1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Markus Gaug 02/2004 <mailto:markus@ifae.es>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2004
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MHGausEvents
28 | //
29 | // A base class for events which are believed to follow a Gaussian distribution
30 | // with time, e.g. calibration events, observables containing white noise, ...
31 | //
32 | // MHGausEvents derives from MH, thus all features of MH can be used by a class
33 | // deriving from MHGausEvents, especially the filling functions.
34 | //
35 | // The central objects are:
36 | //
37 | // 1) The TH1F fHGausHist:
38 | // ====================
39 | //
40 | // It is created with a default name and title and resides in directory NULL.
41 | // - Any class deriving from MHGausEvents needs to apply a binning to fHGausHist
42 | // (e.g. by setting the variables fNbins, fFirst, fLast and calling the function
43 | // InitBins() or by directly calling fHGausHist.SetBins(..) )
44 | // - The histogram is filled with the functions FillHist() or FillHistAndArray().
45 | // - The histogram can be fitted with the function FitGaus(). This involves stripping
46 | // of all zeros at the lower and upper end of the histogram and re-binning to
47 | // a new number of bins, specified in the variable fBinsAfterStripping.
48 | // - The fit result's probability is compared to a reference probability fProbLimit
49 | // The NDF is compared to fNDFLimit and a check is made whether results are NaNs.
50 | // Accordingly, a flag IsGausFitOK() is set.
51 | // - One can repeat the fit within a given amount of sigmas from the previous mean
52 | // (specified by the variables fPickupLimit and fBlackoutLimit) with the function RepeatFit()
53 | //
54 | // 2) The TArrayF fEvents:
55 | // ==========================
56 | //
57 | // It is created with 0 entries and not expanded unless FillArray() or FillHistAndArray()
58 | // are called.
59 | // - A first call to FillArray() or FillHistAndArray() initializes fEvents by default
60 | // to 512 entries.
61 | // - Any later call to FillArray() or FillHistAndArray() fills up the array.
62 | // Reaching the limit, the array is expanded by a factor 2.
63 | // - The array can be fourier-transformed into the array fPowerSpectrum.
64 | // Note that any FFT accepts only number of events which are a power of 2.
65 | // Thus, fEvents is cut to the next power of 2 smaller than its actual number of entries.
66 | // Be aware that you might lose information at the end of your analysis.
67 | // - Calling the function CreateFourierSpectrum() creates the array fPowerSpectrum
68 | // and its projection fHPowerProbability which in turn is fit to an exponential.
69 | // - The fit result's probability is compared to a referenc probability fProbLimit
70 | // and accordingly the flag IsExpFitOK() is set.
71 | // - The flag IsFourierSpectrumOK() is set accordingly to IsExpFitOK().
72 | // Later, a closer check will be installed.
73 | // - You can display all arrays by calls to: CreateGraphEvents() and
74 | // CreateGraphPowerSpectrum() and successive calls to the corresponding Getters.
75 | //
76 | // To see an example, have a look at: Draw()
77 | //
78 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 | #include "MHGausEvents.h"
80 |
81 | #include <TH1.h>
82 | #include <TF1.h>
83 | #include <TGraph.h>
84 | #include <TPad.h>
85 | #include <TVirtualPad.h>
86 | #include <TCanvas.h>
87 | #include <TStyle.h>
88 | #include <TRandom.h>
89 |
90 | #include "MFFT.h"
91 | #include "MArrayF.h"
92 |
93 | #include "MH.h"
94 |
95 | #include "MLog.h"
96 | #include "MLogManip.h"
97 |
98 | ClassImp(MHGausEvents);
99 |
100 | using namespace std;
101 |
102 | const Int_t MHGausEvents::fgNDFLimit = 2;
103 | const Float_t MHGausEvents::fgProbLimit = 0.001;
104 | const Int_t MHGausEvents::fgPowerProbabilityBins = 30;
105 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 | //
107 | // Default Constructor.
108 | // Sets:
109 | // - the default Probability Bins for fPowerProbabilityBins (fgPowerProbabilityBins)
110 | // - the default Probability Limit for fProbLimit (fgProbLimit)
111 | // - the default NDF Limit for fNDFLimit (fgNDFLimit)
112 | // - the default number of bins after stripping for fBinsAfterStipping (fgBinsAfterStipping)
113 | // - the default name of the fHGausHist ("HGausHist")
114 | // - the default title of the fHGausHist ("Histogram of Events with Gaussian Distribution")
115 | // - the default directory of the fHGausHist (NULL)
116 | // - the default for fNbins (100)
117 | // - the default for fFirst (0.)
118 | // - the default for fLast (100.)
119 | //
120 | // Initializes:
121 | // - fEvents to 0 entries
122 | // - fHGausHist()
123 | // - all other pointers to NULL
124 | // - all variables to 0.
125 | // - all flags to kFALSE
126 | //
127 | MHGausEvents::MHGausEvents(const char *name, const char *title)
128 | : fEventFrequency(0), fFlags(0),
129 | fHPowerProbability(NULL),
130 | fPowerSpectrum(NULL),
131 | fFGausFit(NULL), fFExpFit(NULL),
132 | fFirst(0.),
133 | fGraphEvents(NULL), fGraphPowerSpectrum(NULL),
134 | fLast(100.), fNbins(100)
135 | {
136 |
137 | fName = name ? name : "MHGausEvents";
138 | fTitle = title ? title : "Events with expected Gaussian distributions";
139 |
140 | Clear();
141 |
142 | SetBinsAfterStripping();
143 | SetNDFLimit();
144 | SetPowerProbabilityBins();
145 | SetProbLimit();
146 |
147 | fHGausHist.SetName("HGausHist");
148 | fHGausHist.SetTitle("Histogram of Events with Gaussian Distribution");
149 | // important, other ROOT will not draw the axes:
150 | fHGausHist.UseCurrentStyle();
151 | fHGausHist.SetDirectory(NULL);
152 | TAxis *yaxe = fHGausHist.GetYaxis();
153 | yaxe->CenterTitle();
154 | }
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 | //
160 | // Default Destructor.
161 | //
162 | // Deletes (if Pointer is not NULL):
163 | //
164 | // - fHPowerProbability
165 | // - fPowerSpectrum
166 | // - fGraphEvents
167 | // - fGraphPowerSpectrum
168 | //
169 | // - fFGausFit
170 | // - fFExpFit
171 | //
172 | MHGausEvents::~MHGausEvents()
173 | {
174 |
175 | //
176 | // The next two lines are important for the case that
177 | // the class has been stored to a file and is read again.
178 | // In this case, the next two lines prevent a segm. violation
179 | // in the destructor
180 | //
181 | gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fFGausFit);
182 | gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fFExpFit);
183 |
184 | // delete fits
185 | if (fFGausFit)
186 | delete fFGausFit;
187 |
188 | if (fFExpFit)
189 | delete fFExpFit;
190 |
191 | // delete histograms
192 | if (fHPowerProbability)
193 | delete fHPowerProbability;
194 |
195 | // delete arrays
196 | if (fPowerSpectrum)
197 | delete fPowerSpectrum;
198 |
199 | // delete graphs
200 | if (fGraphEvents)
201 | delete fGraphEvents;
202 |
203 | if (fGraphPowerSpectrum)
204 | delete fGraphPowerSpectrum;
205 | }
206 |
207 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 | //
209 | // Default Clear(), can be overloaded.
210 | //
211 | // Sets:
212 | // - all other pointers to NULL
213 | // - all variables to 0. and keep fEventFrequency
214 | // - all flags to kFALSE
215 | //
216 | // Deletes (if not NULL):
217 | // - all pointers
218 | //
219 | void MHGausEvents::Clear(Option_t *o)
220 | {
221 |
222 | SetGausFitOK ( kFALSE );
223 | SetExpFitOK ( kFALSE );
224 | SetFourierSpectrumOK( kFALSE );
225 | SetExcluded ( kFALSE );
226 |
227 | fMean = 0.;
228 | fSigma = 0.;
229 | fMeanErr = 0.;
230 | fSigmaErr = 0.;
231 | fProb = 0.;
232 |
233 | fCurrentSize = 0;
234 |
235 | if (fHPowerProbability)
236 | {
237 | delete fHPowerProbability;
238 | fHPowerProbability = NULL;
239 | }
240 |
241 | // delete fits
242 | if (fFGausFit)
243 | {
244 | delete fFGausFit;
245 | fFGausFit = NULL;
246 | }
247 |
248 | if (fFExpFit)
249 | {
250 | delete fFExpFit;
251 | fFExpFit = NULL;
252 | }
253 |
254 | // delete arrays
255 | if (fPowerSpectrum)
256 | {
257 | delete fPowerSpectrum;
258 | fPowerSpectrum = NULL;
259 | }
260 |
261 | // delete graphs
262 | if (fGraphEvents)
263 | {
264 | delete fGraphEvents;
265 | fGraphEvents = NULL;
266 | }
267 |
268 | if (fGraphPowerSpectrum)
269 | {
270 | delete fGraphPowerSpectrum;
271 | fGraphPowerSpectrum = NULL;
272 | }
273 | }
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 | //
279 | // Create the x-axis for the event graph
280 | //
281 | Float_t *MHGausEvents::CreateEventXaxis(Int_t n)
282 | {
283 |
284 | Float_t *xaxis = new Float_t[n];
285 |
286 | if (fEventFrequency)
287 | for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++)
288 | xaxis[i] = (Float_t)i/fEventFrequency;
289 | else
290 | for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++)
291 | xaxis[i] = (Float_t)i;
292 |
293 | return xaxis;
294 |
295 | }
296 |
297 |
298 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
299 | //
300 | // Create the fourier spectrum using the class MFFT.
301 | // The result is projected into a histogram and fitted by an exponential
302 | //
303 | void MHGausEvents::CreateFourierSpectrum()
304 | {
305 |
306 | if (fFExpFit)
307 | return;
308 |
309 | if (fEvents.GetSize() < 8)
310 | {
311 | *fLog << warn << "Cannot create Fourier spectrum in: " << fName
312 | << ". Number of events smaller than 8 " << endl;
313 | return;
314 | }
315 |
316 | //
317 | // The number of entries HAS to be a potence of 2,
318 | // so we can only cut out from the last potence of 2 to the rest.
319 | // Another possibility would be to fill everything with
320 | // zeros, but that gives a low frequency peak, which we would
321 | // have to cut out later again.
322 | //
323 | // So, we have to live with the possibility that at the end
324 | // of the calibration run, something has happened without noticing
325 | // it...
326 | //
327 |
328 | // This cuts only the non-used zero's, but MFFT will later cut the rest
329 | fEvents.StripZeros();
330 |
331 | if (fEvents.GetSize() < 8)
332 | {
333 | /*
334 | *fLog << warn << "Cannot create Fourier spectrum. " << endl;
335 | *fLog << warn << "Number of events (after stripping of zeros) is smaller than 8 "
336 | << "in pixel: " << fPixId << endl;
337 | */
338 | return;
339 | }
340 |
341 | MFFT fourier;
342 |
343 | fPowerSpectrum = fourier.PowerSpectrumDensity(&fEvents);
344 | fHPowerProbability = ProjectArray(*fPowerSpectrum, fPowerProbabilityBins,
345 | Form("%s%s","PowerProb",GetName()),
346 | "Probability of Power occurrance");
347 | fHPowerProbability->SetXTitle("P(f)");
348 | fHPowerProbability->SetYTitle("Counts");
349 | fHPowerProbability->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
350 | fHPowerProbability->SetDirectory(NULL);
351 | fHPowerProbability->SetBit(kCanDelete);
352 | //
353 | // First guesses for the fit (should be as close to reality as possible,
354 | //
355 | const Double_t xmax = fHPowerProbability->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
356 |
357 | fFExpFit = new TF1("FExpFit","exp([0]-[1]*x)",0.,xmax);
358 |
359 | const Double_t slope_guess = (TMath::Log(fHPowerProbability->GetEntries())+1.)/xmax;
360 | const Double_t offset_guess = slope_guess*xmax;
361 |
362 | //
363 | // For the fits, we have to take special care since ROOT
364 | // has stored the function pointer in a global list which
365 | // lead to removing the object twice. We have to take out
366 | // the following functions of the global list of functions
367 | // as well:
368 | //
369 | gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fFExpFit);
370 | fFExpFit->SetParameters(offset_guess, slope_guess);
371 | fFExpFit->SetParNames("Offset","Slope");
372 | fFExpFit->SetParLimits(0,offset_guess/2.,2.*offset_guess);
373 | fFExpFit->SetParLimits(1,slope_guess/1.5,1.5*slope_guess);
374 | fFExpFit->SetRange(0.,xmax);
375 |
376 | fHPowerProbability->Fit(fFExpFit,"RQL0");
377 |
378 | if (GetExpProb() > fProbLimit)
379 | SetExpFitOK(kTRUE);
380 |
381 | //
382 | // For the moment, this is the only check, later we can add more...
383 | //
384 | SetFourierSpectrumOK(IsExpFitOK());
385 |
386 | return;
387 | }
388 |
389 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 | //
391 | // Create a graph to display the array fEvents
392 | // If the variable fEventFrequency is set, the x-axis is transformed into real time.
393 | //
394 | void MHGausEvents::CreateGraphEvents()
395 | {
396 |
397 | fEvents.StripZeros();
398 |
399 | const Int_t n = fEvents.GetSize();
400 |
401 | if (n==0)
402 | return;
403 |
404 | fGraphEvents = new TGraph(n,CreateEventXaxis(n),fEvents.GetArray());
405 | fGraphEvents->SetTitle("Evolution of Events with time");
406 | fGraphEvents->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((fEventFrequency) ? "Time [s]" : "Event Nr.");
407 | fGraphEvents->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(fHGausHist.GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
408 | fGraphEvents->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
409 | }
410 |
411 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
412 | //
413 | // Create a graph to display the array fPowerSpectrum
414 | // If the variable fEventFrequency is set, the x-axis is transformed into real frequency.
415 | //
416 | void MHGausEvents::CreateGraphPowerSpectrum()
417 | {
418 |
419 | fPowerSpectrum->StripZeros();
420 |
421 | const Int_t n = fPowerSpectrum->GetSize();
422 |
423 | fGraphPowerSpectrum = new TGraph(n,CreatePSDXaxis(n),fPowerSpectrum->GetArray());
424 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->SetTitle("Power Spectrum Density");
425 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((fEventFrequency) ? "Frequency [Hz]" : "Frequency");
426 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P(f)");
427 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
428 |
429 | }
430 |
431 |
432 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
433 | //
434 | // Create the x-axis for the event graph
435 | //
436 | Float_t *MHGausEvents::CreatePSDXaxis(Int_t n)
437 | {
438 |
439 | Float_t *xaxis = new Float_t[n];
440 |
441 | if (fEventFrequency)
442 | for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++)
443 | xaxis[i] = 0.5*(Float_t)i*fEventFrequency/n;
444 | else
445 | for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++)
446 | xaxis[i] = 0.5*(Float_t)i/n;
447 |
448 | return xaxis;
449 |
450 | }
451 |
452 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
453 | //
454 | // Default draw:
455 | //
456 | // The following options can be chosen:
457 | //
458 | // "EVENTS": displays a TGraph of the array fEvents
459 | // "FOURIER": display a TGraph of the fourier transform of fEvents
460 | // displays the projection of the fourier transform with the fit
461 | //
462 | // The following picture shows a typical outcome of call to Draw("fourierevents"):
463 | // - The first plot shows the distribution of the values with the Gauss fit
464 | // (which did not succeed, in this case, for obvious reasons)
465 | // - The second plot shows the TGraph with the events vs. time
466 | // - The third plot shows the fourier transform and a small peak at about 85 Hz.
467 | // - The fourth plot shows the projection of the fourier components and an exponential
468 | // fit, with the result that the observed deviation is still statistical with a
469 | // probability of 0.5%.
470 | //
471 | //Begin_Html
472 | /*
473 | <img src="images/MHGausEventsDraw.gif">
474 | */
475 | //End_Html
476 | //
477 | void MHGausEvents::Draw(const Option_t *opt)
478 | {
479 |
480 | TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MH::MakeDefCanvas(this,600, 600);
481 |
482 | TString option(opt);
483 | option.ToLower();
484 |
485 | Int_t win = 1;
486 | Int_t nofit = 0;
487 |
488 | if (option.Contains("events"))
489 | win += 1;
490 | if (option.Contains("fourier"))
491 | win += 2;
492 |
493 | if (IsEmpty())
494 | win--;
495 |
496 | if (option.Contains("nofit"))
497 | {
498 | option.ReplaceAll("nofit","");
499 | nofit++;
500 | }
501 |
502 | pad->SetBorderMode(0);
503 | if (win > 1)
504 | pad->Divide(1,win);
505 |
506 | Int_t cwin = 1;
507 |
508 | gPad->SetTicks();
509 |
510 | if (!IsEmpty())
511 | {
512 | pad->cd(cwin++);
513 |
514 | if (!IsOnlyOverflow() && !IsOnlyUnderflow())
515 | gPad->SetLogy();
516 |
517 | fHGausHist.Draw(option);
518 |
519 | if (!nofit)
520 | if (fFGausFit)
521 | {
522 | fFGausFit->SetLineColor(IsGausFitOK() ? kGreen : kRed);
523 | fFGausFit->Draw("same");
524 | }
525 | }
526 |
527 | if (option.Contains("events"))
528 | {
529 | pad->cd(cwin++);
530 | DrawEvents();
531 | }
532 | if (option.Contains("fourier"))
533 | {
534 | pad->cd(cwin++);
535 | DrawPowerSpectrum();
536 | pad->cd(cwin);
537 | DrawPowerProjection();
538 | }
539 | }
540 |
541 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
542 | //
543 | // DrawEvents:
544 | //
545 | // Will draw the graph with the option "A", unless the option:
546 | // "SAME" has been chosen
547 | //
548 | void MHGausEvents::DrawEvents(Option_t *opt)
549 | {
550 |
551 | if (!fGraphEvents)
552 | CreateGraphEvents();
553 |
554 | if (!fGraphEvents)
555 | return;
556 |
557 | fGraphEvents->SetBit(kCanDelete);
558 | fGraphEvents->SetTitle("Events with time");
559 |
560 | TString option(opt);
561 | option.ToLower();
562 |
563 | if (option.Contains("same"))
564 | {
565 | option.ReplaceAll("same","");
566 | fGraphEvents->Draw(option+"L");
567 | }
568 | else
569 | fGraphEvents->Draw(option+"AL");
570 | }
571 |
572 |
573 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 | //
575 | // DrawPowerSpectrum
576 | //
577 | // Will draw the fourier spectrum of the events sequence with the option "A", unless the option:
578 | // "SAME" has been chosen
579 | //
580 | void MHGausEvents::DrawPowerSpectrum(Option_t *option)
581 | {
582 |
583 | TString opt(option);
584 |
585 | if (!fPowerSpectrum)
586 | CreateFourierSpectrum();
587 |
588 | if (fPowerSpectrum)
589 | {
590 | if (!fGraphPowerSpectrum)
591 | CreateGraphPowerSpectrum();
592 |
593 | if (!fGraphPowerSpectrum)
594 | return;
595 |
596 | if (opt.Contains("same"))
597 | {
598 | opt.ReplaceAll("same","");
599 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->Draw(opt+"L");
600 | }
601 | else
602 | {
603 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->Draw(opt+"AL");
604 | fGraphPowerSpectrum->SetBit(kCanDelete);
605 | }
606 | }
607 | }
608 |
609 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
610 | //
611 | // DrawPowerProjection
612 | //
613 | // Will draw the projection of the fourier spectrum onto the power probability axis
614 | // with the possible options of TH1D
615 | //
616 | void MHGausEvents::DrawPowerProjection(Option_t *option)
617 | {
618 |
619 | TString opt(option);
620 |
621 | if (!fHPowerProbability)
622 | CreateFourierSpectrum();
623 |
624 | if (fHPowerProbability && fHPowerProbability->GetEntries() > 0)
625 | {
626 | gPad->SetLogy();
627 | fHPowerProbability->Draw(opt.Data());
628 | if (fFExpFit)
629 | {
630 | fFExpFit->SetLineColor(IsExpFitOK() ? kGreen : kRed);
631 | fFExpFit->Draw("same");
632 | }
633 | }
634 | }
635 |
636 |
637 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
638 | //
639 | // Fill fEvents with f
640 | // If size of fEvents is 0, initializes it to 512
641 | // If size of fEvents is smaller than fCurrentSize, double the size
642 | // Increase fCurrentSize by 1
643 | //
644 | void MHGausEvents::FillArray(const Float_t f)
645 | {
646 |
647 | if (fEvents.GetSize() == 0)
648 | fEvents.Set(512);
649 |
650 | if (fCurrentSize >= fEvents.GetSize())
651 | fEvents.Set(fEvents.GetSize()*2);
652 |
653 | fEvents.AddAt(f,fCurrentSize++);
654 | }
655 |
656 |
657 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
658 | //
659 | // Fills fHGausHist with f
660 | // Returns kFALSE, if overflow or underflow occurred, else kTRUE
661 | //
662 | Bool_t MHGausEvents::FillHist(const Float_t f)
663 | {
664 | return fHGausHist.Fill(f) > -1;
665 | }
666 |
667 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
668 | //
669 | // Executes:
670 | // - FillArray()
671 | // - FillHist()
672 | //
673 | Bool_t MHGausEvents::FillHistAndArray(const Float_t f)
674 | {
675 |
676 | FillArray(f);
677 | return FillHist(f);
678 | }
679 |
680 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
681 | //
682 | // Fit fGausHist with a Gaussian after stripping zeros from both ends
683 | // and rebinned to the number of bins specified in fBinsAfterStripping
684 | //
685 | // The fit results are retrieved and stored in class-own variables.
686 | //
687 | // A flag IsGausFitOK() is set according to whether the fit probability
688 | // is smaller or bigger than fProbLimit, whether the NDF is bigger than
689 | // fNDFLimit and whether results are NaNs.
690 | //
691 | Bool_t MHGausEvents::FitGaus(Option_t *option, const Double_t xmin, const Double_t xmax)
692 | {
693 |
694 | if (IsGausFitOK())
695 | return kTRUE;
696 |
697 | //
698 | // First, strip the zeros from the edges which contain only zeros and rebin
699 | // to fBinsAfterStripping bins. If fBinsAfterStripping is 0, reduce bins only by
700 | // a factor 10.
701 | //
702 | // (ATTENTION: The Chisquare method is more sensitive,
703 | // the _less_ bins, you have!)
704 | //
705 | StripZeros(&fHGausHist,
706 | fBinsAfterStripping ? fBinsAfterStripping
707 | : (fNbins > 1000 ? fNbins/10 : 0));
708 |
709 | TAxis *axe = fHGausHist.GetXaxis();
710 | //
711 | // Get the fitting ranges
712 | //
713 | Axis_t rmin = ((xmin==0.) && (xmax==0.)) ? fHGausHist.GetBinCenter(axe->GetFirst()) : xmin;
714 | Axis_t rmax = ((xmin==0.) && (xmax==0.)) ? fHGausHist.GetBinCenter(axe->GetLast()) : xmax;
715 |
716 | //
717 | // First guesses for the fit (should be as close to reality as possible,
718 | //
719 | const Stat_t entries = fHGausHist.Integral(axe->FindBin(rmin),axe->FindBin(rmax),"width");
720 | const Double_t mu_guess = fHGausHist.GetBinCenter(fHGausHist.GetMaximumBin());
721 | const Double_t sigma_guess = fHGausHist.GetRMS();
722 | const Double_t area_guess = entries/TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi())/sigma_guess;
723 |
724 | fFGausFit = new TF1("GausFit","gaus",rmin,rmax);
725 |
726 | if (!fFGausFit)
727 | {
728 | *fLog << warn << dbginf << "WARNING: Could not create fit function for Gauss fit "
729 | << "in: " << fName << endl;
730 | return kFALSE;
731 | }
732 |
733 | //
734 | // For the fits, we have to take special care since ROOT
735 | // has stored the function pointer in a global list which
736 | // lead to removing the object twice. We have to take out
737 | // the following functions of the global list of functions
738 | // as well:
739 | //
740 | gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fFGausFit);
741 |
742 | fFGausFit->SetParameters(area_guess,mu_guess,sigma_guess);
743 | fFGausFit->SetParNames("Area","#mu","#sigma");
744 | fFGausFit->SetParLimits(0,0.,area_guess*25.);
745 | fFGausFit->SetParLimits(1,rmin,rmax);
746 | fFGausFit->SetParLimits(2,0.,rmax-rmin);
747 | fFGausFit->SetRange(rmin,rmax);
748 |
749 | fHGausHist.Fit(fFGausFit,option);
750 |
751 | fMean = fFGausFit->GetParameter(1);
752 | fSigma = fFGausFit->GetParameter(2);
753 | fMeanErr = fFGausFit->GetParError(1);
754 | fSigmaErr = fFGausFit->GetParError(2);
755 | fProb = fFGausFit->GetProb();
756 |
757 | //
758 | // The fit result is accepted under condition:
759 | // 1) The results are not NaN's (not a number)
760 | // 2) The results are all finite
761 | // 3) The NDF is not smaller than fNDFLimit (default: fgNDFLimit)
762 | // 4) The Probability is greater than fProbLimit (default: fgProbLimit)
763 | //
764 | if ( TMath::IsNaN(fMean) || !TMath::Finite(fMean)
765 | || TMath::IsNaN(fMeanErr) || !TMath::Finite(fMeanErr)
766 | || TMath::IsNaN(fProb) || !TMath::Finite(fProb)
767 | || TMath::IsNaN(fSigma) || !TMath::Finite(fSigma)
768 | || TMath::IsNaN(fSigmaErr) || !TMath::Finite(fSigmaErr)
769 | || fFGausFit->GetNDF() < fNDFLimit
770 | || fProb < fProbLimit )
771 | return kFALSE;
772 |
773 | SetGausFitOK(kTRUE);
774 | return kTRUE;
775 | }
776 |
777 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 | //
779 | // Default InitBins, can be overloaded.
780 | //
781 | // Executes:
782 | // - fHGausHist.SetBins(fNbins,fFirst,fLast)
783 | //
784 | void MHGausEvents::InitBins()
785 | {
786 | // const TAttAxis att(fHGausHist.GetXaxis());
787 | fHGausHist.SetBins(fNbins,fFirst,fLast);
788 | // att.Copy(fHGausHist.GetXaxis());
789 | }
790 |
791 | // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
792 | //
793 | // A default print
794 | //
795 | void MHGausEvents::Print(const Option_t *o) const
796 | {
797 |
798 | *fLog << all << endl;
799 | *fLog << all << "Results of the Gauss Fit in: " << fName << endl;
800 | *fLog << all << "Mean: " << GetMean() << endl;
801 | *fLog << all << "Sigma: " << GetSigma() << endl;
802 | *fLog << all << "Chisquare: " << GetChiSquare() << endl;
803 | *fLog << all << "DoF: " << GetNdf() << endl;
804 | *fLog << all << "Probability: " << GetProb() << endl;
805 | *fLog << all << endl;
806 |
807 | }
808 |
809 |
810 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
811 | //
812 | // Default Reset(), can be overloaded.
813 | //
814 | // Executes:
815 | // - Clear()
816 | // - fHGausHist.Reset()
817 | // - fEvents.Set(0)
818 | // - InitBins()
819 | //
820 | void MHGausEvents::Reset()
821 | {
822 |
823 | Clear();
824 | fHGausHist.Reset();
825 | fEvents.Set(0);
826 | InitBins();
827 | }
828 |
829 | // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
830 | //
831 | // Simulates Gaussian events and fills them into the histogram and the array
832 | // In order to do a fourier analysis, call CreateFourierSpectrum()
833 | //
834 | void MHGausEvents::SimulateGausEvents(const Float_t mean, const Float_t sigma, const Int_t nevts)
835 | {
836 |
837 | if (!IsEmpty())
838 | *fLog << warn << "The histogram is already filled, will superimpose simulated events on it..." << endl;
839 |
840 | for (Int_t i=0;i<nevts;i++) {
841 | const Double_t ran = gRandom->Gaus(mean,sigma);
842 | FillHistAndArray(ran);
843 | }
844 |
845 | }