#ifndef MHMCENERGY_H #define MHMCENERGY_H #ifndef MAGIC_H #include "MAGIC.h" #endif #ifndef MPARCONTAINER_H #include "MParContainer.h" #endif class TH1F; class TF1; class MHMcEnergy : public MParContainer { private: TH1F *fHist; // histogram with the logarith of the energy Float_t fThreshold; Float_t fThresholdErr; Float_t fGaussPeak; Float_t fGaussSigma; Float_t CalcThreshold(TF1 *gauss); Float_t CalcThresholdErr(TF1 *gauss); Float_t CalcGaussPeak(TF1 *gauss); Float_t CalcGaussSigma(TF1 *gauss); public: MHMcEnergy(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MHMcEnergy(); void SetName(const char *name); Float_t GetThreshold() const { return fThreshold; } Float_t GetThresholdErr() const { return fThresholdErr; } Float_t GetGaussPeak() const { return fGaussPeak; } Float_t GetGaussSigma() const { return fGaussSigma; }; void Fill(Float_t log10E, Float_t w); void Fit(Axis_t xxmin, Axis_t xxmax); void SetNumBins(Int_t nbins = 100); void Draw(Option_t* option = ""); void Print(Option_t* option = NULL); ClassDef(MHMcEnergy, 1) // Histogram container for montecarlo energy threshold }; #endif