1 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationChargeCam
2 | #define MARS_MHCalibrationChargeCam
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationCam
5 | #include "MHCalibrationCam.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayI
9 | #include "MArrayI.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #ifndef MARS_MArrayD
13 | #include "MArrayD.h"
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | class TH1F;
17 | class MRawEvtData;
18 | class MExtractedSignalCam;
19 | class MCalibrationChargePix;
20 | class MHCalibrationChargePix;
21 |
22 | class MHCalibrationChargeCam : public MHCalibrationCam
23 | {
24 | private:
25 |
26 | static const Int_t fgChargeHiGainNbins; //! Nr. bins of HiGain Histograms
27 | static const Axis_t fgChargeHiGainFirst; //! First Bin of HiGain Histograms
28 | static const Axis_t fgChargeHiGainLast; //! Last Bin of HiGain Histograms
29 | static const Int_t fgChargeLoGainNbins; //! First Bin of LoGain Histograms
30 | static const Axis_t fgChargeLoGainFirst; //! First Bin of LoGain Histograms
31 | static const Axis_t fgChargeLoGainLast; //! Last Bin of LoGain Histograms
32 | static const Float_t fgProbLimit; //! The default for fProbLimit
33 |
34 | static const TString fgReferenceFile; //! default for fReferenceFile
35 |
36 | static const TString gsHistName; //! Default Histogram names
37 | static const TString gsHistTitle; //! Default Histogram titles
38 | static const TString gsHistXTitle; //! Default Histogram x-axis titles
39 | static const TString gsHistYTitle; //! Default Histogram y-axis titles
40 |
41 | static const TString gsAbsHistName; //! Default Histogram names abs.times
42 | static const TString gsAbsHistTitle; //! Default Histogram titles abs.times
43 | static const TString gsAbsHistXTitle; //! Default Histogram x-axis titles abs.times
44 | static const TString gsAbsHistYTitle; //! Default Histogram y-axis titles abs.times
45 |
46 | static const Float_t fgNumHiGainSaturationLimit; //! Default for fNumHiGainSaturationLimit
47 | static const Float_t fgNumLoGainSaturationLimit; //! Default for fNumLoGainSaturationLimit
48 | static const Float_t fgNumLoGainBlackoutLimit; //! Default for fNumLoGainBlackoutLimit (now at: 0.05)
49 |
50 | static const Float_t fgLoGainBlackoutLimit; //! Default for low-gain blackout limit (now at: 3.5)
51 | static const Float_t fgLoGainPickupLimit; //! Default for low-gian pickup limit (now at: 3.5)
52 |
53 | static const Float_t fgTimeLowerLimit; //! Default for fTimeLowerLimit
54 | static const Float_t fgTimeUpperLimit; //! Default for fTimeUpperLimit
55 |
56 | Int_t fLoGainNbins; // Number of LoGain bins
57 | Axis_t fLoGainFirst; // Lower histogram limit low gain
58 | Axis_t fLoGainLast; // Upper histogram limit low gain
59 |
60 | Float_t fNumLoGainBlackoutLimit; // Rel. amount blackout logain events until pixel is declared unsuitable
61 |
62 | TString fAbsHistName; // Histogram names abs.times
63 | TString fAbsHistTitle; // Histogram titles abs. times
64 | TString fAbsHistXTitle; // Histogram x-axis titles abs. times
65 | TString fAbsHistYTitle; // Histogram y-axis titles abs. times
66 |
67 | TString fReferenceFile; // File name containing the reference values
68 |
69 | Float_t fInnerRefCharge; // The reference mean arrival time inner pixels
70 | Float_t fOuterRefCharge; // The reference mean arrival time outer pixels
71 |
72 | MArrayD fSumhiarea ; //!
73 | MArrayD fSumloarea ; //!
74 | MArrayD fTimehiarea ; //!
75 | MArrayD fTimeloarea ; //!
76 | MArrayD fSumhisector; //!
77 | MArrayD fSumlosector; //!
78 | MArrayD fTimehisector; //!
79 | MArrayD fTimelosector; //!
80 |
81 | MArrayI fSathiarea ; //!
82 | MArrayI fSatloarea ; //!
83 | MArrayI fSathisector; //!
84 | MArrayI fSatlosector; //!
85 |
86 | Float_t fTimeLowerLimit; // Limit dist. to first signal slice (in units of FADC slices)
87 | Float_t fTimeUpperLimit; // Limit dist. to last signal slice (in units of FADC slices)
88 |
89 | MRawEvtData *fRawEvt; //! Raw event data
90 | MExtractedSignalCam *fSignal; //!
91 |
92 | Bool_t SetupHists(const MParList *pList);
93 | Bool_t ReInitHists(MParList *pList);
94 | Bool_t FillHists(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
95 |
96 | void InitHiGainArrays( const Int_t npix, const Int_t nareas, const Int_t nsectors );
97 | void InitLoGainArrays( const Int_t npix, const Int_t nareas, const Int_t nsectors );
98 |
99 | void FinalizeAbsTimes (MHCalibrationChargePix &hist, MCalibrationChargePix &pix, MBadPixelsPix &bad,
100 | Int_t first, Int_t last);
101 | Bool_t FinalizeHists();
102 | void FinalizeBadPixels();
103 |
104 | void DrawDataCheckPixel(MHCalibrationChargePix &pix, const Float_t refline);
105 | void DisplayRefLines ( const TH1F *hist, const Float_t refline) const;
106 |
107 | Int_t ReadEnv ( const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
108 |
109 | public:
110 |
111 | MHCalibrationChargeCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
112 | ~MHCalibrationChargeCam() {}
113 |
114 | // Clone
115 | TObject *Clone(const char *name="") const;
116 |
117 | // Draw
118 | void Draw(const Option_t *opt);
119 |
120 | void SetAbsHistName ( const char *name ) { fAbsHistName = name; }
121 | void SetAbsHistTitle ( const char *name ) { fAbsHistTitle = name; }
122 | void SetAbsHistXTitle ( const char *name ) { fAbsHistXTitle = name; }
123 | void SetAbsHistYTitle ( const char *name ) { fAbsHistYTitle = name; }
124 |
125 | void SetBinningLoGain(Int_t n, Axis_t lo, Axis_t up) { fLoGainNbins=n; fLoGainFirst=lo; fLoGainLast=up; }
126 |
127 | void SetNumLoGainBlackoutLimit( const Float_t f=fgNumLoGainBlackoutLimit ) { fNumLoGainBlackoutLimit = f; }
128 |
129 | void SetReferenceFile ( const TString ref=fgReferenceFile ) { fReferenceFile = ref; }
130 |
131 | void SetTimeLowerLimit( const Float_t f=fgTimeLowerLimit ) { fTimeLowerLimit = f; }
132 | void SetTimeUpperLimit( const Float_t f=fgTimeUpperLimit ) { fTimeUpperLimit = f; }
133 |
134 | // MHCamEvent
135 | Bool_t GetPixelContent ( Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const { return kTRUE; }
136 | void DrawPixelContent( Int_t num ) const;
137 |
138 | ClassDef(MHCalibrationChargeCam, 3) // Histogram class for Charge Camera Calibration
139 | };
140 |
141 | #endif