1 | #ifndef MARS_MHCamEventRot
2 | #define MARS_MHCamEventRot
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MH
5 | #include "MH.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TH2
9 | #include <TH2.h>
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | class TH2D;
13 |
14 | class MGeomCam;
15 | class MParList;
16 | class MTime;
17 | class MPointingPos;
18 | class MObservatory;
19 |
20 | class MHCamEventRot : public MH
21 | {
22 | private:
23 | MGeomCam *fGeom; //! container storing the camera geometry
24 | MTime *fTime; //! container to take the event time from
25 | MPointingPos *fPointPos; //! container to take pointing position from
26 | MObservatory *fObservatory; //! conteiner to take observatory location from
27 |
28 | TH2D fHist; // Alpha vs. x and y
29 |
30 | Int_t fType;
31 |
32 | Double_t fRa;
33 | Double_t fDec;
34 |
35 | TString fNameTime;
36 | //Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);
37 | //void Modified();
38 |
39 | //void ProjectOff(TH2D *h);
40 | //void ProjectOn(TH2D *h);
41 |
42 | TObject *GetCatalog();
43 |
44 | public:
45 | MHCamEventRot(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
46 |
47 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList);
48 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
49 |
50 | TH1 *GetHistByName(const TString name) { return &fHist; }
51 |
52 | void SetNameTime(const char *name) { fNameTime=name; }
53 |
54 | //void FitSignificance(Float_t sigint=15, Float_t sigmax=70, Float_t bgmin=40, Float_t bgmax=70, Byte_t polynom=1); //*MENU*
55 | //void FitSignificanceStd() { FitSignificance(); } //*MENU*
56 |
57 | //void SetDistMin(Float_t dist) { fDistMin = dist; }
58 |
59 | //void SetAlphaCut(Float_t alpha); //*MENU*
60 | //void SetAlphaPlus5() { SetAlphaCut(fAlphaCut+5); } //*MENU*
61 | //void SetAlphaMinus5() { SetAlphaCut(fAlphaCut-5); } //*MENU*
62 |
63 | //void SetBgMean(Float_t alpha); //*MENU*
64 | //void SetBgMeanPlus5() { SetBgMean(fBgMean+5); } //*MENU*
65 | //void SetBgMeanMinus5() { SetBgMean(fBgMean-5); } //*MENU*
66 |
67 | //void Paint(Option_t *opt="");
68 | void Draw(Option_t *option="");
69 |
70 | //static Double_t Significance(Double_t s, Double_t b);
71 | //static Double_t SignificanceLiMa(Double_t s, Double_t b, Double_t alpha=1);
72 |
73 | ClassDef(MHCamEventRot, 1) //2D-histogram in MCamEvent data (derotated)
74 | };
75 |
76 | #endif