1 | #ifndef MARS_MHMatrix
2 | #define MARS_MHMatrix
3 |
4 | #ifdef MARS_MLogManip
5 | #error Please make ensure that MLogManip.h are included _after_ MHMatrix.h
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | #ifndef ROOT_TMatrix
9 | #include <TMatrix.h>
10 | #endif
11 | #ifndef MARS_MH
12 | #include "MH.h"
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | #include <TArrayF.h>
16 |
17 | class TArrayI;
18 | class TArrayF;
19 |
20 | class TH1F;
21 | class MTask;
22 | class MParList;
23 | class MDataArray;
24 |
25 | class MHMatrix : public MH
26 | {
27 | private:
28 | static const TString gsDefName; //! Default Name
29 | static const TString gsDefTitle; //! Default Title
30 |
31 | Int_t fNumRow; //! Number of dimensions of histogram
32 | Int_t fRow; //! Present row
33 | TMatrix fM; // Matrix to be filled
34 |
35 | TMatrix fM2; //! Covariance Matrix
36 |
37 | MDataArray *fData; // List of data members (columns)
38 |
39 |
40 | enum {
41 | kIsOwner = BIT(14),
42 | kIsLocked = BIT(16)
43 | };
44 |
45 | void AddRow();
46 |
47 | Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *pList);
48 |
49 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par);
50 | Bool_t Finalize();
51 |
52 | void StreamPrimitive(ofstream &out) const;
53 |
54 | public:
55 | MHMatrix(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
56 | MHMatrix(MDataArray *mat, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
57 | ~MHMatrix();
58 |
59 | void Lock() { SetBit(kIsLocked); }
60 | void Unlock() { ResetBit(kIsLocked); }
61 |
62 | Int_t AddColumn(const char *name);
63 | void AddColumns(MDataArray *mat);
64 |
65 | MDataArray *GetColumns() { return fData; }
66 |
67 | const TMatrix &GetM() const { return fM; }
68 |
69 | Bool_t IsValid() const { return fM.IsValid(); }
70 | Int_t GetNumRows() const { return fNumRow; }
71 |
72 | //void Draw(Option_t *opt=NULL);
73 | //TObject *DrawClone(Option_t *opt=NULL) const;
74 |
75 | void Print(Option_t *) const;
76 |
77 | const TMatrix *InvertPosDef();
78 |
79 | Double_t CalcDist(const TMatrix &m, const TVector &v, Int_t num = 25) const;
80 | Double_t CalcDist(const TVector &v, Int_t num = 25);
81 |
82 | void SetOwner(Bool_t b=kTRUE) { b ? SetBit(kIsOwner) : ResetBit(kIsOwner); }
83 |
84 | void Reassign();
85 |
86 | const TArrayI GetIndexOfSortedColumn(Int_t ncol=0, Bool_t desc=kTRUE) const;
87 | void SortMatrixByColumn(Int_t ncol=0, Bool_t desc=kTRUE);
88 |
89 | Bool_t SetNumRow(Int_t row) { if (row>=fNumRow || row<0) return kFALSE; fRow = row; return kTRUE; }
90 | Int_t GetNumRow() const { return fRow; };
91 | Double_t operator[](Int_t col) { return fM(fRow, col); }
92 |
93 | Bool_t Fill(MParList *plist, MTask *read);
94 |
95 | TString GetDataMember() const;
96 |
97 | void ReduceNumberOfRows(UInt_t numrows, const TString opt);
98 |
99 | Int_t Read(const char *name);
100 |
101 | Bool_t DefRefMatrix(const TH1F &thsh, const Int_t refcolumn=-1,
102 | const Int_t nmaxevts=0, TMatrix *mrest=NULL);
103 |
104 | ClassDef(MHMatrix, 1) // Multidimensional Matrix to store events
105 | };
106 |
107 | #endif
108 |
109 |