1 | #ifndef MARS_MH
2 | #define MARS_MH
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class TH1;
9 | class TH1I;
10 | class TH1D;
11 | class TH2;
12 | class TH3;
13 | class TAxis;
14 | class TArrayF;
15 | class TArrayD;
16 | class MArrayF;
17 | class MArrayD;
18 | class TCanvas;
19 |
20 | class MBinning;
21 | class MParList;
22 |
23 | class MH : public MParContainer
24 | {
25 | private:
26 | Byte_t fSerialNumber; // Serial number (eg of telecope)
27 | UInt_t fNumExecutions; // Number of calls to Fill function
28 |
29 | public:
30 | MH(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
31 |
32 | virtual void SetSerialNumber(Byte_t num) { fSerialNumber = num; }
33 | Byte_t GetSerialNumber() const { return fSerialNumber; }
34 | TString AddSerialNumber(const char *str) const { TString s(str); if (fSerialNumber==0) return s; s += ";"; s += fSerialNumber; return s; }
35 | TString AddSerialNumber(const TString &str) const { return AddSerialNumber((const char*)str); }
36 |
37 | UInt_t GetNumExecutions() const { return fNumExecutions; }
38 | void SetNumExecutions(UInt_t n) { fNumExecutions=n; }
39 |
40 | void PrintSkipped(UInt_t n, const char *str);
41 |
42 | Bool_t OverwritesDraw(TClass *cls=NULL) const;
43 |
44 | virtual Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList) { return kTRUE; }
45 | virtual Bool_t ReInit(MParList *pList) { return kTRUE; }
46 | virtual Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t weight=1);
47 | virtual Bool_t Finalize() { return kTRUE; }
48 |
49 | virtual TString GetDataMember() const { return ""; }
50 |
51 | virtual TH1 *GetHistByName(const TString name) const;
52 |
53 | static TCanvas *MakeDefCanvas(TString name="", const char *title="",
54 | UInt_t w=625, UInt_t h=440,
55 | Bool_t usescreenfactor=kTRUE);
56 | static TCanvas *MakeDefCanvas(const TObject *obj,
57 | UInt_t w=625, UInt_t h=440,
58 | Bool_t usescreenfactor=kFALSE);
59 |
60 | static void RemoveFromPad(const char *name);
61 |
62 | // FIXME: * --> & !!!
63 |
64 | static void SetBinning(TH1 *h, const MBinning *binsx);
65 | static void SetBinning(TH2 *h, const MBinning *binsx, const MBinning *binsy);
66 | static void SetBinning(TH3 *h, const MBinning *binsx, const MBinning *binsy, const MBinning *binsz);
67 |
68 | static void SetBinning(TH1 *h, const TArrayD &binsx);
69 | static void SetBinning(TH2 *h, const TArrayD &binsx, const TArrayD &binsy);
70 | static void SetBinning(TH3 *h, const TArrayD &binsx, const TArrayD &binsy, const TArrayD &binsz);
71 |
72 | static void SetBinning(TH1 *h, const TAxis *binsx);
73 | static void SetBinning(TH2 *h, const TAxis *binsx, const TAxis *binsy);
74 | static void SetBinning(TH3 *h, const TAxis *binsx, const TAxis *binsy, const TAxis *binsz);
75 |
76 | static void SetBinning(TH1 *h, const TH1 *x);
77 |
78 | static void SetBinomialErrors(TH1 &hres, const TH1 &h1, const TH1 &h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1);
79 |
80 | static void RemoveFirstBin(TH1 &h);
81 |
82 | static Bool_t ApplyBinning(const MParList &plist, TString x, TH1 *h);
83 | static Bool_t ApplyBinning(const MParList &plist, TString x, TString y, TH2 *h);
84 | static Bool_t ApplyBinning(const MParList &plist, TString x, TString y, TString z, TH3 *h);
85 |
86 | static void ScaleArray(TArrayD &bins, Double_t f);
87 | static TArrayD ScaleAxis(TAxis &axe, Double_t f);
88 | static void ScaleAxis(TH1 *bins, Double_t fx=1, Double_t fy=1, Double_t fz=1);
89 |
90 | static Double_t GetBinCenterLog(const TAxis &axe, Int_t nbin);
91 |
92 | static void DrawSameCopy(const TH1 &hist1, const TH1 &hist2, const TString title);
93 | static void DrawSame(TH1 &hist1, TH1 &hist2, const TString title, Bool_t same=kFALSE);
94 |
95 | TObject *Clone(const char *name="") const;
96 |
97 | TObject *DrawClone(Option_t *opt, Int_t w, Int_t h) const;
98 | TObject *DrawClone(Option_t *opt="") const
99 | {
100 | return MH::DrawClone(opt, 625, 440);
101 | }
102 |
103 | static TVirtualPad *GetNewPad(TString &opt);
104 |
105 | static void FindGoodLimits(Int_t nbins, Int_t &newbins, Double_t &xmin, Double_t &xmax, Bool_t isInteger);
106 | static Double_t GetMinimumGT(const TH1 &h, Double_t gt=0);
107 | static Int_t StripZeros(TH1 *h, Int_t nbins);
108 |
109 | static TH1I* ProjectArray(const TArrayF &array, Int_t nbins=30,
110 | const char* name="ProjectArray", const char* title="Projected Array");
111 | static TH1I* ProjectArray(const TArrayD &array, Int_t nbins=30,
112 | const char* name="ProjectArray", const char* title="Projected Array");
113 | static TH1I* ProjectArray(const MArrayF &array, Int_t nbins=30,
114 | const char* name="ProjectArray", const char* title="Projected Array");
115 | static TH1I* ProjectArray(const MArrayD &array, Int_t nbins=30,
116 | const char* name="ProjectArray", const char* title="Projected Array");
117 |
118 | static void ProjectionX(TH1D &dest, const TH2 &src, Int_t firstybin=-1, Int_t lastybin=9999);
119 | static void ProjectionY(TH1D &dest, const TH2 &src, Int_t firstxbin=-1, Int_t lastxbin=9999);
120 |
121 | static TObject *FindObjectInPad(const char *name, TVirtualPad *pad=NULL);
122 |
123 | static void SetPalette(TString paletteName, Int_t ncol=50);
124 |
125 | ClassDef(MH, 2) //A base class for Mars histograms
126 | };
127 |
128 | #endif
129 |