/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 3/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MAlphaFitter // // Create a single Alpha-Plot. The alpha-plot is fitted online. You can // check the result when it is filles in the MStatusDisplay // For more information see MHFalseSource::FitSignificance // // For convinience (fit) the output significance is stored in a // container in the parlisrt // // Version 2: // ---------- // + Double_t fSignificanceExc; // significance of a known excess // // Version 3: // ---------- // + TArrayD fErrors; // errors of coefficients // // Version 4: // ---------- // + Double_t fErrorExcess; // - Double_t fSignificanceExc; // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MAlphaFitter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MMath.h" #include "MString.h" #include "MLogManip.h" ClassImp(MAlphaFitter); using namespace std; void MAlphaFitter::Clear(Option_t *o) { fSignificance=0; fErrorExcess=0; fEventsExcess=0; fEventsSignal=0; fEventsBackground=0; fChiSqSignal=0; fChiSqBg=0; fIntegralMax=0; fScaleFactor=1; fCoefficients.Reset(); fErrors.Reset(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This function implementes the fit to the off-data as used in Fit() // Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitOff(TH1D &h, Int_t paint) { if (h.GetEntries()==0) return kFALSE; // First fit a polynom in the off region fFunc->FixParameter(0, 0); fFunc->FixParameter(1, 0); fFunc->FixParameter(2, 1); fFunc->ReleaseParameter(3); if (fPolynomOrder!=1) fFunc->FixParameter(4, 0); for (int i=5; iGetNpar(); i++) if (fFitBackground) fFunc->ReleaseParameter(i); else fFunc->SetParameter(i, 0); if (!fFitBackground) return kTRUE; if (fSignalFunc==kThetaSq) { const Double_t sum = h.Integral(1, 3)/3; const Double_t a = sum<=1 ? 0 : TMath::Log(sum); const Double_t b = -1.7; // Do a best-guess fFunc->SetParameter(3, a); fFunc->SetParameter(4, b); } // options : N do not store the function, do not draw // I use integral of function in bin rather than value at bin center // R use the range specified in the function range // Q quiet mode // E Perform better Errors estimation using Minos technique h.Fit(fFunc, "NQI", "", fBgMin, fBgMax); fChiSqBg = fFunc->GetChisquare()/fFunc->GetNDF(); fCoefficients.Set(fFunc->GetNpar(), fFunc->GetParameters()); fErrors.Set(fFunc->GetNpar()); for (int i=3; iGetNpar(); i++) fErrors[i] = fFunc->GetParError(i); // ------------------------------------ if (paint) { if (paint==2) { fFunc->SetLineColor(kBlack); fFunc->SetLineWidth(1); } else { fFunc->SetRange(0, 90); fFunc->SetLineColor(kRed); fFunc->SetLineWidth(2); } fFunc->Paint("same"); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Calculate the result of the fit and set the corresponding data members // void MAlphaFitter::FitResult(const TH1D &h) { const Double_t alphaw = h.GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); const Int_t bin = h.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fSigInt*0.999); fIntegralMax = h.GetBinLowEdge(bin+1); fEventsBackground = fFunc->Integral(0, fIntegralMax)/alphaw; fEventsSignal = h.Integral(1, bin); fEventsExcess = fEventsSignal-fEventsBackground; fSignificance = MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(fEventsSignal, fEventsBackground); fErrorExcess = MMath::ErrorExc(fEventsSignal, fEventsBackground); // !Finitite includes IsNaN if (!TMath::Finite(fSignificance)) fSignificance=0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This is a preliminary implementation of a alpha-fit procedure for // all possible source positions. It will be moved into its own // more powerfull class soon. // // The fit function is "gaus(0)+pol2(3)" which is equivalent to: // [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2) + [3] + [4]*x + [5]*x^2 // or // A*exp(-0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)^2) + a + b*x + c*x^2 // // Parameter [1] is fixed to 0 while the alpha peak should be // symmetric around alpha=0. // // Parameter [4] is fixed to 0 because the first derivative at // alpha=0 should be 0, too. // // In a first step the background is fitted between bgmin and bgmax, // while the parameters [0]=0 and [2]=1 are fixed. // // In a second step the signal region (alphaReleaseParameter(0); // It is also released by SetParLimits later on //func.ReleaseParameter(1); // It is also released by SetParLimits later on fFunc->ReleaseParameter(2); for (int i=3; iGetNpar(); i++) fFunc->FixParameter(i, fFunc->GetParameter(i)); // Do not allow signals smaller than the background const Double_t alpha0 = h.GetBinContent(1); const Double_t s = fSignalFunc==kGauss ? fFunc->GetParameter(3) : TMath::Exp(fFunc->GetParameter(3)); const Double_t A = alpha0-s; //const Double_t dA = TMath::Abs(A); //fFunc->SetParLimits(0, -dA*4, dA*4); // SetParLimits also releases the parameter fFunc->SetParLimits(2, 0, 90); // SetParLimits also releases the parameter // Now fit a gaus in the on region on top of the polynom fFunc->SetParameter(0, A); fFunc->SetParameter(2, fSigMax*0.75); // options : N do not store the function, do not draw // I use integral of function in bin rather than value at bin center // R use the range specified in the function range // Q quiet mode // E Perform better Errors estimation using Minos technique h.Fit(fFunc, "NQI", "", 0, fSigMax); fChiSqSignal = fFunc->GetChisquare()/fFunc->GetNDF(); fCoefficients.Set(fFunc->GetNpar(), fFunc->GetParameters()); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) fErrors[i] = fFunc->GetParError(i); //const Bool_t ok = NDF>0 && chi2<2.5*NDF; // ------------------------------------ if (paint) { fFunc->SetLineColor(kGreen); fFunc->SetLineWidth(2); fFunc->Paint("same"); } // ------------------------------------ //const Double_t s = fFunc->Integral(0, fSigInt)/alphaw; fFunc->SetParameter(0, 0); fFunc->SetParameter(2, 1); //const Double_t b = fFunc->Integral(0, fSigInt)/alphaw; //fSignificance = MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(s, b); // Calculate the fit result and set the corresponding data members FitResult(h); return kTRUE; } Double_t MAlphaFitter::DoOffFit(const TH1D &hon, const TH1D &hof, Bool_t paint) { if (fSignalFunc!=kThetaSq) return 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Int_t bin = hon.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fSigInt*0.999); MAlphaFitter fit(*this); fit.EnableBackgroundFit(); fit.SetBackgroundFitMin(0); // produce a histogram containing the off-samples from on-source and // off-source in the off-source region and the on-data in the source-region TH1D h(hof); h.SetDirectory(0); h.Add(&hon); h.Scale(0.5); for (int i=1; i<=bin+3; i++) { h.SetBinContent(i, hof.GetBinContent(i)); h.SetBinError( i, hof.GetBinError(i)); } // Now fit the off-data if (!fit.FitOff(h, paint?2:0)) // FIXME: Show fit! return -1; // Calculate fit-result fit.FitResult(h); // Do a gaussian error propagation to calculated the error of // the background estimated from the fit const Double_t ea = fit.GetErrors()[3]; const Double_t eb = fit.GetErrors()[4]; const Double_t a = fit.GetCoefficients()[3]; const Double_t b = fit.GetCoefficients()[4]; const Double_t t = fIntegralMax; const Double_t ex = TMath::Exp(t*b); const Double_t eab = TMath::Exp(a)/b; const Double_t eA = ex-1; const Double_t eB = t*ex - eA/b; const Double_t w = h.GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); // Error of estimated background const Double_t er = TMath::Abs(eab)*TMath::Hypot(eA*ea, eB*eb)/w; // Calculate arbitrary scale factor from propagated error from the // condition: sqrt(alpha*background) = est.background/est.error // const Double_t bg = hof.Integral(1, bin); // const Double_t sc = bg * er*er / (fit2.GetEventsBackground()*fit2.GetEventsBackground()); // Assuming that bg and fit2.GetEventsBackground() are rather identical: const Double_t sc = er*er / fit.GetEventsBackground(); /* cout << MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(hon.Integral(1, bin), fit.GetEventsBackground()/sc, sc) << " "; cout << sc << " "; cout << fit.fChiSqBg << endl; */ return sc; } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::Fit(const TH1D &hon, const TH1D &hof, Double_t alpha, Bool_t paint) { TH1D h(hon); h.SetDirectory(0); h.Add(&hof, -1); // substracts also number of entries! h.SetEntries(hon.GetEntries()); MAlphaFitter fit(*this); fit.SetPolynomOrder(0); if (alpha<=0 || !fit.Fit(h, paint)) return kFALSE; fChiSqSignal = fit.GetChiSqSignal(); fChiSqBg = fit.GetChiSqBg(); fCoefficients = fit.GetCoefficients(); fErrors = fit.GetErrors(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Double_t scale = DoOffFit(hon, hof, paint); if (scale<0) return kFALSE; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Int_t bin = hon.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fSigInt*0.999); fIntegralMax = hon.GetBinLowEdge(bin+1); fEventsBackground = hof.Integral(1, bin); fEventsSignal = hon.Integral(1, bin); fEventsExcess = fEventsSignal-fEventsBackground; fScaleFactor = alpha; fSignificance = MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(fEventsSignal, fEventsBackground/alpha, alpha); fErrorExcess = MMath::ErrorExc(fEventsSignal, fEventsBackground/alpha, alpha); // !Finitite includes IsNaN if (!TMath::Finite(fSignificance)) fSignificance=0; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Calculate the upper limit for fEventsSignal number of observed events // and fEventsBackground number of background events. // // Therefor TFeldmanCousin is used. // // The Feldman-Cousins method as described in PRD V57 #7, p3873-3889 // Double_t MAlphaFitter::CalcUpperLimit() const { // get a FeldmanCousins calculation object with the default limits // of calculating a 90% CL with the minimum signal value scanned // = 0.0 and the maximum signal value scanned of 50.0 TFeldmanCousins f; f.SetMuStep(0.05); f.SetMuMax(100); f.SetMuMin(0); f.SetCL(90); return f.CalculateUpperLimit(fEventsSignal, fEventsBackground); } void MAlphaFitter::PaintResult(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t size, Bool_t draw) const { const Double_t w = GetGausSigma(); const Double_t m = fIntegralMax; const Int_t l1 = w<=0 ? 0 : (Int_t)TMath::Ceil(-TMath::Log10(w)); const Int_t l2 = m<=0 ? 0 : (Int_t)TMath::Ceil(-TMath::Log10(m)); const TString fmt = MString::Format("\\sigma_{L/M}=%%.1f \\omega=%%.%df\\circ E=%%d B=%%d x<%%.%df \\tilde\\chi_{b}=%%.1f \\tilde\\chi_{s}=%%.1f c=%%.1f f=%%.2f", l1<1?1:l1+1, l2<1?1:l2+1); const TString txt = MString::Format(fmt.Data(), fSignificance, w, (int)fEventsExcess, (int)fEventsBackground, m, fChiSqBg, fChiSqSignal, fCoefficients[3], fScaleFactor); // This is totaly weired but the only way to get both options // working with this nonsense implementation of TLatex TLatex text(x, y, txt); text.SetBit(TLatex::kTextNDC); text.SetTextSize(size); if (draw) text.DrawLatex(x, y, txt); else text.Paint(); TLine line; line.SetLineColor(14); if (draw) line.DrawLine(m, gPad->GetUymin(), m, gPad->GetUymax()); else line.PaintLine(m, gPad->GetUymin(), m, gPad->GetUymax()); } void MAlphaFitter::Copy(TObject &o) const { MAlphaFitter &f = static_cast(o); // Setup f.fSigInt = fSigInt; f.fSigMax = fSigMax; f.fBgMin = fBgMin; f.fBgMax = fBgMax; f.fScaleMin = fScaleMin; f.fScaleMax = fScaleMax; f.fPolynomOrder = fPolynomOrder; f.fFitBackground= fFitBackground; f.fSignalFunc = fSignalFunc; f.fScaleMode = fScaleMode; f.fScaleUser = fScaleUser; f.fStrategy = fStrategy; f.fCoefficients.Set(fCoefficients.GetSize()); f.fCoefficients.Reset(); f.fErrors.Set(fCoefficients.GetSize()); f.fErrors.Reset(); // Result f.fSignificance = fSignificance; f.fErrorExcess = fErrorExcess; f.fEventsExcess = fEventsExcess; f.fEventsSignal = fEventsSignal; f.fEventsBackground = fEventsBackground; f.fChiSqSignal = fChiSqSignal; f.fChiSqBg = fChiSqBg; f.fIntegralMax = fIntegralMax; f.fScaleFactor = fScaleFactor; // Function TF1 *fcn = f.fFunc; f.fFunc = new TF1(*fFunc); f.fFunc->SetName("Dummy"); gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(f.fFunc); delete fcn; } void MAlphaFitter::Print(Option_t *o) const { *fLog << GetDescriptor() << ": Fitting..." << endl; *fLog << " ...signal to " << fSigMax << " (integrate into bin at " << fSigInt << ")" << endl; *fLog << " ...signal function: "; switch (fSignalFunc) { case kGauss: *fLog << "gauss(x)/pol" << fPolynomOrder; break; case kThetaSq: *fLog << "gauss(sqrt(x))/expo"; break; } *fLog << endl; if (!fFitBackground) *fLog << " ...no background." << endl; else { *fLog << " ...background from " << fBgMin << " to " << fBgMax << endl; *fLog << " ...polynom order " << fPolynomOrder << endl; *fLog << " ...scale mode: "; switch (fScaleMode) { case kNone: *fLog << "none."; break; case kEntries: *fLog << "entries."; break; case kIntegral: *fLog << "integral."; break; case kOffRegion: *fLog << "off region (integral between " << fScaleMin << " and " << fScaleMax << ")"; break; case kBackground: *fLog << "background (integral between " << fBgMin << " and " << fBgMax << ")"; break; case kLeastSquare: *fLog << "least square (N/A)"; break; case kUserScale: *fLog << "user def (" << fScaleUser << ")"; break; } *fLog << endl; } if (TString(o).Contains("result")) { *fLog << "Result:" << endl; *fLog << " - Significance (Li/Ma) " << fSignificance << endl; *fLog << " - Excess Events " << fEventsExcess << endl; *fLog << " - Signal Events " << fEventsSignal << endl; *fLog << " - Background Events " << fEventsBackground << endl; *fLog << " - Chi^2/ndf (Signal) " << fChiSqSignal << endl; *fLog << " - Chi^2/ndf (Background) " << fChiSqBg << endl; *fLog << " - Signal integrated up to " << fIntegralMax << "°" << endl; *fLog << " - Scale Factor (Off) " << fScaleFactor << endl; } } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitEnergy(const TH3D &hon, UInt_t bin, Bool_t paint) { const TString name(MString::Format("TempAlphaEnergy%06d", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h = hon.ProjectionZ(name, 0, hon.GetNbinsX()+1, bin, bin, "E"); h->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = Fit(*h, paint); delete h; return rc; } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitTheta(const TH3D &hon, UInt_t bin, Bool_t paint) { const TString name(MString::Format("TempAlphaTheta%06d", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h = hon.ProjectionZ(name, bin, bin, 0, hon.GetNbinsY()+1, "E"); h->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = Fit(*h, paint); delete h; return rc; } /* Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitTime(const TH3D &hon, UInt_t bin, Bool_t paint) { const TString name(Form("TempAlphaTime%06d", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); hon.GetZaxis()->SetRange(bin,bin); TH1D *h = (TH1D*)hon.Project3D("ye"); hon.GetZaxis()->SetRange(-1,-1); h->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = Fit(*h, paint); delete h; return rc; } */ Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitAlpha(const TH3D &hon, Bool_t paint) { const TString name(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h = hon.ProjectionZ(name, 0, hon.GetNbinsX()+1, 0, hon.GetNbinsY()+1, "E"); h->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = Fit(*h, paint); delete h; return rc; } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitEnergy(const TH3D &hon, const TH3D &hof, UInt_t bin, Bool_t paint) { const TString name1(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_on", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); const TString name0(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_off", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h1 = hon.ProjectionZ(name1, 0, hon.GetNbinsX()+1, bin, bin, "E"); TH1D *h0 = hof.ProjectionZ(name0, 0, hof.GetNbinsX()+1, bin, bin, "E"); h1->SetDirectory(0); h0->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = ScaleAndFit(*h1, h0, paint); delete h0; delete h1; return rc; } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitTheta(const TH3D &hon, const TH3D &hof, UInt_t bin, Bool_t paint) { const TString name1(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_on", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); const TString name0(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_off", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h1 = hon.ProjectionZ(name1, bin, bin, 0, hon.GetNbinsY()+1, "E"); TH1D *h0 = hof.ProjectionZ(name0, bin, bin, 0, hof.GetNbinsY()+1, "E"); h1->SetDirectory(0); h0->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = ScaleAndFit(*h1, h0, paint); delete h0; delete h1; return rc; } /* Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitTime(const TH3D &hon, const TH3D &hof, UInt_t bin, Bool_t paint) { const TString name1(Form("TempAlphaTime%06d_on", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); const TString name0(Form("TempAlphaTime%06d_off", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); hon.GetZaxis()->SetRange(bin,bin); TH1D *h1 = (TH1D*)hon.Project3D("ye"); hon.GetZaxis()->SetRange(-1,-1); h1->SetDirectory(0); hof.GetZaxis()->SetRange(bin,bin); TH1D *h0 = (TH1D*)hof.Project3D("ye"); hof.GetZaxis()->SetRange(-1,-1); h0->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = ScaleAndFit(*h1, h0, paint); delete h0; delete h1; return rc; } */ Bool_t MAlphaFitter::FitAlpha(const TH3D &hon, const TH3D &hof, Bool_t paint) { const TString name1(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_on", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); const TString name0(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_off", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h1 = hon.ProjectionZ(name1, 0, hon.GetNbinsX()+1, 0, hon.GetNbinsY()+1, "E"); TH1D *h0 = hof.ProjectionZ(name0, 0, hof.GetNbinsX()+1, 0, hof.GetNbinsY()+1, "E"); h1->SetDirectory(0); h0->SetDirectory(0); const Bool_t rc = ScaleAndFit(*h1, h0, paint); delete h0; delete h1; return rc; } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::ApplyScaling(const TH3D &hon, TH3D &hof, UInt_t bin) const { const TString name1(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_on", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); const TString name0(MString::Format("TempAlpha%06d_off", gRandom->Integer(1000000))); TH1D *h1 = hon.ProjectionZ(name1, 0, hon.GetNbinsX()+1, bin, bin, "E"); TH1D *h0 = hof.ProjectionZ(name0, 0, hof.GetNbinsX()+1, bin, bin, "E"); h1->SetDirectory(0); h0->SetDirectory(0); const Double_t scale = Scale(*h0, *h1); delete h0; delete h1; for (int x=0; x<=hof.GetNbinsX()+1; x++) for (int z=0; z<=hof.GetNbinsZ()+1; z++) { hof.SetBinContent(x, bin, z, hof.GetBinContent(x, bin, z)*scale); hof.SetBinError( x, bin, z, hof.GetBinError( x, bin, z)*scale); } return scale>0; } Bool_t MAlphaFitter::ApplyScaling(const TH3D &hon, TH3D &hof) const { for (int y=0; y<=hof.GetNbinsY()+1; y++) ApplyScaling(hon, hof, y); return kTRUE; } Double_t MAlphaFitter::Scale(TH1D &of, const TH1D &on) const { Float_t scaleon = 1; Float_t scaleof = 1; switch (fScaleMode) { case kNone: return 1; case kEntries: scaleon = on.GetEntries(); scaleof = of.GetEntries(); break; case kIntegral: scaleon = on.Integral(); scaleof = of.Integral(); break; case kOffRegion: { const Int_t min = on.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fScaleMin); const Int_t max = on.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fScaleMax); scaleon = on.Integral(min, max); scaleof = of.Integral(min, max); } break; case kBackground: { const Int_t min = on.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fBgMin); const Int_t max = on.GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(fBgMax); scaleon = on.Integral(min, max); scaleof = of.Integral(min, max); } break; case kUserScale: scaleon = fScaleUser; break; // This is just to make some compiler happy default: return 1; } if (scaleof!=0) { of.Scale(scaleon/scaleof); return scaleon/scaleof; } else { of.Reset(); return 0; } } Double_t MAlphaFitter::GetMinimizationValue() const { switch (fStrategy) { case kSignificance: return -GetSignificance(); case kSignificanceChi2: return -GetSignificance()/GetChiSqSignal(); case kSignificanceLogExcess: if (GetEventsExcess()<1) return 0; return -GetSignificance()*TMath::Log10(GetEventsExcess()); case kSignificanceExcess: return -GetSignificance()*GetEventsExcess(); case kExcess: return -GetEventsExcess(); case kGaussSigma: return GetGausSigma(); case kWeakSource: return GetEventsBackground()<1 ? -GetEventsExcess() : -GetEventsExcess()/TMath::Sqrt(GetEventsBackground()); case kWeakSourceLogExcess: return GetEventsBackground()<1 ? -GetEventsExcess() : -GetEventsExcess()/TMath::Sqrt(GetEventsBackground())*TMath::Log10(GetEventsExcess()); } return 0; } Int_t MAlphaFitter::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) { Bool_t rc = kFALSE; //void SetScaleUser(Float_t scale) { fScaleUser = scale; fScaleMode=kUserScale; } //void SetScaleMode(ScaleMode_t mode) { fScaleMode = mode; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "SignalIntegralMax", print)) { SetSignalIntegralMax(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "SignalIntegralMax", fSigInt)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "SignalFitMax", print)) { SetSignalIntegralMax(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "SignalFitMax", fSigMax)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "BackgroundFitMax", print)) { SetBackgroundFitMax(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "BackgroundFitMax", fBgMax)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "BackgroundFitMin", print)) { SetBackgroundFitMin(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "BackgroundFitMin", fBgMin)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "ScaleMin", print)) { SetScaleMin(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "ScaleMin", fScaleMin)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "ScaleMax", print)) { SetScaleMax(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "ScaleMax", fScaleMax)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "PolynomOrder", print)) { SetPolynomOrder(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "PolynomOrder", fPolynomOrder)); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "MinimizationStrategy", print)) { TString txt = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "MinimizationStrategy", ""); txt = txt.Strip(TString::kBoth); txt.ToLower(); if (txt==(TString)"significance") fStrategy = kSignificance; if (txt==(TString)"significancechi2") fStrategy = kSignificanceChi2; if (txt==(TString)"significanceexcess") fStrategy = kSignificanceExcess; if (txt==(TString)"excess") fStrategy = kExcess; if (txt==(TString)"gausssigma" || txt==(TString)"gaussigma") fStrategy = kGaussSigma; if (txt==(TString)"weaksource") fStrategy = kWeakSource; rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "Scale", print)) { fScaleUser = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Scale", fScaleUser); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "ScaleMode", print)) { TString txt = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "ScaleMode", ""); txt = txt.Strip(TString::kBoth); txt.ToLower(); if (txt==(TString)"none") fScaleMode = kNone; if (txt==(TString)"entries") fScaleMode = kEntries; if (txt==(TString)"integral") fScaleMode = kIntegral; if (txt==(TString)"offregion") fScaleMode = kOffRegion; if (txt==(TString)"background") fScaleMode = kBackground; if (txt==(TString)"leastsquare") fScaleMode = kLeastSquare; if (txt==(TString)"userscale") fScaleMode = kUserScale; if (txt==(TString)"fixed") FixScale(); rc = kTRUE; } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "SignalFunction", print)) { TString txt = GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "SignalFunction", ""); txt = txt.Strip(TString::kBoth); txt.ToLower(); if (txt==(TString)"gauss" || txt==(TString)"gaus") SetSignalFunction(kGauss); if (txt==(TString)"thetasq") SetSignalFunction(kThetaSq); rc = kTRUE; } return rc; }