#ifndef MARS_MJPedestal #define MARS_MJPedestal #ifndef MARS_MJCalib #include "MJCalib.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MPedestalCam #include "MPedestalCam.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MHPedestalCam #include "MHPedestalCam.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MBadPixelsCam #include "MBadPixelsCam.h" #endif class TCanvas; class MParList; class MHCamera; class TH1D; class MExtractor; class MExtractPedestal; class MEvtLoop; class MJPedestal : public MJCalib { private: static const TString fgReferenceFile; //! default for fReferenceFile ("pedestalref.rc") static const TString fgBadPixelsFile; //! default for fBadPixelsFile ("badpixels_0_559.rc") static const Float_t fgExtractWinLeft; //! default for fExtractWinLeft (now set to: 2.5) static const Float_t fgExtractWinRight; //! default for fExtractWinRight (now set to: 6.0) Axis_t fPedestalMin; //! Minimum Axis value for pedestal datacheck display Axis_t fPedestalMax; //! Maximum Axis value for pedestal datacheck display Axis_t fPedRmsMin; //! Minimum Axis value for ped. RMS datacheck display Axis_t fPedRmsMax; //! Maximum Axis value for ped. RMS datacheck display Float_t fRefPedClosedLids; //! Reference line pedestal for closed lids run Float_t fRefPedExtraGalactic; //! Reference line pedestal for extragalactic source Float_t fRefPedGalactic; //! Reference line pedestal for galactic source Float_t fRefPedRmsClosedLidsInner; //! Ref. line ped. RMS for closed lids run - inner pixels Float_t fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticInner; //! Ref. line ped. RMS for extragalactic source - inner pixels Float_t fRefPedRmsGalacticInner; //! Ref. line ped. RMS for galactic source - inner pixels Float_t fRefPedRmsClosedLidsOuter; //! Ref. line ped. RMS for closed lids run - outer pixels Float_t fRefPedRmsExtraGalacticOuter; //! Ref. line ped. RMS for extragalactic source - outer pixels Float_t fRefPedRmsGalacticOuter; //! Ref. line ped. RMS for galactic source - outer pixels Float_t fExtractWinLeft; // Number of FADC slices to extract leftward from mean pulse pos. Float_t fExtractWinRight; // Number of FADC slices to extract rightward from mean pulse pos. TString fReferenceFile; // File name containing the reference values TString fBadPixelsFile; // File name containing the bad pixels excluded beforehand MExtractor *fExtractor; // Signal extractor, used to find the nr. of used FADC slices MPedestalCam fPedestalCamIn; // Handed over pedestal results MPedestalCam fPedestalCamOut; // Created pedestal results MBadPixelsCam fBadPixels; // Bad Pixels // MHPedestalCam fPedestalHist; // Histogramming pedestal Camera enum Display_t { kDisplayNone, kDisplayNormal, kDisplayDataCheck }; // Possible Display types Display_t fDisplayType; // Chosen Display type enum Extract_t { kUseData, kUsePedRun }; // Possible flags for the extraction of the pedestal Extract_t fExtractType; // Chosen extractor type enum Extraction { kFundamental, kWithExtractorRndm, kWithExtractor }; Int_t fExtractionType; // Flag if the extractor is used to calculate the pedestals Bool_t fIsUseHists; // Switch on histogramming or not Bool_t fDeadPixelCheck; // Should the dead pixel check be done? UInt_t fMinEvents; // Minimum number of events MExtractor *ReadCalibration(); Bool_t ReadPedestalCam(); //Bool_t WriteResult(); Bool_t WritePulsePos(TObject *obj) const; //Bool_t WriteEventloop(MEvtLoop &evtloop) const; void DisplayResult(const MParList &plist); void DisplayReferenceLines(MHCamera *cam, const Int_t what) const; void DisplayOutliers(TH1D *hist) const; void FixDataCheckHist(TH1D *hist) const; Int_t PulsePosCheck(const MParList &plist) const; Bool_t CheckEnvLocal(); const char* GetOutputFileName() const; void ReadReferenceFile(); Bool_t WriteExtractor() const; public: MJPedestal(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MJPedestal(); MPedestalCam &GetPedestalCam() { return fPedestalCamOut; } const MBadPixelsCam &GetBadPixels() const { return fBadPixels; } // const MHPedestalCam &GetPedestalHist() const { return fPedestalHist; } const Bool_t IsUseData() const { return fExtractType == kUseData; } Int_t Process(); void SetBadPixels(const MBadPixelsCam &bad) { bad.Copy(fBadPixels); } void SetPedestals(const MPedestalCam &ped) { ped.Copy(fPedestalCamIn); } void SetExtractor(MExtractor* ext); void SetUseData() { fExtractType = kUseData; } void SetUseHists( const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fIsUseHists = b; } void SetDeadPixelCheck(const Bool_t b=kTRUE) { fDeadPixelCheck = b; } void SetUsePedRun() { fExtractType = kUsePedRun; } void SetDataCheckDisplay() { fDisplayType = kDisplayDataCheck; } void SetNormalDisplay() { fDisplayType = kDisplayNormal; } void SetNoDisplay() { fDisplayType = kDisplayNone; } void SetExtractionFundamental() { fExtractionType=kFundamental; /*fPedestalCamOut.SetName("MPedestalFundamental");*/ } void SetExtractionWithExtractorRndm() { fExtractionType=kWithExtractorRndm; /*fPedestalCamOut.SetName("MPedestalExtractorRndm");*/ } void SetExtractionWithExtractor() { fExtractionType=kWithExtractor; /*fPedestalCamOut.SetName("MPedestalExtractor");*/ } void SetReferenceFile( const TString ref=fgReferenceFile ) { fReferenceFile = ref; } void SetBadPixelsFile( const TString ref=fgBadPixelsFile ) { fBadPixelsFile = ref; } void SetExtractWinLeft ( const Float_t f=fgExtractWinLeft ) { fExtractWinLeft = f; } void SetExtractWinRight( const Float_t f=fgExtractWinRight ) { fExtractWinRight = f; } MExtractor *GetExtractor() const { return fExtractor; } ClassDef(MJPedestal, 0) // Tool to create a pedestal file (MPedestalCam) }; #endif