fBinningT->FindLoEdge(theta * 180/TMath::Pi());
831 | if (bin<0)
832 | return theta;
833 |
834 | // smear Theta within the Theta bin
835 | const Double_t low = fBinningT->GetEdges()[bin];
836 | const Double_t up = fBinningT->GetEdges()[bin+1];
837 |
838 | // "up-": Do not allow the upper edge
839 | return (up - gRandom->Uniform() * (up-low)) * TMath::Pi()/180;
840 | }
841 |
842 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
843 | //
844 | // Discretize Theta according to the binning in Theta
845 | // theta [rad]
846 | // DiscreteTheta [rad] (= bin center)
847 | //
848 | Double_t MCT1ReadPreProc::DiscreteTheta(Double_t theta)
849 | {
850 | if (!fBinningT)
851 | return theta;
852 |
853 | const Int_t bin = fBinningT->FindLoEdge(theta * 180/TMath::Pi());
854 | if (bin<0)
855 | return theta;
856 |
857 | const Double_t low = fBinningT->GetEdges()[bin];
858 | const Double_t up = fBinningT->GetEdges()[bin+1];
859 |
860 | return 0.5*(up+low) * TMath::Pi()/180;
861 | }
862 |
863 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
864 | //
865 | // Analyse the event data, means store and copy the needed data into
866 | // Mars structures and data members
867 | //
868 | Bool_t MCT1ReadPreProc::ProcessEvent(const struct eventrecord &event)
869 | {
870 | /*
871 | if (fRawRunHeader->GetRunNumber() == 1)
872 | {
873 | *fLog << "eventrecord" << endl;
874 | *fLog << "isecs_since_midday = " << event.isecs_since_midday << endl;
875 | *fLog << "isecfrac_200ns = " << event.isecfrac_200ns << endl;
876 | *fLog << "snot_ok_flags = " << event.snot_ok_flags << endl;
877 | *fLog << "ialt_arcs = " << event.ialt_arcs << endl;
878 | *fLog << "iaz_arcs = " << event.iaz_arcs << endl;
879 | *fLog << "ipreproc_alt_arcs = " << event.ipreproc_alt_arcs << endl;
880 | *fLog << "ipreproc_az_arcs = " << event.ipreproc_az_arcs << endl;
881 | *fLog << "ifieldrot_arcs = " << event.ifieldrot_arcs << endl;
882 |
883 | *fLog << "srate_millihz = " << event.srate_millihz << endl;
884 | *fLog << "fhourangle = " << event.fhourangle << endl;
885 | *fLog << "fmcenergy_tev = " << event.fmcenergy_tev << endl;
886 | *fLog << "fmcsize_phel = " << event.fmcsize_phel << endl;
887 | *fLog << "imcimpact_m = " << event.imcimpact_m << endl;
888 | *fLog << "imcparticle = " << event.imcparticle << endl;
889 | *fLog << "imctriggerflag = " << event.imctriggerflag << endl;
890 | }
891 | */
892 |
893 | // reset blind pixels for this event
894 | fBlinds->Clear();
895 | for (int i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
896 | if ( fBlnd[i]==1 )
897 | {
898 | fBlinds->SetPixelBlind(i);
899 | }
900 |
901 | // reset pedestal RMS for this event
902 | for (Int_t i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
903 | (*fPedest)[i].SetPedestalRms(fPedRMS[i]);
904 |
905 | // int isecs_since_midday; // seconds passed since midday before sunset (JD of run start)
906 | // int isecfrac_200ns; // fractional part of isecs_since_midday
907 | fTime->SetTime(event.isecfrac_200ns, event.isecs_since_midday);
908 | fTime->SetDuration((Int_t)fRawRunHeader->GetMJD());
909 | fTime->SetReadyToSave();
910 |
911 | /*
912 | --- USEFULL? NEEDED? ---
913 | short snot_ok_flags; // the bits in these two bytes are flags for additional information on the event: Everything OK =: all Bits = 0
914 |
915 | // for ALT-AZ mount telescopes: rotation angle of the field of
916 | // view; this angle is defined mathematically positive looking
917 | // towards the sky as the angle between the hour circle through
918 | // the object being tracked and the line through pixel 1 and 2
919 | int ifieldrot_arcs;
920 |
921 | // event rate in milli Hertz before filtering calculated by
922 | // iratecalc_numevents_odd/(time[i+iratecalc_numevents_odd/2] -
923 | // time[i-iratecalc_numevents_odd/2])
924 | // For the first and the last iratecalc_numevents_odd/2
925 | // events the rate is assumed to be constant
926 | unsigned short srate_millihz;
927 |
928 | // This is the angle between the observation of this event and the
929 | // culmination point. It is going to be written into the events NTuple.
930 | float fhourangle;
931 | */
932 |
933 | //
934 | // read in the number of cerenkov photons and add the 'new' pixel
935 | // too the list with it's id, number of photons and error
936 | // number of photoelectrons measured in each pixel only the
937 | // actual number of pixels (outputpars.inumpixels) is written out
938 | // short spixsig_10thphot[iMAXNUMPIX];
939 | //
940 | for (Int_t i=0; i<iMAXNUMPIX; i++)
941 | {
942 | //*fLog << event.spixsig_10thphot[i] << " ";
943 |
944 | if (event.spixsig_10thphot[i]==0)
945 | continue;
946 |
947 | fNphot->AddPixel(i, 0.1*event.spixsig_10thphot[i],
948 | (*fPedest)[i].GetPedestalRms());
949 | }
950 | fNphot->FixSize();
951 | fNphot->SetReadyToSave();
952 |
953 | // int ipreproc_alt_arcs; // "should be" alt according to preproc (arcseconds)
954 | // int ipreproc_az_arcs; // "should be" az according to preproc (arcseconds)
955 |
956 | // smear Theta in its Theta bin
957 | const Double_t theta = TMath::Pi()*(0.5-1./180*event.ialt_arcs/3600);
958 | fThetaOrig->SetVal(theta);
959 |
960 | // store hour angle
961 | fHourAngle->SetVal(event.fhourangle);
962 |
963 | fMcEvt->Fill(event.isecs_since_midday, //0, /*fEvtNum*/
964 | fIsMcFile ? event.imcparticle : 0, /*corsika particle type*/
965 | fIsMcFile ? event.fmcenergy_tev*1000 : 0,
966 | 0, /* fThi0 */
967 | 0, /* fFirTar */
968 | 0, /* fzFirInt */
969 | // 0, /* fThet*/
970 | // rwagner: The following should be theta, right? Check with
971 | // altitude fill some lines down...
972 | 0, // altitude (arcseconds)
973 | 0, /* fPhii */
974 | 0, /* fCorD */
975 | 0, /* fCorX */
976 | 0, /* fCorY */
977 | fIsMcFile ? event.imcimpact_m*100 : 0,
978 | TMath::Pi()/180*event.iaz_arcs/3600, // azimuth (arcseconds)
979 | // fIsMcFile ? SmearTheta(theta) : theta,
980 | DiscreteTheta(theta),
981 | 0, /* fTFirst */
982 | 0, /* fTLast */
983 | 0, /* fL_Nmax */
984 | 0, /* fL_t0 */
985 | 0, /* fL_tmax */
986 | 0, /* fL_a */
987 | 0, /* fL_b */
988 | 0, /* fL_c */
989 | 0, /* fL_chi2 */
990 | 0, /* uiPin */
991 | 0, /* uiPat */
992 | 0, /* uiPre */
993 | 0, /* uiPco */
994 | 0, /* uiPelS */
995 | (int)(fIsMcFile ? event.fmcsize_phel : 0), /* uiPelC, Simulated SIZE */
996 | 0, /* elec */
997 | 0, /* muon */
998 | 0 /* other */
999 | );
1000 |
1001 | fMcTrig->SetFirstLevel(event.imctriggerflag); // MC data from Dorota get a triggerflag: 1 means triggered, 0 not. */
1002 |
1003 | fMcTrig->SetReadyToSave();
1004 | fMcEvt->SetReadyToSave();
1005 |
1006 | return kTRUE;
1007 | }
1008 |
1009 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1010 | //
1011 | // Because of the file format of the preproc output we have to check at any
1012 | // event where in the file stream we are...
1013 | //
1014 | Bool_t MCT1ReadPreProc::CheckFilePosition()
1015 | {
1016 | //
1017 | // Means: If no file is open (first call) try to open the first file
1018 | //
1019 | if (!fIn)
1020 | return kFALSE;
1021 |
1022 | //
1023 | // Because we can have 0-event runs in the file we loop as often
1024 | // as we don't find a new footer-header combination.
1025 | //
1026 | while (1)
1027 | {
1028 | //
1029 | // If the first character isn't the first of the footer it must be
1030 | // an event
1031 | //
1032 | if (fIn->peek()!=cEND_EVENTS_TEMPLATE[0])
1033 | return kTRUE;
1034 |
1035 | //
1036 | // Try reading the footer. If this isn't successful...
1037 | // must be an event
1038 | //
1039 | switch (ReadRunFooter())
1040 | {
1041 | case -1:
1042 | return kFALSE;
1043 | case 0:
1044 | return kTRUE;
1045 | }
1046 |
1047 | *fLog << inf << "Footer found." << endl;
1048 |
1049 | const char c = fIn->peek();
1050 |
1051 | //
1052 | // No after reading the footer check if we reached the end of the file
1053 | //
1054 | if (fIn->eof() || c==EOF)
1055 | {
1056 | *fLog << "End of file." << endl;
1057 | return kFALSE;
1058 | }
1059 |
1060 | //
1061 | // If the eof isn't reached a new header must follow. Check for it.
1062 | //
1063 | if (c!=cTITLE_TEMPLATE[0])
1064 | {
1065 | *fLog << inf << "Error finding new run header in file (possible EOF)... skipping rest of file." << endl;
1066 | return kFALSE;
1067 | }
1068 |
1069 | *fLog << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
1070 |
1071 |
1072 | if (ReadRunHeader() < 0)
1073 | {
1074 | *fLog << warn << "ReInit of Tasklist didn't succeed." << endl;
1075 | return kFALSE;
1076 | }
1077 | }
1078 | }
1079 |
1080 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1081 | //
1082 | // Check for the event number and depending on this number decide if
1083 | // pedestals or event data has to be read.
1084 | //
1085 | // If the end of the file is reached try to open the next in the list. If
1086 | // there is now next file stop the eventloop.
1087 | //
1088 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::Process()
1089 | {
1090 | //
1091 | // Check where in the file we are. If neither a new event, nor a
1092 | // footer/header combination is detected go to the next file.
1093 | //
1094 | if (!CheckFilePosition())
1095 | if (!OpenNextFile())
1096 | return kFALSE;
1097 |
1098 | //
1099 | // Check for a selector. If one is given and returns kFALSE
1100 | // skip this event.
1101 | //
1102 | if (GetSelector())
1103 | {
1104 | //
1105 | // Make sure selector is processed
1106 | //
1107 | if (!GetSelector()->CallProcess())
1108 | {
1109 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "Processing Selector failed." << endl;
1110 | return kFALSE;
1111 | }
1112 |
1113 | //
1114 | // Skip Event
1115 | //
1116 | if (!GetSelector()->IsConditionTrue())
1117 | {
1118 | fIn->seekg(sizeof(struct eventrecord), ios::cur);
1119 |
1120 | fNumEvents++;
1121 | fNumEventsInRun++;
1122 |
1123 | return kCONTINUE;
1124 | }
1125 | }
1126 |
1127 | // event data to be read from the file
1128 | struct eventrecord event;
1129 |
1130 |
1131 |
1132 | // read the eventrecord from the file
1133 | fIn->read((char*)&event, sizeof(struct eventrecord));
1134 |
1135 | switch (ProcessEvent(event))
1136 | {
1137 | case kFALSE:
1138 | return kFALSE;
1139 | case kCONTINUE:
1140 | return kCONTINUE;
1141 | }
1142 |
1143 | fNumEvents++;
1144 | fNumEventsInRun++;
1145 |
1146 | return kTRUE;
1147 | }
1148 |
1149 | Int_t MCT1ReadPreProc::PostProcess()
1150 | {
1151 | *fLog << all;
1152 | *fLog << "Number events passed the filter: " << fNumFilterEvts << endl;
1153 | *fLog << "Number of Events read from file: " << fNumEvents << endl;
1154 | *fLog << "Number of Runs read from file: " << fNumRuns << endl;
1155 | *fLog << "Number of events detected first: " << fEntries << endl;
1156 |
1157 | if (fNumEvents!=fNumFilterEvts)
1158 | {
1159 | *fLog << warn << "WARNING! Number of events in file doesn't match number of read events..." << endl;
1160 | *fLog << " File might be corrupt." << endl;
1161 | }
1162 |
1163 | delete fIn;
1164 | fIn = NULL;
1165 |
1166 | return GetSelector() ? GetSelector()->CallPostProcess() : kTRUE;
1167 | }