1 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationBlindPixel
2 | #define MARS_MHCalibrationBlindPixel
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MH
5 | #include "MH.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MHCalibrationConfig
9 | #include "MHCalibrationConfig.h"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #ifndef ROOT_TH1
13 | #include "TH1.h"
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #ifndef ROOT_TH1F
17 | #include "TH1F.h"
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #ifndef ROOT_TF1
21 | #include "TF1.h"
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | #ifndef ROOT_TPaveText
25 | #include "TPaveText.h"
26 | #endif
27 |
28 | class TMath;
29 | class MParList;
30 | class MHCalibrationBlindPixel : public MH
31 | {
32 | private:
33 |
34 | TH1F* fHBlindPixelCharge; //-> Histogram with the single Phe spectrum
35 | TH1F* fHBlindPixelErrCharge; //-> Variance of summed FADC slices
36 | TH1I* fHBlindPixelTime; //-> Variance of summed FADC slices
37 | TH1I* fHBlindPixelChargevsN; //-> Summed Charge vs. Event Nr.
38 |
39 | TF1 *fSinglePheFit;
40 | TF1 *fTimeGausFit;
41 |
42 | Axis_t fBlindPixelChargefirst;
43 | Axis_t fBlindPixelChargelast;
44 | Int_t fBlindPixelChargenbins;
45 |
46 | Axis_t fErrBlindPixelChargefirst;
47 | Axis_t fErrBlindPixelChargelast;
48 | Int_t fErrBlindPixelChargenbins;
49 |
50 | void ResetBin(Int_t i);
51 | void DrawLegend();
52 |
53 | TPaveText *fFitLegend;
54 | Bool_t fFitOK;
55 |
56 | BlindPixelFitFunc fgSinglePheFitFunc; // In the beginning,
57 | Int_t fgSinglePheFitNPar; // we want to be flexible using different functions
58 |
59 | Double_t fLambda;
60 | Double_t fMu0;
61 | Double_t fMu1;
62 | Double_t fSigma0;
63 | Double_t fSigma1;
64 |
65 | Double_t fLambdaErr;
66 | Double_t fMu0Err;
67 | Double_t fMu1Err;
68 | Double_t fSigma0Err;
69 | Double_t fSigma1Err;
70 |
71 | Double_t fChisquare;
72 | Double_t fProb;
73 | Int_t fNdf;
74 |
75 | Double_t fMeanTime;
76 | Double_t fMeanTimeErr;
77 | Double_t fSigmaTime;
78 | Double_t fSigmaTimeErr;
79 |
80 | public:
81 |
82 | MHCalibrationBlindPixel(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
83 | ~MHCalibrationBlindPixel();
84 |
85 | Bool_t FillBlindPixelCharge(Float_t q) { return fHBlindPixelCharge->Fill(q) > -1; }
86 | Bool_t FillErrBlindPixelCharge(Float_t errq) { return fHBlindPixelErrCharge->Fill(errq) > -1; }
87 | Bool_t FillBlindPixelTime(Int_t t) { return fHBlindPixelTime->Fill(t) > -1; }
88 | Bool_t FillBlindPixelChargevsN(Stat_t rq, Int_t t) { return fHBlindPixelChargevsN->Fill(t,rq) > -1; }
89 |
90 | const Double_t GetLambda() const { return fLambda; }
91 | const Double_t GetMu0() const { return fMu0; }
92 | const Double_t GetMu1() const { return fMu1; }
93 | const Double_t GetSigma0() const { return fSigma0; }
94 | const Double_t GetSigma1() const { return fSigma1; }
95 |
96 | const Double_t GetLambdaErr() const { return fLambdaErr; }
97 | const Double_t GetMu0Err() const { return fMu0Err; }
98 | const Double_t GetMu1Err() const { return fMu1Err; }
99 | const Double_t GetSigma0Err() const { return fSigma0Err; }
100 | const Double_t GetSigma1Err() const { return fSigma1Err; }
101 |
102 | const Double_t GetChiSquare() const { return fChisquare; }
103 | const Double_t GetProb() const { return fProb; }
104 | const Int_t GetNdf() const { return fNdf; }
105 |
106 | const Double_t GetMeanTime() const { return fMeanTime; }
107 | const Double_t GetMeanTimeErr() const { return fMeanTimeErr; }
108 | const Double_t GetSigmaTime() const { return fSigmaTime; }
109 | const Double_t GetSigmaTimeErr() const { return fSigmaTimeErr; }
110 |
111 | const TH1F *GetHErrCharge() { return fHBlindPixelErrCharge; }
112 | const TH1F *GetHErrCharge() const { return fHBlindPixelErrCharge; }
113 |
114 | Bool_t SimulateSinglePhe(Double_t lambda,
115 | Double_t mu0,
116 | Double_t mu1,
117 | Double_t sigma0,
118 | Double_t sigma1);
119 |
120 | Bool_t FitSinglePhe(Axis_t rmin=0, Axis_t rmax=0, Option_t *opt="R0+");
121 | Bool_t FitTime(Axis_t rmin=0., Axis_t rmax=0.,Option_t *opt="R0+");
122 |
123 | void ChangeFitFunc(BlindPixelFitFunc fitfunc, Int_t par=5);
124 |
125 | void CutAllEdges();
126 | void Draw(Option_t *option="");
127 |
128 | ClassDef(MHCalibrationBlindPixel, 1)
129 | };
130 |
131 | #endif /* MARS_MHCalibrationBlindPixel */