/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 6/2001 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // MWriteRootFile // // // // This is a writer to store several containers to a root file. // // The containers are added with AddContainer. // // To understand how it works, see base class MWriteFile // // // // Warning: Checkout the Warning in MTaskList. // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MWriteRootFile.h" #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MParList.h" ClassImp(MRootFileBranch); ClassImp(MWriteRootFile); using namespace std; static const TString gsDefName = "MWriteRootFile"; static const TString gsDefTitle = "Task which writes a root-output file"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. It is there to support some root stuff. // Don't use it. // MWriteRootFile::MWriteRootFile() : fOut(NULL) { fName = gsDefName; fTitle = gsDefTitle; fBranches.SetOwner(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Specify the name of the root file. You can also give an option ("UPDATE" // and "RECREATE" would make sense only) as well as the file title and // compression factor. To a more detaild description of the options see // TFile. // MWriteRootFile::MWriteRootFile(const char *fname, const Option_t *opt, const char *ftitle, const Int_t comp, const char *name, const char *title) { fName = name ? name : gsDefName.Data(); fTitle = title ? title : gsDefTitle.Data(); // // Set the Arrays the owner of its entries. This means, that the // destructor of the arrays will delete all its entries. // fBranches.SetOwner(); // // Believing the root user guide, TTree instanced are owned by the // directory (file) in which they are. This means we don't have to // care about their destruction. // //fTrees.SetOwner(); TString str(fname); if (!str.EndsWith(".root", TString::kIgnoreCase)) str += ".root"; // // Open the rootfile // fOut = new TFile(str, opt, ftitle, comp); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Prints some statistics about the file to the screen. And closes the file // properly. // MWriteRootFile::~MWriteRootFile() { // // Print some statistics to the looging out. // Print(); // // If the file is still open (no error) write the keys. This is necessary // for appearance of the all trees and branches. // if (IsFileOpen()) fOut->Write(); // // Delete the file. This'll also close the file (if open) // delete fOut; // // Remark: // - Trees are automatically deleted by the the file // (unless file.SetDirectory(0) was called) // - Branches are automatically deleted by the tree destructor // *fLog << inf << "Output File closed and object deleted." << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Prints all trees with the actually number of written entries to log-out. // void MWriteRootFile::Print(Option_t *) const { *fLog << all << underline << "File: " << GetFileName() << endl; if (fTrees.GetEntries()==0) { *fLog << " No contents." << endl; return; } TObject *obj; TIter NextBranch(&fBranches); while ((obj=NextBranch())) { MRootFileBranch *b = (MRootFileBranch*)obj; if (!b->GetTree() || b->GetTree()->TestBit(kIsNewTree)) continue; TBranch *branch = b->GetBranch(); TString name = b->GetTree()->GetName(); name += '.'; name += branch->GetName(); *fLog << " " << name.Strip(TString::kTrailing, '.') << ": \t" << branch->GetEntries() << " entries." << endl; } TTree *t = NULL; TIter NextTree(&fTrees); while ((t=(TTree*)NextTree())) if (t->TestBit(kIsNewTree)) *fLog << " " << t->GetName() << ": \t" << t->GetEntries() << " entries." << endl; *fLog << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Add a new Container to list of containers which should be written to the // file. Give the name of the container which will identify the container // in the parameterlist. tname is the name of the tree to which the // container should be written (Remark: one tree can hold more than one // container). The default is the same name as the container name. // You can slso specify a title for the tree. This is only // used the first time this tree in 'mentioned'. As default the title // is the name of the tree. // void MWriteRootFile::AddContainer(const char *cname, const char *tname, Bool_t must) { // // create a new entry in the list of branches to write and // add the entry to the list. // MRootFileBranch *entry = new MRootFileBranch(cname, tname, must); fBranches.AddLast(entry); if (tname && tname[0]) AddToBranchList(Form("%s.%s", cname, tname)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Add a new Container to list of containers which should be written to the // file. Give the pointer to the container. tname is the name of the tree to // which the container should be written (Remark: one tree can hold more than // one container). The default is the same name as the container name. // You can slso specify a title for the tree. This is only // used the first time this tree in 'mentioned'. As default the title // is the name of the tree. // void MWriteRootFile::AddContainer(MParContainer *cont, const char *tname, Bool_t must) { // // create a new entry in the list of branches to write and // add the entry to the list. // MRootFileBranch *entry = new MRootFileBranch(cont, tname, must); fBranches.AddLast(entry); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Add a new Container to list of containers which should be written to the // file. Give the pointer to the container. tname is the name of the tree to // which the container should be written (Remark: one tree can hold more than // one container). The default is the same name as the container name. // You can slso specify a title for the tree. This is only // used the first time this tree in 'mentioned'. As default the title // is the name of the tree. // Bool_t MWriteRootFile::GetContainer(MParList *pList) { // // loop over all branches which are 'marked' as branches to get written. // MRootFileBranch *entry; TIter Next(&fBranches); while ((entry=(MRootFileBranch*)Next())) { // // Get the pointer to the container. If the pointer is NULL it seems, // that the user identified the container by name. // MParContainer *cont = entry->GetContainer(); if (!cont) { // // Get the name and try to find a container with this name // in the parameter list. // const char *cname = entry->GetContName(); cont = (MParContainer*)pList->FindObject(cname); if (!cont) { // // No corresponding container is found // if (entry->MustHave()) { *fLog << err << "Cannot find parameter container '" << cname << "'." << endl; return kFALSE; } *fLog << inf << "Unnecessary parameter container '" << cname << "' not found..." << endl; delete fBranches.Remove(entry); continue; } // // The container is found. Put the pointer into the entry. // entry->SetContainer(cont); } // // Get container name, tree name and tree title of this entry. // const char *cname = cont->GetName(); const char *tname = entry->GetName(); const TString ttitle(Form("Tree containing %s", cont->GetDescriptor())); // // if the tree name is NULL this idetifies it to use the default: // the container name. // if (tname[0] == '\0') tname = cname; // // Check if the tree is already existing (part of the file) // TTree *tree = (TTree*)fOut->Get(tname); if (!tree) { // // if the tree doesn't exist create a new tree. Use the tree // name as title if title is NULL. // And add the tree to the list of trees // TDirectory *save = gDirectory; fOut->cd(); tree = new TTree(tname, ttitle); fTrees.AddLast(tree); // // If the tree does not already exist in the file mark this // tree as a branch created by MWriteRootFile // tree->SetBit(kIsNewTree); gDirectory = save; *fLog << inf << "Tree " << tname << " created." << endl; } // // In case the file is opened as 'UPDATE' the tree may still not // be in the list. Because it neither was created previously, // nor this time, so the corresponding entries is marked as a // single branch to be filled. --> Add it to the list of trees. // if (!fTrees.FindObject(tree)) fTrees.AddLast(tree); // // Now we have a valid tree. Search the list of trees for this tree // Add a pointer to the entry in the tree list to this branch-entry // entry->SetTree(tree); // // Try to get the branch from the file. // If the branch already exists the user specified one branch twice. // TBranch *branch = tree->GetBranch(cname); if (branch) { *fLog << err << "Branch '" << cname << "' already existing." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // Create a new branch in the actual tree. The branch has the name // container name. The type of the container is given by the // ClassName entry in the container. The Address is the address of a // pointer to the container (gotten from the branch entry). As // Basket size we specify a (more or less) common default value. // The containers should be written in Splitlevel=1 // TString branchname(cname); branchname.Append("."); branch = tree->Branch(branchname, cont->ClassName(), entry->GetAddress()); // // If the branch couldn't be created we have a problem. // if (!branch) { *fLog << err << "Unable to create branch '" << cname << "'." << endl; return kFALSE; } // // Tell the entry also which branch belongs to it (this is necessary // for branches belonging to already existing tree, UPDATE-mode) // entry->SetBranch(branch); *fLog << inf << "Created Branch " << cname << " of " << cont->ClassName() << "." << endl; } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Checks all given containers (branch entries) for the write flag. // If the write flag is set the corresponding Tree is marked to get filled. // All Trees which are marked to be filled are filled with all their // branches. // In case of a file opened in 'UPDATE' mode, single branches can be // filled, too. WARNING - for the moment there is no check whether // you filled the correct number of events into the branch, so that // each of the other branches in the tree has the correct corresponding // number of new entries in the new branch! // Be carefull: If only one container (corresponding to a branch) of a tree // has the write flag, all containers in this tree are filled! // void MWriteRootFile::CheckAndWrite() const { TObject *obj; // // Loop over all branch entries // TIter NextBranch(&fBranches); while ((obj=NextBranch())) { MRootFileBranch *b = (MRootFileBranch*)obj; // // Check for the Write flag // if (!b->GetContainer()->IsReadyToSave()) continue; // // If the write flag of the branch entry is set, set the write flag of // the corresponding tree entry. // if (b->GetTree()->TestBit(kIsNewTree)) b->GetTree()->SetBit(kFillTree); else b->GetBranch()->Fill(); } // // Loop over all tree entries // TIter NextTree(&fTrees); while ((obj=NextTree())) { TTree *t = (TTree*)obj; // // Check the write flag of the tree // if (!t->TestBit(kFillTree)) continue; // // If the write flag is set, fill the tree (with the corresponding // branches/containers), delete the write flag and increase the number // of written/filled entries. // t->Fill(); t->ResetBit(kFillTree); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // return open state of the root file. // Bool_t MWriteRootFile::IsFileOpen() const { return fOut->IsOpen(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // return name of the root-file // const char *MWriteRootFile::GetFileName() const { return fOut->GetName(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implementation of SavePrimitive. Used to write the call to a constructor // to a macro. In the original root implementation it is used to write // gui elements to a macro-file. // void MWriteRootFile::StreamPrimitive(ofstream &out) const { out << " MWriteRootFile " << GetUniqueName() << "(\""; out << fOut->GetName() << "\", \""; out << fOut->GetOption() << "\", \""; out << fOut->GetTitle() << "\", "; out << fOut->GetCompressionLevel(); if (fName!=gsDefName || fTitle!=gsDefTitle) { out << ", \"" << fName << "\""; if (fTitle!=gsDefTitle) out << ", \"" << fTitle << "\""; } out << ");" << endl; MRootFileBranch *entry; TIter Next(&fBranches); while ((entry=(MRootFileBranch*)Next())) { out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".AddContainer("; if (entry->GetContainer()) { entry->GetContainer()->SavePrimitive(out); out << "&" << entry->GetContainer()->GetUniqueName(); } else out << "\"" << entry->GetContName() << "\""; out << ", \"" << entry->GetName() << "\""; if (!entry->MustHave()) out << ", kFALSE"; out <<");" << endl; } }