/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2000 ! Author(s): Harald Kornmayer, 1/2001 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MHillasCalc // =========== // // This is a task to calculate the Hillas parameters from each event // // // Flags // -------- // // By default all flags are set: // // To switch of the calculation you may use: // - Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillas) // - Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillasExt) // - Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcNewImagePar) // - Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcImagePar) // - Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcSrcPosCam) // - Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcConc) // // If the calculation of MHillas is switched off a container MHillas // in the parameter list is nevertheless necessary for the calculation // of some other containers, see below. // // If kCalcHillasSrc is set and no corresponding MSrcPosCam is found // in the parameter list an empty container (X=0, Y=0) is created. // // // Container names // ----------------- // // The names of the containers to be used can be set with: // - SetNameHillas("NewName") // - SetNameHillasExt("NewName") // - SetNameNewImgPar("NewName") // - SetNameImagePar("NewName") // - SetNameSrcPosCam("NewName") // - SetNameConc("NewName") // - SetNameHillasSrc("NewName") // // // Islands // --------- // // You can change the islands for which the caluclations are done by: // - SetNumIsland() // The default is to use all used pixels (-1) // // fIdxIslands effects the calculations: // - kCalcHillas // - kCalcHillasExt // - kCalcNewImgPar // // // Example // --------- // // MHillasCalc calc0; // calculate all image parameters except source dep. // MHillasCalc calc1; // calculate source dependant image parameters for 'Source' // MHillasCalc calc2; // calculate source dependant image parameters for 'AntiSource' // MHillasCalc calc3; // calculate hillas parameters only for biggest island // MHillasCalc calc4; // calculate hillas parameter for 2nd biggest island // // setup names of input-/output-containers // calc1.SetNameSrcPosCam("Source"); // calc2.SetNameSrcPosCam("AntiSource"); // calc1.SetNameHillasSrc("MHillasSource"); // calc2.SetNameHillasSrc("MHillasAntiSource"); // calc3.SetNameHillas("MHillas0"); // calc4.SetNameHillas("MHillas1"); // // setup calculations to be done // calc0.Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillasSrc); // calc1.SetFlags(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillasSrc); // calc2.SetFlags(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillasSrc); // calc3.SetFlags(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillas); // calc4.SetFlags(MHillasCalc::kCalcHillas); // // choode index of island // calc3.SetNumIsland(0); // calc4.SetNumIsland(1); // // // setup tasklist // MTaskList list; // list.Add(&calc0); // list.Add(&calc1); // list.Add(&calc2); // list.Add(&calc3); // list.Add(&calc4); // // // Input/Output Containers // ------------------------- // // 1) MGeomCam 5) MHillas 8) MImagePar // 2) MSignalCam 6) MHillasSrc 9) MNewImagePar // 3) MSrcPosCam 7) MHillasExt 10) MConcentration // 4) fIdxIslands // // Flag | Input Container | Output // -----------------+-----------------+-------- // kCalcHillas | 1 2 4 | 5 // kCalcHillasSrc | 3 4 5 | 6 // kCalcHillasExt | 1 2 4 5 | 7 // kCalcImagePar | 2 | 8 // kCalcNewImgPar | 1 2 4 5 | 9 // kCalcConc | 1 2 5 | 10 // -----------------+-----------------+-------- // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MHillasCalc.h" #include // StreamPrimitive #include "MParList.h" #include "MSignalCam.h" #include "MHillas.h" #include "MHillasExt.h" #include "MHillasSrc.h" #include "MImagePar.h" #include "MNewImagePar.h" #include "MConcentration.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" ClassImp(MHillasCalc); using namespace std; const TString MHillasCalc::gsDefName = "MHillasCalc"; const TString MHillasCalc::gsDefTitle = "Calculate Hillas and other image parameters"; const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameHillas = "MHillas"; // default name of the 'MHillas' container const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameHillasExt = "MHillasExt"; // default name of the 'MHillasExt' container const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameNewImagePar = "MNewImagePar"; // default name of the 'MNewImagePar' container const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameConc = "MConcentration"; // default name of the 'MConcentration' container const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameImagePar = "MImagePar"; // default name of the 'MImagePar' container const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameHillasSrc = "MHillasSrc"; // default name of the 'MHillasSrc' container const TString MHillasCalc::gsNameSrcPosCam = "MSrcPosCam"; // default name of the 'MSrcPosCam' container // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. // MHillasCalc::MHillasCalc(const char *name, const char *title) : fNameHillas(gsNameHillas), fNameHillasExt(gsNameHillasExt), fNameHillasSrc(gsNameHillasSrc), fNameSrcPosCam(gsNameSrcPosCam), fNameConc(gsNameConc), fNameImagePar(gsNameImagePar), fNameNewImagePar(gsNameNewImagePar), fErrors(7), fFlags(0xff), fIdxIsland(-1) { fName = name ? name : gsDefName.Data(); fTitle = title ? title : gsDefTitle.Data(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check for in-/output containers, see class description // Int_t MHillasCalc::PreProcess(MParList *pList) { if (TestFlags(~kCalcHillasSrc)) { fCerPhotEvt = (MSignalCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MSignalCam")); if (!fCerPhotEvt) { *fLog << err << "MSignalCam not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } } if (TestFlags(kCalcHillas|kCalcHillasExt|kCalcNewImagePar|kCalcConc)) { fGeomCam = (MGeomCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber("MGeomCam")); if (!fGeomCam) { *fLog << err << "MGeomCam (Camera Geometry) missing in Parameter List... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } } // depend on whether MHillas is an in- or output container if (TestFlag(kCalcHillas)) { fHillas = (MHillas*)pList->FindCreateObj("MHillas", AddSerialNumber(fNameHillas)); if (!fHillas) return kFALSE; } if (TestFlags(kCalcHillasExt|kCalcNewImagePar|kCalcConc|kCalcHillasSrc)) { fHillas = (MHillas*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber(fNameHillas), "MHillas"); if (!fHillas) { *fLog << err << fNameHillas << " [MHillas] not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } } // if enabled if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasExt)) { fHillasExt = (MHillasExt*)pList->FindCreateObj("MHillasExt", AddSerialNumber(fNameHillasExt)); if (!fHillasExt) return kFALSE; } // if enabled if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc)) { const MSrcPosCam *src = (MSrcPosCam*)pList->FindObject(AddSerialNumber(fNameSrcPosCam), "MSrcPosCam"); if (!src) { *fLog << warn << AddSerialNumber(fNameSrcPosCam) << " [MSrcPosCam] not found... creating default container." << endl; src = (MSrcPosCam*)pList->FindCreateObj("MSrcPosCam", AddSerialNumber(fNameSrcPosCam)); } if (!src) return kFALSE; fHillasSrc = (MHillasSrc*)pList->FindCreateObj("MHillasSrc", AddSerialNumber(fNameHillasSrc)); if (!fHillasSrc) return kFALSE; fHillasSrc->SetSrcPos(src); } // if enabled if (TestFlag(kCalcNewImagePar)) { fNewImgPar = (MNewImagePar*)pList->FindCreateObj("MNewImagePar", AddSerialNumber(fNameNewImagePar)); if (!fNewImgPar) return kFALSE; } // if enabled if (TestFlag(kCalcImagePar)) { fImagePar = (MImagePar*)pList->FindCreateObj("MImagePar", AddSerialNumber(fNameImagePar)); if (!fImagePar) return kFALSE; } // if enabled if (TestFlag(kCalcConc)) { fConc = (MConcentration*)pList->FindCreateObj("MConcentration", fNameConc); if (!fConc) return kFALSE; } fErrors.Reset(); Print(); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If you want do complex descisions inside the calculations // we must move the calculation code inside this function // // If the calculation wasn't sucessfull skip this event // Int_t MHillasCalc::Process() { if (TestFlag(kCalcHillas)) { const Int_t rc = fHillas->Calc(*fGeomCam, *fCerPhotEvt, fIdxIsland); if (rc<0 || rc>4) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "MHillas::Calc returned unknown error code!" << endl; return kFALSE; } if (rc>0) { fErrors[rc]++; return kCONTINUE; } } if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc)) { const Int_t rc = fHillasSrc->Calc(*fHillas); if (rc<0 || rc>2) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "MHillasSrc::Calc returned unknown error code!" << endl; return kFALSE; } if (rc>0) { fErrors[rc+4]++; return kCONTINUE; } } fErrors[0]++; if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasExt)) fHillasExt->Calc(*fGeomCam, *fCerPhotEvt, *fHillas, fIdxIsland); if (TestFlag(kCalcImagePar)) fImagePar->Calc(*fCerPhotEvt); if (TestFlag(kCalcNewImagePar)) fNewImgPar->Calc(*fGeomCam, *fCerPhotEvt, *fHillas, fIdxIsland); if (TestFlag(kCalcConc)) fConc->Calc(*fGeomCam, *fCerPhotEvt, *fHillas); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Prints some statistics about the hillas calculation. The percentage // is calculated with respect to the number of executions of this task. // Int_t MHillasCalc::PostProcess() { if (GetNumExecutions()==0) return kTRUE; if (!TestFlag(kCalcHillas) && !TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc)) return kTRUE; *fLog << inf << endl; *fLog << GetDescriptor() << " execution statistics:" << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcHillas)) { PrintSkipped(fErrors[1], "0-Pixel Event (before cleaning, MC event?)"); PrintSkipped(fErrors[2], "Calculated Size == 0 (after cleaning)"); PrintSkipped(fErrors[3], "Number of used pixels < 3"); PrintSkipped(fErrors[4], "CorrXY==0"); } if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc)) { PrintSkipped(fErrors[5], "Dist==0"); PrintSkipped(fErrors[6], "Arg2==0"); } *fLog << " " << (int)fErrors[0] << " (" << Form("%5.1f", 100.*fErrors[0]/GetNumExecutions()) << "%) Evts survived Hillas calculation!" << endl; *fLog << endl; return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Print 'Dataflow' // void MHillasCalc::Print(Option_t *o) const { *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << " calculating:" << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcHillas)) *fLog << " - " << fNameHillas << " from MGeomCam, MSignalCam and fIdxIsland=" << fIdxIsland << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc)) *fLog << " - " << fNameHillasSrc << " from " << fNameSrcPosCam << ", " << fNameHillas << " and fIdxIsland=" << fIdxIsland << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasExt)) *fLog << " - " << fNameHillasExt << " from MGeomCam, MSignalCam, " << fNameHillas << " and fIdxIsland=" << fIdxIsland << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcImagePar)) *fLog << " - " << fNameImagePar << " from MSignalCam" << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcNewImagePar)) *fLog << " - " << fNameNewImagePar << " from MGeomCam, MSignalCam, " << fNameHillas << " and fIdxIsland=" << fIdxIsland << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcConc)) *fLog << " - " << fNameConc << " from MGeomCam, MSignalCam and " << fNameHillas << endl; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implementation of SavePrimitive. Used to write the call to a constructor // to a macro. In the original root implementation it is used to write // gui elements to a macro-file. // void MHillasCalc::StreamPrimitive(ofstream &out) const { out << " MHillasCalc " << GetUniqueName() << "("; if (fName!=gsDefName || fTitle!=gsDefTitle) { out << ", \"" << fName << "\""; if (fTitle!=gsDefTitle) out << ", \"" << fTitle << "\""; } out << ");" << endl; if (TestFlags(kCalcHillasExt|kCalcNewImagePar|kCalcConc|kCalcHillasSrc)) { if (fNameHillas!=gsNameHillas) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameHillas(\"" << fNameHillas << "\");" << endl; } if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc) && fNameHillasSrc!=gsNameHillasSrc) { out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameHillasSrc(\"" << fNameHillasSrc << "\");" << endl; out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameSrcPosCam(\"" << fNameSrcPosCam << "\");" << endl; } if (TestFlag(kCalcHillasExt) && fNameHillasExt!=gsNameHillasExt) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameHillasExt(\"" << fNameHillasExt << "\");" << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcConc) && fNameConc!=gsNameConc) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameConc(\"" << fNameConc << "\");" << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcImagePar) && fNameImagePar!=gsNameImagePar) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameImagePar(\"" << fNameImagePar << "\");" << endl; if (TestFlag(kCalcNewImagePar) && fNameNewImagePar!=gsNameNewImagePar) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNameNewImagePar(\"" << fNameNewImagePar << "\");" << endl; if (!TestFlag(kCalcHillas)) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".Disable(MHilllasCalc::kCalcHillas);" << endl; if (!TestFlag(kCalcHillasExt)) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".Disable(MHilllasCalc::kCalcHillasExt);" << endl; if (!TestFlag(kCalcHillasSrc)) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".Disable(MHilllasCalc::kCalcHillasSrc);" << endl; if (!TestFlag(kCalcNewImagePar)) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".Disable(MHilllasCalc::kCalcNewImagePar);" << endl; if (!TestFlag(kCalcConc)) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".Disable(MHilllasCalc::kCalcConc);" << endl; if (!TestFlag(kCalcImagePar)) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".Disable(MHilllasCalc::kCalcImagePar);" << endl; if (fIdxIsland>=0) out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetNumIsland(" << fIdxIsland << ");" << endl; }