1 | #ifndef MARS_MHMcTriggerLvl2
2 | #define MARS_MHMcTriggerLvl2
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MH
5 | #include "MH.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class TH2D;
9 | class TH1F;
10 | class TF1;
11 | class MMcTriggerLvl2;
12 |
13 | class MHMcTriggerLvl2 : public MH
14 | {
15 | private:
16 |
17 | TH1F *fHistLutPseudoSize; // Histogram of fLutPseudoSize
18 | TH1F *fHistLutPseudoSizeNorm; // Histogram of fLutPseudoSize normalized on integral of distribution
19 | TH1F *fHistPseudoSize; // Histogram of fPseudoSize
20 | TH1F *fHistPseudoSizeNorm; // Histogram of fPseudoSize normalized on integral of distribution
21 | TH1F *fHistCellPseudoSize; // Histogram of fCellPseudoSize
22 | TH1F *fHistCellPseudoSizeNorm; // Histogram of fCellPseudoSize normalized on integral of distribution
23 | TH1F *fHistSizeBiggerCell; // Histogram of fSizeBiggerCell
24 | TH1F *fHistSizeBiggerCellNorm; // Histogram of fSizeBiggerCell normalized on integral of distribution
25 | TH2D *fHistPseudoSizeEnergy; // 2D-Histogram of fPseudoSize vs. Energy
26 | TH2D *fHistLutPseudoSizeEnergy; // 2D-Histogram of fLutPseudoSize vs. Energy
27 | TH2D *fHistCellPseudoSizeEnergy; // 2D-Histogram of fCellPseudoSize vs. Energy
28 | TH2D *fHistSizeBiggerCellEnergy; // 2D-Histogram of fSizeBiggerCell vs. Energy
29 | TF1* fFNorm; // Function used to normalize histograms
30 |
31 | static Int_t fColorLps;
32 | static Int_t fColorSbc;
33 | static Int_t fColorPs;
34 | static Int_t fColorCps;
35 | static Int_t fColorPsE;
36 | static Int_t fColorLPsE;
37 | static Int_t fColorCPsE;
38 | static Int_t fColorSBCE;
39 |
40 |
41 | TObject *DrawHist(TH1 &hist, TH1 &histNorm, const TString &canvasname, Int_t &colore) const;
42 | TObject *Draw2DHist(TH1 &hist, const TString &canvasname, Int_t &col) const;
43 |
44 | public:
45 | MHMcTriggerLvl2(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
46 | ~MHMcTriggerLvl2();
47 |
48 | Bool_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1);
49 |
50 | TH1 *GetHistByName(const TString name);
51 |
52 | TH1F *GetHistLutPseudoSize() const { return fHistLutPseudoSize; }
53 | TH1F *GetHistLutPseudoSizeNorm() const { return fHistLutPseudoSizeNorm; }
54 | TH1F *GetHistPseudoSize() const { return fHistPseudoSize; }
55 | TH1F *GetHistPseudoSizeNorm() const { return fHistPseudoSizeNorm; }
56 | TH1F *GetHistCellPseudoSize() const { return fHistCellPseudoSize; }
57 | TH1F *GetHistCellPseudoSizeNorm() const { return fHistCellPseudoSizeNorm; }
58 | TH1F *GetHistSizeBiggerCell() const { return fHistSizeBiggerCell; }
59 | TH1F *GetHistSizeBiggerCellNorm() const { return fHistSizeBiggerCellNorm; }
60 | TH2D *GetHistLutPseudoSizeEnergy() const { return fHistLutPseudoSizeEnergy; }
61 | TH2D *GetHistPseudoSizeEnergy() const { return fHistPseudoSizeEnergy; }
62 | TH2D *GetHistSizeBiggerCellEnergy() const { return fHistSizeBiggerCellEnergy; }
63 |
64 |
65 | void Draw(Option_t *opt=NULL);
66 | TObject *DrawClone(Option_t *opt=NULL) const;
67 |
68 | TH1 *NormalizeHist(TH1 &histNorm, TH1 *hist) const;
69 |
70 | ClassDef(MHMcTriggerLvl2, 1) // Container which holds histograms for the Trigger Level2 image parameters
71 | };
72 |
73 |
74 | #endif