#ifndef MGPROTOTYP_H #define MGPROTOTYP_H #ifndef MAGIC_H #include "MAGIC.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TGFrame #include #endif class TGMenuBar; class TGPopupMenu; class TGTab; class TGTextButton; class TGListBox; class TGPictureButton; class TGFileContainer; class TGListView; class MGPrototyp : public TGTransientFrame { private: // // Create a main frame with a number of different buttons. // // some member not connected with Gui Char_t fInputFile[256] ; // the things for the menu bar TGMenuBar *fMenuBar ; TGPopupMenu *fFileMenu ; // divide the Window in two different parts TGCompositeFrame *fFrameTop ; // top part of the main window TGCompositeFrame *fFrameLow ; // low part of the main window TGTab *fTab ; // different tabs in the low window // the horizontal frame in the top part TGHorizontalFrame *fTop1 ; // the buttons in the Top Part TGTextButton *fButAction ; // the things in the file selector TGCompositeFrame *fTabF1 ; // first tab of low part TGCompositeFrame *fTabF1a, *fTabF1b ; // subpart of the file selector in low window TGListBox *fDir ; TGPictureButton *fCdup, *fListMode, *fDetail ; TGFileContainer *fFileCont ; TGListView *fFileView ; // Layout hints for different uses TGLayoutHints *fLayMenuBar, *fLayMenuItem ; TGLayoutHints *fLayTab ; // some icons and pictures often used const TGPicture *fPicCdup; //! const TGPicture *fPicList; //! const TGPicture *fPicDetail; //! public: MGPrototyp(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) ; ~MGPrototyp(); void CloseWindow() ; Bool_t InputFileSelected() ; Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2); ClassDef(MGPrototyp, 1) } ; #endif