/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2005 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MReadTree // // This tasks opens all branches in a specified tree and creates the // corresponding parameter containers if not already existing in the // parameter list. // // The Process function reads one events from the tree. To go through the // events of one tree make sure that the event number is increased from // outside. It makes also possible to go back by decreasing the number. // // If you don't want to start reading the first event you have to call // MReadTree::SetEventNum after instantiating your MReadTree-object. // // To make reading much faster (up to a factor of 10 to 20) you can // ensure that only the data you are really processing is enabled by // calling MReadTree::UseLeaf. // // If the chain switches from one file to another file all // TObject::Notify() functions are called of TObject objects which were // added to the Notifier list view MReadTree::AddNotify. If MReadTree // is the owner (viw MReadTree::SetOwner) all this objects are deleted // by the destructor of MReadTree // // // ToDo: // ----- // - Auto Scheme and Branch choosing doesn't work for memory trees // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MReadTree.h" #include #include // TFile::GetName #include // gSystem->ExpandPath #include #include #include "MChain.h" #include "MFilter.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MTaskList.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" ClassImp(MReadTree); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. Use this constructor (ONLY) if you want to // access a memory tree (a TTree not stored in a file) created by // MWriteRootFile or manually. // MReadTree::MReadTree(TTree *tree) : fNumEntry(0), fNumEntries(0), fBranchChoosing(kFALSE), fAutoEnable(kTRUE) { fName = "MRead"; fTitle = "Task to loop over all events in one single tree"; fVetoList = new TList; fVetoList->SetOwner(); fNotify = new TList; fChain = NULL; fTree = tree; SetBit(kChainWasChanged); if (fTree) fAutoEnable = kFALSE; /* if (!fTree) return; TIter Next(fTree->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch *b=0; while ((b=(TBranch*)Next())) b->ResetAddress(); */ } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor. It creates an TChain instance which represents the // the Tree you want to read and adds the given file (if you gave one). // More files can be added using MReadTree::AddFile. // Also an empty veto list is created. This list is used if you want to // veto (disable or "don't enable") a branch in the tree, it vetos also // the creation of the corresponding object. // An empty list of TObjects are also created. This objects are called // at any time the TChain starts to read from another file. // MReadTree::MReadTree(const char *tname, const char *fname, const char *name, const char *title) : fNumEntry(0), fNumEntries(0), fBranchChoosing(kFALSE), fAutoEnable(kTRUE) { fName = name ? name : "MRead"; fTitle = title ? title : "Task to loop over all events in one single tree"; fVetoList = new TList; fVetoList->SetOwner(); fNotify = new TList; // // open the input stream // fChain = new MChain(tname); fTree = fChain; // root 3.02: // In TChain::Addfile remove the limitation that the file name must contain // the string ".root". ".root" is necessary only in case one wants to specify // a Tree in a subdirectory of a Root file with eg, the format: if (fname) AddFile(fname); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Destructor. It deletes the TChain and veto list object // MReadTree::~MReadTree() { // // Delete all the pointers to pointers to the objects where the // branche data gets stored. FIXME: When PreProcessed twice this // creates a memory leak! // if (fChain) // FIXME: MEMORY LEAK for fTree!=0 { TIter Next(fChain->GetStatus()); TChainElement *element = NULL; while ((element=(TChainElement*)Next())) if (element->GetBaddress()) delete (MParContainer**)element->GetBaddress(); // // Delete the chain and the veto list // #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(3,03,00) if (fChain->GetFile()) delete fChain->GetFile(); #endif delete fChain; } /* This is AND MUST be done in PostProcess. See there for more details else { TIter Next(fTree->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch *element = NULL; while ((element=(TBranch*)Next())) if (element->GetAddress()) delete (MParContainer**)element->GetAddress(); } */ delete fNotify; delete fVetoList; } Byte_t MReadTree::IsFileValid(const char *name) { ifstream fin(name); if (!fin) return 0; Char_t c[4]; fin.read(c, 4); if (!fin) return 0; return c[0]=='r'&& c[1]=='o' && c[2]=='o' && c[3]=='t' ? 1 : 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This check whether all branches in the tree have the same size. If // this is not the case the events in the different branches cannot // be ordered correctly. // Bool_t MReadTree::CheckBranchSize() { TArrayI entries(fTree->GetListOfBranches()->GetSize()); Int_t num=0; TIter Next(fTree->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch *element = NULL; while ((element=(TBranch*)Next())) entries[num++] = (Int_t)element->GetEntries(); // Check the number of entries of the branches pair-wise for (int i=0; iGetName() << ") have different" << endl; *fLog << " number of entries. Sorry, but this file (" << GetFileName() << ")" << endl; *fLog << " is unusable." << endl; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If the owner flag is set all TObjects which are scheduled via // AddNotify are deleted by the destructor of MReadTree // void MReadTree::SetOwner(Bool_t flag) { flag ? fNotify->SetBit(kIsOwner) : fNotify->ResetBit(kIsOwner); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This function is called each time MReadTree changes the file to read // from. It calls all TObject::Notify() functions which are scheduled // via AddNotify. // // For unknown reasons root stores the SetAutoDelete-Flag in // a branch having a custom streamer (eg. MRawEvtData). // It is not allowed that a container which is in the parameter // list gets a new address. Therefor we reset all the autodel flags. // // MAKE SURE THAT ALL YOUR CUSTOM STREAMERS TAKE CARE OF ALL MEMORY // Bool_t MReadTree::Notify() { // // Do a consistency check for all branches // if (!CheckBranchSize()) return kFALSE; *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << ": Next file #" << GetFileIndex(); *fLog << " '" << GetFileName() << "' (next evt #"; *fLog << GetNumEntry()-1 << ")" << endl; if (fDisplay) { TString txt = GetFileName(); txt += " @ "; txt += GetNumEntry()-1; fDisplay->SetStatusLine2(txt); } // // For unknown reasons root stores the SetAutoDelete-Flag in // a branch having a custom streamer (eg. MRawEvtData). // It is not allowed that a container which is in the parameter // list gets a new address. Therefor we reset all the autodel flags. // // MAKE SURE THAT ALL YOUR CUSTOM STREAMERS TAKE CARE OF ALL MEMORY // TIter NextB(fTree->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch *b=0; while ((b=(TBranch*)NextB())) if (b->IsAutoDelete()) { *fLog << warn << "Branch " << b->GetName() << "->IsAutoDelete() set... resetting." << endl; b->SetAutoDelete(kFALSE); } if (!fNotify) return kTRUE; TIter NextN(fNotify); TObject *o=NULL; while ((o=NextN())) if (!o->Notify()) { *fLog << err << "Calling Notify() for object " << o->GetName() << " failed... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If you want to read the given tree over several files you must add // the files here before PreProcess is called. Be careful: If the tree // doesn't have the same contents (branches) it may confuse your // program (trees which are are not existing in later files are not read // anymore, tree wich are not existing in the first file are never read) // // Name may use the wildcarding notation, eg "xxx*.root" means all files // starting with xxx in the current file system directory. // // AddFile returns the number of files added to the chain. // // For more information see TChain::Add // Int_t MReadTree::AddFile(const char *fname, Int_t entries) { if (!fChain) { *fLog << err << "MReadTree::AddFile - ERROR: You cannot add a file, because MReadTree" << endl; *fLog << " is supposed to read its tree from memory or its default or its" << endl; *fLog << " default constructor was called (no tree name was given)." << endl; return 0; } #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(3,03,01) // // This is a workaround to get rid of crashed if the file doesn't // exist due to non initialized TFile::fProcessIDs // // (Code taken from TFile::TFile // TString newname; // char-array must overcome comming block if (strrchr(fname, '?') || strrchr(fname, '*')) { *fLog << warn; *fLog<< "WARNING: Using widcards with older root versions:" << endl; *fLog << " You may encounter crashes closing the files..." << endl; } else { const char *name; if ((name = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fname))) { newname = name; delete [] name; } if (newname.IsNull()) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "Error expanding path " << fname << "." << endl; return 0; } if (gSystem->AccessPathName(newname, kFileExists)) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - File '" << fname << "' does not exist." << endl; return 0; } fname = newname.Data(); } #endif // // FIXME! A check is missing whether the file already exists or not. // const Int_t numfiles = fChain->Add(fname, entries<0?TChain::kBigNumber:entries); if (numfiles>0) { SetBit(kChainWasChanged); if (numfiles>1 || gLog.GetDebugLevel()>4) *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << ": Added " << fname << " <" << numfiles << ">" << endl; } else *fLog << warn << "WARNING: '" << fname << "' not added to " << GetDescriptor() << endl; return numfiles; } /* // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Int_t MReadTree::AddFile(const TChainElement &obj) { return AddFile(obj.GetTitle(), obj.GetEntries()); } */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adds all files from another MReadTree to this instance // // Returns the number of file which were added // Int_t MReadTree::AddFiles(const MReadTree &read) { if (!fChain) { *fLog << err << "MReadTree::AddFiles - ERROR: You cannot add a file, because MReadTree" << endl; *fLog << " handles a memory based tree or its default" << endl; *fLog << " constructor was called." << endl; return 0; } const Int_t rc = fChain->Add(read.fChain); if (rc>0) SetBit(kChainWasChanged); /* Int_t rc = 0; TIter Next(read.fChain->GetListOfFiles()); TObject *obj = NULL; while ((obj=Next())) rc += AddFile(*(TChainElement*)obj); */ return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sort the files by their file-names // void MReadTree::SortFiles() { if (fChain) fChain->GetListOfFiles()->Sort(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This function is called if Branch choosing method should get enabled. // Branch choosing means, that only the enabled branches are read into // memory. To use an enableing scheme we have to disable all branches first. // This is done, if this function is called the first time. // void MReadTree::EnableBranchChoosing() { if (fBranchChoosing) return; *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << ": Branch choosing enabled (only enabled branches are read)." << endl; fTree->SetBranchStatus("*", kFALSE); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* fBranchChoosing = kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The first time this function is called all branches are disabled. // The given branch is enabled. By enabling only the branches you // are processing you can speed up your calculation many times (up to // a factor of 10 or 20) // void MReadTree::EnableBranch(const char *name) { if (!fChain) { *fLog << warn << "MReadTree::EnableBranch - WARNING: EnableBranch doesn't work with memory based trees... ignored." << endl; return; } if (fChain->GetListOfFiles()->GetEntries()==0) { *fLog << err << "Chain contains no file... Branch '"; *fLog << name << "' ignored." << endl; return; } EnableBranchChoosing(); TNamed branch(name, ""); SetBranchStatus(&branch, kTRUE); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set branch status of branch name // void MReadTree::SetBranchStatus(const char *name, Bool_t status) { fTree->SetBranchStatus(name, status); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* *fLog << inf << (status ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); *fLog << " subbranch '" << name << "'." << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Checks whether a branch with the given name exists in the chain // and sets the branch status of this branch corresponding to status. // void MReadTree::SetBranchStatus(TObject *branch, Bool_t status) { // // Get branch name // const char *name = branch->GetName(); // // Check whether this branch really exists // TString bn(name); if (bn.EndsWith("*")) bn.Remove(bn.Length()-1); if (fTree->GetBranch(bn)) // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* SetBranchStatus(name, status); // // Remove trailing '.' if one and try to enable the subbranch without // the master branch name. This is to be compatible with older mars // and camera files. // const char *dot = strrchr(name, '.'); if (!dot) return; if (fTree->GetBranch(dot+1)) // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* SetBranchStatus(dot+1, status); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the status of all branches in the list to status. // void MReadTree::SetBranchStatus(const TList *list, Bool_t status) { // // Loop over all subbranches in this master branch // TIter Next(list); TObject *obj; while ((obj=Next())) SetBranchStatus(obj, status); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This is the implementation of the Auto Enabling Scheme. // For more information see MTask::AddBranchToList. // This function loops over all tasks and its filters in the tasklist // and enables all branches which are requested by the tasks and its // filters. // // To enable 'unknown' branches which are not in the branchlist of // the tasks you can call EnableBranch // void MReadTree::EnableBranches(MParList *plist) { // // check whether branch choosing must be switched on // EnableBranchChoosing(); // // request the tasklist from the parameter list. // FIXME: Tasklist can have a different name // const MTaskList *tlist = (MTaskList*)plist->FindObject("MTaskList"); if (!tlist) { *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << "Cannot use auto enabeling scheme for branches. 'MTaskList' not found." << endl; return; } // // This loop is not necessary. We could do it like in the commented // loop below. But this loop makes sure, that we don't try to enable // one branch several times. This would not harm, but we would get // an output for each attempt. To have several outputs for one subbranch // may confuse the user, this we don't want. // This loop creates a new list of subbranches and for each branch // which is added we check before whether it already exists or not. // TList list; MTask *task; TIter NextTask(tlist->GetList()); while ((task=(MTask*)NextTask())) { TObject *obj; TIter NextTBranch(task->GetListOfBranches()); while ((obj=NextTBranch())) if (!list.FindObject(obj->GetName())) list.Add(obj); const MFilter *filter = task->GetFilter(); if (!filter) continue; TIter NextFBranch(filter->GetListOfBranches()); while ((obj=NextFBranch())) if (!list.FindObject(obj->GetName())) list.Add(obj); } SetBranchStatus(&list, kTRUE); /* // // Loop over all tasks iand its filters n the task list. // MTask *task; TIter NextTask(tlist->GetList()); while ((task=(MTask*)NextTask())) { SetBranchStatus(task->GetListOfBranches(), kTRUE); const MFilter *filter = task->GetFilter(); if (!filter) continue; SetBranchStatus(filter->GetListOfBranches(), kTRUE); } */ } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If the chain has been changed (by calling AddFile or using a file // in the constructors argument) the number of entries is newly // calculated from the files in the chain - this may take a while. // The number of entries is returned. // UInt_t MReadTree::GetEntries() { if (TestBit(kChainWasChanged)) { // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* *fLog << inf << "Scanning chain " << fTree->GetName() << "... " << flush; fNumEntries = (UInt_t)fTree->GetEntries(); *fLog << fNumEntries << " events found." << endl; ResetBit(kChainWasChanged); } return fNumEntries==TChain::kBigNumber ? 0 : fNumEntries; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The disables all subbranches of the given master branch. // void MReadTree::DisableSubBranches(TBranch *branch) { // // This is not necessary, it would work without. But the output // may confuse the user... // if (fAutoEnable || fBranchChoosing) return; SetBranchStatus(branch->GetListOfBranches(), kFALSE); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The PreProcess loops (till now) over the branches in the given tree. // It checks if the corresponding containers (containers with the same // name than the branch name) are existing in the Parameter Container List. // If not, a container of objec type 'branch-name' is created (everything // after the last semicolon in the branch name is stripped). Only // branches which don't have a veto (see VetoBranch) are enabled If the // object isn't found in the root dictionary (a list of classes known by the // root environment) the branch is skipped and an error message is printed // out. // If a selector is specified it is preprocessed after the // MReadTree::PreProcess // Int_t MReadTree::PreProcess(MParList *pList) { fTaskList = (MTaskList*)pList->FindObject("MTaskList"); if (!fTaskList) *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Standard tasklist MTaskList not found... ignoring Stream-ID." << endl; if (!fTree || !fChain) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Something went terribly wrong!" << endl; *fLog << " Maybe you called the default constructor?" << endl; *fLog << " Did you forget to give a tree name in the constructor?" << endl; return kFALSE; } // // Make sure, that all the following calls doesn't result in // Notifications. This may be dangerous, because the notified // tasks are not preprocessed. // fTree->SetNotify(NULL); //*CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* // // It seems, that TFile and TTree are not completely independant if // many times the same file is opened (MReadReports) and some of // the files in the chains don't have one tree. TChain::fTreeNumber // is already set before LoadTree from GetFile is called and // it crashes. ResetTree makes sure, that the tree number is -1 // if (fChain) // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* fChain->ResetTree(); // Maybe this would be enough, but the above might be safer... //if (fChain->GetTreeNumber()==0) // fChain->ResetTree(); // // check for files and for the tree! // if (fChain && !fChain->GetFile()) // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* { *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": No file or no tree with name " << fChain->GetName() << " in file." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // get number of events in this tree // if (!GetEntries()) { *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": No entries found in file(s)" << endl; return kFALSE; } // // output logging information // *fLog << inf << fNumEntries << " entries found in file(s)." << endl; // // Get all branches of this tree and // create the Iterator to loop over all branches // TIter Next(fTree->GetListOfBranches()); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* TBranch *branch=NULL; Int_t num=0; // // loop over all tasks for processing // while ( (branch=(TBranch*)Next()) ) { // // Get Name of Branch and Object // const char *bname = branch->GetName(); TString oname(bname); if (oname.EndsWith(".")) oname.Remove(oname.Length()-1); // // Check if enabeling the branch is allowed // if (fVetoList->FindObject(oname)) { *fLog << inf << "Master branch " << bname << " has veto... skipped." << endl; DisableSubBranches(branch); continue; } // // Create a pointer to the pointer to the object in which the // branch data is stored. The pointers are stored in the TChain // object and we get the pointers from there to delete it. // MParContainer **pcont= new MParContainer*; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(3,02,06) const char *classname = oname; #else const char *classname = branch->GetClassName(); #endif // // check if object is existing in the list // *pcont=pList->FindCreateObj(classname, oname); if (!*pcont) { // // if class is not existing in the (root) environment // we cannot proceed reading this branch // *fLog << warn << dbginf << "Warning: Class '" << classname; *fLog << "' for " << oname << " not existing in dictionary. Branch skipped." << endl; DisableSubBranches(branch); continue; } // // Check whether a Pointer to a pointer already exists. // If we created one already, delete it. // // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* if (fChain) { TChainElement *element = (TChainElement*)fChain->GetStatus()->FindObject(bname); if (element) delete (MParContainer**)element->GetBaddress(); } /* This can't be done here for memory trees - see PostProcess for more details. else { TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)fTree->GetBranch(bname); if (branch) { *fLog << bname << " " << (void*)branch->GetAddress() << " " << pcont << endl; delete (MParContainer**)branch->GetAddress(); } } */ // // here pcont is a pointer the to container in which the data from // the actual branch should be stored - enable branch. // fTree->SetBranchAddress(bname, pcont); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* *fLog << inf << "Master branch address '" << bname << "' "; if ((TString)bname!=(TString)classname) *fLog << "[" << classname << "] "; *fLog << "setup for reading." << endl; //*fLog << "Branch " << bname << " autodel: " << (int)branch->IsAutoDelete() << endl; //branch->SetAutoDelete(); num++; } *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << " setup " << num << " master branches addresses." << endl; // // If auto enabling scheme isn't disabled, do auto enabling // if (fAutoEnable) EnableBranches(pList); // // Now we can start notifying. Reset tree makes sure, that TChain thinks // that the correct file is not yet initialized and reinitilizes it // as soon as the first event is read. This is necessary to call // the notifiers when the first event is read, but after the // PreProcess-function. // if (fChain) fChain->ResetTree(); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* fTree->SetNotify(this); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* const Int_t rc = GetSelector() ? GetSelector()->CallPreProcess(pList) : kTRUE; if (rc!=kTRUE || fChain) return rc; return Notify(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the ready to save flag of all containers which branchaddresses are // set for. This is necessary to copy data. // void MReadTree::SetReadyToSave(Bool_t flag) { if (!fChain) return; TIter Next(fChain->GetStatus()); TChainElement *element = NULL; while ((element=(TChainElement*)Next())) { // // Check whether the branch is enabled // if (!element->GetStatus()) continue; // // Get the pointer to the pointer of the corresponding container // MParContainer **pcont = (MParContainer**)element->GetBaddress(); // // Check whether the pointer is not NULL // if (!pcont || !*pcont) continue; // // Set the ready to save status of the container. // (*pcont)->SetReadyToSave(flag); } // // Set the ready to save status of this task (used?), too // MTask::SetReadyToSave(flag); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The Process-function reads one event from the tree (this contains all // enabled branches) and increases the position in the file by one event. // (Remark: The position can also be set by some member functions // If the end of the file is reached the Eventloop is stopped. // In case an event selector is given its value is checked before // reading the event. If it returns kAFLSE the event is skipped. // #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(3,02,06) #include "MRawEvtData.h" #endif Int_t MReadTree::Process() { // // This is necessary due to a bug in TChain::LoadTree in root. // will be fixed in 3.03 // #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(3,03,01) if (fNumEntry >= GetEntries()) return kFALSE; #endif #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(3,02,06) // // This fixes 99.9% of a memory leak using a root version prior // to 3.02/?? // TChainElement *element=NULL; TIter Next(fChain->GetStatus()); while ((element=(TChainElement*)Next())) { MParContainer **c = (MParContainer**)element->GetBaddress(); if (!c) continue; if ((*c)->InheritsFrom(MRawEvtData::Class())) static_cast(*c)->DeletePixels(kFALSE); } #endif if (GetSelector()) { // // Make sure selector is processed // if (!GetSelector()->CallProcess()) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "Processing Selector failed." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // Skip Event // if (!GetSelector()->IsConditionTrue()) { fNumEntry++; return kCONTINUE; } } const Bool_t rc = fTree->GetEntry(fNumEntry++) != 0; // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* if (fTaskList) fTaskList->SetStreamId(fTree->GetName()); // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* if (rc) { SetReadyToSave(); return kTRUE; } if (fChain) switch (fChain->GetLastError()) { case MChain::kFatalError: *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << " - ERROR: Notify() failed." << endl; return kERROR; case MChain::kCannotAccessFile: *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << " - ERROR: TChain::LoadTree is unable to access requested file." << endl; return kERROR; case MChain::kCannotAccessTree: *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << " - ERROR: TChain::LoadTree is unable to access requested tree." << endl; return kERROR; case MChain::kOutOfRange: // no more events available return kFALSE; case MChain::kNoError: // go on! return kTRUE; } return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If a selector is given the selector is post processed // Int_t MReadTree::PostProcess() { // In the case of a memory tree I don't know how we can // make a decision in PreProcess between a self allocated // memory address or a pending address set long before. // So we delete the stuff in PostProcess and not the destructor // (which might seg faullt if PreProcess has never been called) if (!fChain) { TIter Next(fTree->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch *b=0; while ((b=(TBranch*)Next())) { if (b->GetAddress()) { delete b->GetAddress(); b->ResetAddress(); } } } return GetSelector() ? GetSelector()->CallPostProcess() : kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the Event with the current EventNumber fNumEntry // Bool_t MReadTree::GetEvent() { Bool_t rc = fTree->GetEntry(fNumEntry) != 0; // *CHANGED-fChain-to-fTree* if (rc) SetReadyToSave(); return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Decrease the number of the event which is read by Process() next // by one or more // Bool_t MReadTree::DecEventNum(UInt_t dec) { if (fNumEntry-dec >= GetEntries()) { *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": DecEventNum, WARNING - Event " << fNumEntry << "-"; *fLog << dec << "=" << (Int_t)fNumEntry-dec << " out of Range (>="; *fLog << GetEntries() << ")." << endl; return kFALSE; } fNumEntry -= dec; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Increase the number of the event which is read by Process() next // by one or more // Bool_t MReadTree::IncEventNum(UInt_t inc) { if (fNumEntry+inc >= GetEntries()) { *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": IncEventNum, WARNING - Event " << fNumEntry << "+"; *fLog << inc << "=" << (Int_t)fNumEntry+inc << " out of Range (>="; *fLog << GetEntries() << ")." << endl; return kFALSE; } fNumEntry += inc; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This function makes Process() read event number nr next // // Remark: You can use this function after instatiating you MReadTree-object // to set the event number from which you want to start reading. // Bool_t MReadTree::SetEventNum(UInt_t nr) { if (nr!=0 && nr >= GetEntries()) { *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": SetEventNum, WARNING - " << nr << " out of Range." << endl; return kFALSE; } fNumEntry = nr; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // For the branch with the given name: // 1) no object is automatically created // 2) the branch address for this branch is not set // (because we lack the object, see 1) // 3) The whole branch (exactly: all its subbranches) are disabled // this means are not read in memory by TTree:GetEntry // void MReadTree::VetoBranch(const char *name) { fVetoList->Add(new TNamed(name, "")); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the name of the file we are actually reading from. // TString MReadTree::GetFullFileName() const { const TFile *file = fChain ? fChain->GetFile() : fTree->GetCurrentFile(); if (!file) return ""; return file->GetName(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get number of files in chain. (-1 is returned if chain is not // initialized. // Int_t MReadTree::GetNumFiles() const { if (!fChain) return -1; return fChain->GetListOfFiles()->GetEntries(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the number of the file in the chain, -1 in case of an error // Int_t MReadTree::GetFileIndex() const { return fChain ? fChain->GetTreeNumber() : 0; /* const TString filename = fChain->GetFile()->GetName(); int i=0; TObject *file = NULL; TIter Next(fChain->GetListOfFiles()); while ((file=Next())) { if (filename==gSystem->ExpandPathName(file->GetTitle())) return i; i++; } return -1; */ } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This schedules a TObject which Notify(9 function is called in case // of MReadTree (TChain) switches from one file in the chain to another // one. // void MReadTree::AddNotify(TObject *obj) { fNotify->Add(obj); } void MReadTree::Print(Option_t *o) const { *fLog << all << underline << GetDescriptor() << ":" << endl << dec; *fLog << " Files [Tree]:" << endl; int i = 0; TIter Next(fChain->GetListOfFiles()); TObject *obj = NULL; while ((obj=Next())) *fLog << " " << i++ << ") " << obj->GetTitle() << " [" << obj->GetName() << "]" << endl; *fLog << " Total Number of Entries: " << fNumEntries << endl; *fLog << " Next Entry to read: " << fNumEntry << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implementation of SavePrimitive. Used to write the call to a constructor // to a macro. In the original root implementation it is used to write // gui elements to a macro-file. // void MReadTree::StreamPrimitive(ostream &out) const { out << " " << ClassName() << " " << GetUniqueName() << "(\""; out << fChain->GetName() << "\", \"" << fName << "\", \"" << fTitle << "\");" << endl; TIter Next(fChain->GetListOfFiles()); TObject *obj = NULL; while ((obj=Next())) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".AddFile(\"" << obj->GetTitle() << "\");" << endl; if (!fAutoEnable) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".DisableAutoScheme();" << endl; if (fNumEntry!=0) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetEventNum(" << fNumEntry << ");" << endl; }