1 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationChargePINDiode
2 | #define MARS_MHCalibrationChargePINDiode
3 |
4 |
5 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationChargePix
6 | #include "MHCalibrationChargePix.h"
7 | #endif
8 |
9 | class TH1F;
10 | class MExtractedSignalPINDiode;
11 | class MCalibrationChargePINDiode;
12 | class MHCalibrationChargePINDiode : public MHCalibrationChargePix
13 | {
14 | private:
15 |
16 | static const Axis_t fgAbsTimeFirst; //! Default for fAbsTimeFirst (now set to: -0.5 )
17 | static const Axis_t fgAbsTimeLast; //! Default for fAbsTimeLast (now set to: 29.5 )
18 | static const Int_t fgAbsTimeNbins; //! Default for fAbsTimeNBins (now set to: 30 )
19 | static const Int_t fgChargeNbins; //! Default for fNBins (now set to: 200 )
20 | static const Axis_t fgChargeFirst; //! Default for fFirst (now set to: -0.5 )
21 | static const Axis_t fgChargeLast; //! Default for fLast (now set to: 199.5 )
22 | static const Int_t fgRmsChargeNbins; //! Default for fRmsChargeNBins (now set to: 100 )
23 | static const Axis_t fgRmsChargeFirst; //! Default for fRmsChargeFirst (now set to: 0. )
24 | static const Axis_t fgRmsChargeLast; //! Default for fRmsChargeLast (now set to: 100. )
25 | static const Float_t fgTimeLowerLimit; //! Default for fTimeLowerLimit (now set to: 1.)
26 | static const Float_t fgTimeUpperLimit; //! Default for fTimeUpperLimit (now set to: 2.)
27 |
28 | MCalibrationChargePINDiode *fPINDiode; //! Storage container of the results
29 | MExtractedSignalPINDiode *fSigPIN; //! Storage container of extracted signal
30 |
31 | TH1F fHRmsCharge; // Histogram containing Variance of summed FADC slices
32 |
33 | Axis_t fRmsChargeFirst; // Lower bound bin used for the fHRmsCharge
34 | Axis_t fRmsChargeLast; // Upper bound bin used for the fHRmsCharge
35 | Int_t fRmsChargeNbins; // Number of bins used for the fHRmsCharge
36 | Float_t fRmsChargeMean; // Mean of the Gauss fit
37 | Float_t fRmsChargeMeanErr; // Error of the mean of the Gauss fit
38 | Float_t fRmsChargeSigma; // Sigma of the Gauss fit
39 | Float_t fRmsChargeSigmaErr; // Error of the sigma of the Gauss fit
40 | Float_t fTimeLowerLimit; // Limit dist. to first signal slice (units: FADC slices)
41 | Float_t fTimeUpperLimit; // Limit dist. to last signal slice (units: FADC slices)
42 |
43 | public:
44 |
45 | MHCalibrationChargePINDiode(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
46 | ~MHCalibrationChargePINDiode(){}
47 |
48 | TObject *Clone(const char* name="") const;
49 |
50 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList);
51 | Bool_t ReInit ( MParList *pList);
52 | Bool_t Fill (const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
53 | Bool_t Finalize ();
54 |
55 | // Draw
56 | void Draw(Option_t *opt="");
57 |
58 | // Getters
59 | TH1F *GetHRmsCharge() { return &fHRmsCharge; }
60 | const TH1F *GetHRmsCharge() const { return &fHRmsCharge; }
61 | Float_t GetRmsChargeMean() const { return fRmsChargeMean; }
62 | Float_t GetRmsChargeMeanErr() const { return fRmsChargeMeanErr; }
63 | Float_t GetRmsChargeSigma() const { return fRmsChargeSigma; }
64 | Float_t GetRmsChargeSigmaErr() const { return fRmsChargeSigmaErr; }
65 |
66 | // Fill histos
67 | Bool_t FillRmsCharge(const Float_t q);
68 |
69 | // Fits
70 | Bool_t FitRmsCharge(Option_t *option="RQ0");
71 |
72 | // Setters
73 | void SetAbsTimeNbins ( const Int_t bins =fgAbsTimeNbins ) { fAbsTimeNbins = bins; }
74 | void SetAbsTimeFirst ( const Axis_t first=fgAbsTimeFirst ) { fAbsTimeFirst = first; }
75 | void SetAbsTimeLast ( const Axis_t last =fgAbsTimeLast ) { fAbsTimeLast = last; }
76 | void SetRmsChargeNbins ( const Int_t bins =fgRmsChargeNbins ) { fRmsChargeNbins = bins; }
77 | void SetRmsChargeFirst ( const Axis_t first=fgRmsChargeFirst ) { fRmsChargeFirst = first; }
78 | void SetRmsChargeLast ( const Axis_t last =fgRmsChargeLast ) { fRmsChargeLast = last; }
79 | void SetTimeLowerLimit ( const Float_t f=fgTimeLowerLimit ) { fTimeLowerLimit = f; }
80 | void SetTimeUpperLimit ( const Float_t f=fgTimeUpperLimit ) { fTimeUpperLimit = f; }
81 |
82 | ClassDef(MHCalibrationChargePINDiode, 1) // Histogram class for Charge PIN Diode Calibration
83 | };
84 |
85 | #endif
86 |