/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 8/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2004 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MSequence // // This class describes a sequence. For sequences see: // http://magic.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/mars/db/queryseq.html // // A sequence is a collection of runs which should be used together. // Any run can be contained only once. // // Here is an example how a file describing a sequence could look like: // // =========================================================================== // // sequence.txt // ------------ // // # Sequence number (identifier) // Sequence: 31015 // # Observation Period (used to get the path-names) // Period: 18 // # Date of sunrise of the observation night // Night: 2004-06-24 // // # Start time of the sequence (first data run) // Start: 2004-06-24 03:12:42 // # Run number of last data run in sequence // LastRun: 31032 // # Project name of data-runs of sequence // Project: 3EG2033+41 // # Source name of all runs of sequence // Source: 3EG2033+41 // # Trigger table of data-runs of sequence // TriggerTable: L1_4NN:L2_DEFAULT // # HV Setting table of data-runs of sequence // HvSettings: HVSettings_FF36q // # Total number of data-events in sequence // NumEvents: 250914 // // # List of all runs of this sequence // Runs: 31015 31016 31017 31018 31019 31020 31021 31022 31023 31024 31025 31026 31027 31028 31029 31030 31031 31032 // // # List of all calibration runs of this sequence // CalRuns: 31015 31016 31017 // # List of pedestal runs belonging to the calibration runs of this sequence // PedRuns: 31018 // # List of all data runs belonging to this sequence // DatRuns: 31019 31020 31022 31023 31024 31025 31027 31028 31030 31032 // // # List of run types of all runs // 31015: C // 31016: C // 31017: C // 31018: P // 31019: D // 31020: D // 31021: P // 31022: D // 31023: D // 31024: D // 31025: D // 31026: P // 31027: D // 31028: D // 31029: P // 31030: D // 31031: P // 31032: D // // =========================================================================== // // For special cases you can also setup a sequence directly from a macro, // for example: // // MDirIter pediter, datiter, caliter; // // MSequence seq; // seq.SetNight("2004-07-06"); // seq.AddPedRuns(31751); // seq.AddCalRuns(31752); // seq.AddDatRuns(31753, 31764); // seq.SetupPedRuns(pediter); // seq.SetupCalRuns(caliter); // seq.SetupDatRuns(datiter); // // or // // MDirIter iter; // // MSequence seq; // seq.SetNight("2004-07-06"); // seq.AddRuns(31753, 31764); // seq.SetupRuns(iter); // seq.SetupPedRuns(iter, "/mypath", "[DPC]"); // // =========================================================================== // // Class Version 2: // + fMonteCarlo // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MSequence.h" #include #include #include #include // TSystem::ExpandPath #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MEnv.h" #include "MJob.h" #include "MAstro.h" #include "MString.h" #include "MDirIter.h" ClassImp(MSequence); using namespace std; MSequence::~MSequence() { /* TExMapIter iter(&fFileNames); Long_t key, val; while (iter.Next(key, val)) delete (TString*)val; */ } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copy the run numbers from the TString runs into the TArrayI data. // Runs which are twice in the list are only added once. In this case // a warning is emitted. // void MSequence::Split(TString &runs, TArrayI &data) const { const TRegexp regexp("[0-9]+"); data.Set(0); runs.ReplaceAll("\t", " "); runs = runs.Strip(TString::kBoth); while (!runs.IsNull()) { const TString num = runs(regexp); if (num.IsNull()) { *fLog << warn << "WARNING - Run is NaN (not a number): '" << runs << "'" << endl; break; } const Int_t run = atoi(num.Data()); const Int_t n = data.GetSize(); // skip already existing entries int i; for (i=0; iExpandPathName(d); if (!d.EndsWith("/")) d += '/'; for (int i=0; i35487 || fMonteCarlo ? "%08d_%s_*_E" : "%05d_%s_*_E"; TString n; const char *id="_"; switch (type) { case kRawDat: case kRootDat: id = "D"; break; case kRawPed: case kRootPed: id = "P"; break; case kRawCal: case kRootCal: id = "C"; break; case kRawAll: case kRootAll: id = "[PCD]"; break; case kCalibrated: id = "Y"; break; case kImages: id = "I"; break; } // Create file name n = fNight.GetStringFmt("%Y%m%d_"); n += Form(fmt, arr[i], id); switch (type) { case kRawDat: case kRawPed: case kRawCal: case kRawAll: n += ".raw.?g?z?"; break; default: n += ".root"; } // Check existance and accessibility of file MDirIter file(d, n, 0); TString name = file(); gSystem->ExpandPathName(name); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(name, kFileExists)) { *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - File " << d << n << " not accessible!" << endl; return 0; } if (!file().IsNull()) { *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - Searching for file " << d << n << " gave more than one result!" << endl; return 0; } // Add Path/File to TIter iter.AddDirectory(d, n, 0); } const Int_t n1 = iter.GetNumEntries()-n0; const Int_t n2 = arr.GetSize(); if (n1==0) { *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - No input files for sequence #" << GetSequence() << endl; *fLog << " read from " << GetName() << endl; *fLog << " found in" << (def?" default-path ":" ") << d << endl; return 0; } if (n1==n2) return n1; *fLog << err; *fLog << "ERROR - " << n1 << " input files for sequence #" << GetSequence() << " found in" << endl; *fLog << " " << (def?" default-path ":" ") << d << endl; *fLog << " but " << n2 << " files were defined in sequence file" << endl; *fLog << " " << GetName() << endl; if (fLog->GetDebugLevel()<=4) return 0; *fLog << dbg << "Files which are searched for this sequence:" << endl; iter.Print(); return 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Read the file fname as setup file for the sequence. // //void MSequence::GetFileNames(TEnv &env, const TArrayI &arr) //{ /* for (int i=0; iData() : 0;*/ //} MSequence::LightCondition_t MSequence::ReadLightCondition(TEnv &env) const { TString str = env.GetValue("LightConditions", "n/a"); if (!str.CompareTo("n/a", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kNA; if (!str.CompareTo("No_Moon", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kNoMoon; if (!str.CompareTo("Twilight", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kTwilight; if (!str.CompareTo("Moon", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kMoon; if (!str.CompareTo("Day", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kDay; gLog << warn; gLog << "WARNING - in " << fFileName << ":" << endl; gLog << " LightCondition-tag is '" << str << "' but must be n/a, no_moon, twilight, moon or day." << endl; return kNA; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Read the file fname as setup file for the sequence. // MSequence::MSequence(const char *fname, const char *path) { fName = fname; fTitle = path; fFileName = fname; fDataPath = path; gSystem->ExpandPathName(fName); gSystem->ExpandPathName(fTitle); const Bool_t rc1 = gSystem->AccessPathName(fName, kFileExists); const Bool_t rc2 = !fTitle.IsNull() && gSystem->AccessPathName(fTitle, kFileExists); if (rc1) gLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence file '" << fName << "' doesn't exist." << endl; if (rc2) gLog << err << "ERROR - Directory '" << fTitle << "' doesn't exist." << endl; MEnv env(fName); fSequence = env.GetValue("Sequence", -1); if (rc1 || rc2) fSequence = (UInt_t)-1; fLastRun = env.GetValue("LastRun", -1); fNumEvents = env.GetValue("NumEvents", -1); fPeriod = env.GetValue("Period", -1); fLightCondition = ReadLightCondition(env); TString str; str = env.GetValue("Start", ""); fStart.SetSqlDateTime(str); str = env.GetValue("Night", ""); str += " 00:00:00"; fNight.SetSqlDateTime(str); fProject = env.GetValue("Project", ""); fSource = env.GetValue("Source", ""); fTriggerTable = env.GetValue("TriggerTable", ""); fHvSettings = env.GetValue("HvSettings", ""); fMonteCarlo = env.GetValue("MonteCarlo", kFALSE); str = env.GetValue("Runs", ""); Split(str, fRuns); str = env.GetValue("CalRuns", ""); Split(str, fCalRuns); str = env.GetValue("PedRuns", ""); Split(str, fPedRuns); str = env.GetValue("DatRuns", ""); Split(str, fDatRuns); // GetFileNames(env, fRuns); // GetFileNames(env, fCalRuns); // GetFileNames(env, fPedRuns); // GetFileNames(env, fDatRuns); // Dummies: env.GetValue("ZdMin", 0); env.GetValue("ZdMax", 0); env.GetValue("L1TriggerTable", 0); env.GetValue("L2TriggerTable", 0); if (env.GetNumUntouched()>0) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - At least one resource in the dataset-file has not been touched!" << endl; env.PrintUntouched(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Print the contents of the sequence // void MSequence::Print(Option_t *o) const { gLog << all; if (!IsValid()) { gLog << "Sequence: " << fFileName << " " << endl; return; } gLog << "Sequence: " << fSequence << endl; if (fMonteCarlo) gLog << "MonteCarlo: Yes" << endl; gLog << "Period: " << fPeriod << endl; gLog << "Night: " << fNight << endl << endl; gLog << "LightCondition: "; switch (fLightCondition) { case kNA: gLog << "n/a" << endl; break; case kNoMoon: gLog << "NoMoon" << endl; break; case kTwilight: gLog << "Twilight" << endl; break; case kMoon: gLog << "Moon" << endl; break; case kDay: gLog << "Day" << endl; break; } gLog << "Start: " << fStart << endl; gLog << "LastRun: " << fLastRun << endl; gLog << "NumEvents: " << fNumEvents << endl; gLog << "Project: " << fProject << endl; gLog << "Source: " << fSource << endl; gLog << "TriggerTable: " << fTriggerTable << endl; gLog << "HvSettings: " << fHvSettings << endl << endl; gLog << "Runs:"; for (int i=0; iGetSize() : 0; const UInt_t add = last-first+1; fRuns.Set(nall+add); if (runs) runs->Set(nrun+add); for (UInt_t i=0; iAccessPathName(seq, kFileExists)) return kTRUE; gLog << err << "Sorry, sequence file '" << seq << "' doesn't exist." << endl; return kFALSE; }