1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 02/2004 <mailto:markus@ifae.es>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MHCalibrationChargePINDiode
28 | //
29 | // Histogram class for the charge calibration of the PIN Diode.
30 | // Stores and fits the charges, the RMS of the charges and stores the
31 | // location of the maximum FADC slice. Charges are taken from MExtractedSignalPINDiode.
32 | //
33 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 | #include "MHCalibrationChargePINDiode.h"
35 |
36 | #include <TH1.h>
37 | #include <TF1.h>
38 | #include <TPad.h>
39 | #include <TVirtualPad.h>
40 | #include <TCanvas.h>
41 |
42 | #include "MLog.h"
43 | #include "MLogManip.h"
44 |
45 | #include "MParList.h"
46 |
47 | #include "MExtractedSignalPINDiode.h"
48 | #include "MCalibrationChargePINDiode.h"
49 |
50 | ClassImp(MHCalibrationChargePINDiode);
51 |
52 | using namespace std;
53 |
54 | const Axis_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgAbsTimeFirst = -0.5;
55 | const Axis_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgAbsTimeLast = 29.5;
56 | const Int_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgAbsTimeNbins = 30;
57 | const Axis_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgChargeFirst = -0.5;
58 | const Axis_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgChargeLast = 1999.5;
59 | const Int_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgChargeNbins = 2000;
60 | const Int_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgRmsChargeNbins = 200;
61 | const Axis_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgRmsChargeFirst = 0.;
62 | const Axis_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgRmsChargeLast = 200.;
63 | const Float_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgTimeLowerLimit = 3.;
64 | const Float_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::fgTimeUpperLimit = 4.;
65 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 | //
67 | // Default Constructor.
68 | //
69 | // Sets:
70 | // - the default number for fAbsTimeFirst (fgAbsTimeFirst)
71 | // - the default number for fAbsTimeLast (fgAbsTimeLast)
72 | // - the default number for fAbsTimeNbins (fgAbsTimeNbins)
73 | // - the default number for MHGausEvents::fNbins (fgChargeNbins)
74 | // - the default number for MHGausEvents::fFirst (fgChargeFirst)
75 | // - the default number for MHGausEvents::fLast (fgChargeLast)
76 | // - the default number for fRmsChargeNbins (fgRmsChargeNbins)
77 | // - the default number for fRmsChargeFirst (fgRmsChargeFirst)
78 | // - the default number for fRmsChargeLast (fgRmsChargeLast)
79 | // - the default number for fTimeLowerLimit (fgTimeLowerLimit)
80 | // - the default number for fTimeUpperLimit (fgTimeUpperLimit)
81 | //
82 | // - the default name of the fHGausHist ("HCalibrationChargePINDiode")
83 | // - the default title of the fHGausHist ("Distribution of Summed FADC slices PIN Diode")
84 | // - the default x-axis title for fHGausHist ("Sum FADC Slices")
85 | // - the default y-axis title for fHGausHist ("Nr. of events")
86 | // - the default name of the fHAbsTime ("HAbsTimePINDiode")
87 | // - the default title of the fHAbsTime ("Distribution of Absolute Arrival Times PIN Diode")
88 | // - the default x-axis title for fHAbsTime ("Absolute Arrival Time [FADC slice nr]")
89 | // - the default y-axis title for fHAbsTime ("Nr. of events")
90 | // - the default name of the fHRmsCharge ("HRmsChargePINDiode")
91 | // - the default title of the fHRmsCharge ("Distribution of Variances of summed FADC slices PIN Diode")
92 | // - the default x-axis title for fHRmsCharge ("RMS (sum) [FADC slices]")
93 | // - the default y-axis title for fHRmsCharge ("Nr. of events")
94 | // - the default directory of the fHRmsCharge (NULL)
95 | // - the current style for fHRmsCharge (NULL)
96 | //
97 | // Initializes:
98 | // - fHRmsCharge()
99 | // - all pointers to NULL
100 | //
101 | // Calls:
102 | // - Clear()
103 | //
104 | MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::MHCalibrationChargePINDiode(const char *name, const char *title)
105 | : fPINDiode(NULL), fSigPIN(NULL), fHRmsCharge()
106 | {
107 |
108 | fName = name ? name : "MHCalibrationChargePINDiode";
109 | fTitle = title ? title : "Fill the FADC sums of the PINDiode events and perform the fits";
110 |
111 | SetAbsTimeFirst();
112 | SetAbsTimeLast();
113 | SetAbsTimeNbins();
114 |
115 | SetNbins( fgChargeNbins );
116 | SetFirst( fgChargeFirst );
117 | SetLast ( fgChargeLast );
118 |
119 | SetRmsChargeNbins();
120 | SetRmsChargeFirst();
121 | SetRmsChargeLast();
122 |
123 | SetTimeLowerLimit();
124 | SetTimeUpperLimit();
125 |
126 | fHGausHist.SetName("HCalibrationChargePINDiode");
127 | fHGausHist.SetTitle("Distribution of Summed FADC slices PIN Diode");
128 | fHGausHist.SetXTitle("Sum FADC Slices");
129 | fHGausHist.SetYTitle("Nr. of events");
130 |
131 | fHAbsTime.SetName("HAbsTimePINDiode");
132 | fHAbsTime.SetTitle("Distribution of Absolute Arrival Times PIN Diode");
133 | fHAbsTime.SetXTitle("Absolute Arrival Time [FADC slice nr]");
134 | fHAbsTime.SetYTitle("Nr. of events");
135 |
136 | fHRmsCharge.SetName("HRmsChargePINDiode");
137 | fHRmsCharge.SetTitle("Distribution of Variances of summed FADC slices PIN Diode");
138 | fHRmsCharge.SetXTitle("RMS (sum) [FADC slices]");
139 | fHRmsCharge.SetYTitle("Nr. of events");
140 | fHRmsCharge.UseCurrentStyle();
141 | fHRmsCharge.SetDirectory(NULL);
142 |
143 | Clear();
144 | }
145 |
146 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 | //
148 | // Initializes Binning of the following histograms:
149 | // - fHGausHist.SetBins(fNbins,fFirst,fLast);
150 | // - fHAbsTime.SetBins(fAbsTimeNbins,fAbsTimeFirst,fAbsTimeLast);
151 | // - fHRmsCharge.SetBins(fRmsChargeNbins,fRmsChargeFirst,fRmsChargeLast);
152 | //
153 | Bool_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::SetupFill(const MParList *pList)
154 | {
155 |
156 | MHCalibrationPix::InitBins();
157 |
158 | fHAbsTime. SetBins(fAbsTimeNbins, fAbsTimeFirst, fAbsTimeLast);
159 | fHRmsCharge.SetBins(fRmsChargeNbins,fRmsChargeFirst,fRmsChargeLast);
160 |
161 | return kTRUE;
162 |
163 | }
164 |
165 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 | //
167 | // Use the MHCalibrationChargePix::Clone function and clone additionally
168 | // the rest of the data members.
169 | //
170 | TObject *MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::Clone(const char *name) const
171 | {
172 |
173 | MHCalibrationChargePINDiode &pix = (MHCalibrationChargePINDiode&)*MHCalibrationChargePix::Clone(name);
174 | //
175 | // Copy data members
176 | //
177 | pix.fHRmsCharge = fHRmsCharge;
178 |
179 | pix.fRmsChargeFirst = fRmsChargeFirst;
180 | pix.fRmsChargeLast = fRmsChargeLast;
181 | pix.fRmsChargeNbins = fRmsChargeNbins;
182 | pix.fRmsChargeMean = fRmsChargeMean;
183 | pix.fRmsChargeMeanErr = fRmsChargeMeanErr;
184 | pix.fRmsChargeSigma = fRmsChargeSigma;
185 | pix.fRmsChargeSigmaErr = fRmsChargeSigmaErr;
186 | pix.fTimeLowerLimit = fTimeLowerLimit;
187 | pix.fTimeUpperLimit = fTimeUpperLimit;
188 |
189 | return &pix;
190 | }
191 |
192 |
193 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 | //
195 | // Gets or creates the pointers to:
196 | // - MExtractedSignalPINDiode
197 | // - MCalibrationChargePINDiode
198 | //
199 | Bool_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::ReInit(MParList *pList)
200 | {
201 |
202 | fSigPIN = (MExtractedSignalPINDiode*)pList->FindCreateObj("MExtractedSignalPINDiode");
203 | if (!fSigPIN)
204 | {
205 | *fLog << err << "MExtractedSignalPINDiode not found... aborting " << endl;
206 | return kFALSE;
207 | }
208 |
209 | fPINDiode = (MCalibrationChargePINDiode*)pList->FindCreateObj("MCalibrationChargePINDiode");
210 | if (!fPINDiode)
211 | {
212 | *fLog << err << "MCalibrationChargePINDiode not found... aborting " << endl;
213 | return kFALSE;
214 | }
215 |
216 | return kTRUE;
217 | }
218 |
219 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 | //
221 | // Retrieves from MExtractedSignalPINDiode:
222 | // - Number of used FADC samples via MExtractedSignalPINDiode::GetNumFADCSamples()
223 | // - Extracted signal via MExtractedSignalPINDiode::GetExtractedSignal()
224 | // - Signal Rms MExtractedSignalPINDiode::GetExtractedRms()
225 | // - Arrival Time MExtractedSignalPINDiode::GetExtractedTime()
226 | //
227 | // Fills the following histograms:
228 | // - MHGausEvents::FillHistAndArray(signal)
229 | // - MHCalibrationChargePix::FillAbsTime(time);
230 | // - FillRmsCharge(rms);
231 | //
232 | Bool_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w)
233 | {
234 |
235 | MExtractedSignalPINDiode *extractor = (MExtractedSignalPINDiode*)par;
236 |
237 | if (!extractor)
238 | {
239 | *fLog << err << "No argument in MExtractedSignalPINDiode::Fill... abort." << endl;
240 | return kFALSE;
241 | }
242 |
243 | Float_t slices = (Float_t)extractor->GetNumFADCSamples();
244 |
245 | if (slices == 0.)
246 | {
247 | *fLog << err << "Number of used signal slices in MExtractedSignalPINDiode is zero ... abort."
248 | << endl;
249 | return kFALSE;
250 | }
251 |
252 | const Float_t signal = (float)extractor->GetExtractedSignal();
253 | const Float_t time = extractor->GetExtractedTime();
254 | const Float_t rms = extractor->GetExtractedRms();
255 |
256 | FillHistAndArray(signal);
257 | FillAbsTime(time);
258 | FillRmsCharge(rms);
259 |
260 | return kTRUE;
261 | }
262 |
263 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 | //
265 | // Returns kTRUE, if empty
266 | //
267 | // Performs the following fits:
268 | // - MHGausEvents::FitGaus()
269 | // - FitRmsCharge()
270 | //
271 | // Creates the fourier spectrum (MHGausEvents::CreateFourierSpectrum()
272 | // and sets bit MCalibrationChargePINDiode::SetOscillating( MHGausEvents::IsFourierSpectrumOK() )
273 | // Retrieves the results of the following fits and stores them in MCalibrationChargePINDiode:
274 | // - Mean Charge and Error
275 | // - Sigma Charge and Error
276 | // - Fit Probability
277 | // - Abs Time Mean
278 | // - Abs Time Rms
279 | // - Rms Charge Mean and Error
280 | // - Rms Charge Sigma and Error
281 | //
282 | // Performs one consistency check on the arrival time:
283 | // The check returns kFALSE if:
284 | //
285 | // -The mean arrival time is in fTimeLowerLimit slices from the lower edge
286 | // and fUpperLimit slices from the upper edge
287 | //
288 | Bool_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::Finalize()
289 | {
290 |
291 | if (IsGausFitOK() || IsEmpty())
292 | return kTRUE;
293 |
294 | FitGaus();
295 | FitRmsCharge();
296 |
297 | CreateFourierSpectrum();
298 | fPINDiode->SetOscillating ( !IsFourierSpectrumOK() );
299 |
300 | fPINDiode->SetMean ( fMean );
301 | fPINDiode->SetMeanVar ( fMeanErr * fMeanErr );
302 | fPINDiode->SetSigma ( fSigma );
303 | fPINDiode->SetSigmaVar ( fSigmaErr * fMeanErr );
304 | fPINDiode->SetProb ( fProb );
305 |
306 | fPINDiode->SetAbsTimeMean( GetAbsTimeMean() );
307 | fPINDiode->SetAbsTimeRms( GetAbsTimeRms() );
308 |
309 | fPINDiode->SetRmsChargeMean( GetRmsChargeMean() );
310 | fPINDiode->SetRmsChargeMeanErr( GetRmsChargeMeanErr() );
311 | fPINDiode->SetRmsChargeSigma( GetRmsChargeSigma() );
312 | fPINDiode->SetRmsChargeSigmaErr( GetRmsChargeSigmaErr() );
313 |
314 | fPINDiode->SetValid(kTRUE);
315 |
316 | const Byte_t loweredge = fSigPIN->GetFirstUsedSlice();
317 | const Byte_t upperedge = fSigPIN->GetLastUsedSlice();
318 | const Float_t lowerlimit = (Float_t)loweredge + fTimeLowerLimit;
319 | const Float_t upperlimit = (Float_t)upperedge + fTimeUpperLimit;
320 |
321 | if (GetAbsTimeMean() < lowerlimit)
322 | {
323 | *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor()
324 | << Form("%s%3.1f%s%2.1f%s",": Mean ArrivalTime: ",GetAbsTimeMean()," smaller than ",
325 | lowerlimit," FADC slices from lower edge in PIN Diode") << endl;
326 | *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": No PIN Diode calibration!! " << endl;
327 | fPINDiode->SetValid(kFALSE);
328 | }
329 |
330 | if ( GetAbsTimeMean() > upperlimit )
331 | {
332 | *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor()
333 | << Form("%s%3.1f%s%2.1f%s",": Mean ArrivalTime: ",GetAbsTimeMean()," bigger than ",
334 | upperlimit," FADC slices from upper edge in PIN Diode") << endl;
335 | *fLog << warn << GetDescriptor() << ": No PIN Diode calibration!! " << endl;
336 | fPINDiode->SetValid(kFALSE);
337 | }
338 |
339 | return kTRUE;
340 | }
341 |
342 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 | //
344 | // Fills fHRmsCharge with q
345 | // Returns kFALSE, if overflow or underflow occurred, else kTRUE
346 | //
347 | Bool_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::FillRmsCharge(const Float_t q)
348 | {
349 | return fHRmsCharge.Fill(q) > -1;
350 | }
351 |
352 | // -----------------------------------------------------------
353 | //
354 | // Fits -- not yet implemented
355 | //
356 | Bool_t MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::FitRmsCharge(Option_t *option)
357 | {
358 | return 1;
359 | }
360 |
361 |
362 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 | //
364 | // Draw the histogram
365 | //
366 | // The following options can be chosen:
367 | //
368 | // "": displays the fHGausHist with fits and fHRmsCharge
369 | // "all": executes additionally MHCalibrationPix::Draw(), with option "fourierevents"
370 | //
371 | void MHCalibrationChargePINDiode::Draw(const Option_t *opt)
372 | {
373 |
374 | TString option(opt);
375 | option.ToLower();
376 |
377 | Int_t win = 1;
378 |
379 | TVirtualPad *oldpad = gPad ? gPad : MH::MakeDefCanvas(this,900, 600);
380 | TVirtualPad *pad = NULL;
381 |
382 | oldpad->SetBorderMode(0);
383 |
384 | if (option.Contains("all"))
385 | {
386 | option.ReplaceAll("all","");
387 | oldpad->Divide(2,1);
388 | win = 2;
389 | oldpad->cd(1);
390 | TVirtualPad *newpad = gPad;
391 | pad = newpad;
392 | pad->Divide(1,2);
393 | pad->cd(1);
394 | }
395 | else
396 | {
397 | pad = oldpad;
398 | pad->Divide(1,2);
399 | pad->cd(1);
400 | }
401 |
402 | if (IsEmpty())
403 | return;
404 |
405 | if (!IsOnlyOverflow() && !IsOnlyUnderflow())
406 | gPad->SetLogy();
407 |
408 | gPad->SetTicks();
409 |
410 | fHGausHist.Draw(opt);
411 | if (fFGausFit)
412 | {
413 | fFGausFit->SetLineColor(IsGausFitOK() ? kGreen : kRed);
414 | fFGausFit->Draw("same");
415 | }
416 |
417 | pad->cd(2);
418 | fHRmsCharge.Draw(opt);
419 |
420 | oldpad->cd(2);
421 | MHCalibrationPix::Draw("fourierevents");
422 | }
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |