1 | #ifndef MARS_MHFadcCam
2 | #define MARS_MHFadcCam
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TObjArray
5 | #include <TObjArray.h>
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef MARS_MH
9 | #include "MH.h"
10 | #endif
11 | #ifndef MARS_MHFadcPix
12 | #include "MHFadcPix.h"
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | #ifndef ROOT_TH1
16 | #include <TH1.h>
17 | #endif
18 |
19 | class MRawEvtData;
20 |
21 | class MHFadcCam : public MH
22 | {
23 | private:
24 | TObjArray *fArray; //-> List of Lo/Hi gain Histograms
25 |
26 | // void FillHi(UInt_t ipix, Byte_t data) { (*this)[ipix]->FillHi(data); }
27 | // void FillLo(UInt_t ipix, Byte_t data) { (*this)[ipix]->FillLo(data); }
28 |
29 | Int_t fNumHiGains; //!
30 | Int_t fNumLoGains; //!
31 |
32 | MHFadcPix::Type_t fType; //!
33 |
34 | public:
35 | MHFadcCam(MHFadcPix::Type_t t=MHFadcPix::kValue, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
36 | ~MHFadcCam();
37 |
38 | MHFadcPix &operator[](UInt_t i) { return *(MHFadcPix*)(fArray->At(i)); }
39 | const MHFadcPix &operator[](UInt_t i) const { return *(MHFadcPix*)(fArray->At(i)); }
40 |
41 | TH1F *GetHistHi(UInt_t i) { return (*this)[i].GetHistHi(); }
42 | TH1F *GetHistLo(UInt_t i) { return (*this)[i].GetHistLo(); }
43 |
44 | const TH1F *GetHistHi(UInt_t i) const { return (*this)[i].GetHistHi(); }
45 | const TH1F *GetHistLo(UInt_t i) const { return (*this)[i].GetHistLo(); }
46 |
47 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
48 | Bool_t Fill(const MRawEvtData *par);
49 |
50 | void ResetHistograms();
51 | void Reset(Int_t i);
52 |
53 | //
54 | // FIXME! This should be replaced by a Draw(Option_t)-function
55 | //
56 | void DrawHi(UInt_t i) { GetHistHi(i)->Draw(); }
57 | void DrawLo(UInt_t i) { GetHistLo(i)->Draw(); }
58 |
59 | Bool_t HasLo(UInt_t i) const { return GetHistLo(i)->GetEntries()>0; }
60 | Bool_t HasHi(UInt_t i) const { return GetHistHi(i)->GetEntries()>0; }
61 |
62 | Bool_t Exists(UInt_t i) const { return HasLo(i) && HasHi(i); }
63 |
64 | void DrawPix(UInt_t i) { (*this)[i].Draw(); }
65 |
66 | Int_t GetEntries() const { return fArray->GetEntries(); }
67 |
68 | TObject *Clone(const char *opt="") const;
69 |
70 | ClassDef(MHFadcCam, 1) // A list of histograms storing the Fadc spektrum of one pixel
71 | };
72 |
73 | #endif
74 |