#ifndef MARS_MGeomCamMagicEnhance #define MARS_MGeomCamMagicEnhance #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif class MArrayD; class MCerPhotEvt; class MGeomCamMagicEnhance : public MTask { private: static const char *fgNameCerPhotEvtIn; static const char *fgNameCerPhotEvtOut; TString fNameCerPhotEvtIn; TString fNameCerPhotEvtOut; MCerPhotEvt *fEvtIn; MCerPhotEvt *fEvtOut; MArrayD Convert() const; Int_t PreProcess(MParList *p); Int_t Process(); void CleanFreqSpace(MArrayD &re, MArrayD &im); public: MGeomCamMagicEnhance(const char *name=0, const char *title=0); void SetNameCerPhotEvtIn(const char *n) { fNameCerPhotEvtIn = n; } void SetNameCerPhotEvtOut(const char *n) { fNameCerPhotEvtOut = n; } ClassDef(MGeomCamMagicEnhance, 0) //Task to convert MCerPhotEvt from MGeomCamMagic to MGeomCamMagicXT }; #endif