1 | #ifndef MHMCRATE_H
2 | #define MHMCRATE_H
3 |
4 | #ifndef MAGIC_H
5 | #include "MAGIC.h"
6 | #endif
8 | #include "MParContainer.h"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | class MHMcRate : public MParContainer
12 | {
13 |
14 | private:
15 | UShort_t fPartId; // Type of particle
16 |
17 | Float_t fEnergyMax; // Maximum Energy in GeV
18 | Float_t fEnergyMin; // Minimum Energy in GeV
19 |
20 | Float_t fThetaMax; // Maximum theta angle of run
21 | Float_t fThetaMin; // Minimum theta angle of run
22 | Float_t fPhiMax; // Maximum phi angle of run
23 | Float_t fPhiMin; // Minimum phi angle of run
24 |
25 | Float_t fImpactMax; // Maximum impact parameter
26 | Float_t fImpactMin; // Minimum impact parameter
27 |
28 | Float_t fBackTrig; // Number of triggers from background
29 | Float_t fBackSim; // Number of simulated showers for the background
30 |
31 | Float_t fSpecIndex; // dn/dE = k * e^{- fSpecIndex}
32 | Float_t fFlux0; // dn/dE = fFlux0 * E^{-a}
33 |
34 | Float_t fShowerRate; // Showers rate in Hz
35 | Float_t fShowerRateError; // Estimated error of shower rate in Hz
36 |
37 | Float_t fTriggerRate; // Trigger rate in Hz
38 | Float_t fTriggerRateError; // Estimated error for the trigger rate in Hz
39 |
40 | void Init(const char *name, const char *title);
41 |
42 | public:
43 |
44 | MHMcRate(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
45 | MHMcRate(Float_t showrate,
46 | const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
47 | MHMcRate(Float_t specindex, Float_t flux0,
48 | const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
49 |
50 | void SetParticle(UShort_t part);
51 | void SetBackground(Float_t showers, Float_t triggers);
52 |
53 | void UpdateBoundaries(Float_t energy, Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t impact);
54 |
55 | void CalcRate(Float_t trig, Float_t anal, Float_t simu);
56 |
57 | void Print(Option_t *o=NULL);
58 |
59 | void Draw(Option_t *o=NULL);
60 | TObject *DrawClone(Option_t *o=NULL) const;
61 |
62 | ClassDef(MHMcRate, 1) // Data Container to calculate Collection Area
63 | };
64 |
65 | #endif