1 | #ifndef MARS_MMcSpectrumWeight
2 | #define MARS_MMcSpectrumWeight
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MTask
5 | #include "MTask.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class TF1;
9 | class TH1;
10 | class TH1D;
11 | class TSpline3;
12 | class MParList;
13 | class MMcEvt;
14 | class MHillas;
15 | class MParameterD;
16 | class MPointingPos;
17 | class MMcCorsikaRunHeader;
18 |
19 | class MMcSpectrumWeight : public MTask
20 | {
21 | private:
22 | const MMcEvt *fMcEvt; // Pointer to the container with the MC energy
23 | const MHillas *fHillas;
24 | MParameterD *fWeight; // Pointer to the output MWeight container
25 | MPointingPos *fPointing;
26 |
27 | TString fNameWeight; // Name of the MWeight container
28 | TString fNameMcEvt; // Name of the MMcEvt container
29 |
30 | TF1 *fFunc; // Function calculating the weights
31 | TH1 *fWeightsZd; // Set additional ZA weights
32 | TH1 *fWeightsSize; // Set additional ZA weights
33 | // TSpline3 *fWeightsSize;
34 |
35 | Double_t fOldSlope; // Slope of energy spectrum generated with Corsika
36 | Double_t fNewSlope; // Slope of the new spectrum (if it is a power law)
37 |
38 | Double_t fEnergyMin; // Minimum energy simulated
39 | Double_t fEnergyMax; // Maximum energy simulated
40 |
41 | Double_t fNorm; // Normalization constant (additional normalization constant)
42 |
43 | TString fFormula; // Text Formula for new spectrum: eg. "pow(MMcEvt.fEnergy, -2.0)"
44 |
45 | Bool_t fAllowChange;
46 |
47 | // MMcSpectrumWeight
48 | void Init(const char *name, const char *title);
49 | TString ReplaceX(TString) const;
50 |
51 | // MTask
52 | Bool_t ReInit(MParList *plist);
53 | Int_t PreProcess(MParList *pList);
54 | Int_t Process();
55 |
56 | // MParContainer
57 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print);
58 |
59 | public:
60 | MMcSpectrumWeight(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
61 | ~MMcSpectrumWeight();
62 |
63 | // Setter
64 | void SetNameWeight(const char *n="MWeight") { fNameWeight = n; }
65 | void SetNameMcEvt(const char *n="MMcEvt") { fNameMcEvt = n; }
66 | void SetNewSlope(Double_t s=-1) { fNewSlope = s; }
67 | void SetNorm(Double_t s=1) { fNorm = s; }
68 | void SetFormula(const char *f="") { fFormula = f; }
69 | void SetEnergyRange(Double_t min=-2, Double_t max=-1) { fEnergyMin=min; fEnergyMax=max; }
70 | void SetOldSlope(Double_t s=-2.6) { fOldSlope=s; }
71 | void SetWeightsZd(TH1 *h=0) { fWeightsZd = h; }
72 | void SetWeightsSize(TH1D *h=0);
73 | Bool_t Set(const MMcCorsikaRunHeader &h);
74 |
75 | // Getter
76 | TString GetFormulaSpecOld() const;
77 | TString GetFormulaSpecNew() const;
78 | TString GetFormulaWeights() const;
79 |
80 | TString GetFormulaSpecOldX() const { return ReplaceX(GetFormulaSpecOld()); }
81 | TString GetFormulaSpecNewX() const { return ReplaceX(GetFormulaSpecNew()); }
82 | TString GetFormulaWeightsX() const { return ReplaceX(GetFormulaWeights()); }
83 |
84 | Double_t GetSpecNewIntegral() const;
85 | Double_t GetSpecOldIntegral() const;
86 |
87 | Double_t GetEnergyMin() const { return fEnergyMin; }
88 | Double_t GetEnergyMax() const { return fEnergyMax; }
89 |
90 | // TObject
91 | void Print(Option_t *o="") const;
92 |
93 | ClassDef(MMcSpectrumWeight, 0) // Task to calculate weights to change the energy spectrum
94 | };
95 |
96 | #endif