1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 1/2004 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MJCalibrateSignal
28 | //
29 | // This class is reading the output written by callisto. It calibrates
30 | // signal and time.
31 | //
32 | // The signal and time extractors are read from the callisto-output. In
33 | // pricipal you could overwrite these default using the resource file,
34 | // but this is NOT recommended!
35 | //
36 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 | #include "MJCalibrateSignal.h"
38 |
39 | #include <TEnv.h>
40 | #include <TFile.h>
41 |
42 | // Core
43 | #include "MLog.h"
44 | #include "MLogManip.h"
45 |
46 | #include "MDirIter.h"
47 | #include "MTaskList.h"
48 | #include "MParList.h"
49 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
50 |
51 | #include "MStatusDisplay.h"
52 |
53 | // General containers
54 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
55 | #include "MBadPixelsCam.h"
56 | #include "MCalibConstCam.h"
57 | #include "MPedestalCam.h"
58 | #include "MArrivalTimeCam.h"
59 |
60 | // General histograms
61 | #include "MH3.h"
62 | #include "MHCamEvent.h"
63 | #include "MHVsTime.h"
64 |
65 | // Calibration containers
66 | #include "MCalibrationQECam.h"
67 | #include "MCalibrationBlindCam.h"
68 | #include "MCalibrationChargeCam.h"
69 | #include "MCalibrationRelTimeCam.h"
70 | #include "MCalibrationChargePINDiode.h"
71 |
72 | // Calibration histograms
73 | #include "MHCalibrationChargeCam.h"
74 | #include "MHCalibrationChargeBlindCam.h"
75 | #include "MHCalibrationChargePINDiode.h"
76 | #include "MHCalibrationRelTimeCam.h"
77 |
78 | // Tasks
79 | #include "MReadMarsFile.h"
80 | #include "MRawFileRead.h"
81 | #include "MTaskEnv.h"
82 | #include "MContinue.h"
83 | #include "MFillH.h"
84 | #include "MGeomApply.h"
85 | #include "MExtractTimeAndCharge.h"
86 | #include "MTriggerPatternDecode.h"
87 | #include "MCalibrationPatternDecode.h"
88 | #include "MCalibrationChargeCalc.h"
89 | #include "MCalibrationRelTimeCalc.h"
90 | #include "MCalibCalcFromPast.h"
91 | #include "MPedestalSubtract.h"
92 | #include "MPedCalcFromLoGain.h"
93 | #include "MCalibrateData.h"
94 | #include "MExtractPINDiode.h"
95 | #include "MExtractBlindPixel.h"
96 | #include "MCalibrateRelTimes.h"
97 | #include "MBadPixelsCalc.h"
98 | #include "MBadPixelsTreat.h"
99 | #include "MWriteRootFile.h"
100 |
101 | // Filter
102 | #include "MFTriggerPattern.h"
103 | #include "MFCosmics.h"
104 | #include "MFilterList.h"
105 | #include "MFDataPhrase.h"
106 |
107 | // Classes for writing movies
108 | #include "MFEvtNumber.h"
109 | #include "MMoviePrepare.h"
110 | #include "MMovieWrite.h"
111 | #include "MImgCleanStd.h"
112 |
113 |
114 | ClassImp(MJCalibrateSignal);
115 |
116 | using namespace std;
117 |
118 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 | //
120 | // Default constructor.
121 | //
122 | // Sets:
123 | // - fIsInterlaced to kTRUE
124 | // - fIsRelTimesUpdate to kFALSE
125 | // - fIsHiLoCalibration to kFALSE
126 | //
127 | MJCalibrateSignal::MJCalibrateSignal(const char *name, const char *title)
128 | : fExtractor(0), fIsInterlaced(kTRUE), fIsRelTimesUpdate(kTRUE), fIsMovieMode(kFALSE)
129 | {
130 | fName = name ? name : "MJCalibrateSignal";
131 | fTitle = title ? title : "Tool to calibrate data";
132 | }
133 |
134 | MJCalibrateSignal::~MJCalibrateSignal()
135 | {
136 | if (fExtractor)
137 | delete fExtractor;
138 | }
139 |
140 | void MJCalibrateSignal::SetExtractor(const MExtractor *ext)
141 | {
142 | if (fExtractor)
143 | delete fExtractor;
144 |
145 | fExtractor = ext ? (MExtractor*)ext->Clone() : NULL;
146 | }
147 |
148 | Bool_t MJCalibrateSignal::WriteResult() const
149 | {
150 | if (IsNoStorage() || fIsMovieMode)
151 | return kTRUE;
152 |
153 | // FIXME: This is not nice because it will update the signal
154 | // file always. Which might make the usage outside of
155 | // callisto difficult.
156 | TObjArray cont;
157 | cont.Add(const_cast<TEnv*>(GetEnv()));
158 | cont.Add(const_cast<MSequence*>(&fSequence));
159 |
160 | if (fDisplay)
161 | {
162 | TString title = "-- Calibrate Signal: ";
163 | title += fSequence.GetSequence();
164 | title += " --";
165 | fDisplay->SetTitle(title, kFALSE);
166 |
167 | cont.Add(fDisplay);
168 | }
169 |
170 | const TString name(Form("signal%08d.root", fSequence.GetSequence()));
171 | return WriteContainer(cont, name, "UPDATE");
172 | }
173 |
174 | Bool_t MJCalibrateSignal::ReadCalibration(TObjArray &l, MBadPixelsCam &cam, MExtractor* &ext2, MExtractor* &ext3, TString &geom) const
175 | {
176 | TString fname = Form("%s/calib%08d.root", fPathIn.Data(), fSequence.GetSequence());
177 |
178 | *fLog << inf << "Reading from file: " << fname << endl;
179 |
180 | TFile file(fname, "READ");
181 | if (!file.IsOpen())
182 | {
183 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - Could not open file " << fname << endl;
184 | return kFALSE;
185 | }
186 |
187 | TObject *o = file.Get("ExtractSignal");
188 | if (o && !o->InheritsFrom(MExtractor::Class()))
189 | {
190 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - ExtractSignal read from " << fname << " doesn't inherit from MExtractor!" << endl;
191 | return kFALSE;
192 | }
193 | ext3 = o ? (MExtractor*)o->Clone() : NULL;
194 |
195 | o = file.Get("ExtractTime");
196 | if (o && !o->InheritsFrom(MExtractor::Class()))
197 | {
198 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - ExtractTime read from " << fname << " doesn't inherit from MExtractor!" << endl;
199 | return kFALSE;
200 | }
201 | ext2 = o ? (MExtractor*)o->Clone() : NULL;
202 | if (!ext3 && !ext2)
203 | {
204 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - Neither ExtractSignal nor ExrtractTime found in " << fname << "!" << endl;
205 | return kFALSE;
206 | }
207 |
208 | o = file.Get("MGeomCam");
209 | if (o && !o->InheritsFrom(MGeomCam::Class()))
210 | {
211 | *fLog << err << dbginf << "ERROR - MGeomCam read from " << fname << " doesn't inherit from MGeomCam!" << endl;
212 | return kFALSE;
213 | }
214 | geom = o ? o->ClassName() : "";
215 |
216 | TObjArray cont(l);
217 | cont.Add(&cam);
218 | return ReadContainer(cont);
219 | }
220 |
221 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 | //
223 | // MJCalibration allows to setup several option by a resource file:
224 | // MJCalibrateSignal.RawData: yes,no
225 | //
226 | // For more details see the class description and the corresponding Getters
227 | //
228 | Bool_t MJCalibrateSignal::CheckEnvLocal()
229 | {
230 | SetInterlaced(GetEnv("Interlaced", fIsInterlaced));
231 | SetRelTimesUpdate(GetEnv("RelTimesUpdate", fIsRelTimesUpdate));
232 | SetMovieMode(GetEnv("MovieMode", fIsMovieMode));
233 |
234 | return MJCalib::CheckEnvLocal();
235 | }
236 |
237 | Bool_t MJCalibrateSignal::Process(MPedestalCam &pedcamab, MPedestalCam &pedcambias,
238 | MPedestalCam &pedcamextr)
239 | {
240 | if (!fSequence.IsValid())
241 | {
242 | *fLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence invalid..." << endl;
243 | return kFALSE;
244 | }
245 |
246 | *fLog << inf;
247 | fLog->Separator(GetDescriptor());
248 | *fLog << "Calculate calibrated data from Sequence #";
249 | *fLog << fSequence.GetSequence() << endl << endl;
250 |
251 |
252 | //if (!CheckEnv())
253 | // return kFALSE;
254 |
255 | CheckEnv();
256 |
257 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 |
259 | MDirIter iter;
260 | if (fSequence.IsValid())
261 | {
262 | if (fSequence.GetRuns(iter, MSequence::kRawDat)<=0)
263 | return kFALSE;
264 | }
265 |
266 | // Read File
267 | MHCalibrationChargeCam hchacam;
268 | MHCalibrationChargeBlindCam hbndcam;
269 | MHCalibrationChargePINDiode hpndiod;
270 | MHCalibrationRelTimeCam hrelcam;
271 | //MHCalibrationHiLoCam hilocam;
272 | //MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam hpulcam;
273 |
274 | hchacam.SetOscillations(kFALSE);
275 | hbndcam.SetOscillations(kFALSE);
276 | hrelcam.SetOscillations(kFALSE);
277 |
278 | MCalibrationChargeCam calcam;
279 | MCalibrationQECam qecam;
280 | MCalibrationBlindCam bndcam;
281 | MCalibrationChargePINDiode pind;
282 | MCalibrationRelTimeCam tmcam;
283 | //MCalibrationHiLoCam hilcam;
284 | //MCalibrationPulseTimeCam pulcam;
285 |
286 | MBadPixelsCam badpix;
287 |
288 | TObjArray interlacedcont;
289 | if (fIsInterlaced)
290 | {
291 | interlacedcont.Add(&hchacam);
292 | if (IsUseBlindPixel())
293 | interlacedcont.Add(&hbndcam);
294 | if (IsUsePINDiode())
295 | interlacedcont.Add(&hpndiod);
296 | if (fIsRelTimesUpdate)
297 | interlacedcont.Add(&hrelcam);
298 | }
299 |
300 | MExtractor *extractor1=fExtractor;
301 | MExtractor *extractor2=0;
302 | MExtractor *extractor3=0;
303 | TString geom;
304 |
305 | TObjArray calibcont;
306 | calibcont.Add(&calcam);
307 | calibcont.Add(&qecam);
308 | calibcont.Add(&bndcam);
309 | calibcont.Add(&tmcam);
310 | if (IsUseBlindPixel())
311 | calibcont.Add(&bndcam);
312 |
313 | if (!ReadCalibration(calibcont, badpix, extractor2, extractor3, geom))
314 | return kFALSE;
315 |
316 | *fLog << all;
317 | if (!geom.IsNull())
318 | *fLog << inf << "Camera geometry found in file: " << geom << endl;
319 | else
320 | *fLog << inf << "No Camera geometry found using default <MGeomCamMagic>" << endl;
321 |
322 | if (extractor3)
323 | {
324 | *fLog << underline << "Signal Extractor found in calibration file" << endl;
325 | extractor3->Print();
326 | *fLog << endl;
327 | }
328 | else
329 | *fLog << inf << "No Signal Extractor: ExtractSignal in file." << endl;
330 |
331 |
332 | if (extractor1)
333 | {
334 | *fLog << underline << "Modified Signal Extractor set by user." << endl;
335 | extractor1->Print();
336 | *fLog << endl;
337 | }
338 | else
339 | {
340 | *fLog << inf << "No modified Signal Extractor set by user... using ExtractSignal." << endl;
341 | extractor1 = extractor3 ? (MExtractor*)extractor3->Clone() : 0;
342 | }
343 |
344 | if (extractor2)
345 | {
346 | *fLog << underline << "Time Extractor found in calibration file" << endl;
347 | extractor2->Print();
348 | *fLog << endl;
349 | }
350 | else
351 | *fLog << inf << "No Time Extractor: ExtractTime in file." << endl;
352 |
353 | // This is necessary for the case in which it is not in the files
354 | MCalibConstCam constcam;
355 |
356 | //MBadPixelsCam badcam;
357 | constcam.SetBadPixels(&badpix);
358 |
359 | // Setup Parlist
360 | MParList plist;
361 | plist.AddToList(this); // take care of fDisplay!
362 | plist.AddToList(&badpix);
363 | plist.AddToList(&constcam);
364 | //plist.AddToList(&hilcam);
365 | plist.AddToList(&calibcont); // Using AddToList(TObjArray *)
366 | plist.AddToList(&interlacedcont); // Using AddToList(TObjArray *)
367 | //plist.AddToList(&pulcam);
368 |
369 | // Setup Tasklist
370 | MTaskList tlist;
371 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
372 |
373 | MReadMarsFile readmc("Events");
374 | readmc.DisableAutoScheme();
375 |
376 | MRawFileRead rawread(NULL);
377 | rawread.SetForceMode(); // Ignore broken time-stamps
378 |
379 | MRead *read = fSequence.IsMonteCarlo() ? (MRead*)&readmc : (MRead*)&rawread;
380 | read->AddFiles(iter);
381 |
382 | const TString fname(Form("%s{s/_D_/_Y_}{s/\\.raw$/.root}{s/\\.raw\\.gz$/.root}", fPathOut.Data()));
383 |
384 | // Skips MC which have no contents. This are precisely the
385 | // events which fullfilled the MC Lvl1 trigger and an
386 | // arbitrary cut (typically at 50phe) to speed up simulation
387 | MContinue contmc("MRawEvtData.GetNumPixels<0.5", "ContEmptyMC");
388 |
389 | //MPointingPosInterpolate pextr;
390 | //pextr.AddFiles(&iter);
391 |
392 | MGeomApply apply; // Only necessary to create geometry
393 | if (!geom.IsNull())
394 | apply.SetGeometry(geom);
395 | //MBadPixelsMerge merge(&badpix);
396 |
397 | // Make sure that pedcamab has the correct name
398 | pedcamab.SetName("MPedestalFundamental");
399 | pedcamextr.SetName("MPedestalFromExtractorRndm");
400 | pedcambias.SetName("MPedestalFromExtractor");
401 | plist.AddToList(&pedcamextr);
402 | plist.AddToList(&pedcambias);
403 | plist.AddToList(&pedcamab);
404 |
405 | MArrivalTimeCam timecam;
406 | plist.AddToList(&timecam);
407 |
408 | // Check for interleaved events
409 | MCalibrationPatternDecode caldec;
410 | MTriggerPatternDecode decode;
411 |
412 | MH3 hpat("MRawRunHeader.GetFileID", "MTriggerPattern.GetUnprescaled");
413 | hpat.SetWeight("1./TMath::Max(MRawRunHeader.GetRunLength,1)");
414 | hpat.SetName("TrigPat");
415 | hpat.SetTitle("Rate of the trigger pattern [Hz];File Id;Trigger Pattern;Rate [Hz]");
416 | hpat.InitLabels(MH3::kLabelsXY);
417 | //hpat.DefineLabelsY("1=Lvl1;2=Cal;3=Cal;4=Lvl2;5=Cal;7=Cal;8=Ped;9=Ped+Trig;13=Ped+Trig;16=Pin;32=Sum");
418 | hpat.DefaultLabelY("UNKNOWN");
419 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 0, "0"); // 0: No pattern
420 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 1, "Trig"); // 1: Lvl1
421 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 2, "Cal"); // 2: Cal
422 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 3, "Cal"); // Cal+Lvl1
423 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 4, "Trig"); // 4: Lvl2
424 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 5, "Trig"); // Lvl2+Lvl1
425 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 7, "Cal"); // Lvl2+Cal+Lvl
426 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 8, "Ped"); // 8: Ped
427 | hpat.DefineLabelY( 9, "Ped+Trig"); // Ped+Lvl1
428 | hpat.DefineLabelY(10, "Ped+Cal"); // Ped+Cal
429 | hpat.DefineLabelY(12, "Ped+Trig"); // Ped+Lvl2
430 | hpat.DefineLabelY(13, "Ped+Trig"); // Ped+Lvl2+Lvl1
431 | hpat.DefineLabelY(16, "Pin"); // 16: Pin
432 | hpat.DefineLabelY(32, "Sum"); // 32: Sum
433 | hpat.DefineLabelY(33, "Trig"); // Sum+Lvl1
434 | hpat.DefineLabelY(34, "Cal"); // Sum+Cal
435 | hpat.DefineLabelY(35, "Cal"); // Sum+Cal+Lvl1
436 | hpat.DefineLabelY(36, "Trig"); // Sum+Lvl2
437 | hpat.DefineLabelY(37, "Trig"); // Sum+Lvl1+Lvl2
438 | hpat.DefineLabelY(39, "Cal"); // Sum+Lvl2+Cal+Lvl1
439 |
440 | MFillH fillpat(&hpat, "", "FillPattern");
441 | fillpat.SetDrawOption("box");
442 |
443 | // This will make that for data with version less than 5, where
444 | // trigger patterns were not yet correct, all the events in the real
445 | // data file will be processed. In any case there are no interleaved
446 | // calibration events in such data, so this is fine.
447 | // We allow only cosmics triggered events to pass (before prescaling)
448 | MFTriggerPattern fcalped("SelectTrigEvts");
449 | fcalped.SetInverted();
450 | fcalped.SetDefault(kTRUE);
451 | fcalped.DenyAll();
452 | fcalped.AllowTriggerLvl1();
453 | fcalped.AllowTriggerLvl2();
454 | fcalped.AllowSumTrigger();
455 |
456 | // This will skip interleaved events with a cal- or ped-trigger
457 | MContinue contcalped(&fcalped, "ContNonTrigger");
458 |
459 | // Create the pedestal subtracted raw-data
460 | MPedestalSubtract pedsub;
461 | pedsub.SetPedestalCam(&pedcamab);
462 |
463 | // Do signal and pedestal calculation
464 | MPedCalcFromLoGain pedlo1("MPedCalcFundamental");
465 | pedlo1.SetPedestalUpdate(kTRUE);
466 | pedlo1.SetNamePedestalCamOut("MPedestalFundamental");
467 |
468 | MPedCalcFromLoGain pedlo2("MPedCalcWithExtractorRndm");
469 | pedlo2.SetPedestalUpdate(kTRUE);
470 | pedlo2.SetRandomCalculation(kTRUE);
471 | pedlo2.SetNamePedestalCamOut("MPedestalFromExtractorRndm");
472 |
473 | MPedCalcFromLoGain pedlo3("MPedCalcWithExtractor");
474 | pedlo3.SetPedestalUpdate(kTRUE);
475 | pedlo3.SetRandomCalculation(kFALSE);
476 | pedlo3.SetNamePedestalCamOut("MPedestalFromExtractor");
477 |
478 | if (!extractor1)
479 | {
480 | *fLog << err << "ERROR - extractor1 == NULL" << endl;
481 | return kFALSE;
482 | }
483 |
484 | // Setup to use the hi-gain extraction window in the lo-gain
485 | // range (the start of the lo-gain range is added automatically
486 | // by MPedCalcFromLoGain)
487 | //
488 | // The window size of the extractor is not yet initialized,
489 | // so we have to stick to the extraction range
490 | //
491 | // Even if we would like to use a range comparable to the
492 | // hi-gain extraction we use the lo-gain range to make
493 | // sure that exclusions (eg. due to switching noise)
494 | // are correctly handled.
495 | //
496 | pedlo1.SetRangeFromExtractor(*extractor1);
497 |
498 | if (extractor1->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge"))
499 | {
500 | pedlo2.SetExtractor((MExtractTimeAndCharge*)extractor1);
501 | pedlo3.SetExtractor((MExtractTimeAndCharge*)extractor1);
502 | }
503 | else
504 | {
505 | pedlo2.SetRangeFromExtractor(*extractor1);
506 | pedlo3.SetRangeFromExtractor(*extractor1);
507 | }
508 |
509 | //------------------------------
510 | //
511 | // this is the filter to find pedestal events. For the Siegen FADC
512 | // these are all events which are not calibration events because
513 | // the pedestal is extracted from the lo-gain signal. For MUX
514 | // data this are artifiially triggered events with the pedestal
515 | // trigger flag, and for safty without Lvl1 or Lvl2 flag)
516 | //
517 | // For the time "before" the trigger pattern all events (Siegen FADC)
518 | // can be considered to be pedestal, because this was also the time
519 | // without artifially calibration events
520 | //
521 | // Deny or allow is done before prescaling.
522 | //
523 | MFTriggerPattern fped("SelectPedestals");
524 | fped.SetDefault(kTRUE);
525 | fped.DenyCalibration();
526 | if (!extractor1->HasLoGain())
527 | {
528 | fped.DenyAll();
529 | fped.RequirePedestal();
530 | }
531 |
532 | //------------------------------
533 | //
534 | // Apply a filter against cosmics (this is to make sure that the
535 | // trigger system was working properly and no empty events survive)
536 | // For every event 5% of the pixel must not be empty. In PostProcess
537 | // an error is raised if more than 50% of the events were skipped.
538 | //
539 | MFCosmics fcosmicscal;
540 | fcosmicscal.SetNamePedestalCam("MPedestalFundamental"); //CORRECT?
541 | fcosmicscal.SetMaxEmptyPixels(0.05);
542 | fcosmicscal.SetMaxAcceptedFraction(0.5);
543 |
544 | MContinue contcoscal(&fcosmicscal, "ContCosmicsCal");
545 |
546 | //------------------------------
547 | /*
548 | MFCosmics fcosmicsped; // Def=20% empty pixels
549 | fcosmicsped.SetNamePedestalCam("MPedestalFundamental"); //CORRECT?
550 | MContinue contcosped(&fcosmicsped, "ContCosmicsPed");
551 | contcosped.SetInverted();
552 | */
553 |
554 | //------------------------------
555 | //
556 | // Thie signal extractors
557 | //
558 | MTaskEnv taskenv1("ExtractSignal");
559 | MTaskEnv taskenv2("ExtractTime");
560 | MTaskEnv taskenv3("ExtractInterlaced");
561 | taskenv1.SetDefault(extractor1);
562 | taskenv2.SetDefault(extractor2);
563 | taskenv3.SetDefault(extractor3);
564 |
565 | //
566 | // This is new calibration to photo-electrons, hard-coded
567 | // as decided at the Wuerzburg software meeting 26.01.05
568 | //
569 | MCalibrateData calib;
570 | calib.SetSignalType(MCalibrateData::kPhe);
571 | //calib.AddPedestal("Fundamental");
572 | calib.AddPedestal("FromExtractor");
573 | calib.AddPedestal("FromExtractorRndm");
574 | calib.SetPedestalFlag(MCalibrateData::kEvent);
575 |
576 | //----------------------------------------------------------
577 |
578 | MExtractPINDiode pinext;
579 | MExtractBlindPixel bldext;
580 |
581 | // Execute for all events with the calibration trigger. If no
582 | // trigger pattern is available do not execute it
583 | // The selection is done before prescaling.
584 | MFTriggerPattern fcalib("SelectCalEvts");
585 | fcalib.SetDefault(kFALSE);
586 | fcalib.DenyAll();
587 | fcalib.RequireCalibration();
588 | fcalib.AllowTriggerLvl1();
589 | fcalib.AllowTriggerLvl2();
590 | fcalib.AllowSumTrigger();
591 |
592 | MCalibrationChargeCalc chcalc;
593 | chcalc.SetContinousCalibration();
594 | chcalc.SetExtractor(extractor3);
595 |
596 | MCalibrationRelTimeCalc recalc;
597 | MCalibCalcFromPast pacalc;
598 |
599 | chcalc.SetPedestals(&pedcamextr);
600 |
601 | pacalc.SetChargeCalc(&chcalc);
602 | if (fIsRelTimesUpdate)
603 | pacalc.SetRelTimeCalc(&recalc);
604 | pacalc.SetCalibrate(&calib);
605 |
606 | //
607 | // Calibration histogramming
608 | //
609 | MFillH filpin(&hpndiod, "MExtractedSignalPINDiode", "FillPINDiode");
610 | MFillH filbnd(&hbndcam, "MExtractedSignalBlindPixel", "FillBlindCam");
611 | MFillH filcam(&hchacam, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillChargeCam");
612 | MFillH filtme(&hrelcam, "MArrivalTimeCam", "FillRelTime");
613 | //MFillH filhil(&hilocam, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillHiLoRatio");
614 | //MFillH filpul(&hpulcam, "MRawEvtData", "FillPulseTime");
615 | filpin.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay);
616 | filbnd.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay);
617 | filcam.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay);
618 | filtme.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay);
619 | //filhil.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay);
620 | //filpul.SetBit(MFillH::kDoNotDisplay);
621 |
622 | MCalibrateRelTimes caltm;
623 | MBadPixelsCalc bpcal;
624 | MBadPixelsTreat treat;
625 |
626 | //bpcal.SetNamePedPhotCam("MPedPhotFromExtractor");
627 | bpcal.SetNamePedPhotCam("MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm");
628 |
629 | //treat.AddNamePedPhotCam("MPedPhotFundamental");
630 | treat.AddNamePedPhotCam("MPedPhotFromExtractor");
631 | treat.AddNamePedPhotCam("MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm");
632 | if (!extractor2 && !extractor1->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge"))
633 | treat.SetProcessTimes(kFALSE);
634 |
635 | MHCamEvent evt0( 0, "PedFLG", "Fundamental Pedestal from Lo Gain;;P [cnts/sl]");
636 | MHCamEvent evt1( 2, "PedRmsFLG", "RMS from Extractor applied to ped.;;\\sigma_{p} [cnts/sl]");
637 | MHCamEvent evt2( 0, "Extra'd", "Extracted Signal;;S [cnts/sl]");
638 | // MHCamEvent evt3(4, "PedPhot", "Calibrated Pedestal;;P [phe]");
639 | MHCamEvent evt4( 5, "PedRMS", "Calibrated RMS from Extractor applied to ped.;;\\sigma_{p} [phe]");
640 | MHCamEvent evt5( 0, "Interp'd", "Interpolated Signal scaled with A/A_{0};;S [phe]");
641 | MHCamEvent evt6(102, "Unsuitable", "Fraction of unsuitable events per Pixel;;[1]");
642 | // MHCamEvent evt7( 6, "Times", "Calibrated Arrival Time;;T [fadc sl]");
643 | MHCamEvent evt8( 0, "Conv", "Calibration Conv. Factors;;[phe/cnts]");
644 | MHCamEvent evt9( 7, "PulsePos", "Pulse Position of cosmics (>50phe);;T [ns]");
645 | MHCamEvent evtR( 4, "HiLoCal", "Hi-/Lo-Gain ratio;;Ratio");
646 | MHCamEvent evtO( 7, "HiLoOff", "Lo-/Hi-Gain Offset;;Offset");
647 | MHCamEvent evtC( 4, "CalPos", "Extracted pulse position of calibration pulses;;T [sl]");
648 | //MHCamEvent evt2(0, "Extra'd", "Extracted Calibration Signal;;S [cnts/sl]");
649 | evt2.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
650 | evt5.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
651 | evt6.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
652 | evt6.SetThreshold();
653 |
654 | MFillH fill0(&evt0, "MPedestalFundamental", "FillPedFLG");
655 | MFillH fill1(&evt1, "MPedestalFromExtractorRndm", "FillPedRmsFLG");
656 | MFillH fill2(&evt2, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillExtracted");
657 | // MFillH fill3(&evt3, "MPedPhotFundamental", "FillPedPhot");
658 | MFillH fill4(&evt4, "MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm", "FillPedRMS");
659 | MFillH fill5(&evt5, "MSignalCam", "FillInterpolated");
660 | MFillH fill6(&evt6, "MBadPixelsCam", "FillUnsuitable");
661 | // MFillH fill7(&evt7, "MSignalCam", "FillTimes");
662 | MFillH fill8(&evt8, "MCalibConstCam", "FillConv");
663 | MFillH fill9(&evt9, "MSignalCam", "FillPulsePos");
664 | MFillH fillR(&evtR, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillHiLoCal");
665 | MFillH fillO(&evtO, "MArrivalTimeCam", "FillHiLoOff");
666 | MFillH fillC(&evtC, "MArrivalTimeCam", "FillCalPos");
667 | //MFillH fill2(&evt2, "MExtractedSignalCam", "FillExtractedSignal");
668 |
669 | MHVsTime histbp("MBadPixelsCam.GetNumUnsuitable");
670 | histbp.SetName("BadPixTm");
671 | histbp.SetTitle("Number of unsuitable pixels;;N");
672 | histbp.SetMinimum(0);
673 |
674 | MHVsTime histdp("MSignalCam.GetNumPixelsUnmapped");
675 | histdp.SetName("DeadPixTm");
676 | histdp.SetTitle("Number of dead/unmapped pixels;;N");
677 | histdp.SetMinimum(0);
678 |
679 | // Task to fill the histogram
680 | MFillH fillB(&histbp, "MTime", "FillBadPixTm");
681 | MFillH fillD(&histdp, "MTime", "FillDeadPixTm");
682 | fillB.SetNameTab("BadPixTm");
683 | fillD.SetNameTab("DeadPixTm");
684 |
685 | /*
686 | MFillH fillP("MHPulseShape", "", "FillPulseShape");
687 | fillP.SetNameTab("Pulse");
688 | */
689 |
690 | /*
691 | MHVsTime hbadpix("MBadPixelsCam.GetNumUnsuitable");
692 | hbadpix.SetNumEvents(50);
693 | MFillH fillB(&hbadpix, "MTime");
694 | */
695 |
696 | MTaskEnv fillflorian("FinalFantasy");
697 | fillflorian.SetDefault();
698 |
699 | // The second rule is for the case reading raw-files!
700 | MWriteRootFile write(2, fname, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW");
701 | // Run Header
702 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders");
703 | // write.AddContainer("MBadPixelsCam", "RunHeaders");
704 | write.AddContainer("MGeomCam", "RunHeaders");
705 | // Monte Carlo Headers
706 | write.AddContainer("MMcRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE);
707 | write.AddContainer("MMcFadcHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE);
708 | write.AddContainer("MMcTrigHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE);
709 | write.AddContainer("MMcConfigRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE);
710 | write.AddContainer("MMcCorsikaRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE);
711 | // Monte Carlo
712 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events", kFALSE);
713 | write.AddContainer("MMcTrig", "Events", kFALSE);
714 | // Data tree
715 | write.AddContainer("MSignalCam", "Events");
716 | // write.AddContainer("MPedPhotFundamental", "Events");
717 | write.AddContainer("MPedPhotFromExtractor", "Events");
718 | write.AddContainer("MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm", "Events");
719 | write.AddContainer("MTime", "Events", kFALSE);
720 | write.AddContainer("MRawEvtHeader", "Events");
721 | write.AddContainer("MTriggerPattern", "Events");
722 |
723 | // Trees with slow-control information (obsolete
724 | // if we don't read merpped root-files)
725 | write.AddTree("Trigger", kFALSE);
726 | write.AddTree("Drive", kFALSE);
727 | write.AddTree("CC", kFALSE);
728 | write.AddTree("Pyrometer", kFALSE);
729 | write.AddTree("Currents", kFALSE);
730 | write.AddTree("Camera", kFALSE);
731 | // Slow-Control: Current-tree
732 | write.AddContainer("MCameraDC", "Currents", kFALSE);
733 | // Slow-Control: Camera-tree
734 | write.AddContainer("MCameraAUX", "Camera", kFALSE);
735 | write.AddContainer("MCameraCalibration", "Camera", kFALSE);
736 | write.AddContainer("MCameraCooling", "Camera", kFALSE);
737 | write.AddContainer("MCameraHV", "Camera", kFALSE);
738 | write.AddContainer("MCameraLV", "Camera", kFALSE);
739 | write.AddContainer("MCameraLids", "Camera", kFALSE);
740 |
741 | // Write the special MC tree
742 | MWriteRootFile writemc(2, fname, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW");
743 | writemc.SetName("WriteMC");
744 | writemc.AddContainer("MMcEvtBasic", "OriginalMC");
745 |
746 | // Write the special calib tree
747 | /*
748 | MWriteRootFile writecal(2, fname, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW");
749 | writecal.SetName("WriteCalib");
750 | writecal.AddContainer("MBadPixelsCam", "Calib");
751 | writecal.AddContainer("MCalibrationChargeCam", "Calib");
752 | writecal.AddContainer("MCalibrationRelTimeCam", "Calib");
753 | */
754 |
755 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
756 | // Build tasklist
757 |
758 | MTaskList tlist2;
759 |
760 | tlist2.AddToList(&caldec);
761 | tlist2.AddToList(&decode);
762 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillpat);
763 | tlist2.AddToList(&apply);
764 | //tlist2.AddToList(&merge);
765 | tlist2.AddToList(&pedsub);
766 |
767 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
768 | // Pedestal extraction
769 |
770 | MTaskList tlist3;
771 | tlist3.SetFilter(&fped); // Deny events with cal-trigger
772 |
773 | tlist2.AddToList(&fped); // If no lo-gain require ped-trigger
774 | tlist2.AddToList(&tlist3); // and deny cosmics (lvl1/2) trigger
775 |
776 | tlist3.AddToList(&pedlo1); // extract pedestal events
777 | tlist3.AddToList(&pedlo2); // extract pedestal events
778 | tlist3.AddToList(&pedlo3); // extract pedestal events
779 | tlist3.AddToList(&fill0); // fill pedestal events
780 | tlist3.AddToList(&fill1); // fill pedestal events
781 |
782 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
783 | // Calibration
784 |
785 | MTaskList tlist4;
786 | tlist4.SetFilter(&fcalib); // process only events with cal-trigger
787 |
788 | //MFDataPhrase filcalco("MCalibrationConstCam.IsReadyToSave>0.5", "CalibConstFilter");
789 | if (fIsInterlaced)
790 | {
791 | // The task list is executed for all events with the calibration
792 | // trigger
793 | tlist2.AddToList(&fcalib); // MFTriggerPattern
794 | tlist2.AddToList(&tlist4);
795 |
796 | tlist4.AddToList(&taskenv3);
797 | tlist4.AddToList(&contcoscal); // MContinue/ContCosmicsCal
798 | if (IsUsePINDiode())
799 | tlist4.AddToList(&pinext); // MExtractPINDiode
800 | if (IsUseBlindPixel())
801 | tlist4.AddToList(&bldext); // MExtractBlindPixel
802 | tlist4.AddToList(&pacalc); // MCalibCalcFromPast
803 | /*
804 | tlist3.AddToList(&filcalco); // CalibConstFilter (IsReadyToSave)
805 | fill8.SetFilter(&filcalco);
806 | tlist3.AddToList(&fill8); // FillConvUpd
807 | */
808 |
809 | tlist4.AddToList(&filcam); // FillChargeCam
810 | if (fIsRelTimesUpdate)
811 | tlist4.AddToList(&filtme); // FillRelTime
812 | if (IsUseBlindPixel())
813 | tlist4.AddToList(&filbnd); // FillBlindCam
814 | if (IsUsePINDiode())
815 | tlist4.AddToList(&filpin); // FillPINDiode
816 | tlist4.AddToList(&chcalc); // MCalibrationChargeCalc
817 | if (fIsRelTimesUpdate)
818 | tlist4.AddToList(&recalc); // MCalibrationRelTimeCam
819 |
820 | tlist4.AddToList(&fillC); // FillCalPos
821 |
822 | //tlist3.AddToList(&writecal); // MWriteRootFile
823 | }
824 |
825 | //-----------------------------------------------------------
826 | // Cosmics extraction
827 |
828 | // remove all events with a cal- or ped-trigger (no matter
829 | // whether they have lvl1 or lvl2 or any other flag
830 | tlist2.AddToList(&contcalped);
831 |
832 | // Extract the signal
833 | if (extractor1)
834 | tlist2.AddToList(&taskenv1);
835 |
836 | // remove all events which definitly don't have a signal
837 | // using MFCosmics (ContCosmicsPed)
838 | // tlist2.AddToList(&contcosped);
839 |
840 | // Extract arrival time (if a dedicated extrator given)
841 | if (extractor2)
842 | tlist2.AddToList(&taskenv2);
843 |
844 | /*
845 | if (fIsHiLoCalibration)
846 | {
847 | plist.AddToList(&hilocam);
848 | tlist2.AddToList(&filhil);
849 | }
850 |
851 | if (fIsPulsePosCheck)
852 | {
853 | plist.AddToList(&hpulcam);
854 | tlist2.AddToList(&filpul);
855 | }
856 | */
857 |
858 | tlist2.AddToList(&fill2);
859 | tlist2.AddToList(&fill8); // FillConv
860 | tlist2.AddToList(&calib); // MCalibrateData
861 | if (extractor2 || extractor1->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge"))
862 | tlist2.AddToList(&caltm);
863 |
864 | tlist2.AddToList(&bpcal); // MBadPixelsCalc
865 | tlist2.AddToList(&treat); // MBadPixelsTreat
866 | tlist2.AddToList(&fill6);
867 | // tlist2.AddToList(&fill3);
868 | tlist2.AddToList(&fill4);
869 | tlist2.AddToList(&fill5);
870 | //if (extractor2 || extractor1->InheritsFrom("MExtractTimeAndCharge"))
871 | // tlist2.AddToList(&fill7);
872 | tlist2.AddToList(&fill9);
873 | if (!fSequence.IsMonteCarlo())
874 | {
875 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillB);
876 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillD);
877 | }
878 | if (extractor1->HasLoGain())
879 | {
880 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillR);
881 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillO);
882 | }
883 |
884 | /*
885 | MFillH fillC("MHCleaning", "", "FillClean");
886 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillC);
887 |
888 | //tlist2.AddToList(&fillP);
889 | */
890 |
891 | // ----- Start: Code for encoding movies -----
892 |
893 | MMoviePrepare movprep;
894 | MMovieWrite movwrite;
895 | movprep.SetRangeFromExtractor(*extractor1);
896 |
897 | //MFDataPhrase movfilt("MMovieData.fMax>150");
898 | MFDataPhrase movfilt("MMovieData.fMax>5*MMovieData.fMedianPedestalRms", "MovieFilter");
899 |
900 | MImgCleanStd movclean(8.5, 4.0);
901 | movclean.SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kAbsolute);
902 |
903 | //movprep.SetFilter(&evtnum);
904 | movclean.SetFilter(&movfilt);
905 | movwrite.SetFilter(&movfilt);
906 |
907 | MTaskList tlistmov("MovieEncoder");
908 | tlistmov.AddToList(&movprep);
909 | tlistmov.AddToList(&movfilt);
910 | tlistmov.AddToList(&movclean);
911 | tlistmov.AddToList(&movwrite);
912 |
913 | MFEvtNumber evtnum;
914 | //evtnum.SetSelector("ThetaSquared.fVal<0.04");
915 | //evtnum.SetFileName("ganymed00000001.root");
916 | tlistmov.SetFilter(&evtnum);
917 |
918 | if (fIsMovieMode)
919 | {
920 | tlist2.AddToList(&evtnum);
921 | tlist2.AddToList(&tlistmov);
922 | }
923 |
924 | // ----- End: Code for encoding movies -----
925 |
926 | tlist2.AddToList(&fillflorian);
927 |
928 | // Setup List for Drive-tree
929 | //MPointingPosCalc pcalc;
930 |
931 | // Now setup main tasklist
932 | tlist.AddToList(read);
933 |
934 | if (fSequence.IsMonteCarlo())
935 | {
936 | if (!fIsMovieMode && !HasNullOut())
937 | tlist.AddToList(&writemc);
938 | tlist.AddToList(&contmc);
939 | }
940 |
941 | //if (IsUseRootData())
942 | // tlist2.AddToList(&pextr);
943 | tlist.AddToList(&tlist2, fSequence.IsMonteCarlo() ? "Events" : "All");
944 |
945 | //if (fSequence.IsMonteCarlo())
946 | // tlist.AddToList(&pcalc, "Drive");
947 |
948 | if (!fIsMovieMode && !HasNullOut())
949 | tlist.AddToList(&write);
950 |
951 | // Create and setup the eventloop
952 | MEvtLoop evtloop(fName);
953 | evtloop.SetParList(&plist);
954 | evtloop.SetDisplay(fDisplay);
955 | evtloop.SetLogStream(fLog);
956 | if (!SetupEnv(evtloop))
957 | return kFALSE;
958 |
959 | // Execute first analysis
960 | const Bool_t rc = evtloop.Eventloop(fMaxEvents);
961 |
962 | // make sure owned object are deleted
963 | if (extractor1 && extractor1!=fExtractor)
964 | delete extractor1;
965 | if (extractor2)
966 | delete extractor2;
967 | if (extractor3)
968 | delete extractor3;
969 |
970 | // return if job failed
971 | if (!rc)
972 | {
973 | *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": Failed." << endl;
974 | return kFALSE;
975 | }
976 |
977 | // if everything went ok write and display result
978 | DisplayResult(plist);
979 |
980 | /*
981 | if (fIsPixelCheck)
982 | {
983 | if (fIsPulsePosCheck)
984 | hpulcam[fCheckedPixId].DrawClone("");
985 |
986 | //if (fIsHiLoCalibration)
987 | // hilocam[fCheckedPixId].DrawClone("");
988 | }
989 | interlacedcont.Add(&pulcam);
990 | */
991 |
992 | //if (fIsHiLoCalibration)
993 | // interlacedcont.Add(&hilcam);
994 |
995 | //if (fIsPulsePosCheck)
996 | // interlacedcont.Add(plist.FindObject("MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam"));
997 |
998 | //if (fIsHiLoCalibration)
999 | // interlacedcont.Add(plist.FindObject("MHCalibrationHiLoCam"));
1000 |
1001 | if (!WriteResult())
1002 | return kFALSE;
1003 |
1004 | // return if job went ok
1005 | *fLog << all << GetDescriptor() << ": Done." << endl;
1006 | *fLog << endl << endl;
1007 |
1008 | return kTRUE;
1009 | }
1010 |
1011 |
1012 | void MJCalibrateSignal::DisplayResult(MParList &plist)
1013 | {
1014 | /*
1015 | if (!fDisplay || !fIsHiLoCalibration)
1016 | return;
1017 |
1018 | MCalibrationHiLoCam *hcam = (MCalibrationHiLoCam*)plist.FindObject("MCalibrationHiLoCam");
1019 | MGeomCam *geom = (MGeomCam*)plist.FindObject("MGeomCam");
1020 | if (!hcam || !geom)
1021 | return;
1022 |
1023 | // Create histograms to display
1024 | MHCamera disp1(*geom, "HiLoConv", "Ratio Amplification HiGain vs. LoGain (Charges)");
1025 | MHCamera disp2(*geom, "HiLoDiff", "Arrival Time Diff. HiGain vs. LoGain (Times)");
1026 |
1027 | disp1.SetCamContent(*hcam, 0);
1028 | disp1.SetCamError( *hcam, 1);
1029 | disp2.SetCamContent(*hcam, 5);
1030 | disp2.SetCamError( *hcam, 6);
1031 |
1032 | disp1.SetYTitle("R [1]");
1033 | disp2.SetYTitle("\\Delta T [FADC sl.]");
1034 |
1035 | TCanvas &c1 = fDisplay->AddTab("HiLoConv");
1036 | c1.Divide(2,3);
1037 |
1038 | disp1.CamDraw(c1, 1, 2, 1);
1039 | disp2.CamDraw(c1, 2, 2, 1);
1040 | */
1041 | }
1042 |