#include "MCamGeom.h" #include #include #include "TCanvas.h" #include "MHexagon.h" ClassImp(MPixGeom) ClassImp(MCamGeom) MPixGeom::MPixGeom(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t r ) { // default constructor fX = x ; fY = y ; fR = r ; } void MPixGeom::Print() { // information about a pixel cout << "MPixGeom: x= " << fX << " y= " << fY << " r= " << fR << endl ; } // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MCamGeom::MCamGeom (Int_t type ) { // default constructor if ( type == 1 ) { // set up the Geometry of CT1 fNbPixels = 127 ; fPixels = new TObjArray ( fNbPixels ) ; CreateCT1() ; } else { // set up the standard Geometry MAGIC fNbPixels = 577 ; fPixels = new TObjArray ( fNbPixels ) ; CreateMagic() ; } } void MCamGeom::Draw( Option_t * ) { TCanvas *can = new TCanvas("can", "Camera Geometry", 4 ) ; // set the range of the canvas if ( fNbPixels == 127 ) // case of CT1 can->Range(-175, -175, 175, 175 ) ; else can->Range(-600, -600, 600, 600 ) ; // draw all pixels for ( Int_t i=0; i < fNbPixels ; i++ ) { MHexagon *el = new MHexagon ( GetX(i) , GetY(i) , GetR(i) ) ; el->Draw() ; } } void MCamGeom::Print() { // Print Information about the Geometry of the camera cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl ; cout << " Number of Pixels: " << fNbPixels << endl ; for ( Int_t i=0; iAt(i))->Print() ; } } Int_t MCamGeom::GetNbPixels () { // return the Number of pixels in the MCamGeom class return fNbPixels ; } Float_t MCamGeom::GetX(Int_t iPix) { // return the X coordinate of Pixel iPix return ( ((MPixGeom*) fPixels->At(iPix))->GetX() ) ; } Float_t MCamGeom::GetY(Int_t iPix) { // return the Y coordinate of Pixel iPix return ( ((MPixGeom*) fPixels->At(iPix))->GetY() ) ; } Float_t MCamGeom::GetR(Int_t iPix) { // return the radius r of Pixel iPix return ( ((MPixGeom*) fPixels->At(iPix))->GetR() ) ; } void MCamGeom::CreateMagic() { // fill the geometry class with the coordinates of the MAGIC camera cout << " Create Magic geometry " << endl ; // here define the hardwire things of the magic telescope // Float_t xtemp[577] = { 0.000, 30.000, 15.000, -15.000, -30.000, -15.000, 15.000, 60.000, 45.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -45.000, -60.000, -45.000, -30.000, 0.000, 30.000, 45.000, 90.000, 75.000, 60.000, 45.000, 15.000, -15.000, -45.000, -60.000, -75.000, -90.000, -75.000, -60.000, -45.000, -15.000, 15.000, 45.000, 60.000, 75.000, 120.000, 105.000, 90.000, 75.000, 60.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -60.000, -75.000, -90.000, -105.000, -120.000, -105.000, -90.000, -75.000, -60.000, -30.000, 0.000, 30.000, 60.000, 75.000, 90.000, 105.000, 150.000, 135.000, 120.000, 105.000, 90.000, 75.000, 45.000, 15.000, -15.000, -45.000, -75.000, -90.000, -105.000, -120.000, -135.000, -150.000, -135.000, -120.000, -105.000, -90.000, -75.000, -45.000, -15.000, 15.000, 45.000, 75.000, 90.000, 105.000, 120.000, 135.000, 180.000, 165.000, 150.000, 135.000, 120.000, 105.000, 90.000, 60.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -60.000, -90.000, -105.000, -120.000, -135.000, -150.000, -165.000, -180.000, -165.000, -150.000, -135.000, -120.000, -105.000, -90.000, -60.000, -30.000, 0.000, 30.000, 60.000, 90.000, 105.000, 120.000, 135.000, 150.000, 165.000, 210.000, 195.000, 180.000, 165.000, 150.000, 135.000, 120.000, 105.000, 75.000, 45.000, 15.000, -15.000, -45.000, -75.000, -105.000, -120.000, -135.000, -150.000, -165.000, -180.000, -195.000, -210.000, -195.000, -180.000, -165.000, -150.000, -135.000, -120.000, -105.000, -75.000, -45.000, -15.000, 15.000, 45.000, 75.000, 105.000, 120.000, 135.000, 150.000, 165.000, 180.000, 195.000, 240.000, 225.000, 210.000, 195.000, 180.000, 165.000, 150.000, 135.000, 120.000, 90.000, 60.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -60.000, -90.000, -120.000, -135.000, -150.000, -165.000, -180.000, -195.000, -210.000, -225.000, -240.000, -225.000, -210.000, -195.000, -180.000, -165.000, -150.000, -135.000, -120.000, -90.000, -60.000, -30.000, 0.000, 30.000, 60.000, 90.000, 120.000, 135.000, 150.000, 165.000, 180.000, 195.000, 210.000, 225.000, 270.000, 255.000, 240.000, 225.000, 210.000, 195.000, 180.000, 165.000, 150.000, 135.000, 105.000, 75.000, 45.000, 15.000, -15.000, -45.000, -75.000, -105.000, -135.000, -150.000, -165.000, -180.000, -195.000, -210.000, -225.000, -240.000, -255.000, -270.000, -255.000, -240.000, -225.000, -210.000, -195.000, -180.000, -165.000, -150.000, -135.000, -105.000, -75.000, -45.000, -15.000, 15.000, 45.000, 75.000, 105.000, 135.000, 150.000, 165.000, 180.000, 195.000, 210.000, 225.000, 240.000, 255.000, 300.000, 285.000, 270.000, 255.000, 240.000, 225.000, 210.000, 195.000, 180.000, 165.000, 150.000, 120.000, 90.000, 60.000, 30.000, 0.000, -30.000, -60.000, -90.000, -120.000, -150.000, -165.000, -180.000, -195.000, -210.000, -225.000, -240.000, -255.000, -270.000, -285.000, -300.000, -285.000, -270.000, -255.000, -240.000, -225.000, -210.000, -195.000, 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the list fPixels->Add( new MPixGeom( 0. ,0., fpixdiameter ) ) ; for (ring_counter=1;ring_counter<7;ring_counter++) { /* calc. numofpix in ring number i first */ num_pix_this_ring = ring_counter*6; /* get then the start-of-ring pixel number */ new_ring_start = end_last_ring; /* .... this means the ring ends with pixnum ... */ end_this_ring = end_last_ring + num_pix_this_ring; /* calc. coords for this ring counting from the starting number to the ending number */ for (ipix = 0; ipix < num_pix_this_ring; ipix++) { fang = 60./(float)ring_counter * (float)ipix; ffrac_ang = fang - 60.*((int)(floor(fang/60.))); fang *= pi/180.; ffrac_ang *= pi/180.; frad = (float)ring_counter * fpixdiameter ; frad *= sqrt(3.)/(2.*sin(2./3.*pi-ffrac_ang)); // fill the ObjArray with the pixels data ; fPixels->Add( new MPixGeom( frad * cos(fang) ,frad * sin(fang) , fpixdiameter ) ) ; } /* set the end-of-ring number correctly */ end_last_ring = end_this_ring ; } }