1 | #ifndef MARS_MJPedestal
2 | #define MARS_MJPedestal
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MPedestalCam
5 | #include "MPedestalCam.h"
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef MARS_MBadPixelsCam
8 | #include "MBadPixelsCam.h"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | class TEnv;
12 | class TCanvas;
13 | class MParList;
14 | class MRunIter;
15 | class MHCamera;
16 | class TH1D;
17 | class MExtractor;
18 |
19 | class MJPedestal : public MParContainer
20 | {
21 | private:
22 | static const Double_t fgPedestalMin;
23 | static const Double_t fgPedestalMax;
24 | static const Double_t fgPedRmsMin;
25 | static const Double_t fgPedRmsMax;
26 |
27 | static const Float_t fgRefPedClosedLids;
28 | static const Float_t fgRefPedExtraGalactic;
29 | static const Float_t fgRefPedGalactic;
30 |
31 | static const Float_t fgRefPedRmsClosedLids;
32 | static const Float_t fgRefPedRmsExtraGalactic;
33 | static const Float_t fgRefPedRmsGalactic;
34 |
35 | TString fOutputPath;
36 |
37 | TEnv *fEnv; // Input setup-file
38 |
39 | MRunIter *fRuns;
40 | MExtractor *fExtractor; // Signal extractor, used to find the nr. of used FADC slices
41 |
42 | MPedestalCam fPedestalCam;
43 | MBadPixelsCam fBadPixels;
44 |
45 | Bool_t fDataCheck; // Flag if the data check is run on raw data
46 |
47 | Bool_t ReadPedestalCam();
48 | Bool_t WriteResult();
49 |
50 | void DisplayResult(MParList &plist);
51 | void DisplayReferenceLines(MHCamera *cam, const Int_t what) const;
52 | void DisplayOutliers(TH1D *hist) const;
53 |
54 | public:
55 | MJPedestal(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
56 | ~MJPedestal();
57 |
58 | MPedestalCam &GetPedestalCam() { return fPedestalCam; }
59 | const MBadPixelsCam &GetBadPixels() const { return fBadPixels; }
60 |
61 | const char* GetOutputFile() const;
62 | const Bool_t IsDataCheck() const { return fDataCheck; }
63 |
64 | Bool_t Process();
65 | Bool_t ProcessFile();
66 |
67 | void SetBadPixels(const MBadPixelsCam &bad) { bad.Copy(fBadPixels); }
68 | void SetExtractor(MExtractor* ext ) { fExtractor = ext; }
69 | void SetInput(MRunIter *iter) { fRuns = iter; }
70 | void SetOutputPath(const char *path=".");
71 | void SetEnv(const char *env);
72 |
73 | void SetDataCheck(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fDataCheck = b; }
74 |
75 | ClassDef(MJPedestal, 0) // Tool to create a pedestal file (MPedestalCam)
76 | };
77 |
78 | #endif