#ifndef MARS_MHAlpha #define MARS_MHAlpha #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MTime #include "MTime.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MAlphaFitter #include "MAlphaFitter.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TH3 #include #endif class MParList; class MParameterD; class MParameterI; class MHillas; class MHMatrix; class MPointingPos; class MHAlpha : public MH { protected: TH3D fHist; // Alpha vs. theta and energy TH1D fHistTime; //! temporary histogram to get alpha vs. time TString fNameParameter; MParContainer *fParameter; //! const TH3D *fOffData; MAlphaFitter fFit; // SEEMS THAT STREAMER HAS SOME PROBLEMS... MAYBE IF FUNC IS USED AT THE SAME TIME FOR FITS (PAINT) private: TH1D fHEnergy; // excess events vs energy TH1D fHTheta; // excess events vs theta TH1D fHTime; // excess events vs time; MParameterD *fResult; //! MParameterD *fSigma; //! MParameterD *fEnergy; //! MParameterI *fBin; //! MPointingPos *fPointPos; //! MTime *fTimeEffOn; //! Time to steer filling of fHTime MTime *fTime; //! Event-Time to finalize fHTime MTime fLastTime; //! Last fTimeEffOn UShort_t fNumTimeBins; // Number of time bins to fill together UShort_t fNumRebin; //! //const TString fNameProjAlpha; //! This should make sure, that gROOT doen't confuse the projection with something else protected: MHillas *fHillas; //! MHMatrix *fMatrix; //! Int_t fMap[15]; //! Bool_t fSkipHistTime; Bool_t fSkipHistTheta; Bool_t fSkipHistEnergy; Bool_t fForceUsingSize; private: Float_t FitEnergyBins(Bool_t paint=kFALSE); void FitThetaBins(Bool_t paint=kFALSE); void UpdateAlphaTime(Bool_t final=kFALSE); void InitAlphaTime(const MTime &t); void FinalAlphaTime(MBinning &bins); void SetBin(Int_t bin); void PaintText(Double_t val, Double_t error) const; void PaintText(const TH1D &h) const; Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py); virtual Bool_t GetParameter(const MParList &pl); virtual Double_t GetVal() const; virtual const char *GetParameterRule() const { return "MHillasSrc.fAlpha"; } public: MHAlpha(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); // MH Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pl); Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1); Bool_t Finalize(); // MHAlpha const TH3D &GetHist() const { return fHist; } const MAlphaFitter &GetAlphaFitter() const { return fFit; } const TH1D &GetHEnergy() const { return fHEnergy; } const TH3D *GetOffData() const { return fOffData; } // Setter void SetNameParameter(const char *name) { fNameParameter=name; } virtual void SetOffData(const MHAlpha &h) { fOffData = &h.fHist; fForceUsingSize = h.fForceUsingSize; fNumTimeBins = h.fNumTimeBins; } void SetNumTimeBins(UShort_t n) { fNumTimeBins = n; } /* void SetSizeCuts(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fSizeMin=min; fSizeMax=max; } void SetSizeMin(Float_t min) { fSizeMin=min; } void SetSizeMax(Float_t max) { fSizeMax=max; } void SetEnergyCuts(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fEnergyMin=min; fEnergyMax=max; } void SetEnergyMin(Float_t min) { fEnergyMin=min; } void SetEnergyMax(Float_t max) { fEnergyMax=max; } void SetCuts(const MHAlpha &h) { fSizeMin = h.fSizeMin; fEnergyMin = h.fEnergyMin; fSizeMax = h.fSizeMax; fEnergyMax = h.fEnergyMax; } */ void SkipHistTime(Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fSkipHistTime=b; } void SkipHistTheta(Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fSkipHistTheta=b; } void SkipHistEnergy(Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fSkipHistEnergy=b; } void ForceUsingSize(Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fForceUsingSize=b; } Bool_t FitAlpha() { return fFit.FitAlpha(fHist, fOffData); } void DrawNicePlot(const char *title="MAGIC Telescope observation", const char *watermark="preliminary") { DrawNicePlot(kTRUE, title, watermark); } //*MENU* void DrawNicePlot(Bool_t newc, const char *title=0, const char *watermark=0); void DrawAll() { DrawAll(kTRUE); } //*MENU* void DrawAll(Bool_t newc); virtual void InitMapping(MHMatrix *mat, Int_t type=0); void StopMapping(); void ApplyScaling(); // TObject void Paint(Option_t *opt=""); void Draw(Option_t *option=""); // MParContainer Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print=kFALSE); ClassDef(MHAlpha, 1) // Alpha-Plot which is fitted online }; #endif