#ifndef MARS_MGeomPix #define MARS_MGeomPix #ifndef MARS_MGeom #include "MGeom.h" #endif class MGeomPix : public MGeom { public: static const Float_t gsTan60; // tan(60/kRad2Deg); static const Float_t gsTan30; // tan(30/kRad2Deg); static const Float_t gsCos60; // cos(60/kRad2Deg); static const Float_t gsSin60; // sin(30/kRad2Deg); private: Float_t fD; // [mm] the d coordinate of the pixel (dist between two parallel sides) Double_t fCosPhi; Double_t fSinPhi; // Store fD*fCosPhi ??? // Store fD*fSinPhi ??? // Store array and check if initialized before needed? public: MGeomPix(Float_t x=0, Float_t y=0, Float_t d=1, UInt_t s=0, UInt_t aidx=0); void Copy(TObject &obj) const { MGeomPix &pix = (MGeomPix&)obj; pix.fD = fD; MGeom::Copy(obj); TObject::Copy(obj); } void SetD(Float_t d=1) { fD=d; fA=d*d*gsTan60/2; } void SetPhi(Double_t phi=0); Float_t GetD() const { return fD; } // Distance between two parallel sides Float_t GetL() const { return fD*gsTan30; } // Length of one of the parallel sides Float_t GetT() const { return fD/gsTan60; } // Distance between two opposite edges (traverse) Bool_t IsInside(Float_t px, Float_t py) const; void PaintPrimitive(const TAttLine &line, const TAttFill &fill, Double_t scalexy=1, Double_t scaled=1) const; void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const; ClassDef(MGeomPix, 5) // Geometry class describing the geometry of one pixel }; #endif