#ifndef MARS_MHn #define MARS_MHn #ifndef MARS_MH3 #include "MH3.h" #endif class MHn : public MH { public: enum Layout_t { kSimple, kComplex }; protected: MH3 *fHist[6]; // Possible six histograms TString fDrawOption[6]; // Possible corresponding draw options Layout_t fLayout; // Specifier for the layout in the canvas Int_t fNum; // Number of initialized histograms void InitHist(); Bool_t InitName(Int_t n, const char *n); Bool_t InitTitle(Int_t n, const char *t); Bool_t SetDrawOption(Int_t n, const char *opt); public: MHn(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MHn(); // Setter void SetLayout(Layout_t t) { fLayout = t; } void SetDrawOption(const char *opt) { SetDrawOption(fNum-1, opt); } Bool_t AddHist(const char *memberx); Bool_t AddHist(const char *memberx, const char *membery, MH3::Type_t type=MH3::kHistogram); Bool_t AddHist(const char *memberx, const char *membery, const char *memberz, MH3::Type_t type=MH3::kHistogram); void InitName(const char *n) { InitName(fNum-1, n); } void InitTitle(const char *t) { InitTitle(fNum-1, t); } // General interfact to MH3 void SetScale(Double_t x, Double_t y=1, Double_t z=2) const; void SetLog(Bool_t x=kTRUE, Bool_t y=kTRUE, Bool_t z=kTRUE) const; void SetAutoRange(Bool_t x=kTRUE, Bool_t y=kTRUE, Bool_t z=kTRUE) const; void SetBinnings(MBinning *x=0, MBinning *y=0, MBinning *z=0) const; void Sumw2() const; // Interface to labels of MH3 void InitLabels(MH3::Labels_t labels) const; void DefaultLabelX(const char *name=0); void DefaultLabelY(const char *name=0); void DefaultLabelZ(const char *name=0); void DefineLabelX(Int_t label, const char *name); void DefineLabelY(Int_t label, const char *name); void DefineLabelZ(Int_t label, const char *name); void DefineLabelsX(const TString &labels); void DefineLabelsY(const TString &labels); void DefineLabelsZ(const TString &labels); // Set additonal weights for MH3 void SetWeight(const char *phrase); // MH Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList); Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1); Bool_t Finalize(); // TObject //void SetColors() const; void Draw(Option_t *opt=NULL); //void Paint(Option_t *opt=""); ClassDef(MHn, 1) // Generalized histogram class for up to six histograms }; #endif