/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 5/2005 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2005 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MHDisp // // Create a false source plot using disp. // // Currently the use of this class requires to be after MFMagicCuts // in the tasklist. Switching of the M3L cut in MFMagicCuts is recommended. // // Class Version 3: // ---------------- // + Double_t fScaleMin; // [deg] Minimum circle for integration of off-data for scaling // + Double_t fScaleMax; // [deg] Maximum circle for integration of off-data for scaling // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MHDisp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MMath.h" #include "MBinning.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MParameters.h" #include "MHillas.h" #include "MSrcPosCam.h" #include "MPointingPos.h" #include "MPointingDev.h" ClassImp(MHDisp); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Constructor // MHDisp::MHDisp(const char *name, const char *title) : fDisp(0), fDeviation(0), fSrcAnti(0), fSmearing(-1), fWobble(kFALSE), fScaleMin(0.325), fScaleMax(0.475) { // // set the name and title of this object // fName = name ? name : "MHDisp"; fTitle = title ? title : "3D-plot using Disp vs x, y"; fHist.SetName("Alpha"); fHist.SetTitle("3D-plot of ThetaSq vs x, y"); fHist.SetXTitle("dx [\\circ]"); fHist.SetYTitle("dy [\\circ]"); fHist.SetZTitle("Eq.cts"); fHist.SetDirectory(NULL); fHistBg.SetDirectory(NULL); fHistBg1.SetDirectory(NULL); fHistBg2.SetDirectory(NULL); fHist.SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set binnings (takes BinningFalseSource) and prepare filling of the // histogram. // // Also search for MTime, MObservatory and MPointingPos // Bool_t MHDisp::SetupFill(const MParList *plist) { if (!MHFalseSource::SetupFill(plist)) return kFALSE; fDisp = (MParameterD*)plist->FindObject("Disp", "MParameterD"); if (!fDisp) { *fLog << err << "Disp [MParameterD] not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (fWobble) { fSrcAnti = (MSrcPosCam*)plist->FindObject("MSrcPosAnti", "MSrcPosCam"); if (!fSrcAnti) { *fLog << err << "MSrcPosAnti [MSrcPosCam] not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } *fLog << inf << "Wobble mode initialized. " << endl; } fDeviation = (MPointingDev*)plist->FindObject("MPointingDev"); if (!fDeviation) *fLog << warn << "MPointingDev not found... ignored." << endl; MBinning binsx, binsy; binsx.SetEdges(fHist, 'x'); binsy.SetEdges(fHist, 'y'); MH::SetBinning(&fHistBg, &binsx, &binsy); if (!fHistOff) { MH::SetBinning(&fHistBg1, &binsx, &binsy); MH::SetBinning(&fHistBg2, &binsx, &binsy); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Fill the histogram. For details see the code or the class description // Int_t MHDisp::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w) { const MHillas *hil = dynamic_cast(par); if (!hil) { *fLog << err << "MHDisp::Fill: No container specified!" << endl; return kERROR; } // Get camera rotation angle Double_t rho = 0; if (fTime && fObservatory && fPointPos) rho = fPointPos->RotationAngle(*fObservatory, *fTime, fDeviation); // Vector of length disp in direction of shower // Move origin of vector to center-of-gravity of shower and derotate TVector2 pos1 = hil->GetMean()*fMm2Deg + hil->GetNormAxis()*fDisp->GetVal(); const TVector2 src = fSrcPos->GetXY()*fMm2Deg; Double_t w0 = 1; if (fWobble) { const TVector2 anti = fSrcAnti->GetXY()*fMm2Deg; // Skip off-data not in the same half than the source (here: anti-source) // Could be replaced by some kind of theta cut... if (!fHistOff) { Double_t r = anti.Mod()>0.2*1.7 ? 0.2*1.7 : anti.Mod(); // In wobble mode processing the off-data, the anti-source // position is our source position. Check if this is a possible // gamma. If it is, do not fill it into our off-data histogram if ((pos1-anti).Mod()25 ? 1 : 2; w0 = (pos1+anti).Mod()90) fHalf = !fHalf; fFormerSrc = srcpos; } // If on-data: Derotate source and P. Translate P to center. TVector2 m; if (fHistOff) { // Derotate all position around camera center by -rho // Move origin of vector to center-of-gravity of shower and derotate pos1=pos1.Rotate(-rho); // Shift the source position to 0/0 if (fSrcPos) { // m: Position of the camera center in the FS plot m = src.Rotate(-rho); pos1 -= m; } } // ------------------------------------------------- // The following algorithm may look complicated... // It is optimized for speed // ------------------------------------------------- // Define a vector used to calculate rotated x and y component const TVector2 rot(TMath::Sin(rho), TMath::Cos(rho)); // Fold event position with the PSF and fill it into histogram const TAxis &axex = *fHist.GetXaxis(); const TAxis &axey = *fHist.GetYaxis(); const Int_t nx = axex.GetNbins(); const Int_t ny = axey.GetNbins(); // normg: Normalization for Gauss [sqrt(2*pi)*sigma]^2 const Double_t weight = axex.GetBinWidth(1)*axey.GetBinWidth(1)*w*w0; const Double_t psf = 2*fSmearing*fSmearing; const Double_t pi2 = fSmearing * TMath::Pi()/2; const Double_t normg = pi2*pi2 * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi()) / weight; const Int_t bz = fHist.GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(0); TH2 &hbg = fHalf ? fHistBg1 : fHistBg2; const Bool_t smear = fSmearing>0; if (!smear) { if (!fHistOff) hbg.Fill(pos1.X(), pos1.Y(), w*w0); else fHist.Fill(pos1.X(), pos1.Y(), 0.0, w*w0); } // To calculate significance map smear with 2*theta-cut and // do not normalize gauss, for event map use theta-cut/2 instead if (smear || fHistOff) { for (int x=1; x<=nx; x++) { const Double_t cx = axex.GetBinCenter(x); const Double_t px = cx-pos1.X(); for (int y=1; y<=ny; y++) { const Double_t cy = axey.GetBinCenter(y); const Double_t sp = Sq(px, cy-pos1.Y()); if (smear) { const Double_t dp = sp/psf; // Values below 1e-3 (>3.5sigma) are not filled into the histogram if (dp<4) { const Double_t rc = TMath::Exp(-dp)/normg; if (!fHistOff) hbg.AddBinContent(hbg.GetBin(x, y), rc); else fHist.AddBinContent(fHist.GetBin(x, y, bz), rc); } } if (!fHistOff) continue; // If we are filling the signal already (fHistOff!=NULL) // we also fill the background by projecting the // background in the camera into the sky plot. const TVector2 v = TVector2(cx+m.X(), cy+m.Y()); // Speed up further: Xmax-fWobble if (v.Mod()>axex.GetXmax()) // Gains 10% speed continue; const Int_t bx = axex.FindFixBin(v^rot); const Int_t by = axey.FindFixBin(v*rot); const Double_t bg = fHistOff->GetBinContent(bx, by, bz); fHistBg.AddBinContent(fHistBg.GetBin(x, y), bg); } } } if (fHistOff) fHistBg.SetEntries(fHistBg.GetEntries()+1); if (!smear) return kTRUE; if (!fHistOff) hbg.SetEntries(hbg.GetEntries()+1); else fHist.SetEntries(fHist.GetEntries()+1); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Compile the background in camera coordinates from the two background // histograms // Bool_t MHDisp::Finalize() { if (fHistOff) return kTRUE; const Int_t bz = fHist.GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(0); const Double_t n1 = fHistBg1.GetEntries(); const Double_t n2 = fHistBg2.GetEntries(); for (int x=1; x<=fHist.GetNbinsX(); x++) for (int y=1; y<=fHist.GetNbinsY(); y++) { const Int_t bin1 = fHistBg1.GetBin(x, y); const Double_t rc = (n1==0?0:fHistBg1.GetBinContent(bin1)/n1)+ (n2==0?0:fHistBg2.GetBinContent(bin1)/n2); fHist.SetBinContent(x, y, bz, rc/2); } fHist.SetEntries(n1+n2); // Result corresponds to one smeared background event return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Make sure that if the scale is changed by the context menu all subpads // are redrawn. // void MHDisp::Update() { TVirtualPad *pad = gPad; for (int i=1; i<=6; i++) { if (pad->GetPad(i)) pad->GetPad(i)->Modified(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the mean signal in h around (0,0) in a distance between // 0.325 and 0.475deg // Double_t MHDisp::GetOffSignal(TH1 &h) const { const TAxis &axex = *h.GetXaxis(); const TAxis &axey = *h.GetYaxis(); Int_t cnt = 0; Double_t sum = 0; for (int x=0; xfScaleMin && dGetEntries(); for (int x=1; x<=nx; x++) for (int y=1; y<=ny; y++) { Double_t S=0; // Only calculate significances for pixels far enough // from the border to get all expected pixels. if (TMath::Hypot((float)x-0.5*nx, (float)y-0.5*ny)<0.5*axex.GetNbins()-n) { Double_t sig=0; Double_t bg =0; // Integral a region of n pixels around x/y for (int dx=-n; dx<=n; dx++) for (int dy=-n; dy<=n; dy++) { if (TMath::Hypot((float)dx, (float)dy)>n) continue; const Int_t bin = s.GetBin(x+dx,y+dy); sig += h1.GetBinContent(bin); bg += h2.GetBinContent(bin); } // Scale such, that the statistical error corresponds to // the amount of off-data used to determin the background // model, not to the background itself. This gives // significances as calculated from the theta-sq plot. S = sig>0 ? MMath::SignificanceLiMaSigned(sig, bg*scale/sc, sc) : 0; } s.SetBinContent(x, y, S); } } void MHDisp::Profile1D(const char *name, const TH2 &h) const { if (!gPad) return; TH1D *hrc = dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(name)); if (!hrc) return; hrc->Reset(); //const_cast(h).SetMaximum(); const Double_t max = h.GetMaximum(); MBinning(51, -max*1.1, max*1.1).Apply(*hrc); for (int x=1; x<=h.GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) for (int y=1; y<=h.GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); y++) { const Int_t bin = h.GetBin(x,y); const Double_t sig = h.GetBinContent(bin); if (sig!=0) hrc->Fill(sig); } gPad->SetLogy(hrc->GetMaximum()>0); if (!fHistOff || hrc->GetRMS()<0.1) return; // ---------- Fix mean ---------- // TF1 *g = (TF1*)gROOT->GetFunction("gaus"); // g->FixParameter(1, 0); // hrc->Fit("gaus", "BQI"); hrc->Fit("gaus", "QI"); TF1 *f = hrc->GetFunction("gaus"); if (f) { f->SetLineWidth(1); f->SetLineColor(kBlue); } } void MHDisp::Paint(Option_t *o) { // Compile Background if necessary Finalize(); // Paint result TVirtualPad *pad = gPad; pad->cd(1); // Project on data onto yx-plane fHist.GetZaxis()->SetRange(0,9999); TH2 *h1=(TH2*)fHist.Project3D("yx_on"); // Set Glow-palette (PaintSurface doesn't allow more than 99 colors) MH::SetPalette(fHistOff?"glowsym":"glow1", 99); h1->SetContour(99); TH2 *hx=0; Double_t scale = 1; if (fHistOff) { // Project off data onto yx-plane and subtract it from on-data fHistOff->GetZaxis()->SetRange(0,9999); TH2 *h=(TH2*)fHistOff->Project3D("yx_off"); const Double_t h1off = GetOffSignal(*h1); const Double_t hoff = GetOffSignal(fHistBg); scale = hoff==0 ? -1 : -h1off/hoff; hx = (TH2*)pad->GetPad(4)->FindObject("Alpha_yx_sig"); if (hx) { hx->SetContour(99); MakeSignificance(*hx, *h1, fHistBg, TMath::Abs(scale)); MakeDot(*hx); MakeSymmetric(hx); } h1->Add(&fHistBg, scale); MakeDot(*h1); MakeSymmetric(h1); delete h; } pad->cd(3); TH1 *h2 = (TH1*)gPad->FindObject("RadProf"); TString opt(o); opt.ToLower(); if (h1 && h2) { Int_t ix, iy, iz; h1->GetMaximumBin(ix, iy, iz); const Double_t x0 = h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); const Double_t y0 = h1->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy); //const Double_t w0 = h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1); Profile(*h2, *h1, 0, 0); //Profile(*h2, *h1, x0, y0); if (h2->GetEntries()>0) { // Replace with MAlphaFitter? TF1 func("fcn", "gaus + [3]*x*x + [4]"); func.SetLineWidth(1); func.SetLineColor(kBlue); func.SetParLimits(2, h2->GetBinWidth(1), 1.0); func.SetParameter(0, h2->GetBinContent(1)); func.FixParameter(1, 0); func.SetParameter(2, 0.12); if (fHistOff) func.FixParameter(3, 0); func.SetParameter(4, 0);//h2->GetBinContent(20)); h2->Fit(&func, "IQ", "", 0, 1.0); h2->SetTitle(Form("P=(%.2f\\circ/%.2f\\circ) \\omega=%.2f\\circ f=%.2f", x0, y0, func.GetParameter(2), TMath::Abs(scale))); } } pad->cd(5); if (h1) Profile1D("Exc", *h1); pad->cd(6); if (hx) Profile1D("Sig", *hx); } void MHDisp::Draw(Option_t *o) { TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(this); const Int_t col = pad->GetFillColor(); pad->SetBorderMode(0); AppendPad(o); // ----- Pad number 4 ----- TString name = Form("%s_4", pad->GetName()); TPad *p = new TPad(name,name, 0.525/*0.5025*/, 0.3355, 0.995, 0.995, col, 0, 0); p->SetNumber(4); p->Draw(); p->cd(); TH1 *h3 = fHist.Project3D("yx_sig"); h3->SetTitle("Significance Map"); h3->SetDirectory(NULL); h3->SetXTitle(fHist.GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); h3->SetYTitle(fHist.GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); h3->SetMinimum(0); h3->Draw("colz"); h3->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fHistOff) GetCatalog()->Draw("mirror same *"); // ----- Pad number 1 ----- pad->cd(); name = Form("%s_1", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name, 0.005, 0.3355, 0.475/*0.4975*/, 0.995, col, 0, 0); p->SetNumber(1); p->Draw(); p->cd(); h3 = fHist.Project3D("yx_on"); h3->SetTitle("Distribution of equivalent events"); h3->SetDirectory(NULL); h3->SetXTitle(fHist.GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); h3->SetYTitle(fHist.GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); h3->SetMinimum(0); h3->Draw("colz"); h3->SetBit(kCanDelete); if (fHistOff) GetCatalog()->Draw("mirror same *"); // ----- Pad number 2 ----- pad->cd(); name = Form("%s_2", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name, 0.005, 0.005, 0.2485, 0.3315, col, 0, 0); p->SetNumber(2); p->Draw(); p->cd(); h3->Draw("surf3"); // ----- Pad number 3 ----- pad->cd(); name = Form("%s_3", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name, 0.2525, 0.005, 0.4985, 0.3315, col, 0, 0); p->SetNumber(3); p->SetGrid(); p->Draw(); p->cd(); const Double_t maxr = TMath::Hypot(h3->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), h3->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()); const Int_t nbin = (h3->GetNbinsX()+h3->GetNbinsY())/2; TProfile *h = new TProfile("RadProf", "Radial Profile", nbin, 0, maxr); h->SetDirectory(0); //TH1F *h = new TH1F("RadProf", "Radial Profile", nbin, 0, maxr); //h->Sumw2(); h->SetXTitle("\\vartheta [\\circ]"); h->SetYTitle("/\\Delta R"); h->SetBit(kCanDelete); h->Draw(); // ----- Pad number 5 ----- pad->cd(); name = Form("%s_5", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name, 0.5025, 0.005, 0.7485, 0.3315, col, 0, 0); p->SetNumber(5); p->SetGrid(); p->Draw(); p->cd(); h3 = new TH1D("Exc", "Distribution of excess events", 10, -1, 1); h3->SetDirectory(NULL); h3->SetXTitle("N"); h3->SetYTitle("Counts"); h3->Draw(); h3->SetBit(kCanDelete); // ----- Pad number 6 ----- pad->cd(); name = Form("%s_6", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name, 0.7525, 0.005, 0.9995, 0.3315, col, 0, 0); p->SetNumber(6); p->SetGrid(); p->Draw(); p->cd(); h3 = new TH1D("Sig", "Distribution of significances", 10, -1, 1); h3->SetDirectory(NULL); h3->SetXTitle("N"); h3->SetYTitle("Counts"); h3->Draw(); h3->SetBit(kCanDelete); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The following resources are available: // // MHDisp.Smearing: 0.1 // MHDisp.Wobble: on/off // Int_t MHDisp::ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print) { Int_t rc = MHFalseSource::ReadEnv(env, prefix, print); if (rc==kERROR) return kERROR; if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "Smearing", print)) { rc = kTRUE; SetSmearing(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Smearing", fSmearing)); } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "Wobble", print)) { rc = kTRUE; SetWobble(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "Wobble", fWobble)); } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "ScaleMin", print)) { rc = kTRUE; SetScaleMin(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "ScaleMin", fScaleMin)); } if (IsEnvDefined(env, prefix, "ScaleMax", print)) { rc = kTRUE; SetScaleMax(GetEnvValue(env, prefix, "ScaleMax", fScaleMax)); } return rc; }